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Changes  view on Meta::CPAN

0.10  2012-11-28T09:22:31+09:00
      - use enhanced notification format (mash)
      - added last_identifier, on_error_response property (mash)

0.09  2012-08-28T15:54:19+09:00
      - Fixed read error wasn't occurred correctly because didn't start read event watcher.
      - Added optional on_eof handler.

0.08  2012-08-27T18:27:56+09:00
      - Added an option that accepts certificate and private_key datas directly instead of its file path. (shin1rosei)

0.07  2010-02-16T14:08:32+09:00
      - fix reconnect issue: ->connect warn 'already connected' but sometimes actially already be disconnected

0.06  2009-10-15T17:19:13+09:00
      - cast badge number to int value explicitly
      - fix a bug trimming wring target... s/$payload->{alert}/$payload->{aps}{alert}/.

0.05  2009-10-07T12:54:58+09:00
      - now send method trimmed payload body if its length over 256bytes;

lib/AnyEvent/  view on Meta::CPAN

use JSON::Any;

our $VERSION = '0.10';

has certificate => (
    is       => 'rw',
    isa      => 'Str | ScalarRef',
    required => 1,

has private_key => (
    is       => 'rw',
    isa      => 'Str | ScalarRef',
    required => 1,

has sandbox => (
    is      => 'rw',
    isa     => 'Bool',
    default => 0,

t/02_trim.t  view on Meta::CPAN

my $payloads = [
    { aps => { alert => 'こんにちは'x100, } },
    { aps => { alert => { body => 'こんにちは'x100, } } },

for my $payload (@$payloads) {

    my $apns; $apns = AnyEvent::APNS->new(
        debug_port  => $port,
        certificate => 'dummy',
        private_key => 'dummy',
        on_error    => sub { die $! },
        on_connect  => sub {
            $apns->send('d' x 32 => $payload);

    my $cv = AnyEvent->condvar;

    # test server
    my $connect_state = 'initial';

t/03_validate.t  view on Meta::CPAN

use Test::TCP;

plan tests => 4;

my $port = empty_port;

lives_ok {
    my $apns; $apns = AnyEvent::APNS->new(
        debug_port  => $port,
        certificate => 'dummy',
        private_key => 'dummy',
} 'set certificate and private_key ok';

lives_ok {
    my $apns; $apns = AnyEvent::APNS->new(
        debug_port  => $port,
        certificate => \'dummy',
        private_key => \'dummy',
} 'set certificate ref and private_key ref ok';

throws_ok {
    my $apns; $apns = AnyEvent::APNS->new(
        debug_port  => $port,
        private_key => 'dummy',
} qr/certificate.+is required/
, 'not set certificate';

throws_ok {
    my $apns; $apns = AnyEvent::APNS->new(
        debug_port  => $port,
        certificate => 'dummy',
} qr/private_key.+is required/
, 'not set private_key';

t/04_eof.t  view on Meta::CPAN

    # close immediately
    close $fh;

# without on_eof
$cv = AnyEvent->condvar;

my $apns; $apns = AnyEvent::APNS->new(
    debug_port  => $port,
    certificate => \'',
    private_key => \'',
    on_error    => sub {
        my ($h, $fatal, $msg) = @_;

        like $msg, qr/^Unexpected end-of-file/, 'eof ok';


# on_eof
$cv = AnyEvent->condvar;

$apns = AnyEvent::APNS->new(
    debug_port  => $port,
    certificate => \'',
    private_key => \'',
    on_error    => sub {
        my ($h, $fatal, $msg) = @_;
        fail 'on_eof not called: ' . $msg;
    on_eof => sub {
        my ($h) = @_;
        pass 'on_eof called ok';

xt/live.t  view on Meta::CPAN

my $cer = "$ENV{HOME}/dev/apns/test.cer";
my $key = "$ENV{HOME}/dev/apns/test.key";

my $token = file("$ENV{HOME}/dev/apns/token.bin")->slurp;
    my $cv = AnyEvent->condvar;

    my $apns; $apns = AnyEvent::APNS->new(
        certificate => $cer,
        private_key => $key,
        sandbox     => 1,
        on_connect  => sub {
            $apns->send($token => { aps => { alert => "テスト!" }});
            $apns->handler->on_drain(sub { undef $_[0]; $cv->send });


    ok(1, "app runs ok, check your phone");

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