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lib/MooX/Cmd/  view on Meta::CPAN

sub _run_with_capture
    my ($app, $argv) = @_;

    my ($execute_rv, $cmd, $cmd_name, $error);

    my ($stdout, $stderr, $merged, $ok) = _capture_merged
        eval {
            local $TEST_IN_PROGRESS = 1;
            local @ARGV             = @$argv;

            my $tb = $CLASS->builder();

            $cmd = ref $app ? $app : $app->new_with_cmd;
            ref $app and $app = ref $app;
            my $test_ident = "$app => [ " . join(" ", @$argv) . " ]";
            ok($cmd->isa($app), "got a '$app' from new_with_cmd");
              and defined($cmd_name = $cmd->command_name)
              and ok((grep { index($cmd_name, $_) != -1 } @$argv), "proper cmd name from $test_ident");

t/03-params.t  view on Meta::CPAN

use MooX::Cmd::Tester;

use FindBin qw($Bin);
use lib "$Bin/lib";

use FirstTestApp;
use SecondTestApp;
use ThirdTestApp;

    local @ARGV;
    my $cmd = SecondTestApp->new_with_cmd(command_execute_method_name => "run");
    my $rv = test_cmd_ok($cmd, []);
    my @execute_return = @{$rv->execute_rv};
    is_deeply(\@execute_return, [$cmd], 'Checking result of "SecondTestApp(command_base => "SecondTestApp::Cmd") => []"');

    local @ARGV;
    my $cmd = SecondTestApp->new_with_cmd(command_base => "SecondTestApp::Cmd");
    my $rv = test_cmd_ok($cmd, []);
    my @execute_return = @{$rv->execute_rv};
    is_deeply(\@execute_return, [$cmd], 'Checking result of "SecondTestApp(command_base => "SecondTestApp::Cmd") => []"');

    local @ARGV;
    my $cmd = SecondTestApp->new_with_cmd(command_creation_chain_methods => "new");
    my $rv = test_cmd_ok($cmd, []);
    my @execute_return = @{$rv->execute_rv};
    is_deeply(\@execute_return, [$cmd], 'Checking result of "SecondTestApp(command_creation_chain_methods => "new") => []"');

    local @ARGV;
    my $cmd = SecondTestApp->new_with_cmd(
        command_commands => {
            ifc => "SecondTestApp::Cmd::ifc",
            cwo => "SecondTestApp::Cmd::cwo"
    my $rv = test_cmd_ok($cmd, []);
    my @execute_return = @{$rv->execute_rv};
    is_deeply(\@execute_return, [$cmd],
        'Checking result of "SecondTestApp(command_commands => {ifc => "SecondTestApp::Cmd::ifc", cwo => "SecondTestApp::Cmd::cwo"}) => []"'

    local @ARGV;
    my $cmd = SecondTestApp->new_with_cmd(
        command_base                   => "SecondTestApp::Cmd",
        command_creation_chain_methods => "new"
    my $rv = test_cmd_ok($cmd, []);
    my @execute_return = @{$rv->execute_rv};
    is_deeply(\@execute_return, [$cmd], 'Checking result of "SecondTestApp(command_base => "SecondTestApp::Cmd") => []"');

    local @ARGV = qw(foo);
    my $cmd = ThirdTestApp->new_with_cmd(command_execute_from_new => undef);
    my $rv = test_cmd_ok($cmd, [qw(foo)]);
    is($rv->execute_rv, undef, 'Checking result of "ThirdTestApp(command_execute_from_new => undef) => []"');

    local @ARGV = qw(foo);
    my $cmd = ThirdTestApp->new_with_cmd(command_execute_from_new => 0);
    my $rv = test_cmd_ok($cmd, [qw(foo)]);
    is_deeply($rv->execute_rv, undef, 'Checking result of "ThirdTestApp(command_execute_from_new => 0) => []"');

    local @ARGV;
    my $cmd = SecondTestApp->new_with_cmd(command_execute_return_method_name => "was_haste");
    my $rv = test_cmd_ok($cmd, []);
    my @execute_return = @{$rv->execute_rv};
    is_deeply(\@execute_return, [$cmd],
        'Checking result of "SecondTestApp(command_execute_return_method_name => "was_haste") => []"');

    local @ARGV;
    eval { my $cmd = SecondTestApp->new_with_cmd(command_creation_chain_methods => "search_me"); };
        qr/Can't find a creation method on/,
        'Load fails for SecondTestApp(command_creation_chain_methods => "search_me") => []'

    eval "use MooX::Options 4.100; use OptionTestApp";
    $@ and skip("MooX::Options required 4.100 $@", 1);
    local @ARGV = qw(oops);
    my $cmd = eval { OptionTestApp->new_with_cmd(command_creation_chain_methods => "new_with_options"); };
        qr/Can't find a creation method on/,
        'Load fails for OptionTestApp(command_creation_chain_methods => "new_with_options") => []'


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