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t/aggregate/unit_core_script_cgi.t  view on Meta::CPAN

use warnings;

use FindBin qw/$Bin/;
use lib "$Bin/../lib";

use Test::More;
use Test::Fatal;

use Catalyst::Script::CGI;

local @ARGV;
is exception {
    Catalyst::Script::CGI->new_with_options(application_name => 'TestAppToTestScripts')->run;
}, undef, "new_with_options";
shift @TestAppToTestScripts::RUN_ARGS;
my $server = pop @TestAppToTestScripts::RUN_ARGS;
like ref($server), qr/^Plack::Handler/, 'Is a Plack::Handler';
is ref(delete($TestAppToTestScripts::RUN_ARGS[0]->{argv})), 'ARRAY';
is ref(delete($TestAppToTestScripts::RUN_ARGS[0]->{extra_argv})), 'ARRAY';
is_deeply \@TestAppToTestScripts::RUN_ARGS, [{}], "no args";

t/aggregate/unit_core_script_create.t  view on Meta::CPAN

    package TestHelperClass::False;
    use Moose;
    extends 'TestHelperClass';
    sub _mk_component_return { 0 }

    local $TestCreateScript::help;
    local @ARGV;
    is exception {
        TestCreateScript->new_with_options(application_name => 'TestAppToTestScripts', helper_class => 'TestHelperClass')->run;
    }, undef, "no argv";
    ok $TestCreateScript::help, 'Exited with usage info';
    local $TestCreateScript::help;
    local @ARGV = 'foo';
    local @TestHelperClass::ARGS;
    local %TestHelperClass::p;
    is exception {
        TestCreateScript->new_with_options(application_name => 'TestAppToTestScripts', helper_class => 'TestHelperClass')->run;
    }, undef, "with argv";
    ok !$TestCreateScript::help, 'Did not exit with usage into';
    is_deeply \@TestHelperClass::ARGS, ['TestAppToTestScripts', 'foo'], 'Args correct';
    is_deeply \%TestHelperClass::p, { '.newfiles' => 1, mech => undef }, 'Params correct';

    local $TestCreateScript::help;
    local @ARGV = 'foo';
    local @TestHelperClass::ARGS;
    local %TestHelperClass::p;
    is exception {
        TestCreateScript->new_with_options(application_name => 'TestAppToTestScripts', helper_class => 'TestHelperClass::False')->run;
    }, undef, "with argv";
    ok $TestCreateScript::help, 'Did exit with usage into as mk_component returned false';
    is_deeply \@TestHelperClass::ARGS, ['TestAppToTestScripts', 'foo'], 'Args correct';
    is_deeply \%TestHelperClass::p, { '.newfiles' => 1, mech => undef }, 'Params correct';

t/aggregate/unit_core_script_fastcgi.t  view on Meta::CPAN

    # MyApp->run will just capture its arguments and return without delegating
    # to the engine to run things.
    override load_engine => sub { $fake_handler };


sub testOption {
    my ($argstring, $resultarray) = @_;

    local @ARGV = @$argstring;
    local @TestAppToTestScripts::RUN_ARGS;
    is exception {
        TestFastCGIScript->new_with_options(application_name => 'TestAppToTestScripts')->run;
    }, undef, "new_with_options";
    # First element of RUN_ARGS will be the script name, which we don't care about
    shift @TestAppToTestScripts::RUN_ARGS;

    my $server = pop @TestAppToTestScripts::RUN_ARGS;
    is $server, $fake_handler, 'Loaded Plack handler gets passed to the app';

t/aggregate/unit_core_script_help.t  view on Meta::CPAN

    with 'Catalyst::ScriptRole';
    our $help;
    sub print_usage_text { $help++ }


sub test {
    local $TestHelpScript::help;
    local @ARGV = (@_);
    is exception {
        TestHelpScript->new_with_options(application_name => 'TestAppToTestScripts')->run;
    }, undef, 'Lives';
    ok $TestHelpScript::help, 'Got help';


t/aggregate/unit_core_script_run_options.t  view on Meta::CPAN


is ScriptTestApp->run_options, undef;

my ($fh, $fn) = tempfile();

binmode( $fh );
binmode( STDOUT );

local @ARGV = ();
local %ENV;

my $saved;
open( $saved, '>&'. STDOUT->fileno )
    or croak("Can't dup stdout: $!");
open( STDOUT, '>&='. $fh->fileno )
    or croak("Can't open stdout: $!");
local $SIG{__WARN__} = sub {}; # Shut up warnings...
try { Catalyst::ScriptRunner->run('ScriptTestApp', 'CGI'); pass("Ran ok") }
catch { fail "Failed to run $_" };

t/aggregate/unit_core_script_server.t  view on Meta::CPAN

    ok $app->restart, 'App is in restart mode';
    my $args = {$app->_restarter_args};
    is_deeply delete $args->{argv}, $argstring, 'argv is arg string';
    is ref(delete $args->{start_sub}), 'CODE', 'Closure to start app present';
    is_deeply $args, $resultarray, "is_deeply comparison of restarter args " . join(' ', @$argstring);

sub _build_testapp {
    my ($argstring, $resultarray) = @_;

    local @ARGV = @$argstring;
    local @TestAppToTestScripts::RUN_ARGS;
    my $i;
    try {
        $i = Catalyst::Script::Server->new_with_options(application_name => 'TestAppToTestScripts');
        pass "new_with_options " . join(' ', @$argstring);
    catch {
        fail "new_with_options " . join(' ', @$argstring) . " " . $_;
    ok $i;

t/unit_core_script_test.t  view on Meta::CPAN

sub run_test {
    my $url = shift;

    my ($fh, $fn) = tempfile();

    binmode( $fh );
    binmode( STDOUT );

        local @ARGV = ($url);
        my $i;
        is exception {
            $i = Catalyst::Script::Test->new_with_options(application_name => 'TestApp');
        }, undef, "new_with_options";
        ok $i;
        my $saved;
        open( $saved, '>&'. STDOUT->fileno )
            or croak("Can't dup stdout: $!");
        open( STDOUT, '>&='. $fh->fileno )
            or croak("Can't open stdout: $!");

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