Your query is still running in background...Search in progress... at this time found 608 distributions and 1238 files matching your query.
Next refresh should show more results. ( run in 1.942 )


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public/javascripts/jquery.js  view on Meta::CPAN

1?(k=k.firstChild):k.firstChild){b=b&&c.nodeName(j,"tr");for(var n=0,r=this.length;n<r;n++)[n],j):this[n],n>0||e.cacheable||this.length>1?k.cloneNode(true):k)}o.length&&c.each(o,Qa)}return this}});c.fragments={};c.each({appendTo:"appen...
return this}else{e=0;for(var j=d.length;e<j;e++){var i=(e>0?this.clone(true):this).get();c.fn[b].apply(c(d[e]),i);f=f.concat(i)}return this.pushStack(f,a,d.selector)}}});c.extend({clean:function(a,b,d,f){b=b||s;if(typeof b.createElement==="undefined"...
c.event.remove(o,k):Ca(o,k,b.handle);if(j)delete o[c.expando];else o.removeAttribute&&o.removeAttribute(c.expando);delete f[d]}}});var kb=/z-?index|font-?weight|opacity|zoom|line-?height/i,Na=/alpha\([^)]*\)/,Oa=/opacity=([^)]*)/,ha=/float/i,ia=/-([a...
function(a,b){return b.toUpperCase()};c.fn.css=function(a,b){return X(this,a,b,true,function(d,f,e){if(e===w)return c.curCSS(d,f);if(typeof e==="number"&&!kb.test(f))e+="px";,f,e)})};c.extend({style:function(a,b,d){if(!a||a.nodeType===3||a.n...
Na.test(a)?a.replace(Na,b):b}return f.filter&&f.filter.indexOf("opacity=")>=0?parseFloat(Oa.exec(f.filter)[1])/100+"":""}if(ha.test(b))b=Pa;b=b.replace(ia,ja);if(e)f[b]=d;return f[b]},css:function(a,b,d,f){if(b==="width"||b==="height"){var e,j=b==="w...
"border"+this+"Width",true))||0})}a.offsetWidth!==0?i():c.swap(a,ob,i);return Math.max(0,Math.round(e))}return c.curCSS(a,b,d)},curCSS:function(a,b,d){var f,;if(!"opacity"&&a.currentStyle){f=Oa.test(a.currentStyle.filt...
a.getPropertyValue(b);if(b==="opacity"&&f==="")f="1"}else if(a.currentStyle){d=b.replace(ia,ja);f=a.currentStyle[b]||a.currentStyle[d];if(!mb.test(f)&&nb.test(f)){b=e.left;var j=a.runtimeStyle.left;a.runtimeStyle.left=a.currentStyle.left;e.left=d==="...
a.offsetWidth,d=a.offsetHeight,f=a.nodeName.toLowerCase()==="tr";return b===0&&d===0&&!f?true:b>0&&d>0&&!f?false:c.curCSS(a,"display")==="none"};c.expr.filters.visible=function(a){return!c.expr.filters.hidden(a)}}var sb=J(),tb=/<script(.|\s)*?\/scrip...
"string")return,a);else if(!this.length)return this;var f=a.indexOf(" ");if(f>=0){var e=a.slice(f,a.length);a=a.slice(0,f)}f="GET";if(b)if(c.isFunction(b)){d=b;b=null}else if(typeof b==="object"){b=c.param(b,c.ajaxSettings.traditional);f...

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scripts/summing  view on Meta::CPAN

  #my $FH = $o{1} ? \* STDOUT : \*STDERR ; # <-- 意味があったのか???
  select $o{1} ? \* STDOUT : \*STDERR ; # <-- 意味があったのか???
  print  $o{q}? '' : 'header=' , qq{'$header'\t} if $o{'='} ;
  my $fmt = $o{q} ? "%s\t%d\t%g\t%s" : "%s <- sum ;\t%d + %d <- counted + not ; \t%s <- average ;" ;
  #$fmt = "%50X <- sum ;\t%d + %d <- counted + not ;" if $o{h} ; 
  my $quot = $lln != 0 ? $sum/$lln : "NaN" ;
  if ( "$quot" > $quot ) { $quot = "$quot" . '..(-)' } 
  elsif ( "$quot" < $quot ) { $quot = "$quot" . '..(+)' }
  #if ( $o{h} ) { say sprintf( & hex8 ( $sum)  ; return } ;
  $sum = & hex8 ( $sum ) if $o{h} ; 
  say sprintf ($fmt , $sum, $lln, $nlln , "$quot") , sprintf "\t%0.6f sec calculation (summing)." , tv_interval ${ dt_start } ; 

sub hex8 { 
  my @out = '' ;
  my $n = $_ [0] ; $n = 0 if $n eq "NaN" ;
  my $c = 12 ; 
  do {my $t = $n % 16**8 ; $n = int $n /16**8 ; unshift @out , sprintf "%08x" , $t ; say $n } while ($n != 0 && $c--) ;
  my $out = join " " , @out ;
  $out =~ s/^00+/0x 0/; 
  return $out ;

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themes/bs2/static/js/jquery-1.7.1.min.js  view on Meta::CPAN

/*! jQuery v1.7.1 | */
(function(a,b){function cy(a){return f.isWindow(a)?a:a.nodeType===9?a.defaultView||a.parentWindow:!1}function cv(a){if(!ck[a]){var b=c.body,d=f("<"+a+">").appendTo(b),e=d.css("display");d.remove();if(e==="none"||e===""){cl||(cl=c.createElement("ifram...
f.event={add:function(a,c,d,e,g){var h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s;if(!(a.nodeType===3||a.nodeType===8||!c||!d||!(h=f._data(a)))){d.handler&&(p=d,d=p.handler),d.guid||(d.guid=f.guid++),,j||({}),i=h.handle,i||(h.handle=i=function(a){ret...
{for(var a=0,b;(b=this[a])!=null;a++){b.nodeType===1&&f.cleanData(b.getElementsByTagName("*"));while(b.firstChild)b.removeChild(b.firstChild)}return this},clone:function(a,b){a=a==null?!1:a,b=b==null?a:b;return{return f.clone(this...

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scripts/dex  view on Meta::CPAN

          match => [ equals => $_ => 0 - "inf" ],
      ) for (qw/ -.inf -.Inf -.INF /);
          tag => ',2002:float',
          match => [ equals => $_ => 0 + "nan" ],
      ) for (qw/ .nan .NaN .NAN /);
          tag => ',2002:str',
          match => [ all => sub { $_[1]->{value} } ],

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kritika.fatpack  view on Meta::CPAN

  Note that numerical precision has the same meaning as under Perl (so
  binary to decimal conversion follows the same rules as in Perl, which
  can differ to other languages). Also, your perl interpreter might expose
  extensions to the floating point numbers of your platform, such as
  infinities or NaN's - these cannot be represented in JSON, and it is an
  error to pass those in.

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share/js/core/datetime.js  view on Meta::CPAN


        vetYear = function (y) {
            var iy = parseInt(y, 10);
            // console.log("Entering vetYear()", iy, typeof iy);
            if (Number.isNaN(iy)) {
                return currentYear();
            if (iy < 0 || iy > 2100) {
                return null;

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share/public_html/static/hls.js  view on Meta::CPAN

EventEmitter.defaultMaxListeners = 10;

// Obviously not all Emitters should be limited to 10. This function allows
// that to be increased. Set to zero for unlimited.
EventEmitter.prototype.setMaxListeners = function(n) {
  if (!isNumber(n) || n < 0 || isNaN(n))
    throw TypeError('n must be a positive number');
  this._maxListeners = n;
  return this;

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lib/App/MojoSlides/files/public/bootstrap.min.js  view on Meta::CPAN

* bootstrap.js v3.0.0 by @fat and @mdo
* Copyright 2013 Twitter Inc.
if(!jQuery)throw new Error("Bootstrap requires jQuery");+function(a){"use strict";function b(){var a=document.createElement("bootstrap"),b={WebkitTransition:"webkitTransitionEnd",MozTransition:"transitionend",OTransition:"oTransitionEnd otransitionen...

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lib/ChordPro/res/abc/abc2svg/MIDI-1.js  view on Meta::CPAN

		if (a[3] && a[3].slice(0, 7) == "octave=")
			cfmt.chord.trans = Number(a[3].slice(7))
	case "chordvol":	// %%MIDI chordvol <volume>
		v = Number(a[2])
		if (isNaN(v) || v < 0 || v > 127) {
			abc.syntax(1, abc.errs.bad_val, "%%MIDI chordvol")
		if (!cfmt.chord)
			cfmt.chord = {}

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share/public/javascripts/d3-3.5.17.min.js  view on Meta::CPAN

!function(){function n(n){return n&&(n.ownerDocument||n.document||n).documentElement}function t(n){return n&&(n.ownerDocument&&n.ownerDocument.defaultView||n.document&&n||n.defaultView)}function e(n,t){return t>n?-1:n>t?1:n>=t?0:NaN}function r(n){ret...
r(),S.point=c,S.lineEnd=s}function c(n,t){i(f=n,h=t),g=M,p=x,v=b,d=_,m=w,S.point=i}function s(){u(M,x,y,b,_,w,g,p,f,v,d,m,o,t),S.lineEnd=a,a()}var f,h,g,p,v,d,m,y,M,x,b,_,w,S={point:e,lineStart:r,lineEnd:a,polygonStart:function(){t.polygonStart(),S.l...
return g}:En(r),w=u===i?function(){return p}:En(i);++y<M;),h=t[y],y)?(d.push([,h,y),,h,y)]),m.push([,h,y),,h,y)])):d.length&&(l(),d=[],m=[]);return d.length&&l(),v.length?v.join(""):null}...

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bin/nostray  view on Meta::CPAN

 ex, exception, exec, exps, expr, exports, FileReader, first, floor, focus,
 forin, fragment, frames, from, fromCharCode, fud, funcscope, funct, function, functions,
 g, gc, getComputedStyle, getRow, getter, getterToken, GLOBAL, global, globals, globalstrict,
 hasOwnProperty, help, history, i, id, identifier, immed, implieds, importPackage, include,
 indent, indexOf, init, ins, instanceOf, isAlpha, isApplicationRunning, isArray,
 isDigit, isFinite, isNaN, iterator, java, join, jshint,
 JSHINT, json, jquery, jQuery, keys, label, labelled, last, lastsemic, laxbreak, laxcomma,
 latedef, lbp, led, left, length, line, load, loadClass, localStorage, location,
 log, loopfunc, m, match, maxerr, maxlen, member,message, meta, module, moveBy,
 moveTo, mootools, multistr, name, navigator, new, newcap, noarg, node, noempty, nomen,
 nonew, nonstandard, nud, onbeforeunload, onblur, onerror, onevar, onecase, onfocus,

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public/js/flot.js  view on Meta::CPAN

                            f = format[m];

                            if (f) {
                                if (f.number && val != null) {
                                    val = +val; // convert to number
                                    if (isNaN(val))
                                        val = null;
                                    else if (val == Infinity)
                                        val = fakeInfinity;
                                    else if (val == -Infinity)
                                        val = -fakeInfinity;

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logos/logo-small.svg  view on Meta::CPAN

           width="1" /></g></g></g></svg>

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script/coerce-with-sah  view on Meta::CPAN

 % coerce-with-sah date -C js -c
 function (data) {
     if (data === undefined || data === null) {
         return null;
     return ((typeof(data)=='number' && data >= 100000000 && data <= 2147483648) ? ((new Date(data * 1000))) : (function() { if ((data instanceof Date)) { var _tmp1 = isNaN(data) ? ['Invalid date', data] : [null, data]; if (_tmp1[0]) { return null } ...


Please visit the project's homepage at L<>.

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ppport.h  view on Meta::CPAN

      s++; if (s == send || (*s != 'Y' && *s != 'y')) return 0;
    sawinf = 1;
  } else if (*s == 'N' || *s == 'n') {
    /* XXX TODO: There are signaling NaNs and quiet NaNs. */
    s++; if (s == send || (*s != 'A' && *s != 'a')) return 0;
    s++; if (s == send || (*s != 'N' && *s != 'n')) return 0;
    sawnan = 1;
  } else

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archive/gmt/  view on Meta::CPAN

	-K means allow for more plot code to be appended later [OFF].
	-M force monochrome image
	-N Do not clip image at the map boundary
	-O means Overlay plot mode [OFF].
	-P means Portrait page orientation [OFF].
	-Q use PS Level 3 colormasking to make nodes with z = NaN transparent.
	-R specifies the min/max coordinates of data region in user units.
	   Use dd:mm[:ss] format for regions given in degrees and minutes [and seconds].
	   Use [yyy[-mm[-dd]]]T[hh[:mm[:ss[.xxx]]]] format for time axes.
	   Append r if -R specifies the longitudes/latitudes of the lower left
	   and upper right corners of a rectangular area.
	   -Rg -Rd are accepted shorthands for -R0/360/-90/90 -R-180/180/-90/90
	   Alternatively, give a gridfile and use its limits (and increments if applicable).
	-S Determines the interpolation mode (b = B-spline, c = bicubic, l = bilinear,
	   n = nearest-neighbor) [Default: bicubic]
	   Optionally, prepend - to switch off antialiasing [Default: on]
	   Append /<threshold> to change the minimum weight in vicinity of NaNs. A threshold of
	   1.0 requires all nodes involved in interpolation to be non-NaN; 0.5 will interpolate
	   about half way from a non-NaN to a NaN node [Default: 0.5]
	-T OBSOLETE: See man pages
	-U to plot Unix System Time stamp [and optionally appended text].
	   You may also set the reference points and position of stamp [BL/-2c/-2c].
	   Give -Uc to have the command line plotted [OFF].
	-V Run in verbose mode [OFF].

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share/public/highlight/highlight.min.js  view on Meta::CPAN

;hljs.registerLanguage("sql",e)})();/*! `javascript` grammar compiled for Highlight.js 11.7.0 */
(()=>{var e=(()=>{"use strict"
;const e="[A-Za-z$_][0-9A-Za-z$_]*",n=["as","in","of","if","for","while","finally","var","new","function","do","return","void","else","break","catch","instanceof","with","throw","case","default","try","switch","continue","typeof","delete","let","yiel...
;return o=>{const l=o.regex,b=e,d={begin:/<[A-Za-z0-9\\._:-]+/,
const a=e[0].length+e.index,t=e.input[a]
;if("<"===t||","===t)return void n.ignoreMatch();let s
;">"===t&&(((e,{after:n})=>{const a="</"+e[0].slice(1)

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socialcalc/Changes.txt  view on Meta::CPAN

Finally fixed FF 2 Mac losing Ctrl-V.
Changed grid line and pane divider color to something darker to better work on some laptops.
Fixed some bugs with sort settings not being preserved when updating column chooser info or loading

Fixed some bugs with displaying zero values related to infinity and NaN.

Fixed bug with reloading sheet with font settings.


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ppport.h  view on Meta::CPAN

      s++; if (s == send || (*s != 'Y' && *s != 'y')) return 0;
    sawinf = 1;
  } else if (*s == 'N' || *s == 'n') {
    /* XXX TODO: There are signaling NaNs and quiet NaNs. */
    s++; if (s == send || (*s != 'A' && *s != 'a')) return 0;
    s++; if (s == send || (*s != 'N' && *s != 'n')) return 0;
    sawnan = 1;
  } else

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share/res/js/jquery-2.0.1.min.js  view on Meta::CPAN

/*! jQuery v2.0.1 | (c) 2005, 2013 jQuery Foundation, Inc. |
(function(e,undefined){var t,n,r=typeof undefined,i=e.location,o=e.document,s=o.documentElement,a=e.jQuery,u=e.$,l={},c=[],f="2.0.1",p=c.concat,h=c.push,d=c.slice,g=c.indexOf,m=l.toString,y=l.hasOwnProperty,v=f.trim,x=function(e,n){return new
},_queueHooks:function(e,t){var n=t+"queueHooks";return H.get(e,n)||H.access(e,n,{empty:x.Callbacks("once memory").add(function(){H.remove(e,[t+"queue",n])})})}}),x.fn.extend({queue:function(e,t){var n=2;return"string"!=typeof e&&(t=e,e="fx",n--),n>a...
}});var Xt,Ut,,Vt=/\?/,Gt=/#.*$/,Jt=/([?&])_=[^&]*/,Qt=/^(.*?):[ \t]*([^\r\n]*)$/gm,Kt=/^(?:about|app|app-storage|.+-extension|file|res|widget):$/,Zt=/^(?:GET|HEAD)$/,en=/^\/\//,tn=/^([\w.+-]+:)(?:\/\/([^\/?#:]*)(?::(\d+)|)|)/,nn=x.fn.load,...

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share/test/asciitable/  view on Meta::CPAN

|   0 | "      |               0 |                0x00 |           000 |               0e0 |        0.00 | inf           | Y       |
|   1 | !      |           +1000 |              +0x3E8 |        +01750 |       +1.0000e+03 |     +999.99 | -INF          | YES     |
|   2 | @      |         1000000 |             0xF4240 |      03641100 |               1e6 |     54.1234 | nan           | ON      |
|   3 | #      |           -1234 |               0x4d2 |         02322 |     -1.234000e+03 |    1_234.56 | NAN           | TRUE    |
|   4 | $      |          -56789 |              0xDDD5 |       0156725 |      5.678900e+04 |  56_789.012 | NaN           | N       |
|   5 | %      |              +0 |               +0x00 |          +000 |              +0e0 |       +0.00 | InF           | FALSE   |
|   6 | &      |              -0 |               -0x00 |          -000 |              -0e0 |       -0.00 | infinity      | NO      |
|   7 | *      |      1234567890 |          0x499602D2 |  011145401322 |      1.234568e+09 |  1234567890 | -infinity     | OFF     |

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examples/complex/input/jquery.min.js  view on Meta::CPAN

/*! jQuery v1.8.3 | */
(function(e,t){function _(e){var t=M[e]={};return v.each(e.split(y),function(e,n){t[n]=!0}),t}function H(e,n,r){if(r===t&&e.nodeType===1){var i="data-"+n.replace(P,"-$1").toLowerCase();r=e.getAttribute(i);if(typeof r=="string"){try{r=r==="true"?!0:r=...

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script/_chinese-zodiac-of  view on Meta::CPAN

#        } elsif (looks_like_number($val) && !$OPT_STRINGIFY_NUMBERS &&
#                     # perl does several normalizations to number literal, e.g.
#                     # "+1" becomes 1, 0123 is octal literal, etc. make sure we
#                     # only leave out quote when the number is not normalized
#                     $val eq $val+0 &&
#                     # perl also doesn't recognize Inf and NaN as numeric
#                     # literals (ref: perldata) so these unquoted literals will
#                     # choke under 'use strict "subs"
#                     $val !~ /\A-?(?:inf(?:inity)?|nan)\z/i
#                 ) {
#            return $val;

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lib/App/cpanminus/  view on Meta::CPAN

  Note that numerical precision has the same meaning as under Perl (so
  binary to decimal conversion follows the same rules as in Perl, which
  can differ to other languages). Also, your perl interpreter might expose
  extensions to the floating point numbers of your platform, such as
  infinities or NaN's - these cannot be represented in JSON, and it is an
  error to pass those in.
  =item Big Number
  When C<allow_bignum> is enable, 

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( run in 1.942 second using v1.00-cache-2.02-grep-82fe00e-cpan-72ae3ad1e6da )