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lib/AAC/Pvoice.pm  view on Meta::CPAN

	$VERSION     = 0.91;
	@ISA         = qw (Exporter);
	@EXPORT      = qw (MessageBox);
	@EXPORT_OK   = qw ();

sub MessageBox
	my ($message, $caption, $style, $parent, $x, $y) = @_;
    $caption ||= 'Message';
	$style   ||= wxOK;
	$x       ||= -1;
	$y       ||= -1;

	$Text::Wrap::columns = 25;
	$message = wrap('','',$message)."\n";
    my $width = 0;
    $width = 25 if $style & wxOK;

lib/AAC/Pvoice/Bitmap.pm  view on Meta::CPAN

    $cache = File::Cache->new({namespace => 'images'});

sub new
    my $class = shift;
    my ($file, $MAX_X, $MAX_Y, $caption, $background, $blowup, $parent_background) = @_;
    $parent_background=Wx::Colour->new(220,220,220) if not defined $parent_background;
    my $config = Wx::ConfigBase::Get;
    $caption = $config->ReadInt('Caption')?$caption:'';
#    return ReadImage($file, $MAX_X, $MAX_Y, $caption, $background, $blowup, $parent_background) if $file;
    return ReadImageMagick($file, $MAX_X, $MAX_Y, $caption, $background, $blowup, $parent_background) if $file;
    return DrawCaption($MAX_X, $MAX_Y, $caption, $background, $parent_background);

sub ReadImage
    my $file = shift;
    my ($x, $y, $caption, $background, $blowup, $parent_background) = @_;
    return DrawCaption($x, $y, '?', $background, $parent_background) unless -r $file;
    confess "MaxX and MaxY should be positive" if $x < 1 || $y < 1;
    my $newbmp;
    $caption ||='';
    $blowup ||=0;
    $background = $parent_background unless defined $background;

    my $ibg = wxColor2hex($background) if (ref($background) eq 'Wx::Colour');
    my $pbg = wxColor2hex($parent_background) if (ref($parent_background) eq 'Wx::Colour');

    my $stat = stat($file);
    my $mtime = $stat->mtime();
    my $image = $cache->get("$file-$x-$y-$caption-$ibg-$blowup-$pbg-$mtime");
    if (!$image)
        my $capdc = Wx::MemoryDC->new();
        my $cpt = 10;
        my ($cfont, $cw, $ch) = (wxNullFont, 0, 0);
        if ($caption)

lib/AAC/Pvoice/Dialog.pm  view on Meta::CPAN

    my $self = $class->SUPER::new(@_);
    my ($x, $y) = ($self->GetClientSize->GetWidth,

    $self->{margin}           = 10;
    $self->{ITEMSPACING}      = 4;
    $self->{selectionborder}  = 3;
    $self->{backgroundcolour} = Wx::Colour->new(220,220,220);

    $self->{panel} = AAC::Pvoice::Panel->new(   $self,                 # parent
                                                -1,                    # id
                                                 $self->{margin}],     # position
                                                 $y-2*$self->{margin}],# size
                                                wxNO_3D|wxWANTS_CHARS,               # style
                                                1,                     # disabletextrow 
                                                $self->{ITEMSPACING},  # rowspacing
                                                $self->{selectionborder}, # selectionborderwidth
                                                1);                     # disabletitle

lib/AAC/Pvoice/Panel.pm  view on Meta::CPAN

sub new
    my $class = shift;
    $_[2] ||= wxDefaultPosition;
    $_[3] ||= wxDefaultSize;
    $_[4] ||= wxTAB_TRAVERSAL;
    my $self = $class->SUPER::new(@_[0..4]);


    $self->{parent}         = $_[0];
    $self->{position}       = $_[2];
    $self->{size}           = $_[3];
    $self->{disabletextrow} = $_[5] || 0;
    $self->{itemspacing}    = $_[6] || 0;
    $self->{selectionborder}= $_[7] || int($self->{itemspacing}/2)||1;
    $self->{disabletitle}   = $_[8] || 0;
    $self->{tls} = Wx::FlexGridSizer->new(0,1);
    $self->{totalrows}   = 0;
    $self->{lastrow}     = 0;
    $self->{currentpage} = 0;
    $self->{unfinished}  = 1;

    my ($x, $y);

    # to get the right dimensions for the items, we maximize the
    # frame, show it, get the dimensions, and hide it again
    if (ref($self->{parent}) =~ /Frame/)
	if ($self->{parent}->IsMaximized)
	    ($x, $y) = @{$self->{size}};
	    ($x, $y) = ( $self->GetSize()->GetWidth(),
			 $self->GetSize()->GetHeight() );
	# if our parent isn't a frame, we're not able to maximize
	# it, so we just get the dimensions of the parent
	($x, $y) = @{$self->{size}};
    $self->{realx} = $x;
    $self->{realy} = $y;
    unless ($self->{disabletitle})
	# to be able to calculate the useable y-size, we need to add the
	# title and get its height. Since we don't know what the title

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