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$cgi_script or $$code compiled to coderef.
Things like the query string and form data should generally be in the
appropriate environment variables that things like CGI expect.
You can also pass arguments to the generated coderef, they will be
locally aliased to @_ and @ARGV.
BEGIN and END blocks
BEGIN blocks are called once when the script is compiled. END blocks
are called when the Perl interpreter is unloaded.
This may cause surprising effects. Suppose, for instance, a script that
runs in a forking web server and is loaded in the parent process. END
blocks will be called once for each worker process and another time for
the parent process while BEGIN blocks are called only by the parent
lib/CGI/ view on Meta::CPAN
'local ($0, $CGI::Compile::_dir, *DATA);',
'{ my ($data, $path, $dir) = @_[1..3];',
($path ? '$0 = $path;' : ''),
($dir ? '$CGI::Compile::_dir = File::pushd::pushd $dir;' : ''),
q{open DATA, '<', \$data;},
# NOTE: this is a workaround to fix a problem in Perl 5.10
q(local @SIG{keys %SIG} = do { no warnings 'uninitialized'; @{[]} = values %SIG };),
"local \$^W = $warnings;",
'my $rv = eval {',
'local @ARGV = @{ $_[4] };', # args to @ARGV
'local @_ = @{ $_[4] };', # args to @_ as well
($path ? "\n#line 1 $path\n" : ''),
no warnings qw(uninitialized numeric pack);
my $self = shift;
my $exit_val = unpack('C', pack('C', sprintf('%.0f', $rv)));
if ($@) {
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