Your query is still running in background...Search in progress... at this time found 606 distributions and 1038 files matching your query.
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alienfile  view on Meta::CPAN

  #  get all the geos-config fields

#  needed for gcc-13
sub update_hilbert_encoder_h {
  my $build = shift;

  my @files
    = File::Find::Rule->file()
                      ->name( 'HilbertEncoder.h' )

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alienfile  view on Meta::CPAN

  $orig->($build, @args);

sub update_pkg_conf_path {
    return if !$on_windows;
    #  should be a before or around hook
    use Env qw /@PKG_CONFIG_PATH/;
    say 'Modifying drive paths in PKG_CONFIG_PATH';

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bin/linkRedir  view on Meta::CPAN

#  single redirect for a URL
my %redirect = ();
#  space delimited set of entries with same target
my %direct = ();

sub updateMaps() {
  my $inu = shift();
  my $outu = shift();
  my $direct_add = "";
  #  no duplicates
  if ( defined($redirect{$inu}) &&

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lib/Alzabo/  view on Meta::CPAN

               [ 0.79, $Alzabo::VERSION,

sub update_schema
    my %p = validate( @_, { name    => { type => SCALAR },
                            version => { type => SCALAR },
                          } );

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lib/Amazon/MWS/  view on Meta::CPAN

Check the order status on Amazon and update the row in the
amazon_mws_orders table.


sub update_amw_order_status {
    my ($self, $order) = @_;
    # first, check if it exists
    return unless $order;
    my $sth = $self->_exe_query($self->sqla->select('amazon_mws_orders',

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lib/  view on Meta::CPAN

    my ($self, $table_name, $row) = @_;
    $row = $self->filter->apply_trigger(insert => $table_name, $row);
    return $self->filter->deflate_row($table_name, $row);

sub update {
    my ($self, $table_name, $set, $where, $opt) = @_;

    # migrate for ($self, $row, $set, $opt)
    if (blessed $_[1] && $_[1]->isa('Aniki::Row')) {
        my $row = $_[1];

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lib/  view on Meta::CPAN

#    return unless $rec;
#    my @fields = $self->{parser}->read_fields($rec);
#    return undef if scalar @fields == 1 and !defined $fields[0];
#    return \@fields;
sub update_single_row {
    my $self     = shift;
    my $oldrow   = shift;
    my $newvals  = shift;
    my @colnames = @{ $self->col_names };
    my @newrow;

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lib/AnyEvent/IRC/  view on Meta::CPAN

sub _was_me {
   my ($self, $msg) = @_;
   $self->lower_case (prefix_nick ($msg)) eq $self->lower_case ($self->nick ())

sub update_ident {
   my ($self, $ident) = @_;
   my ($n, $u, $h) = split_prefix ($ident);
   my $old = $self->{idents}->{$self->lower_case ($n)};
   $self->{idents}->{$self->lower_case ($n)} = $ident;
   if ($old ne $ident) {

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lib/AnyEvent/  view on Meta::CPAN



sub update_room_info {
    my ($self) = @_;

sub _get_channels {

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lib/AnyEvent/WebService/Tracks/  view on Meta::CPAN

            $cb->(undef, $headers->{'status'});

sub update {
    my ( $self, $cb ) = @_;

    unless(%{$self->{'_dirty'}}) {

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lib/AnyEvent/XMPP/  view on Meta::CPAN

This method tries to connect all unconnected accounts.


sub update_connections {
   my ($self) = @_;

   Scalar::Util::weaken $self;

   for (values %{$self->{accounts}}) {

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lib/AnyMQ/Trait/  view on Meta::CPAN

    my $ref = $cb;
    return $ref;

# this controls what events we are subscribed to in ZMQ
sub update_topic_subscriptions {
    my ($self) = @_;

    my @topics = $self->subscription_topics;
    # update list of topics we are subscribed to

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lib/AnyMongo/  view on Meta::CPAN


     return @$ids;

sub update {
    my ($self, $query, $object, $opts) = @_;

    # there used to be one option: upsert=0/1
    # now there are two, there will probably be
    # more in the future.  So, to support old code,

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	      . "/640x480_$filename");

sub update_settings {
  my ($r, $settings, $album_dir, $path_info) = @_;
  my $current_path = "$album_dir/";
  foreach my $next_dir (split(m|/|, $path_info)) {
    $current_path .= "$next_dir/";

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	    $self->warn("->remove_filters_for($old_box) FAILED!");

sub update_auto_forward {
    my ($self) = @_;
    my $q = $self->{q};

    $self->{user_manager}->auto_forward('low', $q->param('forward_low'));
    $self->{user_manager}->auto_forward('medium', $q->param('forward_medium'));

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lib/Apache/BalancerManager/  view on Meta::CPAN


sub disable { $_[0]->status(0) }
sub enable { $_[0]->status(1) }

sub update {
   my $self = shift;

   my $uri = URI->new($self->_url);
      lf    => $self->load_factor,

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lib/Apache/  view on Meta::CPAN

# update_serial(domain_id)                                   #
# updates zone serial in db from serial taken from real zone #

sub update_serial ($) {
    my $domain_id = shift;
    Debug(5, qq{update_serial($domain_id) called\n});
    my $serial = get_serial_from_zone($domain_id);
    $dbh->update_serial_soa($domain_id, $serial);

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Eventually, options should be provided to control hostname suppression
and comment customization.


sub update_via_header_field($$) {
    my($self, $response) = @_;
    my $r = $self->{REQUEST};

    # Set protocol.
    my $hop = $response->protocol;

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lib/JAF/  view on Meta::CPAN

  my $criteria = $options->{criteria} || $self->{key};
  return "update $self->{table} set ".(join ',', map {"$_ = ?"} @$cols)." where ".(ref $criteria eq 'ARRAY' ? join ' and ', map {"$_ = ?"} @$criteria : "$criteria = ?");

sub update { 
  my ($self, $params, $options) = @_;
  $options->{criteria} ||= $self->{key};

  my @cols = $options && $options->{cols} ? @{$options->{cols}} : @{$self->{cols}};

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lib/Apache/  view on Meta::CPAN

  } else {
    return join ('&', map { Apache::Util::escape_uri("$_") ."=" . Apache::Util::escape_uri(defined($args->{$_}) ? $args->{$_} : "")} keys %$args);

sub update_session {
  my ($pk, $auth_session_id) = @_;
  # keep recent sessions recent, if user is logged in
  # that is sessions time out if user hasn't viewed in a page
  # in recent_login_timeout seconds
  my $session = $pk->{session};

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lib/Apache/SWIT/Maker/  view on Meta::CPAN

	conv_forced_write_file("$to_ap/conf/httpd.conf", "PerlSetEnv "

sub update_db_schema {
	my ($class, $to) = @_;
	if (!$ENV{APACHE_SWIT_DB_NAME} && -f "$to/conf/httpd.conf") {
		my @lines = read_file("$to/conf/httpd.conf");
		($ENV{APACHE_SWIT_DB_NAME}) = ($lines[0]
				=~ /PerlSetEnv APACHE_SWIT_DB_NAME (\w+)/);

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lib/Apache/SdnFw/lib/  view on Meta::CPAN

	existing => \%hash,
	update => \%hash);


sub update_and_log {
	my $s = shift;
	my %args = @_;

	croak "Missing table" unless($args{table});
	croak "Missing idfield" unless($args{idfield});

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lib/Apache/Session/Store/  view on Meta::CPAN


sub update {
    my $self    = shift;
    my $session = shift;

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