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lib/ACME/THEDANIEL/  view on Meta::CPAN

package ACME::THEDANIEL::Utils;

use 5.006;
use strict;
use warnings;

use Scalar::Util qw( looks_like_number );
use Carp qw ( croak );

=head1 NAME

ACME::THEDANIEL::Utils - The great new ACME::THEDANIEL::Utils!

=head1 VERSION

Version 0.01


our $VERSION = '0.01';


Used to complete the Intermediate Perl textbook


=head2 sum


sub sum {
  my $sum;
  foreach my $num ( @_ ) {
    if ( !looks_like_number( $num ) ) {
      croak "Invalid input: $num"

    $sum += $num;
  return $sum;

=head1 AUTHOR

Daniel jones, C<< <dtj at> >>

=head1 BUGS

Please report any bugs or feature requests to C<bug-acme-thedaniel-utils at>, or through
the web interface at L<>.  I will be notified, and then you'll
automatically be notified of progress on your bug as I make changes.

=head1 SUPPORT

You can find documentation for this module with the perldoc command.

    perldoc ACME::THEDANIEL::Utils

You can also look for information at:

=over 4

=item * RT: CPAN's request tracker (report bugs here)


=item * AnnoCPAN: Annotated CPAN documentation


=item * CPAN Ratings


=item * Search CPAN



Intermediate Perl, 2nd Edition.


Copyright 2017 Daniel jones.

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
under the terms of the the Artistic License (2.0). You may obtain a
copy of the full license at:


Any use, modification, and distribution of the Standard or Modified
Versions is governed by this Artistic License. By using, modifying or
distributing the Package, you accept this license. Do not use, modify,
or distribute the Package, if you do not accept this license.

If your Modified Version has been derived from a Modified Version made
by someone other than you, you are nevertheless required to ensure that
your Modified Version complies with the requirements of this license.

This license does not grant you the right to use any trademark, service
mark, tradename, or logo of the Copyright Holder.

This license includes the non-exclusive, worldwide, free-of-charge
patent license to make, have made, use, offer to sell, sell, import and
otherwise transfer the Package with respect to any patent claims
licensable by the Copyright Holder that are necessarily infringed by the
Package. If you institute patent litigation (including a cross-claim or
counterclaim) against any party alleging that the Package constitutes
direct or contributory patent infringement, then this Artistic License
to you shall terminate on the date that such litigation is filed.



1; # End of ACME::THEDANIEL::Utils

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lib/ACME/YAPC/NA/  view on Meta::CPAN

package ACME::YAPC::NA::2012;

use 5.006
use strict;
use warnings;

=head1 NAME

ACME::YAPC::NA::2012 - The great new ACME::YAPC::NA::2012!

=head1 VERSION

Version 0.01


our $VERSION = '0.02';


Quick summary of what the module does.

Perhaps a little code snippet.

    use ACME::YAPC::NA::2012;

    my $foo = ACME::YAPC::NA::2012->new();

=head1 EXPORT

A list of functions that can be exported.  You can delete this section
if you don't export anything, such as for a purely object-oriented module.


=head2 function1


sub function1 {

=head2 function2


sub function2 {

=head1 AUTHOR

Jacinta Richardson, C<< <jarich at> >>

=head1 BUGS

Please report any bugs or feature requests to C<bug-acme-yapc-na-2012 at>, or through
the web interface at L<>.  I will be notified, and then you'll
automatically be notified of progress on your bug as I make changes.

=head1 SUPPORT

You can find documentation for this module with the perldoc command.

    perldoc ACME::YAPC::NA::2012

You can also look for information at:

=over 4

=item * RT: CPAN's request tracker (report bugs here)


=item * AnnoCPAN: Annotated CPAN documentation


=item * CPAN Ratings


=item * Search CPAN





Copyright 2012 Jacinta Richardson.

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
under the terms of either: the GNU General Public License as published
by the Free Software Foundation; or the Artistic License.

See for more information.


1; # End of ACME::YAPC::NA::2012

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lib/ACME/  view on Meta::CPAN

package ACME::ltharris;

use 5.006;
use strict;
use warnings;

=head1 NAME

ACME::ltharris - The great new ACME::ltharris!

=head1 VERSION

Version 0.01


our $VERSION = '0.03'


Quick summary of what the module does.

Perhaps a little code snippet.

    use ACME::ltharris;

    my $foo = ACME::ltharris->new();

=head1 EXPORT

A list of functions that can be exported.  You can delete this section
if you don't export anything, such as for a purely object-oriented module.


=head2 function1


sub function1 {

=head2 function2


sub function2 {

=head1 AUTHOR

L.T. Harris, C<< <lth at> >>

=head1 BUGS

Please report any bugs or feature requests to C<bug-acme-ltharris at>, or through
the web interface at L<>.  I will be notified, and then you'll
automatically be notified of progress on your bug as I make changes.

=head1 SUPPORT

You can find documentation for this module with the perldoc command.

    perldoc ACME::ltharris

You can also look for information at:

=over 4

=item * RT: CPAN's request tracker (report bugs here)


=item * AnnoCPAN: Annotated CPAN documentation


=item * CPAN Ratings


=item * Search CPAN





Copyright 2012 L.T. Harris.

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
under the terms of either: the GNU General Public License as published
by the Free Software Foundation; or the Artistic License.

See for more information.


1; # End of ACME::ltharris

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inc/Module/  view on Meta::CPAN

#line 1
package Module::Install;

# For any maintainers:
# The load order for Module::Install is a bit magic.
# It goes something like this...
# IF ( host has Module::Install installed, creating author mode ) {
#     1. Makefile.PL calls "use inc::Module::Install"
#     2. $INC{inc/Module/} set to installed version of inc::Module::Install
#     3. The installed version of inc::Module::Install loads
#     4. inc::Module::Install calls "require Module::Install"
#     5. The ./inc/ version of Module::Install loads
# } ELSE {
#     1. Makefile.PL calls "use inc::Module::Install"
#     2. $INC{inc/Module/} set to ./inc/ version of Module::Install
#     3. The ./inc/ version of Module::Install loads
# }

use 5.005;
use strict 'vars';
use Cwd        ();
use File::Find ();
use File::Path ();

use vars qw{$VERSION $MAIN};
	# All Module::Install core packages now require synchronised versions.
	# This will be used to ensure we don't accidentally load old or
	# different versions of modules.
	# This is not enforced yet, but will be some time in the next few
	# releases once we can make sure it won't clash with custom
	# Module::Install extensions.
	$VERSION = '1.06';

	# Storage for the pseudo-singleton
	$MAIN    = undef;

	*inc::Module::Install::VERSION = *VERSION;
	@inc::Module::Install::ISA     = __PACKAGE__;


sub import {
	my $class = shift;
	my $self  = $class->new(@_);
	my $who   = $self->_caller;

	# all of the following checks should be included in import(),
	# to allow "eval 'require Module::Install; 1' to test
	# installation of Module::Install. (RT #51267)

	# Whether or not inc::Module::Install is actually loaded, the
	# $INC{inc/Module/} is what will still get set as long as
	# the caller loaded module this in the documented manner.
	# If not set, the caller may NOT have loaded the bundled version, and thus
	# they may not have a MI version that works with the Makefile.PL. This would
	# result in false errors or unexpected behaviour. And we don't want that.
	my $file = join( '/', 'inc', split /::/, __PACKAGE__ ) . '.pm';
	unless ( $INC{$file} ) { die <<"END_DIE" }

Please invoke ${\__PACKAGE__} with:

	use inc::${\__PACKAGE__};


	use ${\__PACKAGE__};


	# This reportedly fixes a rare Win32 UTC file time issue, but
	# as this is a non-cross-platform XS module not in the core,
	# we shouldn't really depend on it. See RT #24194 for detail.
	# (Also, this module only supports Perl 5.6 and above).
	eval "use Win32::UTCFileTime" if $^O eq 'MSWin32' && $] >= 5.006;

	# If the script that is loading Module::Install is from the future,
	# then make will detect this and cause it to re-run over and over
	# again. This is bad. Rather than taking action to touch it (which
	# is unreliable on some platforms and requires write permissions)
	# for now we should catch this and refuse to run.
	if ( -f $0 ) {
		my $s = (stat($0))[9];

		# If the modification time is only slightly in the future,
		# sleep briefly to remove the problem.
		my $a = $s - time;
		if ( $a > 0 and $a < 5 ) { sleep 5 }

		# Too far in the future, throw an error.
		my $t = time;
		if ( $s > $t ) { die <<"END_DIE" }

Your installer $0 has a modification time in the future ($s > $t).

This is known to create infinite loops in make.

Please correct this, then run $0 again.


	# Build.PL was formerly supported, but no longer is due to excessive
	# difficulty in implementing every single feature twice.
	if ( $0 =~ /Build.PL$/i ) { die <<"END_DIE" }

Module::Install no longer supports Build.PL.

It was impossible to maintain duel backends, and has been deprecated.

Please remove all Build.PL files and only use the Makefile.PL installer.



	# To save some more typing in Module::Install installers, every...
	# use inc::Module::Install
	# ...also acts as an implicit use strict.
	$^H |= strict::bits(qw(refs subs vars));


	unless ( -f $self->{file} ) {
		foreach my $key (keys %INC) {
			delete $INC{$key} if $key =~ /Module\/Install/;

		local $^W;
		require "$self->{path}/$self->{dispatch}.pm";
		$self->{admin} = "$self->{name}::$self->{dispatch}"->new( _top => $self );
		@_ = ($class, _self => $self);
		goto &{"$self->{name}::import"};

	local $^W;
	*{"${who}::AUTOLOAD"} = $self->autoload;

	# Unregister loader and worker packages so subdirs can use them again
	delete $INC{'inc/Module/'};
	delete $INC{'Module/'};

	# Save to the singleton
	$MAIN = $self;

	return 1;

sub autoload {
	my $self = shift;
	my $who  = $self->_caller;
	my $cwd  = Cwd::cwd();
	my $sym  = "${who}::AUTOLOAD";
	$sym->{$cwd} = sub {
		my $pwd = Cwd::cwd();
		if ( my $code = $sym->{$pwd} ) {
			# Delegate back to parent dirs
			goto &$code unless $cwd eq $pwd;
		unless ($$sym =~ s/([^:]+)$//) {
			# XXX: it looks like we can't retrieve the missing function
			# via $$sym (usually $main::AUTOLOAD) in this case.
			# I'm still wondering if we should slurp Makefile.PL to
			# get some context or not ...
			my ($package, $file, $line) = caller;
			die <<"EOT";
Unknown function is found at $file line $line.
Execution of $file aborted due to runtime errors.

If you're a contributor to a project, you may need to install
some Module::Install extensions from CPAN (or other repository).
If you're a user of a module, please contact the author.
		my $method = $1;
		if ( uc($method) eq $method ) {
			# Do nothing
		} elsif ( $method =~ /^_/ and $self->can($method) ) {
			# Dispatch to the root M:I class
			return $self->$method(@_);

		# Dispatch to the appropriate plugin
		unshift @_, ( $self, $1 );
		goto &{$self->can('call')};

sub preload {
	my $self = shift;
	unless ( $self->{extensions} ) {
			"$self->{prefix}/$self->{path}", $self

	my @exts = @{$self->{extensions}};
	unless ( @exts ) {
		@exts = $self->{admin}->load_all_extensions;

	my %seen;
	foreach my $obj ( @exts ) {
		while (my ($method, $glob) = each %{ref($obj) . '::'}) {
			next unless $obj->can($method);
			next if $method =~ /^_/;
			next if $method eq uc($method);

	my $who = $self->_caller;
	foreach my $name ( sort keys %seen ) {
		local $^W;
		*{"${who}::$name"} = sub {
			${"${who}::AUTOLOAD"} = "${who}::$name";
			goto &{"${who}::AUTOLOAD"};

sub new {
	my ($class, %args) = @_;

	delete $INC{''};
		# to suppress the redefine warning
		local $SIG{__WARN__} = sub {};
		require FindBin;

	# ignore the prefix on extension modules built from top level.
	my $base_path = Cwd::abs_path($FindBin::Bin);
	unless ( Cwd::abs_path(Cwd::cwd()) eq $base_path ) {
		delete $args{prefix};
	return $args{_self} if $args{_self};

	$args{dispatch} ||= 'Admin';
	$args{prefix}   ||= 'inc';
	$args{author}   ||= ($^O eq 'VMS' ? '_author' : '.author');
	$args{bundle}   ||= 'inc/BUNDLES';
	$args{base}     ||= $base_path;
	$class =~ s/^\Q$args{prefix}\E:://;
	$args{name}     ||= $class;
	$args{version}  ||= $class->VERSION;
	unless ( $args{path} ) {
		$args{path}  = $args{name};
		$args{path}  =~ s!::!/!g;
	$args{file}     ||= "$args{base}/$args{prefix}/$args{path}.pm";
	$args{wrote}      = 0;

	bless( \%args, $class );

sub call {
	my ($self, $method) = @_;
	my $obj = $self->load($method) or return;
        splice(@_, 0, 2, $obj);
	goto &{$obj->can($method)};

sub load {
	my ($self, $method) = @_;

		"$self->{prefix}/$self->{path}", $self
	) unless $self->{extensions};

	foreach my $obj (@{$self->{extensions}}) {
		return $obj if $obj->can($method);

	my $admin = $self->{admin} or die <<"END_DIE";
The '$method' method does not exist in the '$self->{prefix}' path!
Please remove the '$self->{prefix}' directory and run $0 again to load it.

	my $obj = $admin->load($method, 1);
	push @{$self->{extensions}}, $obj;


sub load_extensions {
	my ($self, $path, $top) = @_;

	my $should_reload = 0;
	unless ( grep { ! ref $_ and lc $_ eq lc $self->{prefix} } @INC ) {
		unshift @INC, $self->{prefix};
		$should_reload = 1;

	foreach my $rv ( $self->find_extensions($path) ) {
		my ($file, $pkg) = @{$rv};
		next if $self->{pathnames}{$pkg};

		local $@;
		my $new = eval { local $^W; require $file; $pkg->can('new') };
		unless ( $new ) {
			warn $@ if $@;
		$self->{pathnames}{$pkg} =
			$should_reload ? delete $INC{$file} : $INC{$file};
		push @{$self->{extensions}}, &{$new}($pkg, _top => $top );

	$self->{extensions} ||= [];

sub find_extensions {
	my ($self, $path) = @_;

	my @found;
	File::Find::find( sub {
		my $file = $File::Find::name;
		return unless $file =~ m!^\Q$path\E/(.+)\.pm\Z!is;
		my $subpath = $1;
		return if lc($subpath) eq lc($self->{dispatch});

		$file = "$self->{path}/$";
		my $pkg = "$self->{name}::$subpath";
		$pkg =~ s!/!::!g;

		# If we have a mixed-case package name, assume case has been preserved
		# correctly.  Otherwise, root through the file to locate the case-preserved
		# version of the package name.
		if ( $subpath eq lc($subpath) || $subpath eq uc($subpath) ) {
			my $content = Module::Install::_read($subpath . '.pm');
			my $in_pod  = 0;
			foreach ( split //, $content ) {
				$in_pod = 1 if /^=\w/;
				$in_pod = 0 if /^=cut/;
				next if ($in_pod || /^=cut/);  # skip pod text
				next if /^\s*#/;               # and comments
				if ( m/^\s*package\s+($pkg)\s*;/i ) {
					$pkg = $1;

		push @found, [ $file, $pkg ];
	}, $path ) if -d $path;


# Common Utility Functions

sub _caller {
	my $depth = 0;
	my $call  = caller($depth);
	while ( $call eq __PACKAGE__ ) {
		$call = caller($depth);
	return $call;

# Done in evals to avoid confusing Perl::MinimumVersion
eval( $] >= 5.006 ? <<'END_NEW' : <<'END_OLD' ); die $@ if $@;
sub _read {
	local *FH;
	open( FH, '<', $_[0] ) or die "open($_[0]): $!";
	my $string = do { local $/; <FH> };
	close FH or die "close($_[0]): $!";
	return $string;
sub _read {
	local *FH;
	open( FH, "< $_[0]"  ) or die "open($_[0]): $!";
	my $string = do { local $/; <FH> };
	close FH or die "close($_[0]): $!";
	return $string;

sub _readperl {
	my $string = Module::Install::_read($_[0]);
	$string =~ s/(?:\015{1,2}\012|\015|\012)/\n/sg;
	$string =~ s/(\n)\n*__(?:DATA|END)__\b.*\z/$1/s;
	$string =~ s/\n\n=\w+.+?\n\n=cut\b.+?\n+/\n\n/sg;
	return $string;

sub _readpod {
	my $string = Module::Install::_read($_[0]);
	$string =~ s/(?:\015{1,2}\012|\015|\012)/\n/sg;
	return $string if $_[0] =~ /\.pod\z/;
	$string =~ s/(^|\n=cut\b.+?\n+)[^=\s].+?\n(\n=\w+|\z)/$1$2/sg;
	$string =~ s/\n*=pod\b[^\n]*\n+/\n\n/sg;
	$string =~ s/\n*=cut\b[^\n]*\n+/\n\n/sg;
	$string =~ s/^\n+//s;
	return $string;

# Done in evals to avoid confusing Perl::MinimumVersion
eval( $] >= 5.006 ? <<'END_NEW' : <<'END_OLD' ); die $@ if $@;
sub _write {
	local *FH;
	open( FH, '>', $_[0] ) or die "open($_[0]): $!";
	foreach ( 1 .. $#_ ) {
		print FH $_[$_] or die "print($_[0]): $!";
	close FH or die "close($_[0]): $!";
sub _write {
	local *FH;
	open( FH, "> $_[0]"  ) or die "open($_[0]): $!";
	foreach ( 1 .. $#_ ) {
		print FH $_[$_] or die "print($_[0]): $!";
	close FH or die "close($_[0]): $!";

# _version is for processing module versions (eg, 1.03_05) not
# Perl versions (eg, 5.8.1).
sub _version ($) {
	my $s = shift || 0;
	my $d =()= $s =~ /(\.)/g;
	if ( $d >= 2 ) {
		# Normalise multipart versions
		$s =~ s/(\.)(\d{1,3})/sprintf("$1%03d",$2)/eg;
	$s =~ s/^(\d+)\.?//;
	my $l = $1 || 0;
	my @v = map {
		$_ . '0' x (3 - length $_)
	} $s =~ /(\d{1,3})\D?/g;
	$l = $l . '.' . join '', @v if @v;
	return $l + 0;

sub _cmp ($$) {
	_version($_[1]) <=> _version($_[2]);

# Cloned from Params::Util::_CLASS
sub _CLASS ($) {
		defined $_[0]
		! ref $_[0]
		$_[0] =~ m/^[^\W\d]\w*(?:::\w+)*\z/s
	) ? $_[0] : undef;


# Copyright 2008 - 2012 Adam Kennedy.

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examples/  view on Meta::CPAN

#!/usr/bin/perl -w

use strict;
use AE::AdHoc;
use AnyEvent::Socket;
use Getopt::Long;

my $timeout = 1;

GetOptions (
	"timeout=s" => \$timeout,
	"help" => \&usage,
) or usage();

my @probe = map {
	/^(.*):(\d+)$/ or die "Expecting host:port. See $0 --help\n"; [$1, $2, $_];
} @ARGV;
usage() unless @probe;

# Real work
eval {
	ae_recv {
		tcp_connect $_->[0], $_->[1], ae_goal("$_->[0]:$_->[1]") for @probe;
	} $timeout;
die $@ if $@ and $@ !~ /^Timeout/;

my @offline = sort keys %{ AE::AdHoc->goals };
my (@alive, @reject);

my $results = AE::AdHoc->results;
foreach (keys %$results) {
	# tcp_connect will not feed any args if connect failed
	ref $results->{$_}->[0]
		? push @alive, $_
		: push @reject, $_;

print "Connected: @alive\n" if @alive;
print "Rejected: @reject\n" if @reject;
print "Timed out: @offline\n" if @offline;
# /Real work

sub usage {
	print <<"USAGE";
Probe tcp connection to several hosts at once
Usage: $0 [ options ] host:port host:port ...
Options may include:
	--timeout <seconds> - may be fractional as well
	--help - this message
	exit 1;

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lib/  view on Meta::CPAN

package AES128;

use 5.016001;
use strict;
use warnings;

require Exporter;

our @ISA = qw(Exporter);

# Items to export into callers namespace by default. Note: do not export
# names by default without a very good reason. Use EXPORT_OK instead.
# Do not simply export all your public functions/methods/constants.

# This allows declaration	use AES128 ':all';
# If you do not need this, moving things directly into @EXPORT or @EXPORT_OK
# will save memory.
our %EXPORT_TAGS = ( 'all' => [ qw(
	AES128_CTR_encrypt AES128_CTR_decrypt	
) ] );

our @EXPORT_OK = ( @{ $EXPORT_TAGS{'all'} } );

our @EXPORT = qw(

our $VERSION = '0.02';

require XSLoader;
XSLoader::load('AES128', $VERSION);

# Preloaded methods go here.

# Below is stub documentation for your module. You'd better edit it!

=head1 NAME

AES128 - 128BIT CTR mode AES algorithm. 


	# ------------------------  simple version ----------------------------------
	use AES128 qw/:all/;
	my $plain_text = "There's more than one way to do it.";
	my $key = "my secret aes key.";
	my $encrypted = AES128_CTR_encrypt($plain_text, $key);
	my $plain     = AES128_CTR_decrypt($encrypted, $key);

	# ------------ server/client key exchange -----------------------------------
	use MicroECC;
	use AES128 qw/:all/;
	use Digest::SHA qw/sha256/;

	my $curve = MicroECC::secp256r1();
	my ($server_pubkey, $server_privkey) = MicroECC::make_key($curve);

	# Generate shared secret with client public key.
	my $shared_secret = MicroECC::shared_secret($client_pubkey, $server_privkey);
	my $key = sha256($shared_secret);

	my $plain_text = "There's more than one way to do it.";
	my $encrypted  = AES128_CTR_encrypt($plain_text, $key);
	my $plain      = AES128_CTR_decrypt($encrypted, $key);


Perl wrapper for the tiny-AES-c library (

Since 128bit key length is secure enough for most applications and ECB is NOT secure,
this module supports 128bit key length and CTR mode only.

=head2 EXPORT

None by default.

=head1 SEE ALSO

The tiny-AES-c library:

=head1 AUTHOR

Jeff Zhang, <>


Copyright (C) 2019 by Jeff

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the same terms as Perl itself, either Perl version 5.16.1 or,
at your option, any later version of Perl 5 you may have available.


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lib/AFS/Command/  view on Meta::CPAN

# $Id$
# (c) 2003-2004 Morgan Stanley and Co.
# See ..../src/LICENSE for terms of distribution.

package AFS::Command::BOS;

require 5.6.0;

use strict;
use English;

use AFS::Command::Base;
use AFS::Object;
use AFS::Object::BosServer;
use AFS::Object::Instance;

our @ISA = qw(AFS::Command::Base);
our $VERSION = '1.99';

sub getdate {

    my $self = shift;
    my (%args) = @_;

    my $result = AFS::Object::BosServer->new();

    $self->{operation} = "getdate";

    my $directory = $args{dir} || '/usr/afs/bin';

    return unless $self->_parse_arguments(%args);

    return unless $self->_save_stderr();

    my $errors = 0;

    $errors++ unless $self->_exec_cmds();

    while ( defined($_ = $self->{handle}->getline()) ) {


	next unless m:File $directory/(\S+) dated ([^,]+),:;

	my $file = AFS::Object->new
	   file			=> $1,
	   date			=> $2,

	if ( /\.BAK dated ([^,]+),/ ) {
	    $file->_setAttribute( bak => $1 );

	if ( /\.OLD dated ([^,\.]+)/ ) {
	    $file->_setAttribute( old => $1 );



    $errors++ unless $self->_reap_cmds();
    $errors++ unless $self->_restore_stderr();

    return if $errors;
    return $result;


sub getlog {

    my $self = shift;
    my (%args) = @_;

    my $result = AFS::Object::BosServer->new();

    $self->{operation} = "getlog";

    my $redirect = undef;
    my $redirectname = undef;

    if ( $args{redirect} ) {
	$redirectname = delete $args{redirect};
	$redirect = IO::File->new(">$redirectname") || do {
	    $self->_Carp("Unable to write to $redirectname: $ERRNO");

    return unless $self->_parse_arguments(%args);

    return unless $self->_save_stderr();

    my $errors = 0;

    $errors++ unless $self->_exec_cmds();

    my $log = "";

    while ( defined($_ = $self->{handle}->getline()) ) {
	next if /^Fetching log file/;
	if ( $redirect ) {
	} else {
	    $log .= $_;

    if ( $redirect ) {
	$redirect->close()|| do {
	    $self->_Carp("Unable to close $redirectname: $ERRNO");
	$result->_setAttribute( log => $redirectname );
    } else {
	$result->_setAttribute( log => $log );

    $errors++ unless $self->_reap_cmds();
    $errors++ unless $self->_restore_stderr();

    return if $errors;
    return $result;


sub getrestart {

    my $self = shift;
    my (%args) = @_;

    my $result = AFS::Object::BosServer->new();

    $self->{operation} = "getrestart";

    return unless $self->_parse_arguments(%args);

    return unless $self->_save_stderr();

    my $errors = 0;

    $errors++ unless $self->_exec_cmds();

    while ( defined($_ = $self->{handle}->getline()) ) {

	if ( /restarts at (.*)/ || /restarts (never)/ ) {
	    $result->_setAttribute( restart => $1 );
	} elsif ( /binaries at (.*)/ || /binaries (never)/ ) {
	    $result->_setAttribute( binaries => $1 );


    $errors++ unless $self->_reap_cmds();
    $errors++ unless $self->_restore_stderr();

    return if $errors;
    return $result;


sub listhosts {

    my $self = shift;
    my (%args) = @_;

    my $result = AFS::Object::BosServer->new();

    $self->{operation} = "listhosts";

    return unless $self->_parse_arguments(%args);

    return unless $self->_save_stderr();

    my $errors = 0;

    $errors++ unless $self->_exec_cmds();

    my @hosts = ();

    while ( defined($_ = $self->{handle}->getline()) ) {


	if ( /Cell name is (\S+)/i ) {
	    $result->_setAttribute( cell => $1 );

	if ( /Host \d+ is (\S+)/i ) {


    $result->_setAttribute( hosts => \@hosts );

    $errors++ unless $self->_reap_cmds();
    $errors++ unless $self->_restore_stderr();

    return if $errors;
    return $result;


sub listkeys {

    my $self = shift;
    my (%args) = @_;

    my $result = AFS::Object::BosServer->new();

    $self->{operation} = "listkeys";

    return unless $self->_parse_arguments(%args);

    return unless $self->_save_stderr();

    my $errors = 0;

    $errors++ unless $self->_exec_cmds();

    while ( defined($_ = $self->{handle}->getline()) ) {


	if ( /key (\d+)/ ) {

	    my $key = AFS::Object->new( index => $1 );

	    if ( /has cksum (\d+)/ ) {
		$key->_setAttribute( cksum => $1 );
	    } elsif ( /is \'([^\']+)\'/ ) {
		$key->_setAttribute( value => $1 );



	if ( /last changed on (.*)\./ ) {
	    $result->_setAttribute( keyschanged => $1 );


    $errors++ unless $self->_reap_cmds();
    $errors++ unless $self->_restore_stderr();

    return if $errors;
    return $result;


sub listusers {

    my $self = shift;
    my (%args) = @_;

    my $result = AFS::Object::BosServer->new();

    $self->{operation} = "listusers";

    return unless $self->_parse_arguments(%args);

    return unless $self->_save_stderr();

    my $errors = 0;

    $errors++ unless $self->_exec_cmds();

    while ( defined($_ = $self->{handle}->getline()) ) {


	if ( /^SUsers are: (.*)/ ) {
	    $result->_setAttribute( susers => [split(/\s+/,$1)] );


    $errors++ unless $self->_reap_cmds();
    $errors++ unless $self->_restore_stderr();

    return if $errors;
    return $result;


# XXX -- we might want to provide parsing of the bos salvage output,
# but for now, this is a non-parsed command.

# sub salvage {

#     my $self = shift;
#     my (%args) = @_;

#     my $result = AFS::Object::BosServer->new();

#     $self->{operation} = "salvage";

#     return unless $self->_parse_arguments(%args);

#     return unless $self->_save_stderr();

#     my $errors = 0;

#     $errors++ unless $self->_exec_cmds();

#     while ( defined($_ = $self->{handle}->getline()) ) {


#     }

#     $errors++ unless $self->_reap_cmds();
#     $errors++ unless $self->_restore_stderr();

#     return if $errors;
#     return $result;

# }

sub status {

    my $self = shift;
    my (%args) = @_;

    my $result = AFS::Object::BosServer->new();

    $self->{operation} = "status";

    return unless $self->_parse_arguments(%args);

    return unless $self->_save_stderr();

    my $errors = 0;

    $errors++ unless $self->_exec_cmds();

    my $instance = undef;

    while ( defined($_ = $self->{handle}->getline()) ) {


	if ( /inappropriate access/ ) {
	    $result->_setAttribute( access => 1 );

	if ( /Instance (\S+),/ ) {

	    if ( defined $instance ) {

	    $instance = AFS::Object::Instance->new( instance => $1 );

	    # This is ugly, since the order and number of these
	    # strings varies.
	    if ( /\(type is (\S+)\)/ ) {
		$instance->_setAttribute( type => $1 );

	    if ( /(disabled|temporarily disabled|temporarily enabled),/ ) {
		$instance->_setAttribute( state => $1 );

	    if ( /stopped for too many errors/ ) {
		$instance->_setAttribute( errorstop => 1 );

	    if ( /has core file/ ) {
		$instance->_setAttribute( core => 1 );

	    if ( /currently (.*)\.$/ ) {
		$instance->_setAttribute( status => $1 );


	if ( /Auxiliary status is: (.*)\.$/ ) {
	    $instance->_setAttribute( auxiliary => $1 );

	if ( /Process last started at (.*) \((\d+) proc starts\)/ ) {
	       startdate		=> $1,
	       startcount		=> $2,

	if ( /Last exit at (.*)/ ) {
	    $instance->_setAttribute( exitdate => $1 );

	if ( /Last error exit at ([^,]+),/ ) {

	    $instance->_setAttribute( errorexitdate => $1 );

	    if ( /due to shutdown request/ ) {
		$instance->_setAttribute( errorexitdue => 'shutdown' );

	    if ( /due to signal (\d+)/ ) {
		   errorexitdue 	=> 'signal',
		   errorexitsignal	=> $1,

	    if ( /by exiting with code (\d+)/ ) {
		   errorexitdue 	=> 'code',
		   errorexitcode	=> $1,


	if ( /Command\s+(\d+)\s+is\s+\'(.*)\'/ ) {
	    my $command = AFS::Object->new
	       index			=> $1,
	       command			=> $2,

	if ( /Notifier\s+is\s+\'(.*)\'/ ) {
	    $instance->_setAttribute( notifier => $1 );


    if ( defined $instance ) {

    $errors++ unless $self->_reap_cmds();
    $errors++ unless $self->_restore_stderr();

    return if $errors;
    return $result;



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examples/  view on Meta::CPAN

# - Used to collect stats on running AFS process with rxdebug.
# Original Implementation:
#	Unknown - Meltdown.csh, Meltdown.awk
# Change History:
#	Jul 02, 2002 - Rex Basham - Added check for wproc, left out during the
#				    original conversion from awk/csh scripts.
#	Mar 21, 2002 - Rex Basham - Merged original csh and awk scripts
#	                            and converted to perl
#	Mar 23, 2002 - Rex Basham - Fixed the display format and added
#                                   field format expansion
#       August 2004  - SLAC       - modified to use the Perl rxdebu function
#   Aug 30, 2006 - Jeff Blaine - Added CSV stats output mode
# Parameters are -s <server> -p <port> -t <sleeptime in seconds>
# and -C to enable CSV-output mode
# Example:
# -s point -p 7000 -t 300
#	Check the server 'point' on port '7000' with 5 minutes between
#	rxdebug commands.

use blib;
use AFS::Monitor;

sub Usage {
	print STDERR "\n\n$progName: collect rxdebug stats on AFS process.\n";
	print STDERR "usage: $progName [options]\n";
	print STDERR "options:\n";
	print STDERR " -s <server>    (required parameter, no default).\n";
	print STDERR " -p <port>      (default: 7000).\n";
	print STDERR " -t <interval>  (default: 1200 seconds).\n";
	print STDERR " -C             \n";
	print STDERR " -h             (help: show this help message).\n\n";
	print STDERR "Example: $progName -s point -p 7000\n";
	print STDERR "Collect statistics on server point for port 7000\n";
	print STDERR "Refresh interval will default to 20 minutes (1200 seconds)\n\n";
	exit 0;
} # Usage

sub Check_data {
	# If a value is going to overflow the field length,
	# then bump the field length to match the value.
	# It won't be pretty but we'll have valid data.
	(length $wproc	> $Ln[0]) ? ($Ln[0] = length $wproc)	: "";
	(length $nobuf	> $Ln[1]) ? ($Ln[1] = length $nobuf)	: "";
	(length $wpack	> $Ln[2]) ? ($Ln[2] = length $wpack)	: "";
	(length $fpack	> $Ln[3]) ? ($Ln[3] = length $fpack)	: "";
	(length $calls	> $Ln[4]) ? ($Ln[4] = length $calls)	: "";
	(length $delta	> $Ln[5]) ? ($Ln[5] = length $delta)	: "";
	(length $data	> $Ln[6]) ? ($Ln[6] = length $data)	: "";
	(length $resend	> $Ln[7]) ? ($Ln[7] = length $resend)	: "";
	(length $idle	> $Ln[8]) ? ($Ln[8] = length $idle)	: "";
} # Check_data

sub Header {
    if ($csvmode != 1) {
    	print "\nhh:mm:ss wproc nobufs   wpack  fpack    calls     delta  data      resends  idle\n";
    } else { # assume CSV mode...
    	print "\nhh:mm:ss,wproc,nobufs,wpack,fpack,calls,delta,data,resends,idle\n";
} # Header

# don't buffer the output
$| = 1;

# snag program name (drop the full pathname) :
$progName = $0;
$tmpName= "";
GETPROG: while ($letr = chop($progName)) {
	$_ = $letr;
	/\// && last GETPROG;
	$tmpName .= $letr;
$progName = reverse($tmpName);

# set the defaults for server, port, and delay interval
$server	= "";
$port	= 7000;
$delay	= 1200;
$csvmove = 0;

# any parms?
while ($_ = shift(@ARGV)) {
		/^-[pP]/ && do {
			$port = shift(@ARGV);
			last GETPARMS;
		/^-[sS]/ && do {
			$server = shift(@ARGV);
			last GETPARMS;
		/^-[tT]/ && do {
			$delay = shift(@ARGV);
			last GETPARMS;
		/^-C/ && do {
			$csvmode = 1;
			last GETPARMS;
		/^-[hH\?]/ && do {
		/^-/ && do {

# if they didn't give us a server name, we can't run
if ($server eq "") {
else {
	print "\nServer: $server, Port: $port, Interval $delay seconds\n";
	system date;

# clear the counters for the first run
$wproc	= 0;
$wpack	= 0;
$fpack	= 0;
$calls	= 0;
$data	= 0;
$resend	= 0;
$nobuf	= 0;
$idle	= 0;
$oldcall = 0;

# set the default field format lengths for
# wproc,nobuf,wpack,fpack,calls,delta,data,resend,idle
@Ln = (5,8,6,8,9,6,9,8,4);

# force header display on first call
$firstrun = 1;

# run until we get cancelled
while (1) {
	# show the column headers for every 20 lines of data
    if ($firstrun == 1) {
        $firstrun = 0;
	if ($linecnt >= 20) {
        if ($csvmode != 1) {
		$linecnt = 1;
	else {

	# snag the current time
	($sec,$min,$hour,$mday,$month,$year,$wday,$yday,$isDST) = localtime();

	# fire the command and collect the stats

	$rx = rxdebug(servers => $server,
		port => $port,
		rxstats => 1,
		noconns => 1

	# $wpack doesn't seem to have a corresponding value.
        # It is always zero.

	$tstats = $rx->{tstats};

	$wproc = $tstats->{nWaiting};
	$fpack = $tstats->{nFreePackets};
	$calls = $tstats->{callsExecuted};
	if ($oldcall > 0) {
		$delta = $calls - $oldcall;
	else {
		$delta = 0;
	$oldcall = $calls;
	$rxstats = $rx->{rxstats};
	$data = $rxstats->{dataPacketsSent};
	$resend = $rxstats->{dataPacketsReSent};
	$nobuf = $rxstats->{noPacketBuffersOnRead};
	$idle = $tstats->{idleThreads};

	# verify and fix field format lengths

    if ($csvmode != 1) {
    	# output the timestamp and current results
    	printf "%2.2d:%2.2d:%2.2d ", $hour,$min,$sec;
    	printf "%-$Ln[0].0f %-$Ln[1].0f %-$Ln[2].0f %-$Ln[3].0f ",
    	printf "%-$Ln[4].0f %-$Ln[5].0f %-$Ln[6].0f %-$Ln[7].0f %-$Ln[8].0f\n",
    } else { # must be csv mode then...
    	printf "%2.2d:%2.2d:%2.2d,", $hour,$min,$sec;
    	printf "$wproc,$nobuf,$wpack,$fpack";
    	printf "$calls,$delta,$data,$resend,$idle\n";

	# delay for the required interval


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lib/AFS/  view on Meta::CPAN

# Perl bindings for the PAG functions in libkafs.
# This is the Perl boostrap file for the AFS::PAG module, nearly all of which
# is implemented in XS.  For the actual source, see PAG.xs.  This file
# contains the bootstrap and export code and the documentation.
# Written by Russ Allbery <>
# Copyright 2013
#     The Board of Trustees of the Leland Stanford Junior University
# Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a
# copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"),
# to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation
# the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense,
# and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the
# Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
# The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
# all copies or substantial portions of the Software.

package AFS::PAG;

use 5.008;
use strict;
use warnings;

use base qw(DynaLoader);

use Exporter qw(import);


# Set all import-related variables in a BEGIN block for robustness.
    @EXPORT_OK = qw(hasafs haspag setpag unlog);
    $VERSION   = '1.02';

# Load the binary module.
bootstrap AFS::PAG $VERSION;


=for stopwords
Allbery AFS PAG libkafs libkopenafs Kerberos aklog UID kdestroy

=head1 NAME

AFS::PAG - Perl bindings for AFS PAG manipulation


    use AFS::PAG qw(hasafs setpag unlog);

    if (hasafs()) {
        system('aklog') == 0
          or die "cannot get tokens\n";


AFS is a distributed file system allowing cross-platform sharing of files
among multiple computers.  It associates client credentials (called AFS
tokens) with a Process Authentication Group, or PAG.  AFS::PAG makes
available in Perl the PAG manipulation functions provided by the libkafs
or libkopenafs libraries.

With the functions provided by this module, a Perl program can detect
whether AFS is available on the local system (hasafs()) and whether it is
currently running inside a PAG (haspag()).  It can also create a new PAG
and put the current process in it (setpag()) and remove any AFS tokens in
the current PAG (unlog()).

Note that this module doesn't provide a direct way to obtain new AFS
tokens.  Programs that need AFS tokens should normally obtain Kerberos
tickets (via whatever means) and then run the program B<aklog>, which
comes with most AFS distributions.  This program will create AFS tokens
from the current Kerberos ticket cache and store them in the current PAG.
To isolate those credentials from the rest of the system, call setpag()
before running B<aklog>.


This module provides the following functions, none of which are exported
by default:

=over 4

=item hasafs()

Returns true if the local host is running an AFS client and false

=item haspag()

Returns true if the current process is running inside a PAG and false
otherwise.  AFS tokens obtained outside of a PAG are visible to any
process on the system outside of a PAG running as the same UID.  AFS
tokens obtained inside a PAG are visible to any process in the same PAG,
regardless of UID.

=item setpag()

Creates a new, empty PAG and put the current process in it.  This should
normally be called before obtaining new AFS tokens to isolate those tokens
from other processes on the system.  Returns true on success and throws
an exception on failure.

=item unlog()

Deletes all AFS tokens in the current PAG, similar to the action of
B<kdestroy> on a Kerberos ticket cache.  Returns true on success and
throws an exception on failure.



=over 4

=item PAG creation failed: %s

setpag() failed.  The end of the error message will be a translation of
the system call error number.

=item Token deletion failed: %s

unlog() failed.  The end of the error message will be a translation of
the system call error number.



This module currently doesn't provide the k_pioctl() or pioctl() function
to make lower-level AFS system calls.  It also doesn't provide the libkafs
functions to obtain AFS tokens from Kerberos tickets directly without using
an external ticket cache.  This prevents use of internal Kerberos ticket
caches (such as memory caches), since the Kerberos tickets used to generate
AFS tokens have to be visible to an external B<aklog> program.

=head1 AUTHOR

Russ Allbery <>

=head1 SEE ALSO


The current version of this module is always available from its web site
at L<>.


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src/ACL/  view on Meta::CPAN

package AFS::ACL;
# RCS-Id: "@(#)$RCS-Id: src/ACL/ 7a64d4d Wed May 1 22:05:49 2013 +0200 Norbert E Gruener$"
# © 2001-2011 Norbert E. Gruener <>
# This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
# under the same terms as Perl itself.

use AFS ();

use vars qw(@ISA $VERSION);

@ISA     = qw(AFS);
$VERSION = 'v2.6.4';

sub new {
    my ($this, $class);
    # this whole construct is to please the old version from Roland
    if ($_[0] =~ /AFS::ACL/) {
        $this  = shift;
        $class = ref($this) || $this;
    else {
        $class = 'AFS::ACL';

    my $pos_rights = shift;
    my $neg_rights = shift;

    my $self  = [{}, {}];
    if (defined $pos_rights) { %{$self->[0]} = %$pos_rights; }
    if (defined $neg_rights) { %{$self->[1]} = %$neg_rights; }

    bless $self, $class;

sub copy {
    my $self = shift;

    my $class = ref($self) || $self;
    my $new   = [{}, {}];

    %{$new->[0]} = %{$self->[0]};
    %{$new->[1]} = %{$self->[1]};
    bless $new, $class;

sub apply {
    my $self   = shift;
    my $path   = shift;
    my $follow = shift;

    $follow = 1 unless defined $follow;
    AFS::setacl($path, $self, $follow);

sub retrieve {
    my $class  = shift;
    my $path   = shift;
    my $follow = shift;

    $follow = 1 unless defined $follow;
    AFS::_getacl($path, $follow);

sub modifyacl {
    my $self   = shift;
    my $path   = shift;
    my $follow = shift;

    my $newacl;

    $follow = 1 unless defined $follow;
    if ($newacl = AFS::_getacl($path, $follow)) {
        AFS::setacl($path, $newacl, $follow);
    else { return 0; }

sub copyacl {
    my $class  = shift;
    my $from   = shift;
    my $to     = shift;
    my $follow = shift;

    my $acl;

    $follow = 1 unless defined $follow;
    if ($acl = AFS::_getacl($from, $follow)) { AFS::setacl($to, $acl, $follow); }
    else { return 0; }

sub cleanacl {
    my $class  = shift;
    my $path   = shift;
    my $follow = shift;

    my $acl;

    $follow = 1 unless defined $follow;
    if (! defined ($acl = AFS::_getacl($path, $follow))) { return 0; }
    if ($acl->is_clean) { return 1; }
    AFS::setacl($path, $acl, $follow);

sub crights {
    my $class = shift;


sub ascii2rights {
    my $class  = shift;


sub rights2ascii {
    my $class = shift;


# old form  DEPRECATED !!!!
sub addacl {
    my $self = shift;
    my $macl = shift;

    foreach my $key ($macl->keys)  { $self->set($key, $macl->get($key)); }
    foreach my $key ($macl->nkeys) { $self->nset($key, $macl->nget($key)); }
    return $self;

sub add {
    my $self = shift;
    my $acl  = shift;

    foreach my $user ($acl->get_users)  { $self->set($user,  $acl->get_rights($user)); }
    foreach my $user ($acl->nget_users) { $self->nset($user, $acl->nget_rights($user)); }
    return $self;

sub is_clean {
    my $self = shift;

    foreach ($self->get_users, $self->nget_users) { return 0 if (m/^-?\d+$/); }
    return 1;

# comment Roland Schemers: I hope I don't have to debug these :-)
sub empty      { $_[0] = bless [ {},{} ]; }
sub get_users  { CORE::keys %{$_[0]->[0]}; }
sub length     { int(CORE::keys %{$_[0]->[0]}); }
sub get_rights { ${$_[0]->[0]}{$_[1]}; }
sub exists     { CORE::exists ${$_[0]->[0]}{$_[1]}; }
sub set        { ${$_[0]->[0]}{$_[1]} = $_[2]; }
sub remove     { delete ${$_[0]->[0]}{$_[1]}; }
sub clear      { $_[0]->[0] = {}; }

sub keys { CORE::keys %{$_[0]->[0]}; }    # old form:  DEPRECATED !!!!
sub get  { ${$_[0]->[0]}{$_[1]}; }        # old form:  DEPRECATED !!!!
sub del  { delete ${$_[0]->[0]}{$_[1]}; } # old form:  DEPRECATED !!!!

# comment Roland Schemers: same for negative entries
sub nget_users  { CORE::keys %{$_[0]->[1]}; }
sub nlength     { int(CORE::keys %{$_[0]->[1]}); }
sub nget_rights { ${$_[0]->[1]}{$_[1]}; }
sub nexists     { CORE::exists ${$_[0]->[1]}{$_[1]}; }
sub nset        { ${$_[0]->[1]}{$_[1]} = $_[2]; }
sub nremove     { delete ${$_[0]->[1]}{$_[1]}; }
sub nclear      { $_[0]->[1] = {}; }

sub nkeys { CORE::keys %{$_[0]->[1]}; }    # old form:  DEPRECATED !!!!
sub nget  { ${$_[0]->[1]}{$_[1]}; }        # old form:  DEPRECATED !!!!
sub ndel  { delete ${$_[0]->[1]}{$_[1]}; } # old form:  DEPRECATED !!!!


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example/  view on Meta::CPAN


=head1 NAME --mode [watch|list|notify] --type [problem|recovery] \
                --name [AIN|switch name] --label <label> --debug \
                --config <path-to-perl-config>


Simple example how to use L<"AHA"> for controlling AVM AHA switches. I.e. 
it is used for using a Lava Lamp as a Nagios Notification handler.

It also tries to check that:


=item * 

The lamp can be switched on only during certain time periods

=item *

The lamp doesn't run longer than a maximum time (e.g. 6 hours) 

=item *

That the lamp is not switched on again after being switched off within a
certain time period (C<$LAMP_REST_TIME>)

=item *

That manual switches are detected and recorded


This script knows three modes:


=item watch

The "watch" mode is used for ensuring that the lamp is not switched on for
certain time i.e. during the night. The Variable C<$LAMP_ON_TIME_TABLE> can be
used to customize the time ranges on a weekday basis. 

=item notify

The "notify" mode is used by a notification handler, e.g. from Nagios or from
Jenkins. In this mode, the C<type> parameter is used for signaling whether the
lamp should be switched on ("problem") or off ("recovery").

=item list

This scripts logs all activities in a log file C<$LOG_FILE>. With the "list"
mode, all history entries can be viewed. 



# ===========================================================================
# Configuration section

# Configuration required for accessing the switch. 
     # AVM AHA Host for controlling the devices 
     host => "",
     # AVM AHA Password for connecting to the $AHA_HOST     
     password => "s!cr!t",
     # AVM AHA user role (undef if no roles are in use)
     user => undef,
     # Name of AVM AHA switch
     id => "Lava Lamp"

# Time how long the lamp should be at least be kept switched off (seconds)
my $LAMP_REST_TIME = 60 * 60;

# Maximum time a lamp can be on 
my $LAMP_MAX_TIME = 5 * 60 * 60; # 5 hours

# When the lamp can be switched on. The values can contain multiple time
# windows defined as arrays
     "Sun" => [ ["7:55",  "23:00"] ],
     "Mon" => [ ["6:55",  "23:00"] ],
     "Tue" => [ ["13:55", "23:00"] ],
     "Wed" => [ ["13:55", "23:00"] ],
     "Thu" => [ ["13:55", "23:00"] ],
     "Fri" => [ ["6:55",  "23:00"] ],
     "Sat" => [ ["7:55",  "23:00"] ],     

# File holding the lamp's status
my $STATUS_FILE = "/var/run/lamp.status";

# Log file where to log to 
my $LOG_FILE = "/var/log/lamp.log";

# Stop file, when, if exists, keeps the lamp off
my $OFF_FILE = "/tmp/lamp_off";

# Time back in passed assumed when switching was done manually (seconds)
# I.e. if a manual state change is detected, it is assumed that it was back 
# that amount of seconds in the past (5 minutes here)
my $MANUAL_DELTA = 5 * 60;

# Maximum number of history entries to store

# ============================================================================
# End of configuration

use Storable qw(fd_retrieve store_fd store retrieve);
use Data::Dumper;
use feature qw(say);
use Fcntl qw(:flock);
use Getopt::Long;
use strict;

my %opts = ();
GetOptions(\%opts, 'type=s','mode=s','debug!','name=s','label=s','config=s');

my $DEBUG = $opts{debug};
read_config_file($opts{config}) if $opts{config};

my $mode = $opts{'mode'} || "list";

# List mode doesnt need a connection
list() and exit if $mode eq "list";

# Open status and lock
my $status = fetch_status();

# Name and connection parameters
my $lamp = open_lamp($SWITCH_CONFIG,$opts{name});

# Check current switch state    
my $is_on = $lamp->is_on();

# Log a manual switch which might has happened in between checks or notification

if ($mode eq "watch") {
   # Watchdog mode If the lamp is on but out of the period, switch it
    # off. Also, if it is running alredy for too long. $off_file can be used 
    # to switch it always off.
    my $in_period = check_on_period();
    if ($is_on && (-e $OFF_FILE || 
                   !$in_period || 
                   lamp_on_for_too_long($status))) {
        # Switch off lamp whether the stop file is switched on when we are off the
        # time window    
    } elsif (!$is_on && $in_period && has_trigger($status)) {
} elsif ($mode eq "notif") {
    my $type = $opts{type} || die "No notification type given";
    if (lc($type) =~ /^(problem|custom)$/ && !$is_on) {
        if (check_on_period()) {
            # If it is a problem and the lamp is not on, switch it on, 
            # but only if the lamp is not 'hot' (i.e. was not switch off only 
            # $LAMP_REST_TIME
            my $last_hist = get_last_entry($status);
            my $rest_time = time - $LAMP_REST_TIME;
            if (!$last_hist || $last_hist->[0] < $rest_time) {
            } else {
                info("Lamp not switched on because the lamp was switched off just before ",
                     time - $last_hist->[0]," seconds");
        } else {
            # Notification received offtime, remember to switch on the lamp
            # when in time
            info("Notification received in an off-period: type = ",$type," | ",$opts{label});
    } elsif (lc($type) eq 'recovery') {
        if ($is_on) {
            # If it is a recovery switch it off
        } else {
            # It's already off, but remove any trigger marker
    } else {
        info("Notification: No state change. Type = ",$type,", State = ",$is_on ? "On" : "Off",
            " | Check Period: ",check_on_period());
} else {
    die "Unknow mode '",$mode,"'";

if ($DEBUG) {

# Logout, we are done


# ================================================================================================

sub info {
    if (open (F,">>$LOG_FILE")) {
        print F scalar(localtime),": ",join("",@_),"\n";
        close F;

# List the status file
sub list {
    my $status = retrieve $STATUS_FILE;
    my $hist_entries = $status->{hist};
    for my $hist (@{$hist_entries}) {
        print scalar(localtime($hist->[0])),": ",$hist->[1] ? "On " : "Off"," -- ",$hist->[2]," : ",$hist->[3],"\n";
    print "Content: ",Dumper($status) if $DEBUG;
    return 1;

# Create empty status file if necessary
sub init_status {
    my $status = {};
    $status->{hist} = [];
    if (! -e $STATUS_FILE) {
        store $status,$STATUS_FILE;

sub log_manual_switch {
    my $status = shift;
    my $is_on = shift;
    my $last = get_last_entry($status);
    if ($last && $is_on != $last->[1]) {
        # Change has been manualy in between the interval. Add an approx history entry

sub update_status {
    my $status = shift;
    my $is_on = shift;
    my $mode = shift;
    my $time = shift || time;
    my $label = shift;
    my $hist = $status->{hist};
    push @{$hist},[ $time, $is_on, $mode, $label];
    info($is_on ? "On " : "Off"," -- ",$mode, $label ? ": " . $label : "");

sub estimate_manual_time {
    my $status = shift;
    my $last_hist = get_last_entry($status);
    if ($last_hist) {
        my $now = time;
        my $last = $last_hist->[0];
        my $calc = $now - $MANUAL_DELTA;
        return $calc > $last ? $calc : $now - int(($now - $last) / 2);
    } else {
        return time - $MANUAL_DELTA;

sub get_last_entry {
    my $status = shift;
    if ($status) {
        my $hist = $status->{hist};
        return  $hist && @$hist ? $hist->[$#{$hist}] : undef;
    return undef;

sub check_on_period {
    my ($min,$hour,$wd) = (localtime)[1,2,6];
    my $day = qw(Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat)[$wd];
    my $periods = $LAMP_ON_TIME_TABLE->{$day};
    for my $period (@$periods) {
        my ($low,$high) = @$period;
        my ($lh,$lm) = split(/:/,$low);
        my ($hh,$hm) = split(/:/,$high);
        my $m = $hour * 60 + $min;
        return 1 if $m >= ($lh * 60 + $lm) && $m <= ($hh * 60 + $hm);
    return 0;

sub lamp_on_for_too_long {
    my $status = shift;
    # Check if the lamp was on for more than max time in the duration now - max
    # time + 1 hour
    my $current = time;
    my $low_time = $current - $LAMP_MAX_TIME - $LAMP_REST_TIME;
    my $on_time = 0;
    my $hist = $status->{hist};
    my $i = $#{$hist};
    while ($current > $low_time && $i >= 0) {
        my $t = $hist->[$i]->[0];
        $on_time += $current - $t if $hist->[$i]->[1];
        $current = $t;
    if ($on_time >= $LAMP_MAX_TIME) {
        info("Lamp was on for " . $on_time . "s in the last " . ($LAMP_MAX_TIME + $LAMP_REST_TIME) . "s and is switched off now"); 
        return 1;
    } else {
        return 0;

sub read_config_file {
    my $file = shift;
    open (F,$file) || die "Cannot read config file ",$file,": ",$!;
    my $config = join "",<F>;
    close F;
    eval $config;
    die "Error evaluating $config: ",$@ if $@;    

sub delete_trigger {
    my $status = shift;
    delete $status->{trigger_mark};
    delete $status->{trigger_label};

sub set_trigger {
    my $status = shift;
    my $label = shift;
    $status->{trigger_mark} = 1;
    $status->{trigger_label} = $label;

sub has_trigger {
    return shift->{trigger_mark};

sub trigger_label {
    return shift->{trigger_label};

# ====================================================
# Status file handling including locking

my $status_fh;

sub fetch_status {
    open ($status_fh,"+<$STATUS_FILE") || die "Cannot open $STATUS_FILE: $!";
    $status = fd_retrieve($status_fh) || die "Cannot read $STATUS_FILE: $!";
    return $status;

sub store_status {
    my $status = shift;
    # Truncate history if necessary
    # Store status and unlock
    seek($status_fh, 0, 0); truncate($status_fh, 0);
    store_fd $status,$status_fh;
    close $status_fh;    

sub truncate_hist {
    my $status = shift;

    my $hist = $status->{hist};
    my $len = scalar(@$hist);
    splice @$hist,0,$len - $MAX_HISTORY_ENTRIES if $len > $MAX_HISTORY_ENTRIES;
    $status->{hist} = $hist;

# ==========================================================================
# Customize the following call and class in order to use a different 
# switch than AVM AHA's
sub open_lamp {
    my $config = shift;
    my $name = shift || $config->{id};
    return new Lamp($name,

sub close_lamp {
    my $lamp = shift;

package Lamp;

use AHA;

sub new { 
    my $class = shift;
    my $name = shift;
    my $host = shift;
    my $password = shift;
    my $user = shift;

    my $aha = new AHA($host,$password,$user);
    my $switch = new AHA::Switch($aha,$name);
    my $self = {
                aha => $aha,
                switch => $switch
    return bless $self,$class;

sub is_on {

sub on { 

sub off { 

sub logout {

=head1 LICENSE is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version. is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with  If not, see <>.

=head1 AUTHOR


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examples/  view on Meta::CPAN

use strict;
use warnings;
use Benchmark qw(:all);
use AI::ANN::Neuron;

my %data = (id => 1, inputs => [ 4*rand()-2, 4*rand()-2, 4*rand()-2,
								 4*rand()-2, 4*rand()-2 ],
					 neurons => [ 4*rand()-2, 4*rand()-2, 4*rand()-2, 
								  4*rand()-2, 4*rand()-2 ]);
my $object1 = new AI::ANN::Neuron ( %data, inline_c => 0 );
my $object2 = new AI::ANN::Neuron ( %data, inline_c => 1 );
my @data = ( [ 4*rand()-2, 4*rand()-2, 4*rand()-2, 4*rand()-2, 4*rand()-2 ],
			 [ 4*rand()-2, 4*rand()-2, 4*rand()-2, 4*rand()-2, 4*rand()-2 ]);
cmpthese( -1, { 'pure_perl' => sub{$object1->execute(@data)},
				'inline_c'  => sub{$object2->execute(@data)} });

use Math::Libm qw(erf M_PI);
use Inline C => <<'END_C';
#include <math.h>
double afunc[4001];	
double dafunc[4001];
void generate_globals() {
	int i;
	for (i=0;i<=4000;i++) {
		afunc[i] = 2 * (erf(i/1000.0-2));
		dafunc[i] = 4 / sqrt(M_PI) * pow(exp(-1 * ((i/1000.0-2))), 2);
double afunc_c (float input) {
	return afunc[(int) floor((input)*1000)+2000];
double dafunc_c (float input) {
	return dafunc[(int) floor((input)*1000)+2000];

timethis(-1, 'generate_globals()');

sub afunc_pp {
	return 2 * erf(int((shift)*1000)/1000);
sub dafunc_pp {
	return 4 / sqrt(M_PI) * exp( -1 * ((int((shift)*1000)/1000) ** 2) );

cmpthese( -1, { 'afunc_c'  => sub{afunc_c(4*rand()-2)},
				'afunc_pp' => sub{afunc_pp(4*rand()-2)} });

cmpthese( -1, { 'dafunc_c'  => sub{dafunc_c(4*rand()-2)},
				'dafunc_pp' => sub{dafunc_pp(4*rand()-2)} });

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lib/AI/  view on Meta::CPAN

package AI::CBR;

use warnings;
use strict;

=head1 NAME

AI::CBR - Framework for Case-Based Reasoning

=head1 VERSION

Version 0.02


our $VERSION = '0.02';


    use AI::CBR::Sim qw(sim_eq ...);
    use AI::CBR::Case;
    use AI::CBR::Retrieval;

    my $case = AI::CBR::Case->new(...);
    my $r = AI::CBR::Retrieval->new($case, \@case_base);


Framework for Case-Based Reasoning in Perl.
For an overview, please see my slides from YAPC::EU 2009.

In brief, you need to specifiy an L<AI::CBR::Case>
with the help of similarity functions from L<AI::CBR::Sim>.
Then you can find similar cases from a case-base
with L<AI::CBR::Retrieval>.

The technical documentation can be found in the
individual modules of this distribution.

=head1 SEE ALSO

=over 4

=item * L<AI::CBR::Sim>

=item * L<AI::CBR::Case>

=item * L<AI::CBR::Case::Compound>

=item * L<AI::CBR::Retrieval>


=head1 AUTHOR

Darko Obradovic, C<< <dobradovic at> >>

=head1 BUGS

Please report any bugs or feature requests to C<bug-ai-cbr at>, or through
the web interface at L<>.  I will be notified, and then you'll
automatically be notified of progress on your bug as I make changes.

=head1 SUPPORT

You can find documentation for this module with the perldoc command.

    perldoc AI::CBR

You can also look for information at:

=over 4

=item * RT: CPAN's request tracker


=item * AnnoCPAN: Annotated CPAN documentation


=item * CPAN Ratings


=item * Search CPAN




Copyright 2009 Darko Obradovic, all rights reserved.

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
under the same terms as Perl itself.


1; # End of AI::CBR::Case

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lib/AI/  view on Meta::CPAN

package AI::CRM114;

use 5.008000;
use strict;
use warnings;
use IPC::Run qw /run/;

our @ISA = qw();

our $VERSION = '0.01';

sub new {
  my $class = shift;
  my $self = { cmd => 'crm', @_ };
  bless $self, $class;
  return $self;

sub classify {
  my ($self, $flags, $files, $text) = @_;

  my $code = qq#-{
    isolate (:stats:);
    classify <@$flags> ( @$files ) (:stats:);
    output /:*:stats:/

  my $o = "";
  my $h = run [$self->{cmd}, $code], \$text, \$o;

  my ($file, $prob, $pr) = $o =~
    /Best match to file \S+ \((.*?)\) +prob: *([0-9.]+) +pR: *([0-9.-]+)/;

  wantarray ? ($file, $prob, $pr) : $file;

sub learn {
  my ($self, $flags, $file, $text) = @_;

  my $code = qq#-{ learn <@$flags> ( $file ) }#;

  my $o = "";
  my $h = run [$self->{cmd}, $code], \$text, \$o;



=head1 NAME

AI::CRM114 - Wrapper for the statistical data classifier CRM114


  use AI::CRM114;
  my $crm = AI::CRM114->new(cmd => '/path/to/crm');

  # Learn new text
  $crm->learn(['osb'], 'spam.css', 'MAKE MONEY FAST');

  # Classify some text
  my $class = $crm->classify(['osb'], ['a.css', 'b.css'], $text);


The CRM114 Discriminator, is a collection of tools to classify data,
e.g. for use in spam filters. This module is a simple wrapper around
the command line executable. Feedback is very welcome, the interface
is unstable. Use with caution.

=head1 METHODS


=item AI::CRM114->new(%options)

Creates a new instance of this class. The following options are


=item cmd => '/path/to/crm'

Specifies the path to the crm executable.


=item $crm->learn(\@flags, $file, $text)

Learn that the text belongs to the file using the specified flags.
Permissable flags are specified in the C<QUICKREF.txt> file that
comes with CRM114. Examples include C<winnow>, C<microgroom>, and

=item classify(\@flags, \@files, $text)

Attempt to correlate the text to one of the files using the
specified flags. Permissable flags are specified in the C<QUICKREF.txt>
file that comes with CRM114. Examples include C<unique>, C<fscm>, and

In scalar context, returns the path of the best matching file.
In list context, returns a list containing the path of the best file,
and the probability and pR values as reported in C<(:stats:)>.


=head1 SEE ALSO



  Copyright (c) 2009 Bjoern Hoehrmann <>.
  This module is licensed under the same terms as Perl itself.


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lib/AI/  view on Meta::CPAN

package AI::Calibrate;

use 5.008008;
use strict;
use warnings;

use vars qw($VERSION);
$VERSION = "1.5";

require Exporter;

our @ISA = qw(Exporter);

# This allows declaration:
#	use AI::Calibrate ':all';
# If you do not need this, moving things directly into @EXPORT or @EXPORT_OK
# will save memory.
our %EXPORT_TAGS = (
    'all' => [

our @EXPORT_OK = ( @{ $EXPORT_TAGS{'all'} } );
our @EXPORT = qw( );

use constant DEBUG => 0;

# Structure slot names
use constant SCORE => 0;
use constant PROB  => 1;

=head1 NAME

AI::Calibrate - Perl module for producing probabilities from classifier scores


  use AI::Calibrate ':all';
  ... train a classifier ...
  ... test classifier on $points ...
  $calibrated = calibrate($points);


Classifiers usually return some sort of an instance score with their
classifications.  These scores can be used as probabilities in various
calculations, but first they need to be I<calibrated>.  Naive Bayes, for
example, is a very useful classifier, but the scores it produces are usually
"bunched" around 0 and 1, making these scores poor probability estimates.
Support vector machines have a similar problem.  Both classifier types should
be calibrated before their scores are used as probability estimates.

This module calibrates classifier scores using a method called the Pool
Adjacent Violators (PAV) algorithm.  After you train a classifier, you take a
(usually separate) set of test instances and run them through the classifier,
collecting the scores assigned to each.  You then supply this set of instances
to the calibrate function defined here, and it will return a set of ranges
mapping from a score range to a probability estimate.

For example, assume you have the following set of instance results from your
classifier.  Each result is of the form C<[ASSIGNED_SCORE, TRUE_CLASS]>:

 my $points = [
              [.9, 1],
              [.8, 1],
              [.7, 0],
              [.6, 1],
              [.55, 1],
              [.5, 1],
              [.45, 0],
              [.4, 1],
              [.35, 1],
              [.3, 0 ],
              [.27, 1],
              [.2, 0 ],
              [.18, 0],
              [.1, 1 ],
              [.02, 0]

If you then call calibrate($points), it will return this structure:

   [.9,    1 ],
   [.7,  3/4 ],
   [.45, 2/3 ],
   [.3,  1/2 ],
   [.2,  1/3 ],
   [.02,   0 ]

This means that, given a SCORE produced by the classifier, you can map the
SCORE onto a probability like this:

               SCORE >= .9        prob = 1
         .9  > SCORE >= .7        prob = 3/4
         .7  > SCORE >= .45       prob = 2/3
         .45 > SCORE >= .3        prob = 3/4
         .2  > SCORE >= .7        prob = 3/4
         .02 > SCORE              prob = 0

For a realistic example of classifier calibration, see the test file
t/AI-Calibrate-NB.t, which uses the AI::NaiveBayes1 module to train a Naive
Bayes classifier then calibrates it using this module.



=over 4

=item B<calibrate>

This is the main calibration function.  The calling form is:

my $calibrated = calibrate( $data, $sorted);

$data looks like: C<[ [score, class], [score, class], [score, class]...]>
Each score is a number.  Each class is either 0 (negative class) or 1
(positive class).

$sorted is boolean (0 by default) indicating whether the data are already
sorted by score.  Unless this is set to 1, calibrate() will sort the data

Calibrate returns a reference to an ordered list of references:

  [ [score, prob], [score, prob], [score, prob] ... ]

Scores will be in descending numerical order.  See the DESCRIPTION section for
how this structure is interpreted.  You can pass this structure to the
B<score_prob> function, along with a new score, to get a probability.


sub calibrate {
    my($data, $sorted) = @_;

    if (DEBUG) {
        print "Original data:\n";
        for my $pair (@$data) {
            my($score, $prob) = @$pair;
            print "($score, $prob)\n";

    #  Copy the data over so PAV can clobber the PROB field
    my $new_data = [ map([@$_], @$data) ];

    #   If not already sorted, sort data decreasing by score
    if (!$sorted) {
        $new_data = [ sort { $b->[SCORE] <=> $a->[SCORE] } @$new_data ];


    if (DEBUG) {
        print("After PAV, vector is:\n");

    my( $last_prob, $last_score);

    push(@$new_data, [-1e10, 0]);

    for my $pair (@$new_data) {
        print "Seeing @$pair\n" if DEBUG;
        my($score, $prob) = @$pair;
        if (defined($last_prob) and $prob < $last_prob) {
            print("Pushing [$last_score, $last_prob]\n") if DEBUG;
            push(@result, [$last_score, $last_prob] );
        $last_prob = $prob;
        $last_score = $score;

    return \@result;

sub PAV {
    my ( $result ) = @_;

    for ( my $i = 0; $i < @$result - 1; $i++ ) {
        if ( $result->[$i][PROB] < $result->[ $i + 1 ][PROB] ) {
            $result->[$i][PROB] =
                ( $result->[$i][PROB] + $result->[ $i + 1 ][PROB] ) / 2;
            $result->[ $i + 1 ][PROB] = $result->[$i][PROB];
            print "Averaging elements $i and ", $i + 1, "\n" if DEBUG;

            for ( my $j = $i - 1; $j >= 0; $j-- ) {
                if ( $result->[$j][PROB] < $result->[ $i + 1 ][PROB] ) {
                    my $d = ( $i + 1 ) - $j + 1;
                    flatten( $result, $j, $d );
                else {

sub print_vector {
    my($vec) = @_;
    for my $pair (@$vec) {
        print join(", ", @$pair), "\n";

sub flatten {
    my ( $vec, $start, $len ) = @_;
    if (DEBUG) {
        print "Flatten called on vec, $start, $len\n";
        print "Vector before: \n";

    my $sum = 0;
    for my $i ( $start .. $start + $len-1 ) {
        $sum += $vec->[$i][PROB];
    my $avg = $sum / $len;
    print "Sum = $sum, avg = $avg\n" if DEBUG;
    for my $i ( $start .. $start + $len -1) {
        $vec->[$i][PROB] = $avg;
    if (DEBUG) {
        print "Vector after: \n";

=item B<score_prob>

This is a simple utility function that takes the structure returned by
B<calibrate>, along with a new score, and returns the probability estimate.
Example calling form:

  $p = score_prob($calibrated, $score);

Once you have a trained, calibrated classifier, you could imagine using it
like this:

 $calibrated = calibrate( $calibration_set );
 print "Input instances, one per line:\n";
 while (<>) {
    my(@fields) = split;
    my $score = classifier(@fields);
    my $prob = score_prob($score);
    print "Estimated probability: $prob\n";


sub score_prob {
    my($calibrated, $score) = @_;

    my $last_prob = 1.0;

    for my $tuple (@$calibrated) {
        my($bound, $prob) = @$tuple;
        return $prob if $score >= $bound;
        $last_prob = $prob;
    #  If we drop off the end, probability estimate is zero
    return 0;

=item B<print_mapping>

This is a simple utility function that takes the structure returned by
B<calibrate> and prints out a simple list of lines describing the mapping

Example calling form:


Sample output:

  1.00 > SCORE >= 1.00     prob = 1.000
  1.00 > SCORE >= 0.71     prob = 0.667
  0.71 > SCORE >= 0.39     prob = 0.000
  0.39 > SCORE >= 0.00     prob = 0.000

These ranges are not necessarily compressed/optimized, as this sample output


sub print_mapping {
    my($calibrated) = @_;
    my $last_bound = 1.0;
    for my $tuple (@$calibrated) {
        my($bound, $prob) = @$tuple;
        printf("%0.3f > SCORE >= %0.3f     prob = %0.3f\n",
               $last_bound, $bound, $prob);
        $last_bound = $bound;
    if ($last_bound != 0) {
        printf("%0.3f > SCORE >= %0.3f     prob = %0.3f\n",
               $last_bound, 0, 0);

=head1 DETAILS

The PAV algorithm is conceptually straightforward.  Given a set of training
cases ordered by the scores assigned by the classifier, it first assigns a
probability of one to each positive instance and a probability of zero to each
negative instance, and puts each instance in its own group.  It then looks, at
each iteration, for adjacent violators: adjacent groups whose probabilities
locally increase rather than decrease.  When it finds such groups, it pools
them and replaces their probability estimates with the average of the group's
values.  It continues this process of averaging and replacement until the
entire sequence is monotonically decreasing.  The result is a sequence of
instances, each of which has a score and an associated probability estimate,
which can then be used to map scores into probability estimates.

For further information on the PAV algorithm, you can read the section in my
paper referenced below.

=head1 EXPORT

This module exports three functions: calibrate, score_prob and print_mapping.

=head1 BUGS

None known.  This implementation is straightforward but inefficient (its time
is O(n^2) in the length of the data series).  A linear time algorithm is
known, and in a later version of this module I'll probably implement it.

=head1 SEE ALSO

The AI::NaiveBayes1 perl module.

My paper "PAV and the ROC Convex Hull" has a good discussion of the PAV
algorithm, including examples:

If you want to read more about the general issue of classifier calibration,
here are some good papers, which are freely available on the web:

I<"Transforming classifier scores into accurate multiclass probability estimates">
by Bianca Zadrozny and Charles Elkan

I<"Predicting Good Probabilities With Supervised Learning">
by A. Niculescu-Mizil and R. Caruana

=head1 AUTHOR

Tom Fawcett, E<lt>tom.fawcett@gmail.comE<gt>


Copyright (C) 2008-2012 by Tom Fawcett

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the same terms as Perl itself, either Perl version 5.8.8 or,
at your option, any later version of Perl 5 you may have available.


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eg/  view on Meta::CPAN


# This script is a fairly simple demonstration of how AI::Categorizer
# can be used.  There are lots of other less-simple demonstrations
# (actually, they're doing much simpler things, but are probably
# harder to follow) in the tests in the t/ subdirectory.  The
# eg/categorizer script can also be a good example if you're willing
# to figure out a bit how it works.
# This script reads a training corpus from a directory of plain-text
# documents, trains a Naive Bayes categorizer on it, then tests the
# categorizer on a set of test documents.

use strict;
use AI::Categorizer;
use AI::Categorizer::Collection::Files;
use AI::Categorizer::Learner::NaiveBayes;
use File::Spec;

die("Usage: $0 <corpus>\n".
    "  A sample corpus (data set) can be downloaded from\n".
    "  or\n")
  unless @ARGV == 1;

my $corpus = shift;

my $training  = File::Spec->catfile( $corpus, 'training' );
my $test      = File::Spec->catfile( $corpus, 'test' );
my $cats      = File::Spec->catfile( $corpus, 'cats.txt' );
my $stopwords = File::Spec->catfile( $corpus, 'stopwords' );

my %params;
if (-e $stopwords) {
  $params{stopword_file} = $stopwords;
} else {
  warn "$stopwords not found - no stopwords will be used.\n";

if (-e $cats) {
  $params{category_file} = $cats;
} else {
  die "$cats not found - can't proceed without category information.\n";

# In a real-world application these Collection objects could be of any
# type (any Collection subclass).  Or you could create each Document
# object manually.  Or you could let the KnowledgeSet create the
# Collection objects for you.

$training = AI::Categorizer::Collection::Files->new( path => $training, %params );
$test     = AI::Categorizer::Collection::Files->new( path => $test, %params );

# We turn on verbose mode so you can watch the progress of loading &
# training.  This looks nicer if you have Time::Progress installed!

print "Loading training set\n";
my $k = AI::Categorizer::KnowledgeSet->new( verbose => 1 );
$k->load( collection => $training );

print "Training categorizer\n";
my $l = AI::Categorizer::Learner::NaiveBayes->new( verbose => 1 );
$l->train( knowledge_set => $k );

print "Categorizing test set\n";
my $experiment = $l->categorize_collection( collection => $test );

print $experiment->stats_table;

# If you want to get at the specific assigned categories for a
# specific document, you can do it like this:

my $doc = AI::Categorizer::Document->new
  ( content => "Hello, I am a pretty generic document with not much to say." );

my $h = $l->categorize( $doc );

print ("For test document:\n",
       "  Best category = ", $h->best_category, "\n",
       "  All categories = ", join(', ', $h->categories), "\n");

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lib/AI/  view on Meta::CPAN

package AI::Chat;

use strict;
use warnings;

use Carp;
use HTTP::Tiny;
use JSON::PP;

our $VERSION = '0.2';

my $http = HTTP::Tiny->new;

# Create Chat object
sub new {
    my $class = shift;
    my %attr  = @_;

    $attr{'error'}      = '';

    $attr{'api'}        = 'OpenAI' unless $attr{'api'};
    $attr{'error'}      = 'Invalid API' unless $attr{'api'} eq 'OpenAI';
    $attr{'error'}      = 'API Key missing' unless $attr{'key'};

    $attr{'model'}      = 'gpt-3.5-turbo-0125' unless $attr{'model'};

    return bless \%attr, $class;

# Define endpoints for APIs
my %url    = (
    'OpenAI' => '',

# Define HTTP Headers for APIs
my %header = (
    'OpenAI' => &_get_header_openai,

# Returns true if last operation was success
sub success {
    my $self = shift;
    return !$self->{'error'};

# Returns error if last operation failed
sub error {
    my $self = shift;
    return $self->{'error'};

# Header for calling OpenAI
sub _get_header_openai {
    my $self = shift;
    $self->{'key'} = '' unless defined $self->{'key'};
    return {
         'Authorization' => 'Bearer ' . $self->{'key'},
         'Content-type'  => 'application/json'
 # Get a reply from a single prompt
 sub prompt {
     my ($self, $prompt, $temperature) = @_;
     $self->{'error'} = '';
     unless ($prompt) {
         $self->{'error'} = "Missing prompt calling 'prompt' method";
         return undef;

    $temperature = 1.0 unless $temperature;

    my @messages;
    push @messages, {
        role    => 'system',
        content => $self->{'role'},
    } if $self->{'role'};
    push @messages, {
        role    => 'user',
        content => $prompt,

    my $response = $http->post($url{$self->{'api'}}, {
         'headers' => {
             'Authorization' => 'Bearer ' . $self->{'key'},
             'Content-type'  => 'application/json'
         content => encode_json {
             model     => $self->{'model'},
             messages  => [ @messages ],
             temperature    => $temperature,
     if ($response->{'content'} =~ 'invalid_api_key') {
         croak 'Incorrect API Key - check your API Key is correct';
     if ($self->{'debug'} and !$response->{'success'}) {
         croak $response if $self->{'debug'} eq 'verbose';
         croak $response->{'content'};

     my $reply = decode_json($response->{'content'});
     return $reply->{'choices'}[0]->{'message'}->{'content'};


=head1 NAME

AI::Chat - Interact with AI Chat APIs

=head1 VERSION

Version 0.2


  use AI::Chat;

  my $chat  = AI::Chat->new(
      key   => 'your-api-key',
      api   => 'OpenAI',
      model => 'gpt-3.5-turbo-0125',

  my $reply = $chat->prompt("What is the meaning of life?");
  print $reply;


This module provides a simple interface for interacting with AI Chat APIs,
currently supporting OpenAI.

The AI chat agent can be given a I<role> and then passed I<prompts>.  It will
reply to the prompts in natural language.  Being AI, the responses are
non-deterministic, that is, the same prompt will result in diferent responses
on different occasions.

Further control of the creativity of the responses is possible by specifying
at optional I<temperature> parameter.

=head1 API KEYS

A free OpenAI API can be obtained from L<>

=head1 MODELS

Although the API Key is free, each use incurs a cost.  This is dependent on the
number of tokens in the prompt and the reply.  Different models have different costs.
The default model C<gpt-3.5-turbo-0125> is the lowest cost of the useful models and
is a good place to start using this module.

See also L<>

=head1 METHODS

=head2 new

  my $chat = AI::Chat->new(%params);

Creates a new AI::Chat object.

=head3 Parameters

=over 4

=item key

C<required> Your API key for the chosen service.

=item api

The API to use (currently only 'OpenAI' is supported).

=item model

The language model to use (default: 'gpt-3.5-turbo-0125').

See L<>

=item role

The role to use for the bot in conversations.

This tells the bot what it's purpose when answering prompts.

For example: "You are a world class copywriter famed for
creating content that is immediately engaging with a
lighthearted, storytelling style".

=item debug

Used for testing.  If set to any true value, the prompt method
will return details of the error encountered instead of C<undef>


=head2 prompt

  my $reply = $chat->prompt($prompt, $temperature);

Sends a prompt to the AI Chat API and returns the response.

=head3 Parameters

=over 4

=item prompt

C<required> The prompt to send to the AI.

=item temperature

The creativity level of the response (default: 1.0).

Temperature ranges from 0 to 2.  The higher the temperature,
the more creative the bot will be in it's responses.


=head2 success

  my $success = $chat->success();

Returns true if the last operation was successful.

=head2 error

  my $error = $chat->error();

Returns the error message if the last operation failed.

=head1 SEE ALSO

L<> - OpenAI official website

=head1 AUTHOR

Ian Boddison <ian at>

=head1 BUGS

Please report any bugs or feature requests to C<bug-ai-chat at>, or through
the web interface at L<>.  I will be notified, and then you'll
automatically be notified of progress on your bug as I make changes.

=head1 SUPPORT

You can find documentation for this module with the perldoc command.

    perldoc AI::Chat

You can also look for information at:

=over 4

=item * RT: CPAN's request tracker (report bugs here)


=item * Search CPAN




Copyright (C) 2024 by Ian Boddison

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the same terms as Perl itself.


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lib/AI/Classifier/  view on Meta::CPAN

package AI::Classifier::Japanese;
use 5.008005;
use strict;
use warnings;

our $VERSION = "0.01";

use Mouse;
use Text::MeCab;
use Algorithm::NaiveBayes;

my $nb = Algorithm::NaiveBayes->new;

sub add_training_text {
  my ($self, $text, $category) = @_;

  my $words_freq_ref = &_convert_text_to_bow($text);
    attributes => $words_freq_ref,
    label      => $category

sub train {

sub labels {

sub predict {
  my ($self, $text) = @_;

  my $words_freq_ref = &_convert_text_to_bow($text);
  my $result_ref = $nb->predict(
    attributes => $words_freq_ref

sub _convert_text_to_bow {
  my $text = shift;

  my $words_ref = &_parse_text($text);
  my $words_freq_ref = {};
  foreach (@$words_ref) {
  return $words_freq_ref;

sub _parse_text {
  my $text = shift;

  my $mecab = Text::MeCab->new();
  my $node = $mecab->parse($text);
  my $words_ref = [];

  while ($node) {
    if (&_is_keyword($node->posid)) {
      push @$words_ref, $node->surface;
    $node = $node->next;
  return $words_ref;

sub save_state {
  my ($self, $path) = @_;

sub restore_state {
  my ($self, $path) = @_;
  $nb = Algorithm::NaiveBayes->restore_state($path);

sub _is_keyword {
  my $posid = shift;

  return &_is_noun($posid) || &_is_verb($posid) || &_is_adj($posid);

# See:
sub _is_interjection {
  return $_[0] == 2;
sub _is_adj {
  return 10 <= $_[0] && $_[0] < 13;
sub _is_aux {
  return $_[0] == 25;
sub _is_conjunction {
  return $_[0] == 26;
sub _is_particls {
  return 27 <= $_[0] && $_[0] < 31;
sub _is_verb {
  return 31 <= $_[0] && $_[0] < 34;
sub _is_noun {
  return 36 <= $_[0] && $_[0] < 68;
sub _is_prenominal_adj {
  return $_[0] == 68;



=encoding utf-8

=head1 NAME

AI::Classifier::Japanese - the combination wrapper of Algorithm::NaiveBayes and


    use AI::Classifier::Japanese;

    # Create new instance
    my $classifier = AI::Classifier::Japanese->new();

    # Add training text
    $classifier->add_training_text("たのしい.楽しい!", 'positive');
    $classifier->add_training_text("つらい.辛い!", 'negative');

    # Train

    # Test
    my $result_ref = $classifier->predict("たのしい");
    print $result_ref->{'positive'}; # => Confidence value


AI::Classifier::Japanese is a Japanese-text category classifier module using Naive Bayes and MeCab.
This module is based on Algorithm::NaiveBayes.
Only noun, verb and adjective are currently supported.

=head1 METHODS


=item C<< my $classifier = AI::Classifier::Japanese->new(); >>

Create new instance of AI::Classifier::Japanese.

=item C<< $classifier->add_training_text($text, $category); >>

Add training text.

=item C<< $classifier->train; >>


=item C<< my $result_ref = $classifier->predict($text); >>

Test and returns a predicted result hash reference which has a confidence value for each category.

=item C<< $classifier->save_state($params_path); >>

Save parameters.

=item C<< $classifier->restore_state($params_path); >>

Restore parameters from a file.

=item C<< my @labels = $classifier->labels; >>

Get category labels as an array reference.


=head1 LICENSE

Copyright (C) Shinichi Goto.

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the same terms as Perl itself.

=head1 AUTHOR

Shinichi Goto E<lt>shingtgt @ GMAIL COME<gt>


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lib/AI/Classifier/  view on Meta::CPAN

package AI::Classifier::Text;
  $AI::Classifier::Text::VERSION = '0.03';

use strict;
use warnings;
use 5.010;
use Moose;
use MooseX::Storage;

use AI::Classifier::Text::Analyzer;
use Module::Load (); # don't overwrite our sub load() with Module::Load::load()

with Storage(format => 'Storable', io => 'File');

has classifier => (is => 'ro', required => 1 );
has analyzer => ( is => 'ro', default => sub{ AI::Classifier::Text::Analyzer->new() } );
# for store/load only, don't touch unless you really know what you're doing
has classifier_class => (is => 'bare');

before store => sub {
    my $self = shift;
    $self->{classifier_class} = $self->classifier->meta->name;

around load => sub {
    my ($orig, $class) = (shift, shift);
    my $self = $class->$orig(@_);
    return $self;

sub classify {
    my( $self, $text, $features ) = @_;
    return $self->classifier->classify( $self->analyzer->analyze( $text, $features ) );




=head1 NAME

AI::Classifier::Text - A convenient class for text classification

=head1 VERSION

version 0.03


    my $cl = AI::Classifier::Text->new(classifier => AI::NaiveBayes->new(...));
    my $res = $cl->classify("do cats eat bats?");
    $res    = $cl->classify("do cats eat bats?", { new_user => 1 });
    # later
    my $cl = AI::Classifier::Text->load('some-file');
    my $res = $cl->classify("do cats eat bats?");


AI::Classifier::Text combines a lexical analyzer (by default being
L<AI::Classifier::Text::Analyzer>) and a classifier (like AI::NaiveBayes) to
perform text classification.

This is partially based on AI::TextCategorizer.


=over 4

=item C<classifier>

An object that'll perform classification of supplied feature vectors. Has to
define a C<classify()> method, which accepts a hash refence. The return value of
C<AI::Classifier::Text->classify()> will be the return value of C<classifier>'s
C<classify()> method.

This attribute has to be supplied to the C<new()> method during object creation.

=item C<analyzer>

The class performing lexical analysis of the text in order to produce a feature
vector. This defaults to C<AI::Classifier::Text::Analyzer>.


=head1 METHODS

=over 4

=item C<< new(classifier => $foo) >>

Creates a new C<AI::Classifier::Text> object. The classifier argument is mandatory.

=item C<classify($document, $features)>

Categorize the given document. A lexical analyzer will be used to extract
features from C<$document>, and in addition to that the features from
C<$features> hash reference will be added. The return value comes directly from
the C<classifier> object's C<classify> method.


=head1 SEE ALSO

AI::NaiveBayes (3), AI::Categorizer(3)

=head1 AUTHOR

Zbigniew Lukasiak <>, Tadeusz Sośnierz <>


This software is copyright (c) 2012 by Opera Software ASA.

This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.



# ABSTRACT: A convenient class for text classification

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lib/AI/  view on Meta::CPAN

package AI::CleverbotIO;
use strict;
use warnings;
{ our $VERSION = '0.002'; }

use Moo;
use Ouch;
use Log::Any ();
use Data::Dumper;
use JSON::PP qw< decode_json >;

has endpoints => (
   is      => 'ro',
   default => sub {
      return {
         ask    => '',
         create => '',

has key => (
   is       => 'ro',
   required => 1,

has logger => (
   is      => 'ro',
   lazy    => 1,
   builder => 'BUILD_logger',

has nick => (
   is        => 'rw',
   lazy      => 1,
   predicate => 1,

has user => (
   is       => 'ro',
   required => 1,

has ua => (
   is      => 'ro',
   lazy    => 1,
   builder => 'BUILD_ua',

sub BUILD_logger {
   return Log::Any->get_logger;

sub BUILD_ua {
   my $self = shift;
   require HTTP::Tiny;
   return HTTP::Tiny->new;

sub ask {
   my ($self, $question) = @_;
   my %ps = (
      key  => $self->key,
      text => $question,
      user => $self->user,
   $ps{nick} = $self->nick if $self->has_nick;
   return $self->_parse_response(
      $self->ua->post_form($self->endpoints->{ask}, \%ps));

sub create {
   my $self = shift;
   $self->nick(shift) if @_;

   # build request parameters
   my %ps = (
      key  => $self->key,
      user => $self->user,
   $ps{nick} = $self->nick if $self->has_nick && length $self->nick;

   my $data =
      $self->ua->post_form($self->endpoints->{create}, \%ps));

   $self->nick($data->{nick}) if exists($data->{nick});

   return $data;

sub _parse_response {
   my ($self, $response) = @_;

      local $Data::Dumper::Indent = 1;
      $self->logger->debug('got response: ' . Dumper($response));

   ouch 500, 'no response (possible bug in HTTP::Tiny though?)'
     unless ref($response) eq 'HASH';

   my $status = $response->{status};
   ouch $status, $response->{reason}
      if ($status != 200) && ($status != 400);

   my $data = __decode_content($response);
   return $data if $response->{success};
   ouch 400, $data->{status};
} ## end sub _parse_response

sub __decode_content {
   my $response = shift;
   my $encoded  = $response->{content};
   if (!$encoded) {
      my $url = $response->{url} // '*unknown url, check HTTP::Tiny*';
      ouch 500, "response status $response->{status}, nothing from $url)";
   my $decoded = eval { decode_json($encoded) }
     or ouch 500, "response status $response->{status}, exception: $@";
   return $decoded;
} ## end sub __decode_content


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lib/AI/  view on Meta::CPAN

package AI::ConfusionMatrix;
$AI::ConfusionMatrix::VERSION = '0.010';
use strict;
use warnings;
use Carp;
use Exporter 'import';
our @EXPORT= qw (getConfusionMatrix makeConfusionMatrix);
use strict;
use Tie::File;

# ABSTRACT: Make a confusion matrix

sub makeConfusionMatrix {
    my ($matrix, $file, $delem) = @_;
    unless(defined $delem) {
        $delem = ',';

    carp ('First argument must be a hash reference') if ref($matrix) ne 'HASH';

    my %cmData = genConfusionMatrixData($matrix);
    # This ties @output_array to the output file. Each output_array item represents a line in the output file
    tie my @output_array, 'Tie::File', $file or carp "$!";
    # Empty the file
    @output_array = ();

    my @columns = @{$cmData{columns}};
    map {$output_array[0] .= $delem . $_} join $delem, (@columns, 'TOTAL', 'TP', 'FP', 'FN', 'SENS', 'ACC');
    my $line = 1;
    my @expected = sort keys %{$matrix};
    for my $expected (@expected) {
        $output_array[$line] = $expected;
        my $lastIndex = 0;
        my $index;
        for my $predicted (sort keys %{$matrix->{$expected}}) {
            # Calculate the index of the label in the output_array of columns
            $index = _findIndex($predicted, \@columns);
            # Print some of the delimiter to get to the column of the next value predicted
            $output_array[$line] .= $delem x ($index - $lastIndex) . $matrix->{$expected}{$predicted};
            $lastIndex = $index;

        # Get to the columns of the stats
        $output_array[$line] .= $delem x (scalar(@columns) - $lastIndex + 1);
        $output_array[$line] .= join $delem, (
                                    sprintf('%.2f%%', $cmData{stats}{$expected}{'sensitivity'}),
                                    sprintf('%.2f%%', $cmData{stats}{$expected}{'acc'})
    # Print the TOTAL row to the csv file
    $output_array[$line] = 'TOTAL' . $delem;
    map {$output_array[$line] .= $cmData{totals}{$_} . $delem} (@columns);
    $output_array[$line] .= join $delem, (
                                sprintf('%.2f%%', $cmData{totals}{'sensitivity'}),
                                sprintf('%.2f%%', $cmData{totals}{'acc'})

    untie @output_array;

sub getConfusionMatrix {
    my ($matrix) = @_;

    carp ('First argument must be a hash reference') if ref($matrix) ne 'HASH';
    return genConfusionMatrixData($matrix);

sub genConfusionMatrixData {
    my $matrix = shift;
    my @expected = sort keys %{$matrix};
    my %stats;
    my %totals;
    my @columns;
    for my $expected (@expected) {
        $stats{$expected}{'fn'} = 0;
        $stats{$expected}{'tp'} = 0;
        # Ensure that the False Positive counter is defined to be able to compute the total later
        unless(defined $stats{$expected}{'fp'}) {
            $stats{$expected}{'fp'} = 0;
        for my $predicted (keys %{$matrix->{$expected}}) {
            $stats{$expected}{'total'} += $matrix->{$expected}->{$predicted};
            $stats{$expected}{'tp'} += $matrix->{$expected}->{$predicted} if $expected eq $predicted;
            if ($expected ne $predicted) {
                $stats{$expected}{'fn'} += $matrix->{$expected}->{$predicted};
                $stats{$predicted}{'fp'} += $matrix->{$expected}->{$predicted};
            $totals{$predicted} += $matrix->{$expected}->{$predicted};
            # Add the label to the array of columns if it does not contain it already
            push @columns, $predicted unless _findIndex($predicted, \@columns);

        $stats{$expected}{'acc'} = ($stats{$expected}{'tp'} * 100) / $stats{$expected}{'total'};

    for my $expected (@expected) {
        $totals{'total'} += $stats{$expected}{'total'};
        $totals{'tp'}    += $stats{$expected}{'tp'};
        $totals{'fn'}    += $stats{$expected}{'fn'};
        $totals{'fp'}    += $stats{$expected}{'fp'};
        $stats{$expected}{'sensitivity'} = ($stats{$expected}{'tp'} * 100) / ($stats{$expected}{'tp'} + $stats{$expected}{'fp'});

    $totals{'acc'} = ($totals{'tp'} * 100) / $totals{'total'};
    $totals{'sensitivity'} = ($totals{'tp'} * 100) / ($totals{'tp'} + $totals{'fp'});

    return (
        columns => [sort @columns],
        stats   => \%stats,
        totals  => \%totals

sub _findIndex {
    my ($string, $array) = @_;
    for (0 .. @$array - 1) {
        return $_ + 1 if ($string eq @{$array}[$_]);

=head1 NAME

AI::ConfusionMatrix - make a confusion matrix


    my %matrix;

    # Loop over your predictions
    # [...]

    $matrix{$expected}{$predicted} += 1;

    # [...]

    makeConfusionMatrix(\%matrix, 'output.csv');


This module prints a L<confusion matrix|> from a hash reference. This module tries to be generic enough to be used within a lot of machine learning projects.

=head3 Functions:

=head4 C<makeConfusionMatrix($hash_ref, $file [, $delimiter ])>

This function makes a confusion matrix from C<$hash_ref> and writes it to C<$file>. C<$file> can be a filename or a file handle opened with the C<w+> mode. If C<$delimiter> is present, it is used as a custom separator for the fields in the confusion ...


    makeConfusionMatrix(\%matrix, 'output.csv');
    makeConfusionMatrix(\%matrix, 'output.csv', ';');
    makeConfusionMatrix(\%matrix, *$fh);

The hash reference must look like this :

    $VAR1 = {
              'value_expected1' => {
                          'value_predicted1' => number_of_predictions
              'value_expected2' => {
                          'value_predicted1' => number_of_predictions,
                          'value_predicted2' => number_of_predictions
              'value_expected3' => {
                          'value_predicted3' => number_of_predictions

The output will be in CSV. Here is an example:



    |       | 1974 | 1978 | 2002 | 2003 | 2005 | TOTAL | TP | FP | FN | SENS    | ACC    |
    | 1974  | 3    | 1    |      |      | 2    | 6     | 3  | 4  | 3  | 42.86%  | 50.00% |
    | 1978  | 1    | 5    |      |      |      | 6     | 5  | 4  | 1  | 55.56%  | 83.33% |
    | 2002  | 2    | 2    | 8    |      |      | 12    | 8  | 1  | 4  | 88.89%  | 66.67% |
    | 2003  | 1    |      |      | 7    | 2    | 10    | 7  | 0  | 3  | 100.00% | 70.00% |
    | 2005  |      | 1    | 1    |      | 6    | 8     | 6  | 4  | 2  | 60.00%  | 75.00% |
    | TOTAL | 7    | 9    | 9    | 7    | 10   | 42    | 29 | 13 | 13 | 69.05%  | 69.05% |


=item TP:

True Positive

=item FP:

False Positive

=item FN:

False Negative

=item SENS

Sensitivity. Number of true positives divided by the number of positives.

=item ACC:



=head4 C<getConfusionMatrix($hash_ref)>

Get the data used to compute the table above.


    my %cm = getConfusionMatrix(\%matrix);

=head1 AUTHOR

Vincent Lequertier <>

=head1 LICENSE

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the same terms as Perl itself.



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Instance/  view on Meta::CPAN

package AI::DecisionTree::Instance;

use strict;
use vars qw($VERSION @ISA);
$VERSION = '0.11';

use DynaLoader ();
@ISA = qw(DynaLoader);

bootstrap AI::DecisionTree::Instance $VERSION;


=head1 NAME

AI::DecisionTree::Instance - C-struct wrapper for training instances


  use AI::DecisionTree::Instance;
  my $i = new AI::DecisionTree::Instance([3,5], 7, 'this_instance');
  $i->value_int(0) == 3;
  $i->value_int(1) == 5;
  $i->result_int == 7;


This class is just a simple Perl wrapper around a C struct embodying a
single training instance.  Its purpose is to reduce memory usage.  In
a "typical" training set with about 1000 instances, memory usage can
be reduced by about a factor of 5 (from 43.7M to 8.2M in my test

A fairly tight loop is also implemented that helps speed up the
C<train()> AI::DecisionTree method by about a constant factor of 4.

Please do not consider this interface stable - I change it whenever I
have a new need in AI::DecisionTree.

=head1 AUTHOR

Ken Williams,

=head1 SEE ALSO



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lib/AI/  view on Meta::CPAN

package AI::Embedding;

use strict;
use warnings;

use HTTP::Tiny;
use JSON::PP;
use Data::CosineSimilarity;

our $VERSION = '1.11';

my $http = HTTP::Tiny->new;

# Create Embedding object
sub new {
    my $class = shift;
    my %attr  = @_;

    $attr{'error'}      = '';

    $attr{'api'}        = 'OpenAI' unless $attr{'api'};
    $attr{'error'}      = 'Invalid API' unless $attr{'api'} eq 'OpenAI';
    $attr{'error'}      = 'API Key missing' unless $attr{'key'};

    $attr{'model'}      = 'text-embedding-ada-002' unless $attr{'model'};

    return bless \%attr, $class;

# Define endpoints for APIs
my %url    = (
    'OpenAI' => '',

# Define HTTP Headers for APIs
my %header = (
    'OpenAI' => &_get_header_openai,

# Returns true if last operation was success
sub success {
    my $self = shift;
    return !$self->{'error'};

# Returns error if last operation failed
sub error {
    my $self = shift;
    return $self->{'error'};

# Header for calling OpenAI
sub _get_header_openai {
    my $self = shift;
    $self->{'key'} = '' unless defined $self->{'key'};
    return {
         'Authorization' => 'Bearer ' . $self->{'key'},
         'Content-type'  => 'application/json'

 # Fetch Embedding response
 sub _get_embedding {
     my ($self, $text) = @_;

     my $response = $http->post($url{$self->{'api'}}, {
         'headers' => {
             'Authorization' => 'Bearer ' . $self->{'key'},
             'Content-type'  => 'application/json'
         content => encode_json {
             input  => $text,
             model  => $self->{'model'},
     if ($response->{'content'} =~ 'invalid_api_key') {
         die 'Incorrect API Key - check your API Key is correct';
     return $response;

 # TODO:
 # Make 'headers' use $header{$self->{'api'}}
 # Currently hard coded to OpenAI

 # Added purely for testing - IGNORE!
 sub _test {
     my $self = shift;
#    return $self->{'api'};
     return $header{$self->{'api'}};

 # Return Embedding as a CSV string
 sub embedding {
     my ($self, $text, $verbose) = @_;

     my $response = $self->_get_embedding($text);
     if ($response->{'success'}) {
         my $embedding = decode_json($response->{'content'});
         return join (',', @{$embedding->{'data'}[0]->{'embedding'}});
     $self->{'error'} = 'HTTP Error - ' . $response->{'reason'};
     return $response if defined $verbose;
     return undef;

 # Return Embedding as an array
 sub raw_embedding {
     my ($self, $text, $verbose) = @_;

     my $response = $self->_get_embedding($text);
     if ($response->{'success'}) {
         my $embedding = decode_json($response->{'content'});
         return @{$embedding->{'data'}[0]->{'embedding'}};
     $self->{'error'} = 'HTTP Error - ' . $response->{'reason'};
     return $response if defined $verbose;
     return undef;

 # Return Test Embedding
 sub test_embedding {
     my ($self, $text, $dimension) = @_;
     $self->{'error'} = '';

     $dimension = 1536 unless defined $dimension;

     if ($text) {
         srand scalar split /\s+/, $text;

     my @vector;
     for (1...$dimension) {
         push @vector, rand(2) - 1;
     return join ',', @vector;

# Convert a CSV Embedding into a hashref
sub _make_vector {
    my ($self, $embed_string) = @_;

    if (!defined $embed_string) {
        $self->{'error'} = 'Nothing to compare!';

    my %vector;
    my @embed = split /,/, $embed_string;
    for (my $i = 0; $i < @embed; $i++) {
       $vector{'feature' . $i} = $embed[$i];
   return \%vector;

# Return a comparator to compare to a set vector
sub comparator {
    my($self, $embed) = @_;
    $self->{'error'} = '';

    my $vector1 = $self->_make_vector($embed);
    return sub {
        my($embed2) = @_;
        my $vector2 = $self->_make_vector($embed2);
        return $self->_compare_vector($vector1, $vector2);

# Compare 2 Embeddings
sub compare {
    my ($self, $embed1, $embed2) = @_;

    my $vector1 = $self->_make_vector($embed1);
    my $vector2;
    if (defined $embed2) {
        $vector2 = $self->_make_vector($embed2);
    } else {
        $vector2 = $self->{'comparator'};

    if (!defined $vector2) {
        $self->{'error'} = 'Nothing to compare!';

    if (scalar keys %$vector1 != scalar keys %$vector2) {
        $self->{'error'} = 'Embeds are unequal length';

    return $self->_compare_vector($vector1, $vector2);

# Compare 2 Vectors
sub _compare_vector {
    my ($self, $vector1, $vector2) = @_;
    my $cs = Data::CosineSimilarity->new;
    $cs->add( label1 => $vector1 );
    $cs->add( label2 => $vector2 );
    return $cs->similarity('label1', 'label2')->cosine;



=encoding utf8

=head1 NAME

AI::Embedding - Perl module for working with text embeddings using various APIs

=head1 VERSION

Version 1.11


    use AI::Embedding;

    my $embedding = AI::Embedding->new(
        api => 'OpenAI',
        key => 'your-api-key'

    my $csv_embedding  = $embedding->embedding('Some sample text');
    my $test_embedding = $embedding->test_embedding('Some sample text');
    my @raw_embedding  = $embedding->raw_embedding('Some sample text');

    my $cmp = $embedding->comparator($csv_embedding2);

    my $similarity = $cmp->($csv_embedding1);
    my $similarity_with_other_embedding = $embedding->compare($csv_embedding1, $csv_embedding2);


The L<AI::Embedding> module provides an interface for working with text embeddings using various APIs. It currently supports the L<OpenAI|> L<Embeddings API|>...

Embeddings allow the meaning of passages of text to be compared for similarity.  This is more natural and useful to humans than using traditional keyword based comparisons.

An Embedding is a multi-dimensional vector representing the meaning of a piece of text.  The Embedding vector is created by an AI Model.  The default model (OpenAI's C<text-embedding-ada-002>) produces a 1536 dimensional vector.  The resulting vector...

=head2 Comparator

Embeddings are used to compare similarity of meaning between two passages of text.  A typical work case is to store a number of pieces of text (e.g. articles or blogs) in a database and compare each one to some user supplied search text.  L<AI::Embed...

Alternatively, the C<comparator> method can be called with one Embedding.  The C<comparator> returns a reference to a method that takes a single Embedding to be compared to the Embedding from which the Comparator was created.

When comparing multiple Embeddings to the same Embedding (such as search text) it is faster to use a C<comparator>.


=head2 new

    my $embedding = AI::Embedding->new(
        api         => 'OpenAI',
        key         => 'your-api-key',
        model       => 'text-embedding-ada-002',

Creates a new AI::Embedding object. It requires the 'key' parameter. The 'key' parameter is the API key provided by the service provider and is required.



=item *

C<key> - B<required> The API Key

=item *

C<api> - The API to use.  Currently only 'OpenAI' is supported and this is the default.

=item *

C<model> - The language model to use.  Defaults to C<text-embedding-ada-002> - see L<OpenAI docs|>


=head1 METHODS

=head2 success

Returns true if the last method call was successful

=head2 error

Returns the last error message or an empty string if B<success> returned true

=head2 embedding

    my $csv_embedding = $embedding->embedding('Some text passage', [$verbose]);

Generates an embedding for the given text and returns it as a comma-separated string. The C<embedding> method takes a single parameter, the text to generate the embedding for.

Returns a (rather long) string that can be stored in a C<TEXT> database field.

If the method call fails it sets the L</"error"> message and returns C<undef>.  If the optional C<verbose> parameter is true, the complete L<HTTP::Tiny> response object is also returned to aid with debugging issues when using this module.

=head2 raw_embedding

    my @raw_embedding = $embedding->raw_embedding('Some text passage', [$verbose]);

Generates an embedding for the given text and returns it as an array. The C<raw_embedding> method takes a single parameter, the text to generate the embedding for.

It is not normally necessary to use this method as the Embedding will almost always be used as a single homogeneous unit.

If the method call fails it sets the L</"error"> message and returns C<undef>.  If the optional C<verbose> parameter is true, the complete L<HTTP::Tiny> response object is also returned to aid with debugging issues when using this module.

=head2 test_embedding

    my $test_embedding = $embedding->test_embedding('Some text passage', $dimensions);

Used for testing code without making a chargeable call to the API.

Provides a CSV string of the same size and format as L<embedding> but with meaningless random data.

Returns a random embedding.  Both parameters are optional.  If a text string is provided, the returned embedding will always be the same random embedding otherwise it will be random and different every time.  The C<dimension> parameter controls the n...

=head2 comparator


Sets a vector as a C<comparator> for future comparisons and returns a reference to a method for using the C<comparator>.

The B<comparator> method takes a single parameter, the comma-separated Embedding string to use as the comparator.

The following two are functionally equivalent.  However, where multiple Embeddings are to be compared to a single Embedding, using a L<Comparator> is significantly faster.

    my $similarity = $embedding->compare($csv_embedding1, $csv_embedding2);

    my $cmp = $embedding->comparator($csv_embedding2);
    my $similarity = $cmp->($csv_embedding1);

See L</"Comparator">

The returned method reference returns the cosine similarity between the Embedding used to call the C<comparator> method and the Embedding supplied to the method reference.  See L<compare> for an explanation of the cosine similarity.

=head2 compare

    my $similarity_with_other_embedding = $embedding->compare($csv_embedding1, $csv_embedding2);

Compares two embeddings and returns the cosine similarity between them. The B<compare> method takes two parameters: $csv_embedding1 and $csv_embedding2 (both comma-separated embedding strings).

Returns the cosine similarity as a floating-point number between -1 and 1, where 1 represents identical embeddings, 0 represents no similarity, and -1 represents opposite embeddings.

The absolute number is not usually relevant for text comparision.  It is usually sufficient to rank the comparison results in order of high to low to reflect the best match to the worse match.

=head1 SEE ALSO

L<> - OpenAI official website

=head1 AUTHOR

Ian Boddison <ian at>

=head1 BUGS

Please report any bugs or feature requests to C<bug-ai-embedding at>, or through
the web interface at L<>.  I will be notified, and then you'll
automatically be notified of progress on your bug as I make changes.

=head1 SUPPORT

You can find documentation for this module with the perldoc command.

    perldoc AI::Embedding

You can also look for information at:

=over 4

=item * RT: CPAN's request tracker (report bugs here)


=item * Search CPAN




Thanks to the help and support provided by members of Perl Monks L<>.

Especially L<Ken Cotterill (KCOTT)|> for assistance with unit tests and L<Hugo van der Sanden (HVDS)|> for suggesting the current C<comparator> implementaion.


This software is copyright (c) 2023 by Ian Boddison.

This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.


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lib/AI/Evolve/  view on Meta::CPAN

package AI::Evolve::Befunge;
use strict;
use warnings;

our $VERSION = "0.03";

=head1 NAME

    AI::Evolve::Befunge - practical evolution of Befunge AI programs


    use aliased 'AI::Evolve::Befunge::Population' => 'Population';
    use AI::Evolve::Befunge::Util qw(v nonquiet);

    $pop = Population->new();

    while(1) {
        my $gen  = $pop->generation;
        nonquiet("generation $gen\n");


This software project provides all of the necessary tools to grow a
population of AI creatures which are fit to perform a task.

Normally, end users can use the "evolve" script as a frontend.  If
that's what you're after, please see the documentation contained
within that script.  Otherwise, read on.

This particular file (AI/Evolve/ does not contain any code;
it exists mainly to provide a version number to keep Build.PL happy.
The rest of this file acts as a quick-start guide to the rest of the

The important bits from a user's standpoint are the Population object
(which drives the main process of evolving AI), and the Physics plugin
(which implements the rules of the universe those AI live in).  There
are sections below containing more detail on what these two things
are, and how they work.


The Population object is the main user interface to this project.
Basically you just keep running it over and over, and presumably, the
result gets better and better.

The important thing to remember here is that the results take time -
it will probably take several weeks of solid processing time before you
begin to see any promising results at all.  It takes a lot of random
code generation before it starts to generate code that does what you
want it to do.

If you don't know anything about Befunge, I recommend you read up on
that first, before trying to understand how this works.

The individuals of this population (which we call Critters) may be of
various sizes, and may make heavy or light use of threads and stacks.
Each one is issued a certain number of "tokens" (which you can think
of as blood sugar or battery power).  Just being born takes a certain
number of tokens, depending on the code size.  After that, doing things
(like executing a befunge command, pushing a value to the stack,
spawning a thread) all take a certain number of tokens to accomplish.
When the number of tokens drops to 0, the critter dies.  So it had
better accomplish its task before that happens.

After a population fights it out for a while, the winners are chosen
(who continue to live) and everyone else dies.  Then a new population
is generated from the winners, some random mutation (random
generation of code, as well as potentially resizing the codebase)
occurs, and the whole process starts over for the next generation.

=head1 PHYSICS

At the other end of all of this is the Physics plugin.  The Physics
plugin implements the rules of the universe inhabited by these AI
creatures.  It provides a scoring mechanism through which multiple
critters may be weighed against eachother.  It provides a set of
commands which may be used by the critters to do useful things within
its universe (such as make a move in a board game, do a spellcheck,
or request a google search).

Physics engines register themselves with the Physics database (which
is managed by  The arguments they pass to
register_physics() get wrapped up in a hash reference, which is copied
for you whenever you call Physics->new("pluginname").  The "commands"
argument is particularly important: this is where you add special
befunge commands and provide references to callback functions to
implement them.

One special attribute, "generations", is set by the Population code
and can determine some of the parameters for more complex Physics
plugins.  For instance, a "Go" game might wish to increase the board
size, or enable more complex rules, once a certain amount of evolution
has occurred.

Rather than describing the entire API in detail, I suggest you read
through the "othello" and "ttt" modules provided along with this
distribution.  They are small and simple, and should make good


Further performance may be improved through the use of migration.

Migration is a very simple form of parallel processing.  It should scale
nearly linearly, and is a very effective means of increasing performance.

The idea is, you run multiple populations on multiple machines (one per
machine).  The only requirement is that each Population has a different
"hostname" setting.  And that's not really a requirement, it's just useful
for tracking down which host a critter came from.

When a Population object has finished processing a generation, there is
a chance that one or more (up to 3) of the surviving critters will be
written out to a special directory (which acts as an "outbox").

A separate networking program (implemented by and spawned
automatically when creating a Population object) may pick up these
critters and broadcast them to some or all of the other nodes in a cluster
(deleting them from the "outbox" folder at the same time).  The instances
of this networking program on the other nodes will receive them, and write
them out to another special directory (which acts as an "inbox").

When a Population object has finished processing a generation, another
thing it does is checks the "inbox" directory for any new incoming
critters.  If they are detected, they are imported into the population
(and deleted from the "inbox").

Imported critters will compete in the next generation.  If they win,
they will be involved in the reproduction process and may contribute to
the local gene pool.

On the server end, a script called "migrationd" is provided to accept
connections and distribute critters between nodes.  The config file
specifies which server to connect to.  See the CONFIG FILE section,


So, the purpose is to evolve some nice smart critters, but you're
probably wondering, once you get them, what do you do with them?
Well, once you get some critters that perform well, you can always
write up a production program which creates the Physics and Critter
objects and runs them directly, over and over and over to your heart's
content.  After you have reached your goal, you need not continue to
evolve or test new critters.


You can find an example config file ("example.conf") in the source
tarball.  It contains all of the variables with their default values,
and descriptions of each.  It lets you configure many important
parameters about how the evolutionary process works, so you probably
want to copy and edit it.

This file can be copied to ".ai-evolve-befunge" in your home
directory, or "/etc/ai-evolve-befunge.conf" for sitewide use.  If both
files exist, they are both loaded, in such a way that the homedir
settings supercede the ones from /etc.  If the "AIEVOLVEBEFUNGE"
environment variable is set, that too is loaded as a config file, and
its settings take priority over the other files (if any).



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examples/  view on Meta::CPAN

# Author(s): Pablo Fischer (
# Created: 12/13/2009 15:20:43 PST 15:20:43

use strict;
use warnings;
use Data::Dumper;
use AI::ExpertSystem::Advanced;
use AI::ExpertSystem::Advanced::KnowledgeDB::Factory;

my $yaml_kdb = AI::ExpertSystem::Advanced::KnowledgeDB::Factory->new('yaml',
            filename => 'examples/knowledge_db_one.yaml'

my $ai = AI::ExpertSystem::Advanced->new(
        viewer_class => 'terminal',
        knowledge_db => $yaml_kdb,
        goals_to_check => ['J']);

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lib/AI/ExpertSystem/  view on Meta::CPAN

package AI::ExpertSystem::Simple;

use strict;
use warnings;

use XML::Twig;

use AI::ExpertSystem::Simple::Rule;
use AI::ExpertSystem::Simple::Knowledge;
use AI::ExpertSystem::Simple::Goal;

our $VERSION = '1.2';

sub new {
	my ($class) = @_;

	die "Simple->new() takes no arguments" if scalar(@_) != 1;

	my $self = {};

	$self->{_rules} = ();
	$self->{_knowledge} = ();
	$self->{_goal} = undef;
	$self->{_filename} = undef;

	$self->{_ask_about} = undef;
	$self->{_told_about} = undef;

	$self->{_log} = ();

	$self->{_number_of_rules} = 0;
	$self->{_number_of_attributes} = 0;
	$self->{_number_of_questions} = 0;

	return bless $self, $class;

sub reset {
	my ($self) = @_;

	die "Simple->reset() takes no arguments" if scalar(@_) != 1;

	foreach my $name (keys %{$self->{_rules}}) {

	foreach my $name (keys %{$self->{_knowledge}}) {

	$self->{_ask_about} = undef;
	$self->{_told_about} = undef;
	$self->{_log} = ();

sub load {
	my ($self, $filename) = @_;

	die "Simple->load() takes 1 argument" if scalar(@_) != 2;
	die "Simple->load() argument 1 (FILENAME) is undefined" if !defined($filename);

	if(-f $filename and -r $filename) {
		my $twig = XML::Twig->new(
			twig_handlers => { goal => sub { $self->_goal(@_) },
					   rule => sub { $self->_rule(@_) },
					   question => sub { $self->_question(@_) } }


		die "Simple->load() XML parse failed: $@" if $@;

		$self->{_filename} = $filename;

		$self->_add_to_log( "Read in $filename" );
		$self->_add_to_log( "There are " . $self->{_number_of_rules} . " rules" );
		$self->_add_to_log( "There are " . $self->{_number_of_attributes} . " attributes" );
		$self->_add_to_log( "There are " . $self->{_number_of_questions} . " questions" );
		$self->_add_to_log( "The goal attibutes is " . $self->{_goal}->name() );
		return 1;
	} else {
		die "Simple->load() unable to use file";

sub _goal {
	my ($self, $t, $node) = @_;

	my $attribute = undef;
	my $text = undef;

	my $x = ($node->children('attribute'))[0];
	$attribute = $x->text();

	$x = ($node->children('text'))[0];
	$text = $x->text();

	$self->{_goal} = AI::ExpertSystem::Simple::Goal->new($attribute, $text);

	eval { $t->purge(); }

sub _rule {
	my ($self, $t, $node) = @_;

	my $name = undef;

	my $x = ($node->children('name'))[0];
	$name = $x->text();

	if(!defined($self->{_rules}->{$name})) {
		$self->{_rules}->{$name} = AI::ExpertSystem::Simple::Rule->new($name);

	foreach $x ($node->get_xpath('//condition')) {
		my $attribute = undef;
		my $value = undef;

		my $y = ($x->children('attribute'))[0];
		$attribute = $y->text();

		$y = ($x->children('value'))[0];
		$value = $y->text();

		$self->{_rules}->{$name}->add_condition($attribute, $value);

		if(!defined($self->{_knowledge}->{$attribute})) {
			$self->{_knowledge}->{$attribute} = AI::ExpertSystem::Simple::Knowledge->new($attribute);

	foreach $x ($node->get_xpath('//action')) {
		my $attribute = undef;
		my $value = undef;

		my $y = ($x->children('attribute'))[0];
		$attribute = $y->text();

		$y = ($x->children('value'))[0];
		$value = $y->text();

		$self->{_rules}->{$name}->add_action($attribute, $value);

		if(!defined($self->{_knowledge}->{$attribute})) {
			$self->{_knowledge}->{$attribute} = AI::ExpertSystem::Simple::Knowledge->new($attribute);

	eval { $t->purge(); }

sub _question {
	my ($self, $t, $node) = @_;

	my $attribute = undef;
	my $text = undef;
	my @responses = ();


	my $x = ($node->children('attribute'))[0];
	$attribute = $x->text();

	$x = ($node->children('text'))[0];
	$text = $x->text();

	foreach $x ($node->children('response')) {
		push(@responses, $x->text());

	if(!defined($self->{_knowledge}->{$attribute})) {
		$self->{_knowledge}->{$attribute} = AI::ExpertSystem::Simple::Knowledge->new($attribute);
	$self->{_knowledge}->{$attribute}->set_question($text, @responses);

	eval { $t->purge(); }

sub process {
	my ($self) = @_;

	die "Simple->process() takes no arguments" if scalar(@_) != 1;

	my $n = $self->{_goal}->name();

	if($self->{_knowledge}->{$n}->is_value_set()) {
		return 'finished';

	if($self->{_ask_about}) {
		my %answers = ();

		$answers{$self->{_ask_about}}->{value} = $self->{_told_about};
		$answers{$self->{_ask_about}}->{setter} = '';

		$self->{_ask_about} = undef;
		$self->{_told_about} = undef;

		while(%answers) {
			my %old_answers = %answers;
			%answers = ();

			foreach my $answer (keys(%old_answers)) {
				my $n = $answer;
				my $v = $old_answers{$answer}->{value};
				my $s = $old_answers{$answer}->{setter};

				$self->_add_to_log( "Setting '$n' to '$v'" );


				foreach my $key (keys(%{$self->{_rules}})) {
					if($self->{_rules}->{$key}->state() eq 'active') {
						my $state = $self->{_rules}->{$key}->given($n, $v);
						if($state eq 'completed') {
							$self->_add_to_log( "Rule '$key' has completed" );
							my %y = $self->{_rules}->{$key}->actions();
							foreach my $k (keys(%y)) {
								$self->_add_to_log( "Rule '$key' is setting '$k' to '$y{$k}'" );
								$answers{$k}->{value} = $y{$k};
								$answers{$k}->{setter} = $key;
						} elsif($state eq 'invalid') {
							$self->_add_to_log( "Rule '$key' is now inactive" );

		return 'continue';
	} else {
		my %scoreboard = ();

		foreach my $rule (keys(%{$self->{_rules}})) {
			if($self->{_rules}->{$rule}->state() eq 'active') {
				my @listofquestions = $self->{_rules}->{$rule}->unresolved();
				my $ok = 1;
				my @questionstoask = ();
				foreach my $name (@listofquestions) {
					if($self->{_knowledge}->{$name}->has_question()) {
						push(@questionstoask, $name);
					} else {
						$ok = 0;

				if($ok == 1) {
					foreach my $name (@questionstoask) {

		my $max_value = 0;

		foreach my $name (keys(%scoreboard)) {
			if($scoreboard{$name} > $max_value) {
				$max_value = $scoreboard{$name};
				$self->{_ask_about} = $name;

		return $self->{_ask_about} ? 'question' : 'failed';

sub get_question {
	my ($self) = @_;

	die "Simple->get_question() takes no arguments" if scalar(@_) != 1;

	return $self->{_knowledge}->{$self->{_ask_about}}->get_question();

sub answer {
	my ($self, $value) = @_;

	die "Simple->answer() takes 1 argument" if scalar(@_) != 2;
	die "Simple->answer() argument 1 (VALUE) is undefined" if ! defined($value);

	$self->{_told_about} = $value;

sub get_answer {
	my ($self) = @_;

	die "Simple->get_answer() takes no arguments" if scalar(@_) != 1;

	my $n = $self->{_goal}->name();

	return $self->{_goal}->answer($self->{_knowledge}->{$n}->get_value());

sub log {
	my ($self) = @_;

	die "Simple->log() takes no arguments" if scalar(@_) != 1;

	my @return = ();
	@return = @{$self->{_log}} if defined @{$self->{_log}};

	$self->{_log} = ();

	return @return;

sub _add_to_log {
	my ($self, $message) = @_;

	push( @{$self->{_log}}, $message );

sub explain {
	my ($self) = @_;

	die "Simple->explain() takes no arguments" if scalar(@_) != 1;

	my $name  = $self->{_goal}->name();
	my $rule  = $self->{_knowledge}->{$name}->get_setter();
	my $value = $self->{_knowledge}->{$name}->get_value();

	my $x = "The goal '$name' was set to '$value' by " . ($rule ? "rule '$rule'" : 'asking a question' );
	$self->_add_to_log( $x );

	my @processed_rules;
	push( @processed_rules, $rule ) if $rule;

	$self->_explain_this( $rule, '', @processed_rules );

sub _explain_this {
	my ($self, $rule, $depth, @processed_rules) = @_;

	$self->_add_to_log( "${depth}Explaining rule '$rule'" );

	my %dont_do_these = map{ $_ => 1 } @processed_rules;

	my @check_these_rules = ();

	my %conditions = $self->{_rules}->{$rule}->conditions();
	foreach my $name (sort keys %conditions) {
		my $value = $conditions{$name};
		my $setter = $self->{_knowledge}->{$name}->get_setter();

		my $x = "$depth Condition '$name' was set to '$value' by " . ($setter ? "rule '$setter'" : 'asking a question' );
		$self->_add_to_log( $x );

		if($setter) {
			unless($dont_do_these{$setter}) {
				$dont_do_these{$setter} = 1;
				push( @check_these_rules, $setter );

	my %actions = $self->{_rules}->{$rule}->actions();
	foreach my $name (sort keys %actions) {
		my $value = $actions{$name};

		my $x = "$depth Action set '$name' to '$value'";
		$self->_add_to_log( $x );

	@processed_rules = keys %dont_do_these;

	foreach my $x ( @check_these_rules ) {
		push( @processed_rules, $self->_explain_this( $x, "$depth ", keys %dont_do_these ) );

	return @processed_rules;


=head1 NAME

AI::ExpertSystem::Simple - A simple expert system shell

=head1 VERSION

This document refers to verion 1.2 of AI::ExpertSystem::Simple, released June 10, 2003


This class implements a simple expert system shell that reads the rules from an XML 
knowledge base and questions the user as it attempts to arrive at a conclusion.


=head2 Overview

This class is where all the work is being done and the other three classes are only 
there for support. At present there is little you can do with it other than run it. Future 
version will make subclassing of this class feasable and features like logging will be introduced.

To see how to use this class there is a simple shell in the bin directory which allows you 
to consult the example knowledge bases and more extensive documemtation in the docs directory.

There is a Ruby version that reads the same XML knowledge bases, if you are interested.

=head2 Constructors and initialisation

=over 4

=item new( )

The constructor takes no arguments and just initialises a few basic variables.


=head2 Public methods

=over 4

=item reset( )

Resets the system back to its initial state so that a new consoltation can be run

=item load( FILENAME )

This method takes the FILENAME of an XML knowledgebase and attempts to parse it to set up the data structures 
required for a consoltation.

=item process( )

Once the knowledgebase is loaded the consultation is run by repeatedly calling this method.

It returns four results:

=over 4

=item "question"

The system has a question to ask of the user.

The question and list of valid responses is available from the get_question( ) method and the users response should be returned via the answer( ) method. 

Then simply call the process( ) method again.

=item "continue"

The system has calculated some data but has nothing to ask the user but has still not finished.

This response will be removed in future versions.

Simply call the process( ) method again.

=item "finished"

The consoltation has finished and the system has an answer for the user which is available from the answer( ) method.

=item "failed"

The consoltation has finished and the system has failed to find an answer for the user. It happens.


=item get_question( )

If the process( ) method has returned "question" then this method will return the question to ask the user 
and a list of valid responses.

=item answer( VALUE )

The user has been presented with the question from the get_question( ) method along with a set of 
valid responses and the users selection is returned by this method.

=item get_answer( )

If the process( ) method has returned "finished" then the answer to the users query will be 
returned by this method.

=item log( )

Returns a list of the actions undertaken so far and clears the log.

=item explain( )

Explain how the given answer was arrived at. The explanation is added to the log.


=head2 Private methods

=over 4

=item _goal

A private method to get the goal data from the knowledgebase.

=item _rule

A private method to get the rule data from the knowledgebase.

=item _question

A private method to get the question data from the knowledgebase.

=item _add_to_log

A private method to add a message to the log.

=item _explain_this

A private method to explain how a single attribute was set.





=over 4

=item Simple->new() takes no arguments

When the constructor is initialised it requires no arguments. This message is given if 
some arguments were supplied.

=item Simple->reset() takes no arguments

When the method is called it requires no arguments. This message is given if 
some arguments were supplied.

=item Simple->load() takes 1 argument

When the method is called it requires one argument. This message is given if more or 
less arguments were supplied.

=item Simple->load() argument 1 (FILENAME) is undefined

The corrct number of arguments were supplied with the method call, however the first 
argument, FILENAME, was undefined.

=item Simple->load() XML parse failed

XML Twig encountered some errors when trying to parse the XML knowledgebase.

=item Simple->load() unable to use file

The file supplied to the load( ) method could not be used as it was either not a file 
or not readable.

=item Simple->process() takes no arguments

When the method is called it requires no arguments. This message is given if 
some arguments were supplied.

=item Simple->get_question() takes no arguments

When the method is called it requires no arguments. This message is given if 
some arguments were supplied.

=item Simple->answer() takes 1 argument

When the method is called it requires one argument. This message is given if more or 
less arguments were supplied.

=item Simple->answer() argument 1 (VALUE) is undefined

The corrct number of arguments were supplied with the method call, however the first 
argument, VALUE, was undefined.

=item Simple->get_answer() takes no arguments

When the method is called it requires no arguments. This message is given if 
some arguments were supplied.

=item Simple->log() takes no arguments

When the method is called it requires no arguments. This message is given if 
some arguments were supplied.

=item Simple->explain() takes no arguments

When the method is called it requires no arguments. This message is given if 
some arguments were supplied.


=head1 BUGS


=head1 FILES

See the Simple.t file in the test directory and simpleshell in the bin directory.

=head1 SEE ALSO

AI::ExpertSystem::Simple::Goal - A utility class

AI::ExpertSystem::Simple::Knowledge - A utility class

AI::ExpertSystem::Simple::Rule - A utility class

=head1 AUTHORS

Peter Hickman (


Copyright (c) 2003, Peter Hickman. All rights reserved.

This module is free software. It may be used, redistributed and/or 
modified under the same terms as Perl itself.

 view all matches for this distribution


 view release on metacpan or  search on metacpan

lib/AI/FANN/  view on Meta::CPAN

package AI::FANN::Evolving;
use strict;
use warnings;
use AI::FANN ':all';
use List::Util 'shuffle';
use File::Temp 'tempfile';
use AI::FANN::Evolving::Gene;
use AI::FANN::Evolving::Chromosome;
use AI::FANN::Evolving::Experiment;
use AI::FANN::Evolving::Factory;
use Algorithm::Genetic::Diploid;
use base qw'Algorithm::Genetic::Diploid::Base';

our $VERSION = '0.4';
my $log = __PACKAGE__->logger;

my %enum = (
	'train' => {
#		'FANN_TRAIN_INCREMENTAL' => FANN_TRAIN_INCREMENTAL, # only want batch training
	'activationfunc' => {
		'FANN_LINEAR'                     => FANN_LINEAR,
#		'FANN_THRESHOLD'                  => FANN_THRESHOLD, # can not be used during training
#		'FANN_THRESHOLD_SYMMETRIC'        => FANN_THRESHOLD_SYMMETRIC, # can not be used during training
#		'FANN_SIGMOID'                    => FANN_SIGMOID, # range is between 0 and 1
#		'FANN_SIGMOID_STEPWISE'           => FANN_SIGMOID_STEPWISE, # range is between 0 and 1
#		'FANN_GAUSSIAN'                   => FANN_GAUSSIAN, # range is between 0 and 1
#		'FANN_ELLIOT'                     => FANN_ELLIOT, # range is between 0 and 1
#		'FANN_LINEAR_PIECE'               => FANN_LINEAR_PIECE, # range is between 0 and 1
#		'FANN_SIN'                        => FANN_SIN, # range is between 0 and 1
#		'FANN_COS'                        => FANN_COS, # range is between 0 and 1
	'errorfunc' => {
	'stopfunc' => {

my %constant;
for my $hashref ( values %enum ) {
	while( my ( $k, $v ) = each %{ $hashref } ) {
		$constant{$k} = $v;

my %default = (
	'error'               => 0.0001,
	'epochs'              => 5000,
	'train_type'          => 'ordinary',
	'epoch_printfreq'     => 100,
	'neuron_printfreq'    => 0,
	'neurons'             => 15,
	'activation_function' => FANN_SIGMOID_SYMMETRIC,

=head1 NAME

AI::FANN::Evolving - artificial neural network that evolves

=head1 METHODS


=item new

Constructor requires 'file', or 'data' and 'neurons' arguments. Optionally takes 
'connection_rate' argument for sparse topologies. Returns a wrapper around L<AI::FANN>.


sub new {
	my $class = shift;
	my %args  = @_;
	my $self  = {};
	bless $self, $class;
	# de-serialize from a file
	if ( my $file = $args{'file'} ) {
		$self->{'ann'} = AI::FANN->new_from_file($file);
		$log->debug("instantiating from file $file");
		return $self;
	# build new topology from input data
	elsif ( my $data = $args{'data'} ) {
		$log->debug("instantiating from data $data");
		$data = $data->to_fann if $data->isa('AI::FANN::Evolving::TrainData');
		# prepare arguments
		my $neurons = $args{'neurons'} || ( $data->num_inputs + 1 );
		my @sizes = ( 
		# build topology
		if ( $args{'connection_rate'} ) {
			$self->{'ann'} = AI::FANN->new_sparse( $args{'connection_rate'}, @sizes );
		else {
			$self->{'ann'} = AI::FANN->new_standard( @sizes );
		# finalize the instance
		return $self;
	# build new ANN using argument as a template
	elsif ( my $ann = $args{'ann'} ) {
		$log->debug("instantiating from template $ann");
		# copy the wrapper properties
		%{ $self } = %{ $ann };
		# instantiate the network dimensions
		$self->{'ann'} = AI::FANN->new_standard(
			$ann->num_inputs + 1,
		# copy the AI::FANN properties
		return $self;
	else {
		die "Need 'file', 'data' or 'ann' argument!";

=item template

Uses the object as a template for the properties of the argument, e.g.
$ann1->template($ann2) applies the properties of $ann1 to $ann2


sub template {
	my ( $self, $other ) = @_;
	# copy over the simple properties
	$log->debug("copying over simple properties");
	my %scalar_properties = __PACKAGE__->_scalar_properties;
	for my $prop ( keys %scalar_properties ) {
		my $val = $self->$prop;
	# copy over the list properties
	$log->debug("copying over list properties");
	my %list_properties = __PACKAGE__->_list_properties;
	for my $prop ( keys %list_properties ) {
		my @values = $self->$prop;
	# copy over the layer properties
	$log->debug("copying over layer properties");
	my %layer_properties = __PACKAGE__->_layer_properties;
	for my $prop ( keys %layer_properties ) {
		for my $i ( 0 .. $self->num_layers - 1 ) {
			for my $j ( 0 .. $self->layer_num_neurons($i) - 1 ) {
				my $val = $self->$prop($i,$j);
	return $self;

=item recombine

Recombines (exchanges) properties between the two objects at the provided rate, e.g.
$ann1->recombine($ann2,0.5) means that on average half of the object properties are
exchanged between $ann1 and $ann2


sub recombine {
	my ( $self, $other, $rr ) = @_;
	# recombine the simple properties
	my %scalar_properties = __PACKAGE__->_scalar_properties;
	for my $prop ( keys %scalar_properties ) {
		if ( rand(1) < $rr ) {			
			my $vals = $self->$prop;
			my $valo = $other->$prop;
	# copy over the list properties
	my %list_properties = __PACKAGE__->_list_properties;
	for my $prop ( keys %list_properties ) {
		if ( rand(1) < $rr ) {
			my @values = $self->$prop;
			my @valueo = $other->$prop;
	# copy over the layer properties
	my %layer_properties = __PACKAGE__->_layer_properties;
	for my $prop ( keys %layer_properties ) {
		for my $i ( 0 .. $self->num_layers - 1 ) {
			for my $j ( 0 .. $self->layer_num_neurons($i) - 1 ) {
				my $val = $self->$prop($i,$j);
	return $self;	

=item mutate

Mutates the object by the provided mutation rate


sub mutate {
	my ( $self, $mu ) = @_;
	$log->debug("going to mutate at rate $mu");
	# mutate the simple properties
	$log->debug("mutating scalar properties");
	my %scalar_properties = __PACKAGE__->_scalar_properties;
	for my $prop ( keys %scalar_properties ) {
		my $handler = $scalar_properties{$prop};
		my $val = $self->$prop;
		if ( ref $handler ) {
			$self->$prop( $handler->($val,$mu) );
		else {
			$self->$prop( _mutate_enum($handler,$val,$mu) );
	# mutate the list properties
	$log->debug("mutating list properties");
	my %list_properties = __PACKAGE__->_list_properties;
	for my $prop ( keys %list_properties ) {
		my $handler = $list_properties{$prop};		
		my @values = $self->$prop;
		if ( ref $handler ) {
			$self->$prop( map { $handler->($_,$mu) } @values );
		else {
			$self->$prop( map { _mutate_enum($handler,$_,$mu) } @values );
	# mutate the layer properties
	$log->debug("mutating layer properties");
	my %layer_properties = __PACKAGE__->_layer_properties;
	for my $prop ( keys %layer_properties ) {
		my $handler = $layer_properties{$prop};
		for my $i ( 1 .. $self->num_layers ) {
			for my $j ( 1 .. $self->layer_num_neurons($i) ) {
				my $val = $self->$prop($i,$j);
				if ( ref $handler ) {
					$self->$prop( $handler->($val,$mu) );
				else {
					$self->$prop( _mutate_enum($handler,$val,$mu) );
	return $self;

sub _mutate_double {
	my ( $value, $mu ) = @_;
	my $scale = 1 + ( rand( 2 * $mu ) - $mu );
	return $value * $scale;

sub _mutate_int {
	my ( $value, $mu ) = @_;
	if ( rand(1) < $mu ) {
		my $inc = ( int(rand(2)) * 2 ) - 1;
		while( ( $value < 0 ) xor ( ( $value + $inc ) < 0 ) ) {
			$inc = ( int(rand(2)) * 2 ) - 1;
		return $value + $inc;
	return $value;

sub _mutate_enum {
	my ( $enum_name, $value, $mu ) = @_;
	if ( rand(1) < $mu ) {
		my ($newval) = shuffle grep { $_ != $value } values %{ $enum{$enum_name} };
		$value = $newval if defined $newval;
	return $value;

sub _list_properties {
#		cascade_activation_functions   => 'activationfunc',
		cascade_activation_steepnesses => \&_mutate_double,

sub _layer_properties {
#		neuron_activation_function  => 'activationfunc',
#		neuron_activation_steepness => \&_mutate_double,

sub _scalar_properties {
		training_algorithm                   => 'train',
		train_error_function                 => 'errorfunc',
		train_stop_function                  => 'stopfunc',
		learning_rate                        => \&_mutate_double,
		learning_momentum                    => \&_mutate_double,
		quickprop_decay                      => \&_mutate_double,
		quickprop_mu                         => \&_mutate_double,
		rprop_increase_factor                => \&_mutate_double,
		rprop_decrease_factor                => \&_mutate_double,
		rprop_delta_min                      => \&_mutate_double,
		rprop_delta_max                      => \&_mutate_double,
		cascade_output_change_fraction       => \&_mutate_double,
		cascade_candidate_change_fraction    => \&_mutate_double,
		cascade_output_stagnation_epochs     => \&_mutate_int,
		cascade_candidate_stagnation_epochs  => \&_mutate_int,
		cascade_max_out_epochs               => \&_mutate_int,
		cascade_max_cand_epochs              => \&_mutate_int,
		cascade_num_candidate_groups         => \&_mutate_int,
		bit_fail_limit                       => \&_mutate_double, # 'fann_type',
		cascade_weight_multiplier            => \&_mutate_double, # 'fann_type',
		cascade_candidate_limit              => \&_mutate_double, # 'fann_type',

=item defaults

Getter/setter to influence default ANN configuration


sub defaults {
	my $self = shift;
	my %args = @_;
	for my $key ( keys %args ) {
		$log->info("setting $key to $args{$key}");
		if ( $key eq 'activation_function' ) {
			$args{$key} = $constant{$args{$key}};
		$default{$key} = $args{$key};
	return %default;

sub _init {
	my $self = shift;
	my %args = @_;
	for ( qw(error epochs train_type epoch_printfreq neuron_printfreq neurons activation_function) ) {
		$self->{$_} = $args{$_} // $default{$_};
	return $self;

=item clone

Clones the object


sub clone {
	my $self = shift;
	# we delete the reference here so we can use 
	# Algorithm::Genetic::Diploid::Base's cloning method, which
	# dumps and loads from YAML. This wouldn't work if the 
	# reference is still attached because it cannot be 
	# stringified, being an XS data structure
	my $ann = delete $self->{'ann'};
	my $clone = $self->SUPER::clone;
	# clone the ANN by writing it to a temp file in "FANN/FLO"
	# format and reading that back in, then delete the file
	my ( $fh, $file ) = tempfile();
	close $fh;
	$clone->{'ann'} = __PACKAGE__->new_from_file($file);
	unlink $file;
	# now re-attach the original ANN to the invocant
	$self->{'ann'} = $ann;
	return $clone;

=item train

Trains the AI on the provided data object


sub train {
	my ( $self, $data ) = @_;
	if ( $self->train_type eq 'cascade' ) {
		$log->debug("cascade training");
		# set learning curve
		$self->cascade_activation_functions( $self->activation_function );
		# train
	else {
		$log->debug("normal training");
		# set learning curves
		$self->hidden_activation_function( $self->activation_function );
		$self->output_activation_function( $self->activation_function );
		# train

=item enum_properties

Returns a hash whose keys are names of enums and values the possible states for the


=item error

Getter/setter for the error rate. Default is 0.0001


sub error {
	my $self = shift;
	if ( @_ ) {
		my $value = shift;
		$log->debug("setting error threshold to $value");
		return $self->{'error'} = $value;
	else {
		$log->debug("getting error threshold");
		return $self->{'error'};

=item epochs

Getter/setter for the number of training epochs, default is 500000


sub epochs {
	my $self = shift;
	if ( @_ ) {
		my $value = shift;
		$log->debug("setting training epochs to $value");
		return $self->{'epochs'} = $value;
	else {
		$log->debug("getting training epochs");
		return $self->{'epochs'};

=item epoch_printfreq

Getter/setter for the number of epochs after which progress is printed. default is 1000


sub epoch_printfreq {
	my $self = shift;
	if ( @_ ) {
		my $value = shift;
		$log->debug("setting epoch printfreq to $value");
		return $self->{'epoch_printfreq'} = $value;
	else {
		$log->debug("getting epoch printfreq");
		return $self->{'epoch_printfreq'}

=item neurons

Getter/setter for the number of neurons. Default is 15


sub neurons {
	my $self = shift;
	if ( @_ ) {
		my $value = shift;
		$log->debug("setting neurons to $value");
		return $self->{'neurons'} = $value;
	else {
		$log->debug("getting neurons");
		return $self->{'neurons'};

=item neuron_printfreq

Getter/setter for the number of cascading neurons after which progress is printed. 
default is 10


sub neuron_printfreq {
	my $self = shift;
	if ( @_ ) {
		my $value = shift;
		$log->debug("setting neuron printfreq to $value");
		return $self->{'neuron_printfreq'} = $value;
	else {	
		$log->debug("getting neuron printfreq");
		return $self->{'neuron_printfreq'};

=item train_type

Getter/setter for the training type: 'cascade' or 'ordinary'. Default is ordinary


sub train_type {
	my $self = shift;
	if ( @_ ) {
		my $value = lc shift;
		$log->debug("setting train type to $value"); 
		return $self->{'train_type'} = $value;
	else {
		$log->debug("getting train type");
		return $self->{'train_type'};

=item activation_function

Getter/setter for the function that maps inputs to outputs. default is 



sub activation_function {
	my $self = shift;
	if ( @_ ) {
		my $value = shift;
		$log->debug("setting activation function to $value");
		return $self->{'activation_function'} = $value;
	else {
		$log->debug("getting activation function");
		return $self->{'activation_function'};

# this is here so that we can trap method calls that need to be 
# delegated to the FANN object. at this point we're not even
# going to care whether the FANN object implements these methods:
# if it doesn't we get the normal error for unknown methods, which
# the user then will have to resolve.
	my $self = shift;
	my $method = $AUTOLOAD;
	$method =~ s/.+://;
	# ignore all caps methods
	if ( $method !~ /^[A-Z]+$/ ) {
		# determine whether to invoke on an object or a package
		my $invocant;
		if ( ref $self ) {
			$invocant = $self->{'ann'};
		else {
			$invocant = 'AI::FANN';
		# determine whether to pass in arguments
		if ( @_ ) {
			my $arg = shift;
			$arg = $constant{$arg} if exists $constant{$arg};
			return $invocant->$method($arg);
		else {		
			return $invocant->$method;


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package AI::FANN;

our $VERSION = '0.10';

use strict;
use warnings;
use Carp;

require XSLoader;
XSLoader::load('AI::FANN', $VERSION);

use Exporter qw(import);

    my @constants = _constants();

    our %EXPORT_TAGS = ( 'all' => [ @constants ] );
    our @EXPORT_OK = ( @{ $EXPORT_TAGS{'all'} } );

    require constant;
    for my $constant (@constants) {
        constant->import($constant, $constant);

sub num_neurons {

    @_ == 1 or croak "Usage: AI::FANN::get_neurons(self)";

    my $self = shift;
    if (wantarray) {
        map { $self->layer_num_neurons($_) } (0 .. $self->num_layers - 1);
    else {


=head1 NAME

AI::FANN - Perl wrapper for the Fast Artificial Neural Network library



  use AI::FANN qw(:all);

  # create an ANN with 2 inputs, a hidden layer with 3 neurons and an
  # output layer with 1 neuron:
  my $ann = AI::FANN->new_standard(2, 3, 1);


  # create the training data for a XOR operator:
  my $xor_train = AI::FANN::TrainData->new( [-1, -1], [-1],
                                            [-1, 1], [1],
                                            [1, -1], [1],
                                            [1, 1], [-1] );

  $ann->train_on_data($xor_train, 500000, 1000, 0.001);



  use AI::FANN;

  my $ann = AI::FANN->new_from_file("xor.ann");

  for my $a (-1, 1) {
    for my $b (-1, 1) {
      my $out = $ann->run([$a, $b]);
      printf "xor(%f, %f) = %f\n", $a, $b, $out->[0];



AI::FANN is a Perl wrapper for the Fast Artificial Neural Network
(FANN) Library available from L<>:

  Fast Artificial Neural Network Library is a free open source neural
  network library, which implements multilayer artificial neural
  networks in C with support for both fully connected and sparsely
  connected networks. Cross-platform execution in both fixed and
  floating point are supported. It includes a framework for easy
  handling of training data sets. It is easy to use, versatile, well
  documented, and fast. PHP, C++, .NET, Python, Delphi, Octave, Ruby,
  Pure Data and Mathematica bindings are available. A reference manual
  accompanies the library with examples and recommendations on how to
  use the library. A graphical user interface is also available for
  the library.

AI::FANN object oriented interface provides an almost direct map to
the C library API. Some differences have been introduced to make it
more perlish:

=over 4

=item *

Two classes are used: C<AI::FANN> that wraps the C C<struct fann> type
and C<AI::FANN::TrainData> that wraps C<struct fann_train_data>.

=item *

Prefixes and common parts on the C function names referring to those
structures have been removed. For instance C
C<fann_train_data_shuffle> becomes C<AI::FANN::TrainData::shuffle> that
will be usually called as...


=item *

Pairs of C get/set functions are wrapped in Perl with dual accessor
methods named as the attribute (and without any C<set_>/C<get_>
prefix). For instance:

  $ann->bit_fail_limit($limit); # sets the bit_fail_limit

  $bfl = $ann->bit_fail_limit;  # gets the bit_fail_limit

Pairs of get/set functions requiring additional indexing arguments are
also wrapped inside dual accessors:

  # sets:
  $ann->neuron_activation_function($layer_ix, $neuron_ix, $actfunc);

  # gets:
  $af = $ann->neuron_activation_function($layer_ix, $neuron_ix);

Important: note that on the Perl version, the optional value argument
is moved to the last position (on the C version of the C<set_> method
it is usually the second argument).

=item *

Some functions have been renamed to make the naming more consistent
and to follow Perl conventions:

  C                                      Perl
  fann_create_from_file               => new_from_file
  fann_create_standard                => new_standard
  fann_get_num_input                  => num_inputs
  fann_get_activation_function        => neuron_activation_function
  fann_set_activation_function        => ^^^
  fann_set_activation_function_layer  => layer_activation_function
  fann_set_activation_function_hidden => hidden_activation_function
  fann_set_activation_function_output => output_activation_function

=item *

Boolean methods return true on success and undef on failure.

=item *

Any error reported from the C side is automaticaly converter to a Perl
exception. No manual error checking is required after calling FANN

=item *

Memory management is automatic, no need to call destroy methods.

=item *

Doubles are used for computations (using floats or fixed
point types is not supported).



All the constants defined in the C documentation are exported from the module:

  # import all...
  use AI::FANN ':all';

  # or individual constants...

The values returned from this constant subs yield the integer value on
numerical context and the constant name when used as strings.

The constants available are:

  # enum fann_train_enum:

  # enum fann_activationfunc_enum:

  # enum fann_errorfunc_enum:

  # enum fann_stopfunc_enum:

=head1 CLASSES

The classes defined by this package are:

=head2 AI::FANN

Wraps C C<struct fann> types and provides the following methods
(consult the C documentation for a full description of their usage):

=over 4

=item AI::FANN->new_standard(@layer_sizes)


=item AI::FANN->new_sparse($connection_rate, @layer_sizes)


=item AI::FANN->new_shortcut(@layer_sizes)


=item AI::FANN->new_from_file($filename)


=item $ann->save($filename)


=item $ann->run($input)

C<input> is an array with the input values.

returns an array with the values on the output layer.

  $out = $ann->run([1, 0.6]);
  print "@$out\n";

=item $ann->randomize_weights($min_weight, $max_weight)

=item $ann->train($input, $desired_output)

C<$input> and C<$desired_output> are arrays.

=item $ann->test($input, $desired_output)

C<$input> and C<$desired_output> are arrays.

It returns an array with the values of the output layer.

=item $ann->reset_MSE


=item $ann->train_on_file($filename, $max_epochs, $epochs_between_reports, $desired_error)


=item $ann->train_on_data($train_data, $max_epochs, $epochs_between_reports, $desired_error)

C<$train_data> is a AI::FANN::TrainData object.

=item $ann->cascadetrain_on_file($filename, $max_neurons, $neurons_between_reports, $desired_error)


=item $ann->cascadetrain_on_data($train_data, $max_neurons, $neurons_between_reports, $desired_error)

C<$train_data> is a AI::FANN::TrainData object.

=item $ann->train_epoch($train_data)

C<$train_data> is a AI::FANN::TrainData object.

=item $ann->print_connections


=item $ann->print_parameters


=item $ann->cascade_activation_functions()

returns a list of the activation functions used for cascade training.

=item $ann->cascade_activation_functions(@activation_functions)

sets the list of activation function to use for cascade training.

=item $ann->cascade_activation_steepnesses()

returns a list of the activation steepnesses used for cascade training.

=item $ann->cascade_activation_steepnesses(@activation_steepnesses)

sets the list of activation steepnesses to use for cascade training.

=item $ann->training_algorithm

=item $ann->training_algorithm($training_algorithm)


=item $ann->train_error_function

=item $ann->train_error_function($error_function)


=item $ann->train_stop_function

=item $ann->train_stop_function($stop_function)


=item $ann->learning_rate

=item $ann->learning_rate($rate)


=item $ann->learning_momentum

=item $ann->learning_momentum($momentun)


=item $ann->bit_fail_limit

=item $ann->bit_fail_limit($bfl)


=item $ann->quickprop_decay

=item $ann->quickprop_decay($qpd)


=item $ann->quickprop_mu

=item $ann->quickprop_mu($qpmu)


=item $ann->rprop_increase_factor

=item $ann->rprop_increase_factor($factor)


=item $ann->rprop_decrease_factor

=item $ann->rprop_decrease_factor($factor)


=item $ann->rprop_delta_min

=item $ann->rprop_delta_min($min)


=item $ann->rprop_delta_max

=item $ann->rprop_delta_max($max)


=item $ann->num_inputs


=item $ann->num_outputs


=item $ann->total_neurons


=item $ann->total_connections


=item $ann->MSE


=item $ann->bit_fail


=item cascade_output_change_fraction

=item cascade_output_change_fraction($fraction)


=item $ann->cascade_output_stagnation_epochs

=item $ann->cascade_output_stagnation_epochs($epochs)


=item $ann->cascade_candidate_change_fraction

=item $ann->cascade_candidate_change_fraction($fraction)


=item $ann->cascade_candidate_stagnation_epochs

=item $ann->cascade_candidate_stagnation_epochs($epochs)


=item $ann->cascade_weight_multiplier

=item $ann->cascade_weight_multiplier($multiplier)


=item $ann->cascade_candidate_limit

=item $ann->cascade_candidate_limit($limit)


=item $ann->cascade_max_out_epochs

=item $ann->cascade_max_out_epochs($epochs)


=item $ann->cascade_max_cand_epochs

=item $ann->cascade_max_cand_epochs($epochs)


=item $ann->cascade_num_candidates


=item $ann->cascade_num_candidate_groups

=item $ann->cascade_num_candidate_groups($groups)


=item $ann->neuron_activation_function($layer_index, $neuron_index)

=item $ann->neuron_activation_function($layer_index, $neuron_index, $activation_function)


=item $ann->layer_activation_function($layer_index, $activation_function)


=item $ann->hidden_activation_function($layer_index, $activation_function)


=item $ann->output_activation_function($layer_index, $activation_function)


=item $ann->neuron_activation_steepness($layer_index, $neuron_index)

=item $ann->neuron_activation_steepness($layer_index, $neuron_index, $activation_steepness)


=item $ann->layer_activation_steepness($layer_index, $activation_steepness)


=item $ann->hidden_activation_steepness($layer_index, $activation_steepness)


=item $ann->output_activation_steepness($layer_index, $activation_steepness)


=item $ann->num_layers

returns the number of layers on the ANN

=item $ann->layer_num_neurons($layer_index)

return the number of neurons on layer C<$layer_index>.

=item $ann->num_neurons

return a list with the number of neurons on every layer


=head2 AI::FANN::TrainData

Wraps C C<struct fann_train_data> and provides the following method:

=over 4

=item AI::FANN::TrainData->new_from_file($filename)


=item AI::FANN::TrainData->new($input1, $output1 [, $input2, $output2, ...])

C<$inputx> and C<$outputx> are arrays with the values of the input and
output layers.

=item AI::FANN::TrainData->new_empty($num_data, $num_inputs, $num_outputs)

returns a new AI::FANN::TrainData object of the sizes indicated on the
arguments. The initial values of the data contained inside the object
are random and should be set before using the train data object for
training an ANN.

=item $train->data($index)

returns two arrays with the values of the input and output layer
respectively for that index.

=item $train->data($index, $input, $output)

C<$input> and C<$output> are two arrays.

The input and output layers at the index C<$index> are set to the
values on these arrays.

=item $train->shuffle


=item $train->scale_input($new_min, $new_max)


=item $train->scale_output($new_min, $new_max)


=item $train->scale($new_min, $new_max)


=item $train->subset($pos, $length)


=item $train->num_inputs


=item $train->num_outputs


=item $train->length




See the README file for instruction on installing this module.

=head1 BUGS

Only tested on Linux.

I/O is not performed through PerlIO because the C library doesn't have
the required infrastructure to do that.

Send bug reports to my email address or use the CPAN RT system.

=head1 SEE ALSO

FANN homepage at L<>.


Copyright (C) 2006-2008 by Salvador FandiE<ntilde>o

This Perl module is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the same terms as Perl itself, either Perl version
5.8.8 or, at your option, any later version of Perl 5 you may have

The Fast Artificial Neural Network Library (FANN)
Copyright (C) 2003-2006 Steffen Nissen ( and others.

Distributed under the GNU Lesser General Public License.


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package AI::Fuzzy;

use strict;
use vars qw($VERSION);

use AI::Fuzzy::Set;
use AI::Fuzzy::Axis;
use AI::Fuzzy::Label;

$VERSION = '0.05';


=head1 NAME

AI::Fuzzy - Perl extension for Fuzzy Logic


  use AI::Fuzzy;

  my $f = new AI::Fuzzy::Axis;
  my $l = new AI::Fuzzy::Label("toddler",      1, 1.5, 3.5);

  $f->addlabel("baby",        -1,   1, 2.5);
  $f->addlabel("little kid",   2,   7,  12);
  $f->addlabel("kid",          6,  10,  14);
  $f->addlabel("teenager",    12,  16,  20);
  $f->addlabel("young adult", 18,  27,  35);
  $f->addlabel("adult",       25,  50,  75);
  $f->addlabel("senior",      60,  80, 110);
  $f->addlabel("relic",      100, 150, 200);

  for (my $x = 0; $x<50; $x+=4) {
      print "$x years old => " . $f->labelvalue($x) . "\n";

  $a = new AI::Fuzzy::Set( x1 => .3, x2 => .5, x3 => .8, x4 => 0, x5 => 1);
  $b = new AI::Fuzzy::Set( x5 => .3, x6 => .5, x7 => .8, x8 => 0, x9 => 1);
  print "a is: " . $a->as_string . "\n"; 
  print "b is: " . $b->as_string . "\n"; 
  print "a is equal to b" if ($a->equal($b));
  my $c = $a->complement();
  print "complement of a is: " . $c->as_string . "\n"; 
  $c = $a->union($b);
  print "a union b is: " . $c->as_string . "\n"; 
  $c = $a->intersection($b);
  print "a intersection b is: " . $c->as_string . "\n"; 



AI::Fuzzy really consists of three modules - AI::Fuzzy::Axis, AI::Fuzzy::Label, and

A fuzzy set is simply a mathematical set to which members can
I<partially> belong. For example, a particular shade of gray may
partially belong to the set of dark colors, whereas black would have
full membership, and lemon yellow would have almost no membership.

A fuzzy axis holds fuzzy labels and can be used to classify values
by examining the degree to which they belong to several labels, and 
selecting the most appropriate.  For example, it can decide whether 
to call water at 60 degrees Farenheight "cold", "cool", or "warm". 

A fuzzy label classifies a particular range of the Axis. In the above example 
the label is one of "cold", "cool", or "warm". A fuzzy label defines how
much a crisp value belongs to the classifier such as "cold", "warm", or "cool". 

=head2 Fuzzy Sets

AI::Fuzzy:Set has these methods:

    $fs = B<new> AI::Fuzzy::Set;

    # here, "Bob" is unquestionably tall.. the others less so.
    $fs_tall_people = B<new> AI::Fuzzy::Set( Lester=>.34, Bob=>1.00, Max=>.86 );
    # $x will be .86
    $x = B<membership> $fs_tall_people, "Max";

    # get list of members, sorted from least membership to greatest:
    @shortest_first = B<members> $fs_tall_people;

    $fs = B<new> AI::Fuzzy::Set( x1 => .3, x2 => .5, x3 => .8, x4 => 0, x5 => 1);

    B<complement>, B<union>, B<intersection>
    Thesie are the fuzzy set version of the typical functions.
    Returns true if the sets have the same elements and those elements
    are all equal.

   Prints the set as tuples:
	$b = new AI::Fuzzy::Set( x5 => .3, x6 => .5, x7 => .8, x8 => 0, x9 => 1);
	print "b is: " . $b->as_string . "\n"; 
	b is: x8/0, x5/0.3, x6/0.5, x7/0.8, x9/1

=head2 Fuzzy Labels

A Fuzzy::Label label has four attributes: the text of the label (it
can be any scalar, really), and three numbers: low, mid, high if you
imagine a cartesian plane (remember graph paper in algebra?)  of all
possible values, the label applies to a particular range.  the graph
might look something like this:

	  |Y           * (mid, 1)
	  |           /  \
	  |          /     \
	  |         /       \
	  |        /          \
	 -|-------*-------------*------- X
	           (low,0)      (high,0)

the Y value is applicability of the label for a given X value

the mid number is the "pure" value. eg, orange is at 0 or 360
degrees on the color wheel. the label applies 100% at the mid

the low and high numbers are the two points at which
the label ceases to apply.

note that labels can overlap, and that the
mid number isn't always in the exact center, so the slope
of the two sides may vary...

$fl = new AI::Fuzzy::Label ( "hot", 77, 80, 100 );
$fx = new AI::Fuzzy::Label ( "cold", 0, 10, 200 );
    # what I consider hot. :) (in Farenheit, of course!)

if ( $fl->lessthan($fx) ) {
    print "the laws of nature have changed\n";

# there is a lessthan, greaterthan, lessequal, greaterequal, and between 
#  that functions as above or using <,>,<=,>=

$a = $fl->applicability($value);
    # $a is now the degree to which this label applies to $value

=head2 Fuzzy Axis

A Fuzzy::Axis maintains a hash of labels.  Thus you can now look at how
values apply to the full range of labels.  The graph of an Axis might
look like this:

	  |Y             * (mid, 1)
	  |           /\/ \      /|
	  |  /- -\   / /\  \    / |  
	  | /     \-/ /  \   \ /  |  (some function on some range of x)
	  | |        /    \   /\  ---*-|
	 -|---------*-----------*------- X
	           (low,0)      (high,0)

the Y value is still the applicability of the label for a given X value,
but there are three labels on this Axis.  A different X value may
put your value into a new label.

$fl = new AI::Fuzzy::Axis;

    # add a label created as in AI::Fuzzy::Label docs

$a = $fl->applicability($label, $value);
    # $a is now the degree to which $label applies to $value

$l = $fl->label ("labelname");
    # returns the label object named "labelname"

$l = $fl->labelvalue ($value);
    # applies a label to $value

@l = $fl->labelvalue($value);
    # returns a list of labels and their applicability values

$s = new AI::Fuzzy::Set( $fl->label($value) );
    # same thing, but now it's an object

@range = $fl->range();
    # returns a list of labels, sorted by their midpoints
    # eg: ("cold", "cool", "lukewarm", "warm", "hot")
=head1 AUTHOR

Tom Scanlan <>,
current maintainer 

Michal Wallace  (,
original author

=head1 SEE ALSO

Move along, nothing to "see also" here...

=head1 BUGS

Please send any bugs to Tom Scanlan <>


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package AI::FuzzyEngine;

use 5.008009;
use version 0.77; our $VERSION = version->declare('v0.2.2');

use strict;
use warnings;
use Carp;
use Scalar::Util;
use List::Util;
use List::MoreUtils;

use AI::FuzzyEngine::Variable;

sub new {
    my ($class) = @_;
    my $self = bless {}, $class;

    $self->{_variables} = [];
    return $self;

sub variables { @{ shift->{_variables} } };

sub and {
    my ($self, @vals) = @_;

    # PDL awareness: any element is a piddle?
    return List::Util::min(@vals) if _non_is_a_piddle(@vals);

    my $vals = $self->_cat_array_of_piddles(@vals);
    return $vals->mv(-1, 0)->minimum;

sub or {
    my ($self, @vals) = @_;

    # PDL awareness: any element is a piddle?
    return List::Util::max(@vals) if _non_is_a_piddle(@vals);

    my $vals = $self->_cat_array_of_piddles(@vals);
    return $vals->mv(-1, 0)->maximum;

sub not {
    my ($self, $val) = @_;
    return 1-$val;

sub true  { return 1 }

sub false { return 0 }

sub new_variable {
    my ($self, @pars) = @_;

    my $variable_class = $self->_class_of_variable();
    my $var = $variable_class->new($self, @pars);
    push @{$self->{_variables}}, $var;
    Scalar::Util::weaken $self->{_variables}->[-1];
    return $var;

sub reset {
    my ($self) = @_;
    $_->reset() for $self->variables(); 
    return $self;

sub _class_of_variable { 'AI::FuzzyEngine::Variable' }

sub _non_is_a_piddle {
    return List::MoreUtils::none {ref $_ eq 'PDL'} @_;

my $_PDL_is_imported;
sub _check_for_PDL {
    return if $_PDL_is_imported;
    die "PDL not loaded"       unless $INC{''};
    die "PDL::Core not loaded" unless $INC{'PDL/'};
    $_PDL_is_imported = 1;

sub _cat_array_of_piddles {
    my ($class, @vals)  = @_;

    # TODO: Rapid return if @_ == 1 (isa piddle)
    # TODO: join "-", ndims -> Schnellcheck auf gleiche Dim.

    # All elements must get piddles
    my @pdls  = map { PDL::Core::topdl($_) } @vals;

    # Get size of wrapping piddle (using a trick)
    # applying valid expansion rules for element wise operations
    my $zeros = PDL->pdl(0);
    #        v-- does not work due to threading mechanisms :-((
    # $zeros += $_ for @pdls;
    # Avoid threading!
    for my $p (@pdls) {
        croak "Empty piddles are not allowed" if $p->isempty();
        eval { $zeros = $zeros + $p->zeros(); 1
            } or croak q{Can't expand piddles to same size};

    # Now, cat 'em by expanding them on the fly
    my $vals = PDL::cat( map {$_ + $zeros} @pdls );
    return $vals;



=head1 NAME

AI::FuzzyEngine - A Fuzzy Engine, PDL aware


=head2 Regular Perl - without PDL

    use AI::FuzzyEngine;

    # Engine (or factory) provides fuzzy logical arithmetic
    my $fe = AI::FuzzyEngine->new();

    # Disjunction:
    my $a = $fe->or ( 0.2, 0.5, 0.8, 0.7 ); # 0.8
    # Conjunction:
    my $b = $fe->and( 0.2, 0.5, 0.8, 0.7 ); # 0.2
    # Negation:
    my $c = $fe->not( 0.4 );                # 0.6
    # Always true:
    my $t = $fe->true();                    # 1.0
    # Always false:
    my $f = $fe->false();                   # 0.0

    # These functions are constitutive for the operations
    # on the fuzzy sets of the fuzzy variables:

    # VARIABLES (AI::FuzzyEngine::Variable)

    # input variables need definition of membership functions of their sets
    my $flow = $fe->new_variable( 0 => 2000,
                        small => [0, 1,  500, 1, 1000, 0                  ],
                        med   => [       400, 0, 1000, 1, 1500, 0         ],
                        huge  => [               1000, 0, 1500, 1, 2000, 1],
    my $cap  = $fe->new_variable( 0 => 1800,
                        avg   => [0, 1, 1500, 1, 1700, 0         ],
                        high  => [      1500, 0, 1700, 1, 1800, 1],
    # internal variables need sets, but no membership functions
    my $saturation = $fe->new_variable( # from => to may be ommitted
                        low   => [],
                        crit  => [],
                        over  => [],
    # But output variables need membership functions for their sets:
    my $green = $fe->new_variable( -5 => 5,
                        decrease => [-5, 1, -2, 1, 0, 0            ],
                        ok       => [       -2, 0  0, 1, 2, 0      ],
                        increase => [              0, 0, 2, 1, 5, 1],

    # Reset FuzzyEngine (resets all variables)

    # Reset a fuzzy variable directly

    # Membership functions can be changed via the set's variable.
    # This might be useful during parameter identification algorithms
    # Changing a function resets the respective variable.
    $flow->change_set( med => [500, 0, 1000, 1, 1500, 0] );

    # Fuzzification of input variables
    $flow->fuzzify( 600 );
    $cap->fuzzify( 1000 );

    # Membership degrees of the respective sets are now available:
    my $flow_is_small = $flow->small(); # 0.8
    my $flow_is_med   = $flow->med();   # 0.2
    my $flow_is_huge  = $flow->huge();  # 0.0

    # RULES and their application

    # a) If necessary, calculate some internal variables first. 
    # They will not be defuzzified (in fact, $saturation can't)
    # Implicit application of 'and'
    # Multiple calls to a membership function
    # are similar to 'or' operations:
    $saturation->low( $flow->small(), $cap->avg()  );
    $saturation->low( $flow->small(), $cap->high() );
    $saturation->low( $flow->med(),   $cap->high() );

    # Explicite 'or', 'and' or 'not' possible:
    $saturation->crit( $fe->or( $fe->and( $flow->med(),  $cap->avg()  ),
                                $fe->and( $flow->huge(), $cap->high() ),
    $saturation->over( $fe->not( $flow->small() ),
                       $fe->not( $flow->med()   ),
    $saturation->over( $flow->huge(), $fe->not( $cap->high() ) );

    # b) deduce output variable(s) (here: from internal variable $saturation)
    $green->decrease( $saturation->low()  );
    $green->ok(       $saturation->crit() );
    $green->increase( $saturation->over() );

    # All sets provide their respective membership degrees: 
    my $saturation_is_over = $saturation->over(); # This is no defuzzification!
    my $green_is_ok        = $green->ok();

    # Defuzzification ( is a matter of the fuzzy variable )
    my $delta_green = $green->defuzzify(); # -5 ... 5

=head2 Using PDL and its threading capability

    use PDL;
    use AI::FuzzyEngine;

    # (Probably a stupide example)
    my $fe        = AI::FuzzyEngine->new();

    # Declare variables as usual
    my $severity  = $fe->new_variable( 0 => 10,
                          low  => [0, 1, 3, 1, 5, 0       ],
                          high => [      3, 0, 5, 1, 10, 1],

    my $threshold = $fe->new_variable( 0 => 1,
                           low  => [0, 1, 0.2, 1, 0.8, 0,     ],
                           high => [      0.2, 0, 0.8, 1, 1, 1],
    my $problem   = $fe->new_variable( -0.5 => 2,
                           no  => [-0.5, 0, 0, 1, 0.5, 0, 1, 0],
                           yes => [         0, 0, 0.5, 1, 1, 1, 1.5, 1, 2, 0],

    # Input data is a pdl of arbitrary dimension
    my $data = pdl( [0, 4, 6, 10] );
    $severity->fuzzify( $data );

    # Membership degrees are piddles now:
    print 'Severity is high: ', $severity->high, "\n";
    # [0 0.5 1 1]

    # Other variables might be piddles of other dimensions,
    # but all variables must be expandible to a common 'wrapping' piddle
    # ( in this case a 4x2 matrix with 4 colums and 2 rows)
    my $level = pdl( [0.6],
    $threshold->fuzzify( $level );

    print 'Threshold is low: ', $threshold->low(), "\n";
    # [
    #  [0.33333333]
    #  [         1]
    # ]

    # Apply some rules
    $problem->yes( $severity->high,  $threshold->low );
    $problem->no( $fe->not( $problem->yes )  );

    # Fuzzy results are represented by the membership degrees of sets 
    print 'Problem yes: ', $problem->yes,  "\n";
    # [
    #  [         0 0.33333333 0.33333333 0.33333333]
    #  [         0        0.5          1          1]
    # ]

    # Defuzzify the output variables
    # Caveat: This includes some non-threadable operations up to now
    my $problem_ratings = $problem->defuzzify();
    print 'Problems rated: ', $problem_ratings;
    # [
    #  [         0 0.60952381 0.60952381 0.60952381]
    #  [         0       0.75          1          1]
    # ]

=head1 EXPORT

Nothing is exported or exportable.


This module is yet another implementation of a fuzzy inference system.
The aim was to  be able to code rules (no string parsing),
but avoid operator overloading,
and make it possible to split calculation into multiple steps.
All intermediate results (memberships of sets of variables)
should be available.

Beginning with v0.2.0 it is PDL aware,
meaning that it can handle piddles (PDL objects)
when running the fuzzy operations.
More information on PDL can be found at L<>. 

Credits to Ala Qumsieh and his L<AI::FuzzyInference>,
that showed me that fuzzy is no magic.
I learned a lot by analyzing his code,
and he provides good information and links to learn more about Fuzzy Logics.

=head2 Fuzzy stuff

The L<AI::FuzzyEngine> object defines and provides
the elementary operations for fuzzy sets.
All membership degrees of sets are values from 0 to 1.
Up to now there is no choice with regard to how to operate on sets:

=over 2

=item C<< $fe->or( ... ) >> (Disjunction)

is I<Maximum> of membership degrees

=item C<< $fe->and( ... ) >> (Conjunction)

is I<Minimum> of membership degrees

=item C<< $fe->not( $var->$set ) >> (Negation)

is I<1-degree> of membership degree

=item Aggregation of rules (Disjunction)

is I<Maximum>

=item True C<< $fe->true() >> and false C<< $fe->false() >>

are provided for convenience.


Defuzzification is based on

=over 2

=item Implication

I<Clip> membership function of a set according to membership degree,
before the implicated memberships of all sets of a variable are taken for defuzzification:

=item Defuzzification

I<Centroid> of aggregated (and clipped) membership functions


=head2 Public functions

Creation of an C<AI::FuzzyEngine> object by

    my $fe = AI::FuzzyEngine->new();

This function has no parameters. It provides the fuzzy methods
C<or>, C<and> and C<not>, as listed above.
If needed, I will introduce alternative fuzzy operations,
they will be configured as arguments to C<new>. 

Once built, the engine can create fuzzy variables by C<new_variable>:

    my $var = $fe->new_variable( $from => $to,
                        $name_of_set1 => [$x11, $y11, $x12, $y12, ... ],
                        $name_of_set2 => [$x21, $y21, $x22, $y22, ... ],

Result is an L<AI::FuzzyEngine::Variable>.
The name_of_set strings are taken to assign corresponding methods
for the respective fuzzy variables.
They must be valid function identifiers.
Same name_of_set can used for different variables without conflict.
Take care:
There is no check for conflicts with predefined class methods. 

Fuzzy variables provide a method to fuzzify input values:

    $var->fuzzify( $val );

according to the defined sets and their membership functions.

The memberships of the sets of C<$var> are accessible
by the respective functions:

    my $membership_degree = $var->$name_of_set();

Membership degrees can be assigned directly (within rules for example):

    $var->$name_of_set( $membership_degree );

If multiple membership_degrees are given, they are "anded":

    $var->$name_of_set( $degree1, $degree2, ... ); # "and"

By this, simple rules can be coded directly:

    my $var_3->zzz( $var_1->xxx, $var_2->yyy, ... ); # "and"

this implements the fuzzy implication

    if $var_1->xxx and $var_2->yyy and ... then $var_3->zzz

The membership degrees of a variable's sets can be reset to undef:

    $var->reset(); # resets a variable
    $fe->reset();  # resets all variables

The fuzzy engine C<$fe> has all variables registered
that have been created by its C<new_variable> method.

A variable can be defuzzified:

    my $out_value = $var->defuzzify();

Membership functions can be replaced via a set's variable:

    $var->change_set( $name_of_set => [$x11n, $y11n, $x12n, $y12n, ... ] );

The variable will be reset when replacing a membership function
of any of its sets.
Interdependencies with other variables are not checked
(it might happen that the results of any rules are no longer valid,
so it needs some recalculations).

Sometimes internal variables are used that need neither fuzzification
nor defuzzification.
They can be created by a simplified call to C<new_variable>:

    my $var_int = $fe->new_variable( $name_of_set1 => [],
                                     $name_of_set2 => [],

Hence, they can not use the methods C<fuzzify> or C<defuzzify>.

Fuzzy operations are simple operations on floating values between 0 and 1:

    my $conjunction = $fe->and( $var1->xxx, $var2->yyy, ... );
    my $disjunction = $fe->or(  $var1->xxx, $var2->yyy, ... );
    my $negated     = $fe->not( $var1->zzz );

There is no magic.

A sequence of rules for the same set can be implemented as follows: 

    $var_3->zzz( $var_1->xxx, $var_2->yyy, ... );
    $var_3->zzz( $var_4->aaa, $var_5->bbb, ... );

The subsequent application of C<< $var_3->zzz(...) >>
corresponds to "or" operations (aggregation of rules).

Only a reset can reset C<$var_3>. 

=head2 PDL awareness

Membership degrees of sets might be either scalars or piddles now.

    $var_a->memb_fun_a(        5  ); # degree of memb_fun_a is a scalar
    $var_a->memb_fun_b( pdl(7, 8) ); # degree of memb_fun_b is a piddle

Empty piddles are not allowed, behaviour with bad values is not tested.

Fuzzification (hence calculating degrees) accepts piddles:

    $var_b->fuzzify( pdl([1, 2], [3, 4]) );

Defuzzification returns a piddle if any of the membership
degrees of the function's sets is a piddle:

    my $val = $var_a->defuzzify(); # $var_a returns a 1dim piddle with two elements

So do the fuzzy operations as provided by the fuzzy engine C<$fe> itself.

Any operation on more then one piddle expands those to common
dimensions, if possible, or throws a PDL error otherwise. 

The way expansion is done is best explained by code
(see C<< AI::FuzzyEngine->_cat_array_of_piddles(@pdls) >>).
Assuming all piddles are in C<@pdls>,
calculation goes as follows:

    # Get the common dimensions
    my $zeros = PDL->pdl(0);
    # Note: $zeros += $_->zeros() for @pdls does not work here
    $zeros = $zeros + $_->zeros() for @pdls;

    # Expand all piddles
    @pdls = map {$_ + $zeros} @pdls;

Defuzzification uses some heavy non-threading code,
so there might be a performance penalty for big piddles. 

=head2 Todos

=over 2

=item Add optional alternative implementations of fuzzy operations

=item More checks on input arguments and allowed method calls

=item PDL awareness: Use threading in C<< $variable->defuzzify >>

=item Divide tests into API tests and test of internal functions



This is my first module.
I'm happy about feedback that helps me to learn
and improve my contributions to the Perl ecosystem.

Please report any bugs or feature requests to
C<bug-ai-fuzzyengine at>, or through
the web interface at
I will be notified, and then you'll
automatically be notified of progress on your bug as I make changes.

=head1 SUPPORT

You can find documentation for this module with the perldoc command.

    perldoc AI::FuzzyEngine

=head1 AUTHOR

Juergen Mueck,


Copyright (c) Juergen Mueck 2013.  All rights reserved.

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.


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