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crypt-otr.h  view on Meta::CPAN

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>

#define PRIVKEY_FILE_NAME "otr.private_key"
#define STORE_FILE_NAME "otr.fingerprints"

// max message size
const unsigned int CRYPT_OTR_MAX_SIZE = 65535;

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Func.xs  view on Meta::CPAN

    EVP_PKEY_get_bn_param(pkey, OSSL_PKEY_PARAM_PRIV_KEY, &priv_bn);


        EVP_PKEY_get_raw_private_key(pkey, NULL, &priv_len);
        priv = OPENSSL_malloc(priv_len);
        EVP_PKEY_get_raw_private_key(pkey, priv, &priv_len);

        priv_bn = BN_bin2bn(priv, priv_len, NULL);

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lib/Crypt/OpenSSL/  view on Meta::CPAN

# A missing C::O::RSA method
sub Crypt::OpenSSL::RSA::new_from_file {
    my($proto, $file) = @_;
    open(my $pkfh, '<', $file) or die "Can't open key file: $!\n";
    local $/ = undef;
    return $proto->new_private_key(<$pkfh>);

require XSLoader;
XSLoader::load('Crypt::OpenSSL::Common', $VERSION);

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lib/Crypt/OpenSSL/  view on Meta::CPAN

sub new_from_rsa {
    my $self = shift;
    my $rsa = shift;

    my $priv = $rsa->get_private_key_string();
    $self->_new_from_rsa($rsa, $priv);



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lib/Crypt/OpenSSL/  view on Meta::CPAN


  use Crypt::OpenSSL::SignCSR;

  my $signer = Crypt::OpenSSL::SignCSR->new(
                                {   # OPTIONAL
                                    days    => $days,   # Number of days for the certificate
                                    digest  => $digest, # Signature digest default (SHA256)
                                    format  => $format, # Output format "text" or "pem" (default)

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t/lib/  view on Meta::CPAN

    return run command => $openssl_cmd, verbose => $ENV{TEST_DEBUG};

sub openssl_decrypt {
    my ($self, $private_key_file, $encrypted_data, $mech) = @_;

    my $openssl_cmd =
      [$self->_openssl, 'rsautl', '-decrypt', '-inkey', $private_key_file];

    if ($mech eq 'RSA_PKCS') {
        push @$openssl_cmd, '-pkcs';
    } elsif ($mech eq 'RSA_PKCS_OAEP') {
        push @$openssl_cmd, '-oaep';

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lib/Crypt/Perl/  view on Meta::CPAN


    my $pkcs10 = Crypt::Perl::PKCS10->new(

        key => $private_key_obj,

        subject => [
            commonName => '',
            localityName => 'somewhere',

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lib/Crypt/  view on Meta::CPAN

my $MAX_RECORD_SIZE = (2 ** 31) - 1;

# $dh will always be public key data - decode_base64url if necessary
sub derive_key {
  my ($mode, $salt, $key, $private_key, $dh, $auth_secret) = @_;
  die "Salt must be 16 octets\n" unless $salt and length $salt == 16;
  my ($context, $secret) = ("");
  if ($dh) {
    die "DH requires a private_key\n" unless $private_key;
    my $pubkey = Crypt::PK::ECC->new->import_key_raw($dh, 'P-256'); 
    my $encoded = $private_key->export_key_raw('public');
    my ($sender_pub_key, $receiver_pub_key) = ($mode eq "encrypt")
      ? ($encoded, $dh) : ($dh, $encoded);
    $context = "WebPush: info\x00" . $receiver_pub_key . $sender_pub_key;
    $secret = $private_key->shared_secret($pubkey);
  } else {
    $secret = $key;
  die "Unable to determine the secret\n" unless $secret;
  my $keyinfo = "Content-Encoding: aes128gcm\x00";

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CP_RSA.cpp  view on Meta::CPAN

	return modexp( plain, e, m );

vlong private_key::decrypt( const vlong& cipher )
	// Calculate values for performing decryption
	// These could be cached, but the calculation is quite fast
	vlong d = modinv( e, (p-(vlong)1)*(q-(vlong)1) );
	vlong u = modinv( p, q );

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src/ltc/headers/tomcrypt_pk.h  view on Meta::CPAN

int dh_set_pg_groupsize(int groupsize, dh_key *key);

int dh_set_key(const unsigned char *in, unsigned long inlen, int type, dh_key *key);
int dh_generate_key(prng_state *prng, int wprng, dh_key *key);

int dh_shared_secret(const dh_key  *private_key, const dh_key  *public_key,
                     unsigned char *out,         unsigned long *outlen);

void dh_free(dh_key *key);

int dh_export_key(void *out, unsigned long *outlen, int type, const dh_key *key);

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lib/CryptoTron/  view on Meta::CPAN

    # Generate seed with automatic language detection and empty passphrase.
    seed_bytes = Bip39SeedGenerator(mnemonic).Generate()
    # Create Bip44 Tron object.
    bip44_tron = Bip44.FromSeed(seed_bytes, Bip44Coins.TRON)
    # Create a private key in hex and upper case.
    private_key = bip44_tron.PrivateKey().Raw().ToHex().upper()
    # Create a public key in upper case.
    public_key = str(bip44_tron.PublicKey().RawUncompressed()).upper()
    # Create Base58 address.
    base58_addr = bip44_tron.PublicKey().ToAddress()
    # Create a Hex address in hex and upper case.
    hex_addr = base58.b58decode_check(base58_addr).hex().upper()
    # Print result to screen.
    print(fmt_str.format("Private Key:", private_key))
    print(fmt_str.format("Address (Base58):", base58_addr))
    print(fmt_str.format("Address (Hex): ", hex_addr))
    print(fmt_str.format("Public Key: ", public_key))

def mnemonic():

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lib/  view on Meta::CPAN


# mimicing Apache's SSLCertificateKeyFile config
sub set_config_sslcertificatekeyfile {
    my ($self, $val) = @_;
    $self->{ssl_private_key_file} = as_abs_path($val);

# mimicing Apache's SSLCertificateFile
sub set_config_sslcertificatefile {
    my ($self, $val) = @_;

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lib/Data/  view on Meta::CPAN

    } else {
        $self->{is_sensitive_field} = {
            map { $_ => 1 } qw(
                pass         password     old_password   secret
                private_key  cardnum      card_number    pan
                cvv          cvv2         ccv

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Set client-side certificate chain. This is used to authenticate the client on the server-side. This should contain the entire Certificate chain starting with the certificate itself. 

Return: CASS_OK if successful, otherwise an error occurred

=head3 ssl_set_private_key

 my $int_CassError = $cass->ssl_set_private_key($ssl, $key, $password);

Set client-side private key. This is used to authenticate the client on the server-side. 

Return: CASS_OK if successful, otherwise an error occurred

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            # Use the PK- of this Mobile::Executive invocation to 
            # sign the encrypted mobile agent.

            my $cypher_signature = $rsa->sign(
                                       Message  => $cyphertext,
                                       Key      => $Mobile::Executive::private_key,
                                       Armour   => $TRUE
                                   ) or die $rsa->errstr, "\n";

            # Networking code to send agent to the server starts here.

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examples/  view on Meta::CPAN

#the repositories, but you can see the tags of a repo if you know its name
my $repo = $ARGV[0];

my $sa = Docker::Registry::Auth::GCEServiceAccount->new(
  client_email => $ce,
  private_key => $pk,

my $r = Docker::Registry::GCE->new(
  auth => $sa,

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sub COMP_add_compression_method($$) ;
sub CTX_add_client_CA($$) ;
sub CTX_add_extra_chain_cert($$) ;
sub CTX_add_session($$) ;
sub CTX_callback_ctrl($$$) ;
sub CTX_check_private_key($) ;
sub CTX_ctrl($$$$) ;
sub CTX_flush_sessions($$) ;
sub CTX_free($) ;
sub CTX_get0_param($) ;
sub CTX_get_app_data($) ;

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