Your query is still running in background...Search in progress... at this time found 606 distributions and 1038 files matching your query.
Next refresh should show more results. ( run in 0.988 )


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lib/AC/MrGamoo/Job/  view on Meta::CPAN

    my $job = shift;

    $me->failed($job, 'network');

sub update_status {
    my $me  = shift;
    my $job = shift;
    my $phase = shift;
    my $progress = shift;

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lib/AC/Yenta/Kibitz/  view on Meta::CPAN


# do not believe a client that says it is up
# put it on the sceptical queue, and check for ourself
sub update_sceptical {
    my $gpb = shift;
    my $io  = shift;

    return unless $gpb;
    my $c;

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example/  view on Meta::CPAN

        # Change has been manualy in between the interval. Add an approx history entry

sub update_status {
    my $status = shift;
    my $is_on = shift;
    my $mode = shift;
    my $time = shift || time;
    my $label = shift;

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lib/AI/ExpertSystem/Advanced/  view on Meta::CPAN

Please note that it will only update or add new keys. So if the given element
already has a key and this is not provided in C<%extra_keys> then it wont
be modified.

sub update {
    my ($self, $id, $properties) = @_;

    if (defined $self->{'stack_hash'}->{$id}) {
        foreach my $key (keys %$properties) {
            $self->{'stack_hash'}->{$id}->{$key} = $properties->{$key};

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inc/  view on Meta::CPAN



sub update_XS {
    my ($self, $file) = @_;
    my $output = $file;
    $output =~ s/\.inc$//;

    open my $i_fh, "<", $file   or die "$!";

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t/test_kvstore.t  view on Meta::CPAN

            check_diff_to_scalar($v, $num_devs * 2);

sub updater
    my ($key, $recv, $local) = @_;
    $local += $recv;

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Makefile.PL  view on Meta::CPAN

        $examples =~ s/\r\n/\n/g;
        update_file( $example_file, $examples );

sub update_file {
    my( $filename, $new_content ) = @_;
    my $content;
    if( -f $filename ) {
        open my $fh, '<:raw:encoding(UTF-8)', $filename
            or die "Couldn't read '$filename': $!";

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lib/AI/Pathfinding/OptimizeMultiple/  view on Meta::CPAN

    return $scans_data->slice(
        join( ",", ":", $self->_scan_idx(), ( ("(0)") x ( @dims - 2 ) ) ) );

sub update_total_iters
    my $state = shift;

    # $r is the result of this scan.
    my $r = $state->idx_slice();

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t/repos/  view on Meta::CPAN

	close $of or die "close: $!";

sub updatepi
	my($pi, $pd) = @_;
	$pi->{'builddate'} = [ time ];
	$pi->{'size'} = [ sumfiles($pd) ];
	$pi->{'packager'} = [ 'ALPM Module' ];

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doc/examples/petmarket/petmarket/api/  view on Meta::CPAN

    my $result = $self->getCartTotal($cartid);
    $result->{"itemoid"} = $itemid;
    return $result;

sub updateCartItem
    my ($self, $cartid, $itemid, $quantity) = @_;
    $self->deleteCartItem($cartid, $itemid);
    return $self->addCartItem($cartid, $itemid, $quantity);

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lib/API/MailboxOrg/API/  view on Meta::CPAN

    my %opt = (needs_auth => 1);

    return $self->_request( 'mail.videochat.list', \%params, \%opt );

sub update ($self, %params) {
    my $validator = $validators{'update'};
    %params       = $validator->(%params) if $validator;

    my %opt = (needs_auth => 1);

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lib/ARS/  view on Meta::CPAN

    $self->_carp("get_fields() error: $ars_errstr\n") unless (%fids);

    return \%fids;

sub update_record
    my ($self, $args) = @_;
    my $eID  = $args->{eid};
    my $form = $args->{form};
    my %lvp  = %{$args->{lvp}};

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Makefile.PL  view on Meta::CPAN

  $buffer   .= "\n<- An asterix [*] indicates if the module is currently installed.\n";
  return $buffer;

# Update the entire prerequisites table
sub update_prerequisites_table {
  my ($u_level, $u_default) = @_;

  return if ( $u_default > 2 );

  my ($action, $u1, $u2, $u3);

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lib/AWS/CloudFront/  view on Meta::CPAN

    }# end foreach()

sub update
  my $s = shift;
  my $type = 'UpdateDistribution';
  my $response = $s->cf->request( $type, Distribution => $s )->request();

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lib/AWS/S3/  view on Meta::CPAN

    ( my $etag = $s->etag ) =~ s{^"}{};
    $etag =~ s{"$}{};
    $s->{etag} = $etag;
}    # end BUILD()

sub update {
    my $s       = shift;
    my %args    = @_;
    my @args_ok = grep { /^content(?:s|type)$/ } keys %args;
    if ( @args_ok ) {
        $s->{$_} = $args{$_} for @args_ok;

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CPAN/  view on Meta::CPAN

Please pass a VERSION parameter to the WriteMakefile function in Makefile.PL.
    return $VERSION;

sub update_manifest {
    my ($manifest, $manifest_path, $relative_path) = read_manifest();
    my $manifest_changed = 0;

    my %manifest;
    for (@$manifest) {

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lib/ActiveRecord/  view on Meta::CPAN

    delete $self->{SQL} if $result;

    return (defined $result) ? $self : undef;

sub update {
    my ($self, $params) = @_;

    my $fields = $self->_get_columns();
    for my $field (@$fields) {

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lib/Activiti/Rest/  view on Meta::CPAN

    params => {},
    method => "GET"
sub update_process_instance_variable {
  my $res = $self->ua->request(
    path => "/runtime/process-instances/".uri_escape($args{processInstanceId})."/variables/".uri_escape($args{variableName}),
    params => {},
    method => "PUT",

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lib/  view on Meta::CPAN

$entry is an AddressBook::Entry object


sub update {
  my $self = shift;
  my $class = ref $self || croak "Not a method call.";

  carp "Method not implemented"

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lib/Ado/Command/generate/  view on Meta::CPAN

        html => {article => $data}

# Updates a resource in table <%= $a->{t} %>.
sub update {
    my $c = shift;
    my $v = $c->validation;
    my ($id) = $c->stash('id') =~/(\d+)/;
    my $res = $table_class->find($id);
    $c->reply->not_found() unless $res->data;

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lib/Aion/  view on Meta::CPAN

# Обновляет запись по её id
#	update "tab" => 123, word => 123 						-> 6
sub update(@) {
	my ($tab, $id, %x) = @_;
	die "Row $$id is not!" if !query "UPDATE $tab SET :set WHERE id=:id", id=>$id, set => \%x;

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script/album  view on Meta::CPAN

	$implist->add($el, $file);
    return 0;

sub update_filelist {
    my $todo = new FileList;

    my $el;
    my %seen;
    my $missing;

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lib/Algorithm/  view on Meta::CPAN


sub update_group_field {
  my $data = shift;
  my $groups = $self->field_groups || return;
  my $gocc = $self->group_occurrence;
  for my $i (0..@$groups-1) {
    my @index = $self->position_of($self->fields,$groups->[$i]);

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lib/Algorithm/  view on Meta::CPAN

    $final_cluster_centers = $self->update_cluster_centers( $clusters );
    return ($clusters, $final_cluster_centers);

sub update_cluster_centers_and_covariances_mahalanobis {
    my $self = shift;
    my @clusters = @{ shift @_ };
    my @new_cluster_centers;
    my @new_cluster_covariances;
    # During clustering for a fixed K, should a cluster inadvertently become empty,

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lib/  view on Meta::CPAN

  my $self = shift;
  return if $self->no_streams;
  $_->ping for grep {$_->is_xhr} @{$self->streams};

sub update_window {
  my ($self, $stream, $window, $max, $min, $limit, $total, $cb) = @_;

  my $step = 20;
  if ($limit - $total <  20) {
    $step = $limit - $total;

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alienfile  view on Meta::CPAN

    #$orig->($build, @args);

sub update_pkg_conf_path {
    return if !$on_windows;
    use Env qw /@PKG_CONFIG_PATH/;
    say 'Modifying drive paths in PKG_CONFIG_PATH';
    #  msys-ificate drive paths

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( run in 0.988 second using v1.00-cache-2.02-grep-82fe00e-cpan-b63e86051f13 )