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lib/Apache/AxKit/Plugin/  view on Meta::CPAN

        $destination = $mr->uri;

    $self->debug(1,"destination = '$destination'");

    # Get the credentials from the data posted by the client, if any.
    my @credentials;
    while (exists $$args{"credential_" . ($#credentials + 1)}) {
        $self->debug(2,"credential_" . ($#credentials + 1) . "= '" .$$args{"credential_" . ($#credentials + 1)} . "'");
        push(@credentials, $$args{"credential_" . ($#credentials + 1)});

    # convert post to get
    if ($r->method eq 'POST') {

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README  view on Meta::CPAN

        the database host. If omitted "localhost" is used.

        you credentials.

    My "make test" command looks like:

     MYSQL1=dbitest1 MYSQL2=dbitest2 make test

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lib/Apache/Emulator/  view on Meta::CPAN

    # Try to get as much info as possible from, which has
    # workarounds for things like the IIS PATH_INFO bug.
    $self->{headers_in} ||= Apache::Table->new
      ( 'Authorization'       => $self->{query}->auth_type, # No credentials though.
        'Content-Length'      => $ENV{CONTENT_LENGTH},
        'Content-Type'        =>
        ( $self->{query}->can('content_type') ?
          $self->{query}->content_type :

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Client/httunnel  view on Meta::CPAN

	return $this ;

sub get_basic_credentials {
	my $this = shift ;
	my $realm = shift ;
	my $uri = shift ;
	my $proxy = shift ;

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Apache::MultiAuth - Choose from a number of authentication modules at runtime


Put lines like this in your httpd.conf. In this example authorization is requested
for accessing the directory /test. First the credentials (username, password) are 
checked against the module Apache::AuthSybase and then against the module 
Apache::AuthenSmb. If any of them succeeds, access to /test is granted. 

  # in httpd.conf
  # Important : if not set apachectl configtest will complain about syntax errors

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		return REDIRECT;
	return DECLINED;

## authenticate user & issue credentials
sub issue ($$) {
	my($self, $r) = @_;
	my $log = $r->log;
	my($resp, $msg);

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lib/Apache/Session/Store/  view on Meta::CPAN


    # Bind with credentials
    my $bind = $ldap->bind( $self->{args}->{ldapBindDN},
        password => $self->{args}->{ldapBindPassword} );
    if ( $bind->code ) {

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lib/Apache/  view on Meta::CPAN

   my $ok;

   # Load the user authentication module
   eval "require $checker" or $r->log_error("Could not load $checker: $@");
   eval "require $factory" or $r->log_error("Could not load $factory: $@");
   eval '$ok = ' . ${checker} . '::check_credentials($r, @cred)' or $r->log_error("authentication error code: $@");

   if($ok) {
      eval('$user = ' . "$factory" . '->makeUser($r, @cred)');
      if($@) {
         $r->log_error("Error reported during call to ${factory}->makeUser: $@");

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lib/Apache/Sling/  view on Meta::CPAN

        if ( $authn->{'Type'} eq 'basic' ) {
            if ($check_basic) {
                my $success = $authn->basic_login();
                if ( !$success ) {

                    # Reset credentials:
                    $authn->{'Username'} = $old_username;
                    $authn->{'Password'} = $old_password;
                    $authn->{'Type'}     = $old_type;
                      "Basic Auth log in for user \"$new_username\" at URL \""

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lib/Apache/  view on Meta::CPAN

my $tmc = 0;

sub redirect_ok {0}

#sub get_basic_credentials
#        return ("user","pass");


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Wyrd/Services/  view on Meta::CPAN

Auth provides a secure cookies-based login system for a Wyrd-enabled server
that might not itself be equipped with SSL.  It can do so if provided a
connection to an SSL-enabled Apache server with an
C<Apache::Wyrd::Services::LoginServer> available on a secure port.  It uses
a standard SSL channel to circumvent an unauthorized party from obtaining
login credentials (username/password) by packet-sniffing.

To do so, it maintains a cookie-based authorization scheme which is
implemented using stacked handlers.  It handles authorization by login
and/or cookie, and passes the user information to handlers down the
stack via mod_perl's C<notes> table.  The Auth module should be the

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lib/Apache/iNcom/  view on Meta::CPAN

	    return Apache::iNcom::return_error( $r, AUTH_REQUIRED );

    } else {

	# Get user credentials
	my ( $rc,  $passwd ) = $r->get_basic_auth_pw();
	return $rc if $rc != OK;

	# Get the username
	my $username = $r->connection->user;

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lib/Apache2/API/  view on Meta::CPAN

        return( $self->{_server_version} );
    return( '' );

# e.g. set_basic_credentials( $user, $password );
sub set_basic_credentials { return( shift->_try( 'request', 'set_basic_credentials', @_ ) ); }

# set_handlers( PerlCleanupHandler => [] );
# $ok = $r->set_handlers($hook_name => \&handler);
# $ok = $r->set_handlers($hook_name => ['Foo::Bar::handler', \&handler2]);
# $ok = $r->set_handlers($hook_name => []);

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lib/Apache2/  view on Meta::CPAN

The URL component added after the AuthCAS_ServerURL value to access the CAS
proxy ticket issuing service; by default "/proxy".

=item C<AuthCAS_ProxyRequire>

If proxied authentication is enabled, only allow access via proxy credentials,
not direct access by a user; by default disabled.

=item C<AuthCAS_ProxyValidatePath>

The URL component added after the AuthCAS_ServerURL value to access the CAS

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lib/Apache2/  view on Meta::CPAN


=head2 authen_cred($r, $user, $password, @extra_data)

Take the credentials for a user and check that they match; if so, return
a new session key for this user that can be stored in the cookie.
If there is a problem, return a bogus session key.

=head2 authen_ses_key($r, $encrypted_session_key)

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lib/Apache2/  view on Meta::CPAN



sub extra_session_info ($$\@) {
    my ($self, $r, @credentials) = @_;
    return '';

# Take the credentials for a user and check that they match; if so, return
# a new session key for this user that can be stored in the cookie.
# If there is a problem, return a bogus session key.

sub authen_cred($$\@)
    my( $self, $r, @credentials ) = @_;

    my $auth_name = $r->auth_name;

    # Username goes in credential_0
    my $user = shift @credentials;
    unless ( $user =~ /^.+$/ ) {
        $r->log_error( "Apache2::AuthCookieDBI: no username supplied for auth realm $auth_name", $r->uri );
        return undef;
    # Password goes in credential_1
    my $password = shift @credentials;
    unless ( $password =~ /^.+$/ ) {
        $r->log_error( "Apache2::AuthCookieDBI: no password supplied for auth realm $auth_name", $r->uri );
        return undef;

	 # CSA Patch - Use global var
	 # needed later for authen_sess_key
	 # to keep cookie alive
    # Extra data can be put in credential_2, _3, etc.
    # my @extra_data = @credentials;
	 @Extra_Data = @credentials;

    # get the configuration information.
    my %c = _dbi_config_vars $r;

    # get the crypted password from the users database for this user.

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lib/Apache2/  view on Meta::CPAN

This module acts as an authentication handler under Apache2 environment. 
It uses Apache2::AuthCookie as the base class and serves as a backend to 
provide user authentication against an LDAP server.

Make sure that you have got a reachable LDAP server and credentials to access it 
(ldapuri, base, binddn/bindpw or anonymous bind).

When there is an attempt to access a "protected" directory or location
that has 'require valid-user' option included Apache2::AuthCookieLDAP is used 
as the authentication and the authorization handler. It takes a pair of

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    return undef;

sub check_credentials {
    my ($self, $user, $password) = @_;
    my ($entry, $mesg);
    # 1) check_ldap_cache for UID entry. Avoids anonymous search.
    # 2) if not in cache, run a search and cache the result
    # 3) lastly, bind with supplied password.

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lib/Apache2/  view on Meta::CPAN

Because it's difficult to have an up to date authentication backend, this module aims to authenticate against Sympa mailing lists server.

Sympa mailing lists server has got its own authentication system and can be queried over a SOAP interface.

It is based on a basic HTTP authentication (popup on client side). Once the user has authenticated, the REMOTE_USER environnement var contains the user email address. The authentication module implements a SOAP client that validates user credentials ...
Sample httpd.conf example:

    <Directory "/var/www/somwehere">
    AuthName SympaAuth
    AuthType Basic

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lib/Apache2/Authen/  view on Meta::CPAN

  # 5) set user; exit now for authed

  $r->subprocess_env('REMOTE_USER' => $cookie_user);
  $r->set_basic_credentials($cookie_user, '*****');

  if (ref $allow ne 'ARRAY') {
    if ($allow eq 'authed') {
      return Apache2::Const::OK;

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The purpose of this module is to perform a user authentication via Microsoft's
NTLM protocol. This protocol is supported by all versions of the Internet
Explorer and is mainly useful for intranets. Depending on your preferences
setting IE will supply your windows logon credentials to the web server
when the server asks for NTLM authentication. This saves the user to type in
his/her password again.

The NTLM protocol performs a challenge/response to exchange a random number
(nonce) and get back a md4 hash, which is built from the user's password

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docsrc/reference.xml  view on Meta::CPAN

   <refentry id="model.api.pkit_auth_credential">
      Verifies login credentials and returns session key
  sub pkit_auth_credential {

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