Your query is still running in background...Search in progress... at this time found 608 distributions and 1238 files matching your query.
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script/_genpw-id  view on Meta::CPAN

#        } elsif (looks_like_number($val) && !$OPT_STRINGIFY_NUMBERS &&
#                     # perl does several normalizations to number literal, e.g.
#                     # "+1" becomes 1, 0123 is octal literal, etc. make sure we
#                     # only leave out quote when the number is not normalized
#                     $val eq $val+0 &&
#                     # perl also doesn't recognize Inf and NaN as numeric
#                     # literals (ref: perldata) so these unquoted literals will
#                     # choke under 'use strict "subs"
#                     $val !~ /\A-?(?:inf(?:inity)?|nan)\z/i
#                 ) {
#            return $val;

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script/_genpw-ind  view on Meta::CPAN

#        } elsif (looks_like_number($val) && !$OPT_STRINGIFY_NUMBERS &&
#                     # perl does several normalizations to number literal, e.g.
#                     # "+1" becomes 1, 0123 is octal literal, etc. make sure we
#                     # only leave out quote when the number is not normalized
#                     $val eq $val+0 &&
#                     # perl also doesn't recognize Inf and NaN as numeric
#                     # literals (ref: perldata) so these unquoted literals will
#                     # choke under 'use strict "subs"
#                     $val !~ /\A-?(?:inf(?:inity)?|nan)\z/i
#                 ) {
#            return $val;

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script/_hr  view on Meta::CPAN

#        } elsif (looks_like_number($val) && !$OPT_STRINGIFY_NUMBERS &&
#                     # perl does several normalizations to number literal, e.g.
#                     # "+1" becomes 1, 0123 is octal literal, etc. make sure we
#                     # only leave out quote when the number is not normalized
#                     $val eq $val+0 &&
#                     # perl also doesn't recognize Inf and NaN as numeric
#                     # literals (ref: perldata) so these unquoted literals will
#                     # choke under 'use strict "subs"
#                     $val !~ /\A-?(?:inf(?:inity)?|nan)\z/i
#                 ) {
#            return $val;

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script/_metasyn  view on Meta::CPAN

#        } elsif (looks_like_number($val) && !$OPT_STRINGIFY_NUMBERS &&
#                     # perl does several normalizations to number literal, e.g.
#                     # "+1" becomes 1, 0123 is octal literal, etc. make sure we
#                     # only leave out quote when the number is not normalized
#                     $val eq $val+0 &&
#                     # perl also doesn't recognize Inf and NaN as numeric
#                     # literals (ref: perldata) so these unquoted literals will
#                     # choke under 'use strict "subs"
#                     $val !~ /\A-?(?:inf(?:inity)?|nan)\z/i
#                 ) {
#            return $val;

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script/mojopaste  view on Meta::CPAN

  c?a.cloneNode(!1):a,e=a.parentNode;if(e){var e=b(e,1),g=a.nextSibling;e.appendChild(d);for(var i=g;i;i=g)g=i.nextSibling,e.appendChild(i)}return d}for(;!a.nextSibling;)if(a=a.parentNode,!a)return;for(var a=b(a.nextSibling,0),d;(d=a.parentNode)&&d.n...
  r.className="linenums";for(var d=Math.max(0,d-1|0)||0,i=0,n=c.length;i<n;++i)k=c[i],k.className="L"+(i+d)%10,k.firstChild||k.appendChild(j.createTextNode("\u00a0")),r.appendChild(k);a.appendChild(r)}function p(a,d){for(var g=d.length;--g>=0;){var b...
  a.a=b;a.d=g.d;a.e=0;I(d,b)(a);var s=/\bMSIE\s(\d+)/.exec(navigator.userAgent),s=s&&+s[1]<=8,d=/\n/g,x=a.a,m=x.length,g=0,j=a.d,k=j.length,b=0,c=a.g,i=c.length,r=0;c[i]=m;var n,e;for(e=n=0;e<i;)c[e]!==c[e+2]?(c[n++]=c[e++],c[n++]=c[e++]):e+=2;i=n;fo...
  t))){s&&(G=G.replace(d,"\r"));A.nodeValue=G;var L=A.ownerDocument,o=L.createElement("span");o.className=c[r+1];var v=A.parentNode;v.replaceChild(o,A);o.appendChild(A);g<l&&(j[b+1]=A=L.createTextNode(x.substring(t,l)),v.insertBefore(A,o.nextSibling)...

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script/_ppgrep  view on Meta::CPAN

#        } elsif (looks_like_number($val) && !$OPT_STRINGIFY_NUMBERS &&
#                     # perl does several normalizations to number literal, e.g.
#                     # "+1" becomes 1, 0123 is octal literal, etc. make sure we
#                     # only leave out quote when the number is not normalized
#                     $val eq $val+0 &&
#                     # perl also doesn't recognize Inf and NaN as numeric
#                     # literals (ref: perldata) so these unquoted literals will
#                     # choke under 'use strict "subs"
#                     $val !~ /\A-?(?:inf(?:inity)?|nan)\z/i
#                 ) {
#            return $val;

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lib/App/remarkpl/public/remark.min.js  view on Meta::CPAN

require=function e(t,a,r){function s(i,l){if(!a[i]){if(!t[i]){var o="function"==typeof require&&require;if(!l&&o)return o(i,!0);if(n)return n(i,!0);var c=new Error("Cannot find module '"+i+"'");throw c.code="MODULE_NOT_FOUND",c}var d=a[i]={exports:{}...
a.relevance>r.relevance&&(s=r,r=a)}),s.language&&(r.second_best=s),r}function u(e){return N.tabReplace||N.useBR?e.replace(x,function(e,t){return N.useBR&&"\n"===e?"<br>":N.tabReplace?t.replace(/\t/g,N.tabReplace):void 0}):e}function h(e,t,a){var r=t?...
beginKeywords:"class interface",end:/[{;=]/,illegal:/[^\s:]/,contains:[e.TITLE_MODE,e.C_LINE_COMMENT_MODE,e.C_BLOCK_COMMENT_MODE]},{beginKeywords:"namespace",end:/[{;=]/,illegal:/[^\s:]/,contains:[e.inherit(e.TITLE_MODE,{begin:"[a-zA-Z](\\.?\\w)*"}),...
},{begin:":\\s*"+t}]}]}}},{name:"hsp",create:function(e){return{case_insensitive:!0,lexemes:/[\w\._]+/,keywords:"goto gosub return break repeat loop continue wait await dim sdim foreach dimtype dup dupptr end stop newmod delmod mref run exgoto on mca...
contains:[{className:"comment",begin:/\(\*/,end:/\*\)/},e.APOS_STRING_MODE,e.QUOTE_STRING_MODE,e.C_NUMBER_MODE,{begin:/\{/,end:/\}/,illegal:/:/}]}}},{name:"matlab",create:function(e){var t=[e.C_NUMBER_MODE,{className:"string",begin:"'",end:"'",contai...
contains:[i]});return{aliases:["ps"],lexemes:/-?[A-z\.\-]+/,case_insensitive:!0,keywords:{keyword:"if else foreach return function do while until elseif begin for trap data dynamicparam end break throw param continue finally in switch exit filter try...
literal:"true false nil"},contains:[e.C_LINE_COMMENT_MODE,e.C_BLOCK_COMMENT_MODE,e.NUMBER_MODE,a,t.preprocessor],illegal:/#/}}},{name:"sql",create:function(e){var t=e.COMMENT("--","$");return{case_insensitive:!0,illegal:/[<>{}*#]/,contains:[{beginKey...
return{aliases:["styl"],case_insensitive:!1,keywords:"if else for in",illegal:"("+o.join("|")+")",contains:[e.QUOTE_STRING_MODE,e.APOS_STRING_MODE,e.C_LINE_COMMENT_MODE,e.C_BLOCK_COMMENT_MODE,a,{begin:"\\.[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9_-]*"+i,returnBegin:!0,cont...
built_in:"ip eip rip al ah bl bh cl ch dl dh sil dil bpl spl r8b r9b r10b r11b r12b r13b r14b r15b ax bx cx dx si di bp sp r8w r9w r10w r11w r12w r13w r14w r15w eax ebx ecx edx esi edi ebp esp eip r8d r9d r10d r11d r12d r13d r14d r15d rax rbx rcx rdx...
"atelier-lakeside-light":".hljs-atelier-lakeside-light .hljs-comment,.hljs-atelier-lakeside-light .hljs-quote{color:#5a7b8c}.hljs-atelier-lakeside-light .hljs-variable,.hljs-atelier-lakeside-light .hljs-template-variable,.hljs-atelier-lakeside-light ...
grayscale:".hljs-grayscale .hljs{display:block;overflow-x:auto;padding:.5em;color:#333;background:#fff}.hljs-grayscale .hljs-comment,.hljs-grayscale .hljs-quote{color:#777;font-style:italic}.hljs-grayscale .hljs-keyword,.hljs-grayscale .hljs-selector...
"solarized-dark":".hljs-solarized-dark .hljs{display:block;overflow-x:auto;padding:.5em;background:#002b36;color:#839496}.hljs-solarized-dark .hljs-comment,.hljs-solarized-dark .hljs-quote{color:#586e75}.hljs-solarized-dark .hljs-keyword,.hljs-solari...
containerLayout:'<div class="remark-notes-area">\n  <div class="remark-top-area">\n    <div class="remark-toolbar">\n      <a class="remark-toolbar-link" href="#increase">+</a>\n      <a class="remark-toolbar-link" href="#decrease">-</a>\n      <span...

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script/_reposdb-inline  view on Meta::CPAN

#        } elsif (looks_like_number($val) && !$OPT_STRINGIFY_NUMBERS &&
#                     # perl does several normalizations to number literal, e.g.
#                     # "+1" becomes 1, 0123 is octal literal, etc. make sure we
#                     # only leave out quote when the number is not normalized
#                     $val eq $val+0 &&
#                     # perl also doesn't recognize Inf and NaN as numeric
#                     # literals (ref: perldata) so these unquoted literals will
#                     # choke under 'use strict "subs"
#                     $val !~ /\A-?(?:inf(?:inity)?|nan)\z/i
#                 ) {
#            return $val;

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share/revealjs/dist/reveal.esm.js  view on Meta::CPAN

* MIT licensed
* Copyright (C) 2011-2022 Hakim El Hattab,
const e=(e,t)=>{for(let i in t)e[i]=t[i];return e},t=(e,t)=>Array.from(e.querySelectorAll(t)),i=(e,t,i)=>{i?e.classList.add(t):e.classList.remove(t)},a=e=>{if("string"==typeof e){if("null"===e)return null;if("true"===e)return!0;if("false"===e)return!...

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share/view/index.js  view on Meta::CPAN

function getLocationIndex()
  var hash = window.location.hash;
  var idx = parseInt(!hash.indexOf('#')? hash.substr(1): hash);
  if(isNaN(idx) || idx < 0)
    idx = 0;
  else if(idx >=
    idx = - 1;
  return idx;

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eg/public/javascripts/jquery.js  view on Meta::CPAN

/*! jQuery v3.4.1 | (c) JS Foundation and other contributors | */
!function(e,t){"use strict";"object"==typeof module&&"object"==typeof module.exports?module.exports=e.document?t(e,!0):function(e){if(!e.document)throw new Error("jQuery requires a window with a document");return t(e)}:t(e)}("undefined"!=typeof windo...

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inc/Devel/  view on Meta::CPAN

      s++; if (s == send || (*s != 'Y' && *s != 'y')) return 0;
    sawinf = 1;
  } else if (*s == 'N' || *s == 'n') {
    /* XXX TODO: There are signaling NaNs and quiet NaNs. */
    s++; if (s == send || (*s != 'A' && *s != 'a')) return 0;
    s++; if (s == send || (*s != 'N' && *s != 'n')) return 0;
    sawnan = 1;
  } else

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share/files/public/skins/default/jquery-ui-1.9.1.custom/development-bundle/external/  view on Meta::CPAN

	nativeName: "Deutsch (Deutschland)",
	language: "de",
	numberFormat: {
		",": ".",
		".": ",",
		NaN: "n. def.",
		negativeInfinity: "-unendlich",
		positiveInfinity: "+unendlich",
		percent: {
			pattern: ["-n%","n%"],
			",": ".",

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share/root/d3-3.4.11/d3.min.js  view on Meta::CPAN

!function(){function n(n,t){return t>n?-1:n>t?1:n>=t?0:0/0}function t(n){return null!=n&&!isNaN(n)}function e(n){return{left:function(t,e,r,u){for(arguments.length<3&&(r=0),arguments.length<4&&(u=t.length);u>r;){var i=r+u>>>1;n(t[i],e)<0?r=i+1:u=i}re...
return t.precision=function(n){return arguments.length?(a=(i=n*n)>0&&16,t):Math.sqrt(i)},t}function Ge(n){var t=Je(function(t,e){return n([t*Ca,e*Ca])});return function(n){return er(t(n))}}function Ke(n){}function Qe(n,t){return{point:t,...
return o>=1?(i.event&&,l,t),s()):void 0}function s(){return--u.count?delete u[e]:delete n.__transition__,1}var l=n.__data__,f=i.ease,h=i.delay,g=i.duration,p=Ba,v=[];return p.t=h+a,r>=h?o(r-h):(p.c=o,void 0)},0,a)}}function Uo(n,t){...
for(var o,e,p=-1/0,t=i.length-1,r=0,u=i[t];t>=r;u=e,++r)e=i[r],(o=a(u[1],e[0]))>p&&(p=o,l=e[0],h=u[1])}return x=M=null,1/0===l||1/0===f?[[0/0,0/0],[0/0,0/0]]:[[l,f],[h,g]]}}(),Zo.geo.centroid=function(n){hc=gc=pc=vc=dc=mc=yc=xc=Mc=_c=bc=0,Zo.geo.stre...
return c>=ys?n?"M0,"+i+"A"+i+","+i+" 0 1,1 0,"+-i+"A"+i+","+i+" 0 1,1 0,"+i+"M0,"+n+"A"+n+","+n+" 0 1,0 0,"+-n+"A"+n+","+n+" 0 1,0 0,"+n+"Z":"M0,"+i+"A"+i+","+i+" 0 1,1 0,"+-i+"A"+i+","+i+" 0 1,1 0,"+i+"Z":n?"M"+i*l+","+i*f+"A"+i+","+i+" 0 "+s+",1 "+...

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xs/ppport.h  view on Meta::CPAN

      s++; if (s == send || (*s != 'Y' && *s != 'y')) return 0;
    sawinf = 1;
  } else if (*s == 'N' || *s == 'n') {
    /* XXX TODO: There are signaling NaNs and quiet NaNs. */
    s++; if (s == send || (*s != 'A' && *s != 'a')) return 0;
    s++; if (s == send || (*s != 'N' && *s != 'n')) return 0;
    sawnan = 1;
  } else

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t/blns.txt  view on Meta::CPAN


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lib/Archive/Extract/ppport.h  view on Meta::CPAN

      s++; if (s == send || (*s != 'Y' && *s != 'y')) return 0;
    sawinf = 1;
  } else if (*s == 'N' || *s == 'n') {
    /* XXX TODO: There are signaling NaNs and quiet NaNs. */
    s++; if (s == send || (*s != 'A' && *s != 'a')) return 0;
    s++; if (s == send || (*s != 'N' && *s != 'n')) return 0;
    sawnan = 1;
  } else

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t/chrome.t  view on Meta::CPAN

          "cookies": [],
          "content": {
            "size": 213057,
            "mimeType": "text/html",
            "text": "<!doctype html><html itemscope=\"\" itemtype=\"\" lang=\"en-AU\"><head><meta content=\"/images/branding/googleg/1x/googleg_standard_color_128dp.png\" itemprop=\"image\"><link href=\"/images/branding/produ...
          "redirectURL": "",
          "headersSize": -1,
          "bodySize": -1,
          "_transferSize": 68060

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xs/ppport.h  view on Meta::CPAN

      s++; if (s == send || (*s != 'Y' && *s != 'y')) return 0;
    sawinf = 1;
  } else if (*s == 'N' || *s == 'n') {
    /* XXX TODO: There are signaling NaNs and quiet NaNs. */
    s++; if (s == send || (*s != 'A' && *s != 'a')) return 0;
    s++; if (s == send || (*s != 'N' && *s != 'n')) return 0;
    sawnan = 1;
  } else

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ppport.h  view on Meta::CPAN

      s++; if (s == send || (*s != 'Y' && *s != 'y')) return 0;
    sawinf = 1;
  } else if (*s == 'N' || *s == 'n') {
    /* XXX TODO: There are signaling NaNs and quiet NaNs. */
    s++; if (s == send || (*s != 'A' && *s != 'a')) return 0;
    s++; if (s == send || (*s != 'N' && *s != 'n')) return 0;
    sawnan = 1;
  } else

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ppport.h  view on Meta::CPAN

      s++; if (s == send || (*s != 'Y' && *s != 'y')) return 0;
    sawinf = 1;
  } else if (*s == 'N' || *s == 'n') {
    /* XXX TODO: There are signaling NaNs and quiet NaNs. */
    s++; if (s == send || (*s != 'A' && *s != 'a')) return 0;
    s++; if (s == send || (*s != 'N' && *s != 'n')) return 0;
    sawnan = 1;
  } else

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src/ppport.h  view on Meta::CPAN

      s++; if (s == send || (*s != 'Y' && *s != 'y')) return 0;
    sawinf = 1;
  } else if (*s == 'N' || *s == 'n') {
    /* XXX TODO: There are signaling NaNs and quiet NaNs. */
    s++; if (s == send || (*s != 'A' && *s != 'a')) return 0;
    s++; if (s == send || (*s != 'N' && *s != 'n')) return 0;
    sawnan = 1;
  } else

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ppport.h  view on Meta::CPAN

      s++; if (s == send || (*s != 'Y' && *s != 'y')) return 0;
    sawinf = 1;
  } else if (*s == 'N' || *s == 'n') {
    /* XXX TODO: There are signaling NaNs and quiet NaNs. */
    s++; if (s == send || (*s != 'A' && *s != 'a')) return 0;
    s++; if (s == send || (*s != 'N' && *s != 'n')) return 0;
    sawnan = 1;
  } else

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ppport.h  view on Meta::CPAN

      s++; if (s == send || (*s != 'Y' && *s != 'y')) return 0;
    sawinf = 1;
  } else if (*s == 'N' || *s == 'n') {
    /* XXX TODO: There are signaling NaNs and quiet NaNs. */
    s++; if (s == send || (*s != 'A' && *s != 'a')) return 0;
    s++; if (s == send || (*s != 'N' && *s != 'n')) return 0;
    sawnan = 1;
  } else

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lib/Astro/Coord/ECI/  view on Meta::CPAN

    my $attr = $self->__get_attr();
    if ( @arg ) {
	if ( defined( my $val = $arg[0] ) ) {
	    unless ( ref $val ) {
		looks_like_number( $val )
		    and $val !~ m/ \A Inf (?: inity )? | NaN \z /smx
		    or croak 'Scalar model cutoff definition must be a number';
		my $num = $val;
		$val = sub {
		    my ( @model ) = @_;
		    my %cutoff;

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lib/Astro/FITS/HdrTrans/  view on Meta::CPAN

sub dms_to_degrees {
  my $self = shift;
  my $sexa = shift;
  my $dms;
  if ( defined( $sexa ) ) {
    if ($sexa =~ /UNKNOWN/i or $sexa eq "N/A" or $sexa eq "NaN" ) {
      $dms = 0.0;
    } else {
      my @pos = split( /:/, $sexa );
      $dms = abs($pos[ 0 ]) + $pos[ 1 ] / 60.0 + $pos [ 2 ] / 3600.0;
      if ( $pos[ 0 ] =~ /-/ ) {

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ppport.h  view on Meta::CPAN

      s++; if (s == send || (*s != 'Y' && *s != 'y')) return 0;
    sawinf = 1;
  } else if (*s == 'N' || *s == 'n') {
    /* XXX TODO: There are signaling NaNs and quiet NaNs. */
    s++; if (s == send || (*s != 'A' && *s != 'a')) return 0;
    s++; if (s == send || (*s != 'N' && *s != 'n')) return 0;
    sawnan = 1;
  } else

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libnova-0.15.0/configure  view on Meta::CPAN


    /* Under Solaris 2.4, strtod returns the wrong value for the
       terminating character under some conditions.  */
    char *string = "NaN";
    char *term;
    strtod (string, &term);
    if (term != string && *(term - 1) == 0)
      return 1;

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( run in 1.529 second using v1.00-cache-2.02-grep-82fe00e-cpan-72ae3ad1e6da )