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lib/App/CamelPKI/  view on Meta::CPAN

            grep {$conflictcert->equals($_->{cert})} @{$self->{signed}};

    my $cert = Crypt::OpenSSL::CA::X509->new
        ($self->certificate, $cert, %templateopts);
    $cert = App::CamelPKI::Certificate->parse
    push @{$self->{signed}}, { cert => $cert, opts => \%dbopts };

=head2 revoke($certtemplate, $certificate, %options)

Marks $certificate, an object of the L<App::CamelPKI::Certificate> class,
which has been certified via the $certtemplate template, as revoked.
It's prohibited to revoke a certificate that has just been certified

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( run in 1.160 second using v1.00-cache-2.02-grep-82fe00e-cpan-b63e86051f13 )