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lib/ view on Meta::CPAN
our $PERLDOC = 'perldoc';
our $SUBCMD_PREFIX = 'command';
our $VERSION = '0.23';
my $ANON = 0;
sub app {
my $self = shift;
$self->{app} = shift if @_;
# Activate sub command
local @ARGV = @ARGV;
shift @ARGV if $self->_subcommand_activate($ARGV[0]);
my (%argv, @spec);
$self->_run_hook(before_options_parsing => \@ARGV);
for my $option (@{$self->options}, @{$self->_default_options}) {
push @spec, $self->_calculate_option_spec($option);
$argv{$option->{name}} = $option->{n_of} ? [] : undef;
is_deeply(run(qw(-i 42)), undef, 'alias -i not defined');
is_deeply(run(qw(--age 43)), 43, 'but --age is defined');
$script->{options}[0]{alias} = ['i'];
is_deeply(run(qw(-i 44)), 44, 'alias -i defined');
sub run {
local @ARGV = @_;
return $script->app->age;
version '1';
app { 0 };
my $exited = 0;
local *CORE::GLOBAL::exit = sub (;$) { $exited = 1; };
## eval bakes in exit as overridden above
my $app = eval "$code" or die $@;
is $exited, 0, 'no exit yet';
local @ARGV = ('-help');
my $return = $app->_script->app->run;
is $return, 0, 'returned zero';
is $exited, 1, 'print_help';
*CORE::GLOBAL::exit = *CORE::exit;
my $exited = 0;
local *CORE::GLOBAL::exit = sub (;$) { $exited = 1; };
my $app = eval "$code" or die $@;
is $exited, 0, 'no exit yet';
local @ARGV = ('-man');
my $return = $app->_script->app->run;
is $return, 0, 'returned zero';
is $exited, 1, 'man';
*CORE::GLOBAL::exit = *CORE::exit;
my $exited = 0;
local *CORE::GLOBAL::exit = sub (;$) { $exited = 1; };
my $app = eval "$code" or die $@;
is $exited, 0, 'no exit yet';
local @ARGV = ('-version');
my $return = $app->_script->app->run;
is $return, 0, 'returned zero';
is $exited, 1, 'version';
*CORE::GLOBAL::exit = *CORE::exit;
my $exited = 0;
local *CORE::GLOBAL::exit = sub (;$) { $exited = 5 * shift; };
my $app = eval <<'HERE' or die $@;
package main;
use Applify;
app { shift->_script->_exit(5) };
is $exited, 0, 'no exit yet';
local @ARGV = ('-version');
my $return = $app->_script->app->run;
is $return, 25, 'returned zero';
is $exited, 25, 'exited!';
*CORE::GLOBAL::exit = *CORE::exit;
t/file-dir.t view on Meta::CPAN
option file => output => 'output file', default => 'example/output.txt', isa => 'TestApp::File';
option file => path_string => 'path as a string only';
option file => failsafe => 'path as a string only - spurious class', isa => 'Not::Existing';
option str => check => 'simple';
app {};
my $script = $app->_script;
local @ARGV = ('--directory', '.', '--path', 'bin', '--failsafe', '/tmp');
my $app = $script->app;
isa_ok $app->directory, 'TestApp::File', 'directory option';
isa_ok $app->output, 'TestApp::File', 'default';
is $app->output, 'example/output.txt', 'output file default';
is ref($app->path_string), '', 'path is a string not one of those objects';
is ref($app->failsafe), '', 'failsafe is a string not one of those objects';
local @ARGV = ('--directory', 'example');
my $app = $script->app;
isa_ok $app->directory, 'TestApp::File', 'directory option';
ok -d $app->directory, 'directory exists and is a directory';
local @ARGV = ('--config', 'example/');
my $app = $script->app;
isa_ok $app->config_file, 'TestApp::File', 'config option';
ok -e $app->config_file, '"config file" exists';
local @ARGV = ('--file', 'example/');
my $app = $script->app;
isa_ok $app->file_list, 'ARRAY', 'file list option';
is @{$app->file_list}, 1, 'correct # of files';
my ($first) = @{$app->file_list};
ok -e $first, 'file exists';
local @ARGV = ('--file', 'example/', '--file', 'example/');
my $app = $script->app;
isa_ok $app->file_list, 'ARRAY', 'file list option ';
ok -e $_, 'file exists' for @{$app->file_list};
is @{$app->file_list}, 2, 'correct # of files';
isa_ok $_, 'TestApp::File', 'file is a TestApp::File' for @{$app->file_list};
is_deeply(run('--directory' => 'example', '--check' => 'this'), ['example', undef], 'undef');
is_deeply(run('--directory' => 'example', '--config' => 'test'), ['example', 'test'], 'this test');
is_deeply(run('--directory' => 'example', '--file' => 'test1', '--file' => 'test2'), ['example', undef], 'this test');
sub run {
local @ARGV = @_;
my $app = $script->app;
return [$app->directory, $app->config_file];
my $script = $app->_script;
ok_option_parser_config([qw(no_auto_help no_auto_version pass_through)], 'original option_parser config');
eval {
local @ARGV = qw(a b c);
ok 0, 'should never come to this';
} or do {
like $@, qr{^before_exit:42}, 'before_exit';
is $ENV{TEST_OPTIONS}, 'a:b:c', 'before_options_parsing argv';
ok_option_parser_config([qw(no_auto_help no_auto_version bundling no_pass_through)], 'modified option_parser config');
package My::Class;
use Moose;
has exit_value => (is => 'ro', default => 123);
has o_foo => (is => 'ro', lazy_build => 1);
sub _build_foo { -1 }
sub do_stuff { print "some stuff...\n" }
$INC{'My/'} = 'MOCK';
] or die $@;
local @ARGV = qw(--o-bar 24 --o-foo 42);
my $app = eval q[
use Applify;
extends 'My::Class';
option int => o_foo => 'Some option';
option int => o_bar => 'Some option';
app {
my $self = shift;
return $self->exit_value;
'both --arr and --file again'
is_deeply(run(qw(--def 8 --def 7)), {def => [8, 7], arr => [], file => undef, rep => [], save => ''}, 'override --def');
is_deeply(run(qw(--rep 7 8)), {def => [9], arr => [], file => undef, rep => [7, 8], save => ''}, 'only --rep');
sub run {
local @ARGV = @_;
my $app = $script->app;
return {map { ($_ => $app->$_) } qw(arr def file rep save)};
t/options.t view on Meta::CPAN
is $instance->has_input_file, 1, 'Moose style';
is !$instance->has_iii, 1, 'does not exist';
ok !$instance->has_output_file, 'default does not exist yet';
ok $instance->has_output_file, 'default applied';
is $instance->has_template, 0, 'has_template not replaced see _sub()';
is $instance->template, 'empty', 'default exists';
sub app_instance {
my $script = shift;
local @ARGV = @_;
my $app = $script->app;
return $app;
t/subcommand.t view on Meta::CPAN
documentation 'Applify';
app {
my ($self, @extra) = @_;
return 0;
app { return 1 };
ok $app, 'not undef';
local @ARGV = qw{disallow};
run_method($app->_script, 'app');
like "$@", qr/Looks like you have a typo/, 'confessions of a app happy coder.';
my $app = eval_script($code, 'list', '--save', '--long', 1);
isa_ok $app, 'MyListing', 'correct inheritance';
is $app->save, 1, 'global option set';
is $app->long, 1, 'long list option set';
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