Your query is still running in background...Search in progress... at this time found 1012 distributions and 1762 files matching your query.
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lib/App/Rakubrew/  view on Meta::CPAN

    win       => "$download_url_prefix/win/rakubrew.exe",
    macos     => "$download_url_prefix/macos/rakubrew",
    macos_arm => "$download_url_prefix/macos_arm/rakubrew",

sub update {
    my $quiet = shift;

    # For par packaged executables the following returns the path and name of
    # the par packaged file.
    my $current_rakubrew_file = catfile($RealBin, $RealScript);

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lib/App/RecordStream/  view on Meta::CPAN


  @$args = @ARGV;

sub update_current_filename {
  my ($this, $filename) = @_;

sub _set_wants_help {

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lib/App/  view on Meta::CPAN

    &App::sub_exit($retval) if ($App::trace);

sub update {
    &App::sub_entry if ($App::trace);
    my ($self, $table, $params, $cols, $row, $options) = @_;
    die "update(): params undefined" if (!defined $params);
    my $repname = $self->{table}{$table}{repository};
    my $realtable = $self->{table}{$table}{table} || $table;

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lib/App/RoboBot/  view on Meta::CPAN

    # Deliver the response
    $self->log->debug('Issuing response send.');

sub update_response_channel {
    my ($self, $new_channel, $old_channel) = @_;

    if ($self->has_response && $self->has_channel) {

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lib/App/SCM/  view on Meta::CPAN


sub update
    my ($self) = @_;


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lib/App/SD/  view on Meta::CPAN

Returns nothing interesting.


sub update_ticket_ok {
    my ($id, @args) = (@_);
    local $Test::Builder::Level = $Test::Builder::Level + 1;
    run_output_matches( 'sd', [ 'ticket', 'update', $id, '--', @args ],
        [qr/ticket \d+\s+\([^)]*\)\s+updated\./i]

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lib/App/SVN/  view on Meta::CPAN

Calls 'svn update' to move to the specified revision.


sub update_to {
    my ($self, $rev) = @_;
    my $cmd = "svn update -r$rev";

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bin/sassp  view on Meta::CPAN


sub update {
    my ($in, $out) = @_;
    ($in, $out) = _split_dir( $in ) unless $out;
    for( glob "$in*.scss" ) {
        single( $_, ($out . file( $_ )->basename) =~ s/\.scss$/\.css/r );

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lib/App/SeismicUnixGui/configs/big_streams/  view on Meta::CPAN

	my $max_index = 14;

	return ($max_index);

=head2 sub update_configuration_files

	saves the configuration file to:
	saves the configuration file to:


sub update_configuration_files {
	my ($self) = @_;

	my $home_directory;

	use Shell qw(echo);

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lib/App/SimulateReads/  view on Meta::CPAN

		my $b = substr($$seq_ref, $pos, 1);
		substr($$seq_ref, $pos, 1) = $self->_randb($b);

sub update_count_base {
	my ($self, $val) = @_;
	$self->_count_base($self->_count_base + $val);

sub reverse_complement {

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lib/App/  view on Meta::CPAN

	return $page;

sub update_published_state($self, @new_attrs) {
	$self->published_state->%* = ( $self->published_state->%*, @new_attrs );
	$_->send({ json => { state => $self->published_state } })
		for values $self->viewers->%*;

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lib/App/  view on Meta::CPAN

Invokes the update method of the main window.


sub update_status {

=item B<changeDate>

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t/lib/  view on Meta::CPAN

#      'core.engine'      => 'sqlite',
#      'add.all'          => 1,
#      'deploy.variables' => { _prefix => 'test_', user => 'bob' }
#      ''          => [qw(one two three)],
#  );
sub update {
    my $self = shift;
    my %p = @_ or return;
    $self->data({}) unless $self->is_loaded;
    # Set a unique origin to be sure to override any previous values for each key.
    my @args = (origin => ('update_' . ++$self->{__update}));

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examples/complex/  view on Meta::CPAN

} else {
    print $q->header('text/plain');
    print "ERROR";

sub update {
    my $q = shift;
    my $group_id = $q->param('group_id');
    my $queue = $q->param('queue');

    return unless $queue && $group_id;

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lib/App/TimelogTxt/  view on Meta::CPAN

sub is_empty    { return !$_[0]->{dur}; }
sub is_complete { return !$_[0]->{last_start}; }
sub date_stamp  { return $_[0]->{stamp}; }
sub has_tasks   { return !!keys %{$_[0]->{tasks}}; }

sub update_dur
    my ($self, $last, $epoch) = @_;
    my $curr_dur = $last ? $epoch - $last->epoch : 0;

    $self->{tasks}->{$last->task}->{dur} += $curr_dur if $last && $last->task;

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lib/App/  view on Meta::CPAN


sub update_key_progress {
    my($self, $udi, $status) = @_;

    $status = -1 if !defined $status or $status < -1 or $status > 10;

    my $key_info = $self->current_keys->{$udi} or return;

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lib/App/  view on Meta::CPAN

    my $changeset = $self->create_pin_dependencies_changeset;
    return $changeset;

sub update_dependencies {
    my ($self) = @_;
    my $changeset = $self->create_update_dependencies_changeset;
    my $writer = $self->writer;
    return $changeset;

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lib/App/  view on Meta::CPAN



sub update_colors{
    my ($self, $filename) = @_;

    open my $fh, '<:utf8', $filename or die $filename . ' : ' .$!;
    my @L = <$fh>;
    close $fh;

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lib/App/XUL/  view on Meta::CPAN

	my ($self, $xml, $pos) = @_;
	$pos = 'end' unless defined $pos; # pos: end|start|...
	return main::push({'action' => 'insert', 'id' => $self->{'id'}, 'position' => $pos, 'content' => $xml});

sub update
	my ($self, @xml) = @_;
	my $xml = join '', @xml;
	return main::push({'action' => 'update', 'id' => $self->{'id'}, 'content' => $xml});

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t/App/cdif/  view on Meta::CPAN

    } else {

sub update {
    use Time::localtime;
    my $obj = shift;
    $obj->data(join "\n", map { $obj->execute($_) } $obj->command);

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lib/App/financeta/  view on Meta::CPAN

    my $hlres = $ed->hiliteREs;
    $ed->hiliteREs([@arr, @$hlres]);
    return $mw;

sub update_editor {
    my ($self, $rules, $tabname, $vars, $hidden) = @_;
    $self->tab_name($tabname) if defined $tabname;
    $self->compiler->preset_vars($vars) if defined $vars;
    unless ($hidden) {

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lib/FlashVideo/  view on Meta::CPAN


  return $r;

sub update_html {
  my($self, $html) = @_;

  my $charset = _parse_charset($self->response->header("Content-type"));

  # If we have no character set in the header (therefore it is worth looking

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lib/App/ggdrv/  view on Meta::CPAN

use URI ;

my ($GOOGLE_DRIVE_UPLOAD_API , $gfile , $atoken ) ; 
return 1 ; 

sub update {
  $gfile = $ENV{ GGDRV_API } // "~/.ggdrv2303v1" ;
  $atoken = qx [ sed -ne's/^ACCESS_TOKEN[ =:\t]*//p' $gfile ] =~ s/\n$//r ;
  while ( my ($file,$id) = splice @ARGV , 0 , 2 ) { f_each ($file,$id) }
  # & f_each ( split /:/, $_ , 2 ) for @ARGV ; 

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lib/App/git/ship/  view on Meta::CPAN

  $self->system(qw(cover -delete));
  $self->system(qw(prove -l));

sub update {
  my $self = shift;

  $self->_render_makefile_pl if -e 'cpanfile';
  $self->_update_changes if $self->config('changelog_filename') eq 'Changes';

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lib/App/  view on Meta::CPAN

            schema => 'dirname*',
            req => 1,
sub update {
    require DateTime;
    require DBIx::Util::Schema;
    require JSON::MaybeXS;

    my %args = @_;

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lib/App/  view on Meta::CPAN

sub update {
    require Archive::Any;
    require File::Util::Test;
    require File::Path;
    require Filename::Archive;
    require Filename::Executable;

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mimi.fatpack  view on Meta::CPAN

$fatpacked{"Class/Accessor/"} = '#line '.(1+__LINE__).' "'.__FILE__."\"\n".<<'CLASS_ACCESSOR_LITE';
  package Class::Accessor::Lite;use strict;our$VERSION='0.03';sub croak {require Carp;Carp::croak(@_)}sub import {shift;my%args=@_;my$pkg=caller(0);my%key_ctor=(rw=>\&_mk_accessors,ro=>\&_mk_ro_accessors,wo=>\&_mk_wo_accessors,);for my$key (sort keys...

$fatpacked{"DBD/"} = '#line '.(1+__LINE__).' "'.__FILE__."\"\n".<<'DBD_DBM';
  require 5.008;use strict;package DBD::DBM;use base qw(DBD::File);use vars qw($VERSION $ATTRIBUTION $drh $methods_already_installed);$VERSION='0.03';$ATTRIBUTION='DBD::DBM by Jens Rehsack';sub driver ($;$) {my ($class,$attr)=@_;return$drh if ($drh);...

$fatpacked{"DBD/"} = '#line '.(1+__LINE__).' "'.__FILE__."\"\n".<<'DBD_EXAMPLEP';
  {package DBD::ExampleP;use strict;use Symbol;use DBI qw(:sql_types);require File::Spec;our (@EXPORT,$VERSION,@statnames,%statnames,@stattypes,%stattypes,@statprec,%statprec,$drh,);@EXPORT=qw();$VERSION="0.03";@statnames=qw(dev ino mode nlink uid gi...

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