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sub main {
    my $self = shift;
    my @args = @_;

    my $filepath    = '';
    my $help        = 0;
    my $man         = 0;
    my $version     = 0;
    my $private_key = '';

    # Parse options using pass_through so that we can pick out the global
    # options, wherever they are in the arg list, and leave the rest to be
    # parsed by each individual command.
        'file|f=s'          => \$filepath,
        'help|h|?'          => \$help,
        'manual|man'        => \$man,
        'private-key|k=s'   => \$private_key,
        'version|v'         => \$version,
    ) or pod2usage(2);

    pod2usage(-exitval => 1, -verbose => 99, -sections => [qw(SYNOPSIS OPTIONS COMMANDS)]) if $help;
    pod2usage(-verbose => 2) if $man;
    return print "groupsecret ${VERSION}\n" if $version;

    $self->{private_key} = $private_key if $private_key;
    $self->{filepath}    = $filepath    if $filepath;

    my %commands = (
        add_key         => 'add_key',
        add_keys        => 'add_key',
        change_secret   => 'set_secret',
        delete_key      => 'delete_key',
        delete_keys     => 'delete_key',
        list_keys       => 'list_keys',
        print           => 'print_secret',

lib/App/GroupSecret/  view on Meta::CPAN

Read a RFC4716 (SSH2) public key from a file, converting it to PKCS8 (PEM).

=head2 read_openssh_key_fingerprint

    $fingerprint = read_openssh_key_fingerprint($filepath);

Get the fingerprint of an OpenSSH private or public key.

=head2 decrypt_rsa

    $plaintext = decrypt_rsa($ciphertext_filepath, $private_key_filepath);
    $plaintext = decrypt_rsa(\$ciphertext, $private_key_filepath);
    decrypt_rsa($ciphertext_filepath, $private_key_filepath, $plaintext_filepath);
    decrypt_rsa(\$ciphertext, $private_key_filepath, $plaintext_filepath);

Do RSA decryption. Turn ciphertext into plaintext.

=head2 encrypt_rsa

    $ciphertext = decrypt_rsa($plaintext_filepath, $public_key_filepath);
    $ciphertext = decrypt_rsa(\$plaintext, $public_key_filepath);
    decrypt_rsa($plaintext_filepath, $public_key_filepath, $ciphertext_filepath);
    decrypt_rsa(\$plaintext, $public_key_filepath, $ciphertext_filepath);

lib/App/GroupSecret/  view on Meta::CPAN

    if ($args->{embed}) {
        open(my $fh, '<', $public_key) or die "open failed: $!";
        $key->{content} = do { local $/; <$fh> };
        chomp $key->{content};

    $keys->{$fingerprint} = $key;

    if ($self->secret) {
        my $passphrase = $args->{passphrase} || $self->decrypt_secret_passphrase($args->{private_key});
        my $ciphertext = encrypt_rsa(\$passphrase, $public_key);
        $key->{secret_passphrase} = $ciphertext;

    return wantarray ? ($fingerprint => $key) : $key;

sub delete_key {
    my $self        = shift;
    my $fingerprint = shift;
    delete $self->keys->{$fingerprint};

sub decrypt_secret {
    my $self = shift;
    my $args = @_ == 1 ? shift : {@_};

    $args->{passphrase} || $args->{private_key} or _usage(q{$file->decrypt_secret($private_key)});

    my $passphrase = $args->{passphrase};
    $passphrase = $self->decrypt_secret_passphrase($args->{private_key}) if !$passphrase;

    my $ciphertext = $self->secret;
    return decrypt_aes_256_cbc(\$ciphertext, $passphrase);

sub decrypt_secret_passphrase {
    my $self        = shift;
    my $private_key = shift or _usage(q{$file->decrypt_secret_passphrase($private_key)});

    die "Private key '$private_key' not found.\n" unless -e $private_key && !-d $private_key;

    my $info = read_openssh_key_fingerprint($private_key);
    my $fingerprint = $info->{fingerprint};

    my $keys = $self->keys;
    if (my $key = $keys->{$fingerprint}) {
        return decrypt_rsa(\$key->{secret_passphrase}, $private_key);

    die "Private key '$private_key' not able to decrypt the keyfile.\n";

sub encrypt_secret {
    my $self        = shift;
    my $secret      = shift or _usage(q{$file->encrypt_secret($secret)});
    my $passphrase  = shift or _usage(q{$file->encrypt_secret($secret)});

    my $ciphertext = encrypt_aes_256_cbc($secret, $passphrase);
    $self->info->{secret} = $ciphertext;

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