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lib/DBIx/  view on Meta::CPAN


=head2 C<< Package->connect DSN,User,Pass,Options >>

Connects to the database with the credentials given.

If called in void context, stores the DBI handle in the
C<dbh> accessor, otherwise returns the DBI handle.

If you already have an existing database handle, just

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lib/DBIx/  view on Meta::CPAN


  use DBIx::XHTML_Table;

  # database credentials - fill in the blanks
  my ($data_source,$usr,$pass) = ();

  my $table = DBIx::XHTML_Table->new($data_source,$usr,$pass);


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lib/DJabberd/Authen/  view on Meta::CPAN


This module implements the "check_cleartext" method of the Authen
module in DJabberd. Your database schema should support checking the
credentials in one query.


The following keys are used in the configuration.

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README  view on Meta::CPAN

This authentication plugin uses Dovecot's SASL mechanism
to validate user's credentials. By default it tries to
connect to /var/run/dovecot/auth-client socket and sub-
mits authentication challenge using Dovecot's protocol.

Only PLAIN mechanism works so far, should not be a prob-
lem over encrypted TLS channel which is already de-facto

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README  view on Meta::CPAN

Whats it for?

DJabberd::Authen::SQLite - is a simple SQLite authentication plugin that uses
SQLite as a user credentials repository.


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lib/DJabberd/Stanza/  view on Meta::CPAN

sub on_recv_from_server { die "unimplemented" }

## TODO:
## check number of auth failures, force deconnection, bad for t time §7.3.5 policy-violation
## Provide hooks for Authen:: modules to return details about errors:
## - credentials-expired
## - account-disabled
## - invalid-authzid
## - temporary-auth-failure
## these hooks should probably additions to parameters taken by GetPassword, CheckClearText
## right now all these errors results in not-authorized being returned

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lib/DMTF/CIM/  view on Meta::CPAN

=item C<< current_uri( [I<new_uri>] ) >>

Gets or sets the current untyped WBEM URI for resource access.  Supported
schemes are 'wsman.wbem', 'wsman.wbems', 'http', and 'https'.  This is the
preferred way to establish a connection with a specific host using specific
credentials (ie: C<< $wsm->current_uri( 'wsman.wbem://' >> )

=item C<< current_wsman >>

Returns the L<DMTF::WSMan> object associated with the current URI

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lib/DMTF/  view on Meta::CPAN

		my $self = LWP::UserAgent::new($class, @_);

    sub get_basic_credentials
		my $self=shift;

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lib/DNS/  view on Meta::CPAN

		$@ = 'HTTP request failed "'.$resp->status_line.'"';

=item DNS::EasyDNS->get_basic_credentials();

Since EasyDNS object is an inheritted L<LWP::UserAgent>, it overrides
this UserAgent method for your convenience. It uses the credentials passed
in the constructor. There is no real reason to override, or call this.

	sub get_basic_credentials { ($_[0]->{"username"}, $_[0]->{"password"}) }


sub get_basic_credentials { ($_[0]->{"username"}, $_[0]->{"password"}) }



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t/tlib/Test/  view on Meta::CPAN

    <h1>Authorization Required</h1>
    <p>This server could not verify that you
    are authorized to access the document
    requested.  Either you supplied the wrong
    credentials (e.g., bad password), or your
    browser doesn't understand how to supply
    the credentials required.</p>

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lib/DNS/  view on Meta::CPAN

		$@ = 'HTTP Request failed: "'.$resp->status_line.'"';

=item get_basic_credentials();

Since a ZoneEdit object is an subclass of C<LWP::UserAgent>, it overrides
this UserAgent method for your convenience. It uses the credentials passed
in the update method. There is no real reason to call, or override this method.


sub get_basic_credentials { ($_[0]->{"username"}, $_[0]->{"password"}) }


=head1 NOTES

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CAB/Server/HTTP/  view on Meta::CPAN

use File::Basename qw(basename);
use DTA::CAB::Utils qw(:proc);
our @ISA = qw(HTTP::Daemon::ClientConn);

## ($pid,$uid,$gid) = $sock->peercred()
##  + gets peer credentials; returns (-1,-1,-1) on failure
sub peercred {
  my $sock = shift;
  if ($sock->can('SO_PEERCRED')) {
    my $buf = $sock->sockopt($sock->SO_PEERCRED);
    return unpack('lll',$buf);

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lib/  view on Meta::CPAN

At this point all required plugins for Dist::Zilla and modules to run tests
should be installed. Daemonise uses PGP signed github releases, so make sure your
git config user and email are setup correctly as well as a PGP key that matches
your git(hub) account email. Try Config::Identity for a PGP encrypted file of
your github account credentials in ~/.github for convenience.
Finally run:

    dzil release

which will do all the work (build, test, sign, tag, update github, upload).

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lib/Dancer/Plugin/Auth/  view on Meta::CPAN

Anyone with a valid Google account can register an application. Go to
L<>, then select a project or create
a new one. After that, in the sidebar on the left, select "Credentials".

First, go to the I<OAuth consent screen> tab and set it up with you website's
logo, desired credentials (the "email" and "profile" ones are granted
by default) and, specially, your B<authorized domains>. We'll need those for
the next step!

Now go to the I<Credentials> tab and click the B<Create credentials>
button/dropdown and select B<OAuth client ID>.

=for HTML
<p><img src=""></p>

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lib/Dancer/Plugin/Auth/RBAC/Credentials/  view on Meta::CPAN

sub authorize {
    my($self,$options,@arguments) = @_;
    my($login,$password) = @arguments;

    #what are you doing here? You're already in!
    my $user = $self->credentials;
    if(is_hash_ref($user) && ($user->{id} || $user->{login}) && !@{$user->{error}}){

        return $user;


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lib/Dancer/Plugin/Auth/RBAC/Permissions/  view on Meta::CPAN

sub subject_asa {
    my ($self, $options, @arguments) = @_;
    my $role = shift @arguments;
    return unless $role;
    my $user = $self->credentials;
    return unless $user->{id};
    my $settings = $class::settings;

    my $moniker = $options->{user_moniker} ||= "User";
    my $role_relation = exists($options->{role_relation}) ? $options->{role_relation} : "roles";

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lib/Dancer/Plugin/Auth/  view on Meta::CPAN


sub new {
    my $class = shift;
    my @credentials = @_;
    my $credentialsClass =
    __PACKAGE__ . "::Credentials::" . $settings->{credentials}->{class};
        no warnings 'redefine';
        $credentialsClass =~ s/::/\//g;
        require "$";
        $credentialsClass =~ s/\//::/g;
    my $self = {};
    bless $self, $class;
    # return $credentialsClass->new
    # unless scalar @credentials;
    my $user = session('user');
    if ($user) {
        # reset authentication errors

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lib/Dancer/Plugin/Auth/  view on Meta::CPAN

            token_secret => $token_secret,
            verifier     => $verifier,
        my $twitter_user_hash;
        my $success = eval {
            $twitter_user_hash = twitter->verify_credentials({
                -token        => $access->{oauth_token},
                -token_secret => $access->{oauth_token_secret},

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lib/Dancer/Plugin/  view on Meta::CPAN


sub new {
    my $class = shift;
    my @credentials = @_;
    my $credentialsClass =
    __PACKAGE__ . "::Credentials::" . $settings->{credentials}->{class};
        no warnings 'redefine';
        $credentialsClass =~ s/::/\//g;
        require "$";
        $credentialsClass =~ s/\//::/g;
    my $self = {};
    bless $self, $class;
    # return $credentialsClass->new
    # unless scalar @credentials;
    my $user = session('user');
    if ($user) {
        # reset authentication errors

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lib/Dancer/Plugin/  view on Meta::CPAN

			} else {
				$headers->{'Timing-Allow-Origin'} = 'null';
		if (exists $options->{credentials}) {
			if (!!$options->{credentials}) {
				if ($origin eq '*') {
					warning('For a resource that supports credentials a origin matcher must be specified.');
					next RULE;
				$headers->{'Access-Control-Allow-Credentials'} = 'true' ;

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lib/Dancer/Plugin/FakeCGI/  view on Meta::CPAN

    # Try to get as much info as possible from, which has
    # workarounds for things like the IIS PATH_INFO bug.
    $self->{headers_in} ||= Apache::Table->new(
        'Authorization' => $self->{query}->auth_type,    # No credentials though.

        #'Cookie' => $ENV{HTTP_COOKIE} || $ENV{COOKIE},
        'Content-Length' => $ENV{CONTENT_LENGTH},
        'Content-Type'   => (

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lib/Dancer/Plugin/LDAP/  view on Meta::CPAN

    return $self->{dancer_settings}->{base};

=head2 rebind

Rebind with credentials from settings.


sub rebind {
    my ($self) = @_;

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lib/Dancer/Plugin/  view on Meta::CPAN

        if defined $settings->{db_name};

    if (defined $settings->{username} && defined $settings->{password}) {
        push @{$settings->{db_credentials}}, [ $settings->{db_name}, $settings->{username}, $settings->{password}];

    if (defined $settings->{db_credentials} and ref $settings->{db_credentials} eq 'ARRAY') {

    if (defined $settings->{ioloop}) {
        my ( $module, $function ) = split(/\-\>/, $settings->{ioloop});

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The test suite *must* pass before a release can be done. This is your
last chance to resolve any test failures.

Provided the tests pass, you will be prompted to continue the release
process. Provided you have your PAUSE credentials set up, this will
upload the new dist to PAUSE. If you don't have a credential file set
up, you can manually update the new release via the PAUSE web interface.

### Send out release announcements

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