Your query is still running in background...Search in progress... at this time found 23 distributions and 60 files matching your query.
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tiny-AES-c/  view on Meta::CPAN

void AES_CTR_xcrypt_buffer(struct AES_ctx* ctx, uint8_t* buf, uint32_t length);

 * No padding is provided so for CBC and ECB all buffers should be multiples of 16 bytes. For padding [PKCS7]( is recommendable.
 * ECB mode is considered unsafe for most uses and is not implemented in streaming mode. If you need this mode, call the function for every block of 16 bytes you need encrypted. See [wikipedia's article on ECB](

You can choose to use any or all of the modes-of-operations, by defining the symbols CBC, CTR or ECB. See the header file for clarification.

C++ users should `#include` [aes.hpp]( instead of [aes.h](

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ollama/ollama-curated.json  view on Meta::CPAN

{"openapi":"3.0.3","components":{"schemas":{"PushModelResponse":{"properties":{"total":{"type":"integer","description":"total size of the model","example":"2142590208"},"status":{"$ref":"#/components/schemas/PushModelStatus"},"digest":{"example":"sha...

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lib/AI/TensorFlow/Libtensorflow/Manual/CAPI.pod  view on Meta::CPAN


  /* From <tensorflow/c/eager/c_api_experimental.h> */
  TF_CAPI_EXPORT extern TFE_Executor* TFE_NewExecutor(
      bool is_async, bool enable_streaming_enqueue, int in_flight_nodes_limit);

=head2 TFE_DeleteExecutor

=over 2

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lib/Acme/CPANModules/NewDistributions/  view on Meta::CPAN

                     summary     => "Sah schemas related to Regexp::Pattern",
                     description => "Distribution Shout first released by NIKOLAS at 2020-01-23T19:15:18Z.",
                     module      => "Shout",
                     summary     => "Perl glue for libshout MP3 streaming source library",
                     description => "Distribution Sub-HandlesVia first released by TOBYINK at 2020-01-21T12:20:29Z.",
                     module      => "Sub::HandlesVia",
                     summary     => "alternative handles_via implementation",

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t/wild.txt  view on Meta::CPAN

to rushing, as though for the throat, when, suddenly drawing back his
head and curving in from the side, he would drive his shoulder at the
shoulder of Spitz, as a ram by which to overthrow him. But instead,
Buck's shoulder was slashed down each time as Spitz leaped lightly away.

Spitz was untouched, while Buck was streaming with blood and panting
hard. The fight was growing desperate. And all the while the silent and
wolfish circle waited to finish off whichever dog went down. As Buck
grew winded, Spitz took to rushing, and he kept him staggering for
footing. Once Buck went over, and the whole circle of sixty dogs started
up; but he recovered himself, almost in mid air, and the circle sank

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lib/Acme/MetaSyntactic/  view on Meta::CPAN


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src/Source/FreeImage/PluginJXR.cpp  view on Meta::CPAN

// ==========================================================

static int s_format_id;

// ==========================================================
// FreeImageIO interface (I/O streaming functions)
// ==========================================================

JXR wrapper for FreeImage I/O handle

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src/judy-1.0.5/src/JudyCommon/JudyInsArray.c  view on Meta::CPAN

// TBD:  It would probably be faster for the caller if the JudyL version took
// PIndex as an interleaved array of indexes and values rather than just
// indexes with a separate values array (PValue), especially considering
// indexes and values are copied here with for-loops anyway and not the
// equivalent of memcpy().  All code could be revised to simply count by two
// words for JudyL?  Supports "streaming" the data to/from disk better later?
// In which case get rid of JU_ERRNO_NULLPVALUE, no longer needed, and simplify
// the API to this code.
// _________________

// @(#) $Revision: 4.21 $ $Source: /judy/src/JudyCommon/JudyInsArray.c $

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lib/Alien/Libarchive/  view on Meta::CPAN

        @content = join "\n", "prefix=\${pcfiledir}/../..",
                              "Name: libarchive",
                              "Description: library that can create and read several streaming archive formats",
                              "Cflags: -I\${includedir}",
                              "Libs: advapi32.lib \${libdir}/archive_static.lib",
                              "Libs.private: ",
        require File::Path;

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libjio/tests/README  view on Meta::CPAN

  checks the result was the one expected. Can also run with randomized fault
  injection both in libjio's predetermined points and in POSIX functions. It
  can be found in the stress/ directory.

Performance tests:
  Check the performance of simple operations like streaming and randomized
  writes. Not the most interesting tests, but can be useful for profiling.

  Run the other tests under valgrind and see there are no libjio-related
  issues. Performance tests are the easier ones, sadly behaviour and stress

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src/subversion/subversion/libsvn_repos/reporter.c  view on Meta::CPAN

                     apr_pool_t *pool)
  zero_copy_baton_t *zero_copy_baton = baton;

  /* if the item is too large, the caller must revert to traditional
     streaming code. */
  if (len > zero_copy_baton->zero_copy_limit)
      zero_copy_baton->zero_copy_succeeded = FALSE;
      return SVN_NO_ERROR;

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xgboost/cub/cub/thread/thread_load.cuh  view on Meta::CPAN

enum CacheLoadModifier
    LOAD_DEFAULT,       ///< Default (no modifier)
    LOAD_CA,            ///< Cache at all levels
    LOAD_CG,            ///< Cache at global level
    LOAD_CS,            ///< Cache streaming (likely to be accessed once)
    LOAD_CV,            ///< Cache as volatile (including cached system lines)
    LOAD_LDG,           ///< Cache as texture
    LOAD_VOLATILE,      ///< Volatile (any memory space)

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libcares/ares_platform.c  view on Meta::CPAN

{"swiftnet",           {NULL}, 1751, "udp"},
{"lofr-lm",            {NULL}, 1752, "tcp"},
{"lofr-lm",            {NULL}, 1752, "udp"},
{"oracle-em2",         {NULL}, 1754, "tcp"},
{"oracle-em2",         {NULL}, 1754, "udp"},
{"ms-streaming",       {NULL}, 1755, "tcp"},
{"ms-streaming",       {NULL}, 1755, "udp"},
{"capfast-lmd",        {NULL}, 1756, "tcp"},
{"capfast-lmd",        {NULL}, 1756, "udp"},
{"cnhrp",              {NULL}, 1757, "tcp"},
{"cnhrp",              {NULL}, 1757, "udp"},
{"tftp-mcast",         {NULL}, 1758, "tcp"},

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libuv/docs/src/fs.rst  view on Meta::CPAN

            uv_dirent_type_t type;
        } uv_dirent_t;

.. c:type:: uv_dir_t

    Data type used for streaming directory iteration.
    Used by :c:func:`uv_fs_opendir()`, :c:func:`uv_fs_readdir()`, and
    :c:func:`uv_fs_closedir()`. `dirents` represents a user provided array of
    `uv_dirent_t`s used to hold results. `nentries` is the user provided maximum
    array size of `dirents`.

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factpacks/Linux.fact  view on Meta::CPAN => <reply> $who, Diary is a simple journal program to record daily events, etc.. URL:
dice => <reply> $who, A dice rolling utility, for AD&D and such. URL:
Dictionary => <reply> $who, English-Russian and Russian-English dictionary. URL:
Dieresis Newsboy => <reply> $who, Web-Based News and Announcements Publishing Perl Script. URL:
diffutils => <reply> $who, This package contains the GNU diff, diff3, sdiff, and cmp utilities.. URL:
Digital Media System (DMS) => <reply> $who, A streaming floating point audio architecture.. URL:
DigitalDJ => <reply> $who, DigitalDJ is an SQL-based mp3. URL:
DigiTemp => <reply> $who, Digital thermometer for Linux, DOS, win95 using DS1820 sensors. URL:
Dime => <reply> $who, DXF Import, Manipulation, and Export library. URL:
dinadoll => <reply> $who, CGI base program. URL:
Ding! => <reply> $who, ICQ like personal communicator. URL:

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lib/Amon2/Plugin/Web/  view on Meta::CPAN

use Amon2::Web::Response::Callback;

sub init {
    my ($class, $c, $conf) = @_;

    Amon2::Util::add_method(ref $c || $c, 'streaming', \&_streaming);
    Amon2::Util::add_method(ref $c || $c, 'streaming_json', \&_streaming_json);

sub _streaming {
    my ($self, $code) = @_;
    return Amon2::Web::Response::Callback->new(
        code => sub {

sub _streaming_json {
    my ($self, $code) = @_;

    return Amon2::Web::Response::Callback->new(
        code => sub {
            my $respond = shift;

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