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lib/AI/Evolve/Befunge/  view on Meta::CPAN

        my $ip       = $interp->get_curip;
        my $critter  = $$interp{_ai_critter};
        my $cost     = 0;$critter->threadcost;
        foreach my $stack ($ip->get_toss(), @{$ip->get_ss}) {
            $cost   += scalar @$stack;
        $cost       *= $critter->stackcost;
        $cost       += $critter->threadcost;
        return $ip->dir_reverse unless $critter->spend($cost);
        # This is a hack; Storable can't deep copy our data structure.
        # It will get re-added to both parent and child, next time around.
        return Language::Befunge::Ops::spawn_ip(@_);


lib/AI/Evolve/Befunge/  view on Meta::CPAN


=head2 new

    my $migrator = AI::Evolve::Befunge::Migrator->new(Local => $socket);

Construct a new Migrator object.

The Local parameter is mandatory, it is the socket (typically a UNIX
domain socket) used to pass critters to and from the parent process.

Note that you probably don't want to call this directly... in most
cases you should call spawn_migrator, see below.


sub new {
    my ($package, %args) = @_;
    croak("The 'Local' parameter is required!") unless exists $args{Local};
    my $host = global_config('migrationd_host', '');

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