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key_utils.c  view on Meta::CPAN

    const char *cPem = pemstring;
    in = BIO_new(BIO_s_mem());
    BIO_puts(in, cPem);
    key = PEM_read_bio_ECPrivateKey(in, NULL, NULL, NULL);
    res = EC_KEY_get0_private_key(key);
    eckey = EC_KEY_new_by_curve_name(NID_secp256k1);
    group = EC_KEY_get0_group(eckey);
    pub_key = EC_POINT_new(group);

    EC_KEY_set_private_key(eckey, res);

    if (!EC_POINT_mul(group, pub_key, res, NULL, NULL, ctx)) {
        return ERROR;

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lib/Business/OnlinePayment/  view on Meta::CPAN

    use Business::OnlinePayment;

    $tx = new Business::OnlinePayment('Braintree',
                                      merchant_id => 'your merchant id',
                                      public_key => 'your public key',
                                      private_key => 'your private key',

    $tx->test_transaction(1); # sandbox transaction for development and tests
    $tx->content(amount => 100,

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Rexfile  view on Meta::CPAN

# Settings

user 'cpantesters';
private_key '~/.ssh/cpantesters-rex';

# Used to find local, dev copies of the dist
set 'dist_name' => 'CPAN-Testers-API';


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Rexfile  view on Meta::CPAN

# Settings

user 'cpantesters';
private_key '~/.ssh/cpantesters-rex';

# Used to find local, dev copies of the dist
set 'dist_name' => 'CPAN-Testers-Backend';


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t/config/profiles.conf  view on Meta::CPAN

default = cpantesters
certificate_file = my-cert.pem
private_key_file = my-key.pem
ec2_keypair_name = my-ec2-keypair
ec2_keypair_file = ec2-private-key.pem
aws_account_id = 0123-4567-8901
canonical_user_id = 64-character-string

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Rexfile  view on Meta::CPAN

# Settings

user 'cpantesters';
private_key '~/.ssh/cpantesters-rex';

# Used to find local, dev copies of the dist
set 'dist_name' => 'CPAN-Testers-Schema';


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lib/Captcha/  view on Meta::CPAN

    return join('&', @pairs);

sub _generate_check_url {
    my ($key, $id, $val) = @_;
    return API_SERVER . '/check?' . _pack_params({'private_key' => $key,
                                                  'captcha_id' => $id,
                                                  'captcha_value' => $val});

sub check_detailed {

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lib/Captcha/  view on Meta::CPAN

    # Version 1 (not recommended)
    print $c->get_html( 'your public key here' );

    # Verify submission
    my $result $c->check_answer_v2($private_key, $response, $ENV{REMOTE_ADDR});

    # Verify submission (Old Version)
    my $result = $c->check_answer(
        'your private key here', $ENV{'REMOTE_ADDR'},
        $challenge, $response

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lib/Catalyst/Model/WebService/  view on Meta::CPAN

    use parent qw( Catalyst::Model::WebService::MyGengo );
        class           => 'WebService::MyGengo::Client'
        , public_key    => 'your API public key'
        , private_key   => 'your API private key'
        , use_sandbox   => 0    # Whether to use the production site or the sandbox
        # See WebService::MyGengo::Client for other options

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lib/  view on Meta::CPAN

    my ($self,$hosted_chef) = (@_);
       $self->{ 'HOSTED_CHEF_' } = $hosted_chef if defined $server;;
    return $self->{ 'HOSTED_CHEF' };
  sub private_key {
    my ($self,$private_key) = (@_);
           $self->{ 'CHEF_CLIENT_PRIVATE_KEY' } = $private_key if defined $private_key;
    return $self->{ 'CHEF_CLIENT_PRIVATE_KEY' };


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Fields starting with a leading underscore, C<_>, are private: they are
still valid fields, but C<Class::Struct::FIELDS> does not create
subroutines to access them.  Instead, you should access them the usual
way for hash members:

    $self->{_private_key}; # ok
    $self->_private_key; # Compilation error

See L<fields> for more details.

=head2 Extra magic: auto-stringify

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t/crontab  view on Meta::CPAN

# Tplanas daily provision workfacts report
45 23 * * 1-5 bash -c /opt/deploy/code/portal/script/

## Import CAPSiDE aliases to show in
#3-59/10 * * * * /usr/bin/scp -i /home/portal/ialonso/private_key/portal.key /home/portal/ialonso/output.file

# CAPSiDE Ops Team Almighty Ticket Dispatching Tool (tm)
0,15,30,45 * * * 1-5 bash -c /opt/deploy/code/portal/script/dispatcher_unclassified_tickets
5 14 * * 1-5 bash -c /opt/deploy/code/portal/script/dispatcher_backup_patching_tickets

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examples/tsa3161  view on Meta::CPAN

	open TSAKEY, "<$filename" or &dieif(1,"cannot open TSAKeyFile '$filename'");
	binmode TSAKEY;
        my $tsa_key_pem;
	read TSAKEY, $tsa_key_pem, $size;  
	close TSAKEY;
        $tsa_key = Crypt::OpenSSL::RSA->new_private_key($tsa_key_pem) or &dieif(1,"TSAKeyFile '$filename' cannot be decoded");

# some magic
my $time = Time::HiRes::gettimeofday() ;
my $now = int($time);

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t/cryptoki.t  view on Meta::CPAN

	unwrap => 1,
	label => 'test',
	id => pack('C*', 0x01, 0x02, 0x03)

my ( $public_key, $private_key ) = $session->generate_key_pair($t_public,$t_private);

try {
	my $plain_text = 'plain text';
	my ( $encrypted_text_ref, $len ) = $public_key->encrypt(\$plain_text, length($plain_text));

	( $encrypted_text_ref ) = $private_key->decrypt($encrypted_text_ref, $len);
	diag $$encrypted_text_ref;

	diag explain $public_key->get_attributes(1);
	diag $public_key->export_as_string;

	diag explain $private_key->get_attributes(1);

} catch { diag $_; 0 };

ok $public_key->destroy;
ok $private_key->destroy;


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lib/Crypt/  view on Meta::CPAN

	my $mac = hmac_sha256($iv . $ciphertext, $sign_key);
	return pack $format_unauthenticated, '', $public, $mac, $ciphertext;

sub ecdhes_decrypt {
	my ($private_key, $packed_data) = @_;

	my ($options, $public, $mac, $ciphertext) = unpack $format_unauthenticated, $packed_data;
	croak 'Unknown options' if $options ne '';

	my $shared = curve25519_shared_secret($private_key, $public);
	my ($encrypt_key, $sign_key) = unpack 'a16 a16', sha256($shared);
	my $iv     = substr sha256($public), 0, 16;
	croak 'MAC is incorrect' if hmac_sha256($iv . $ciphertext, $sign_key) ne $mac;
	my $cipher = Crypt::Rijndael->new($encrypt_key, Crypt::Rijndael::MODE_CBC);

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t/softhsm.t  view on Meta::CPAN

	'public-exponent' => [ 1, 0, 1 ],
	label => 'test_pub',
	id => [ 1, 2, 3 ],

my %private_key_template = (
	class => 'private-key',
	'key-type' => 'rsa',
	token => 0,
	private => 1,
	sensitive => 1,

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lib/Crypt/  view on Meta::CPAN

  return Crypt::PK::RSA->new(@$key) if ref($key) eq 'ARRAY';
  # handle also: Crypt::OpenSSL::RSA, Crypt::X509, Crypt::OpenSSL::X509
  my $str;
  if (ref($key) eq 'Crypt::OpenSSL::RSA') {
    $str = $key->is_private ? $key->get_private_key_string : $key->get_public_key_string;
  elsif (ref($key) =~ /^Crypt::(X509|OpenSSL::X509)$/) {
    $str = $key->pubkey;

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LibSCEP.xs  view on Meta::CPAN

    else {
        //we got an engine
        if(!(key = ENGINE_load_private_key(config->handle->configuration->engine, key_str, NULL, NULL))) {
            scep_log(config->handle, ERROR, "Loading private key from engine failed");
            create_err_msg(config, NULL);
    return key;

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lib/Crypt/  view on Meta::CPAN

                                                                        #                         based on the requested hostname
        # virtual host 0 (also referred in the code as SNI entry 0)
            'hostname' => 'hostname',                                   # regular expression for matching the hostname
            'cert' => '/path/to/certificate;/path/to/CA-chain',         # KEY - certificate (the CA-chain is optional)
            'key' => '/path/to/private_key',                            # KEY - private key
            'DH_param' => /path/to/DH_params',                          # KEY - file containing the DH parameter used with DH ciphers
            'session_ticket_keys' => {                                  # session tickets setup
                'id' => '1234567890123456',                             # KEY - TLS session tickets - 16 bytes unique identifier
                'encrypt_key' => '12345678901234567890123456789012',    # KEY - TLS session tickets - 128/256 bit encryption key
                'hash_key' => '12345678901234567890123456789012',       # KEY - TLS session tickets - 256 bit hash key

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lib/Net/NSS/  view on Meta::CPAN

=item listen ( $queue_length : integer ) 

Listens for connections on the socket. The optional argument I<$queue_length> is the maximum length of the queue of 
pending connections. Defaults to 10.

=item configure_as_server ( $certificate : Crypt::NSS::Certificate, $private_key : Crypt::NSS::PrivateKey )

Configures a listening socket with the information needed to handshake as a SSL server. 

=item accept ( ) : Net::NSS::SSL
=item accept ( $timeout : integer ) : Net::NSS::SSL

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lib/Crypt/Nettle/  view on Meta::CPAN

Create a new public key from the modulus and the exponent of the
public key. (see DATA REPRESENTATIONS below for how to format $n and

=head2 new_private_key($d, $p, $q)

Create a new private key from the private exponent and the two prime
factors. (see DATA REPRESENTATIONS below for how to format $d, $p and

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t/02.derive_key_pair.t  view on Meta::CPAN

my $hash_name = 'SHA256';
my $expand_message_func = \&expand_message_xmd;

my $ec_key_r = derive_key_pair($group_name, $seed, $info, "DeriveKeyPair".$context_string, $hash_name, $expand_message_func);

#my $skS_bn = $skS->get0_private_key();
is($ec_key_r->{priv_bn}->to_hex(), 'E7DB44B7F7495298770AF98417FDEEC6C8299562325E9330A79EEBF3D2A1A765', 'derive_key_pair');


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lib/Crypt/  view on Meta::CPAN

    #my $pkS_point = $ec_key_r->{pub_point};

    #my $skS_key = Crypt::OpenSSL::EC::EC_KEY::new();

    #my $pkS_point = Crypt::OpenSSL::EC::EC_KEY::get0_public_key($skS_key);
    #my $pkS_key = Crypt::OpenSSL::EC::EC_KEY::new();
    #Crypt::OpenSSL::EC::EC_KEY::set_group($pkS_key, $group);
    #Crypt::OpenSSL::EC::EC_KEY::set_public_key($pkS_key, $pkS_point);

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