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=head2 backup_files

Main function to process ARGV and backup files as necessary


sub backup_files {

    # make sure we don't clobber any callers variables

    local @ARGV = @ARGV;
    GetOptions( \%options, keys(%opts) ) || pod2usage( -verbose => 1 );

    die("Version: $VERSION\n") if ( $options{version} );
    pod2usage( -verbose => 1 ) if ( $options{'?'}  || $options{help} );
    pod2usage( -verbose => 2 ) if ( $options{HELP} || $options{man} );

    $options{debug} ||= 0;
    $options{debug} = 8 if ( $options{debug} > 8 );

    if ( !@ARGV ) {

t/find_sum_binary.t  view on Meta::CPAN

use strict;
use warnings;
use Test::More;
use Test::Trap;
use File::Which qw(which);

my $result;


local @ARGV = ();

$result = trap { App::bk::find_sum_binary(); };
is( $trap->stderr,  '',       'no stderr output' );
is( $trap->stdout,  '',       'no stdout output' );
is( $trap->exit,    undef,    'correct exit' );
is( $trap->leaveby, 'return', 'returned correctly' );
is( $trap->die,     undef,    'no death output' );
is( $result, which('md5sum') || which('sum'),
    'got correct path: ' . $result );

t/multi_files.t  view on Meta::CPAN

use FindBin qw($Bin);

my $result;


chdir($Bin) || BAIL_OUT( 'Failed to cd into '. $Bin );

unlink <file*.txt.*>;

local @ARGV = ('no_such_file.txt');

$result = trap { App::bk::backup_files(); };

    qr/WARNING: File no_such_file.txt not found/,
    'correct stderr output'
is( $trap->stdout,  '',       'no stdout output' );
is( $trap->exit,    undef,    'correct exit' );
is( $trap->leaveby, 'return', 'returned correctly' );
is( $trap->die,     undef,    'no death output' );
is( $result,        1,        'got correct return value' );

local @ARGV = ( 'file1.txt', 'file2.txt' );

$result = trap { App::bk::backup_files(); };

is( $trap->stderr, '', 'no stderr output' );
    qr!Backed up file1.txt to ./file1.txt.([\w-]+\.)?\d{8}
Backed up file2.txt to ./file2.txt.([\w-]+\.)?\d{8}
    'got correct backup filename'

t/no_files.t  view on Meta::CPAN


use strict;
use warnings;
use Test::More tests => 2;
use Test::Trap;


local @ARGV = ();

my $r = trap { App::bk::backup_files(); };

like( $trap->stderr, qr/No filenames provided./, 'No files error ok' );

t/one_file.t  view on Meta::CPAN

use FindBin qw($Bin);

my $result;


chdir($Bin) || BAIL_OUT( 'Failed to cd into '. $Bin );

unlink <file1.txt.*>;

local @ARGV = ('no_such_file.txt');

$result = trap { App::bk::backup_files(); };

    qr/WARNING: File no_such_file.txt not found/,
    'correct stderr output'
is( $trap->stdout,  '',       'no stdout output' );
is( $trap->exit,    undef,    'correct exit' );
is( $trap->leaveby, 'return', 'returned correctly' );
is( $trap->die,     undef,    'no death output' );
is( $result,        1,        'got correct return value' );

local @ARGV = ('file1.txt');

$result = trap { App::bk::backup_files(); };

is( $trap->stderr, '', 'no stderr output' );
    qr!Backed up file1.txt to ./file1.txt.([\w-]+\.)?\d{8}\s$!,
    'got correct backup filename'
is( $trap->exit,    undef,    'correct exit' );

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( run in 0.492 second using v1.00-cache-2.02-grep-82fe00e-cpan-2c419f77a38b )