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    $self->{"ui"}->message(_T("Generating keys, this will take some time...")."($bits bits)");
    my $rsa = new Crypt::RSA;
    my ($public,$private) =$rsa->keygen(
					Identity => 'Aut module',
					Size => $bits,
					Password => "",
					Verbosity => 0
					) or die $rsa->errstr();

    my $private_str=private_key_to_string($private);

    my $cipher=new Aut::Crypt($pass);

    my $public_str=public_key_to_string($public);


Aut/Backend/  view on Meta::CPAN

=over 1

This method instantiates a new Aut::Backend::Conf object with
given L<Conf::Frontend> object. 


=head2 Querying

=head3 C<get_keys() --E<gt> (list public_key:string private_key:string)>

=over 1

This function returns the currently stored RSA KeyPair in the backend,
or C<undef> if they do not exist.


=head3 C<has_accounts() --E<gt> boolean>

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