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t/configure_shell.t  view on Meta::CPAN

    chmod 0755, $shell_from_getpwuid;

    my @getpwuid_ref = ( 'username', 'x', 1000, 1000, q{}, q{}, q{}, '/tmp', $shell_from_getpwuid );

    *App::SSH::SwitchShell::getpwuid = sub {
        return @getpwuid_ref;

        local $ENV{SHELL} = '/bin/dummy';
        local @ARGV = ("$tmpdir/does_not_exist");
        my ( $stdout, $stderr, @result ) = capture { App::SSH::SwitchShell::configure_shell() };
        is( $result[0],  $shell_from_getpwuid,                              "'$tmpdir/does_not_exist' returns shell from getpwuid()" );
        is( $ENV{SHELL}, $shell_from_getpwuid,                              '... SHELL env variable is set correctly' );
        is( $stdout,     q{},                                               '... prints nothing to STDOUT' );
        is( $stderr,     "Shell '$tmpdir/does_not_exist' does not exist\n", '... prints that non existing shell does not exist to STDERR' );

    my $shell_1 = "$tmpdir/testshell";
    open $fh, '>', $shell_1;
    close $fh;

    chmod 0644, $shell_1;
        local $ENV{SHELL} = '/bin/dummy';
        local @ARGV = ($shell_1);
        my ( $stdout, $stderr, @result ) = capture { App::SSH::SwitchShell::configure_shell() };
        is( $result[0],  $shell_from_getpwuid,                   "'$shell_1' (not executable) returns shell from getpwuid()" );
        is( $ENV{SHELL}, $shell_from_getpwuid,                   '... SHELL env variable is set correctly' );
        is( $stdout,     q{},                                    '... prints nothing to STDOUT' );
        is( $stderr,     "Shell '$shell_1' is not executable\n", '... prints that shell is not executable to STDERR' );

    chmod 0755, $shell_1;
  SKIP: {
        skip "File '$shell_1' is not executable - this OS seems to require more then chmod 0755" if !-x $shell_1;

        local $ENV{SHELL} = '/bin/dummy';
        local @ARGV = ($shell_1);
        my ( $stdout, $stderr, @result ) = capture { App::SSH::SwitchShell::configure_shell() };
        is( $result[0],  $shell_1, "'$shell_1' (executable) returns '$shell_1'" );
        is( $ENV{SHELL}, $shell_1, '... SHELL env variable is set correctly' );
        is( $stdout,     q{},      '... prints nothing to STDOUT' );
        is( $stderr,     q{},      '... prints nothing to STDERR' );

        my $cwd = cwd();
        chdir $tmpdir;

        local $ENV{SHELL} = '/bin/dummy';
        local @ARGV = ('testshell');
        my ( $stdout, $stderr, @result ) = capture { App::SSH::SwitchShell::configure_shell() };
        is( $result[0],  $shell_from_getpwuid,                          q{'testshell' returns shell from getpwuid()} );
        is( $ENV{SHELL}, $shell_from_getpwuid,                          '... SHELL env variable is set correctly' );
        is( $stdout,     q{},                                           '... prints nothing to STDOUT' );
        is( $stderr,     "Shell 'testshell' is not an absolute path\n", '... prints that shell is not absolute path to STDERR' );

        chdir $cwd;

    chmod 0644, $shell_from_getpwuid;
        local $ENV{SHELL} = '/bin/dummy';
        local @ARGV = ();
        my ( $stdout, $stderr, @result ) = capture { App::SSH::SwitchShell::configure_shell() };
        is( $result[0],  $shell_from_getpwuid, "no shell specified as argument returns '$shell_from_getpwuid' (not executable) from getpwuid()" );
        is( $ENV{SHELL}, $shell_from_getpwuid, '... SHELL env variable is set correctly' );
        is( $stdout,     q{},                  '... prints nothing to STDOUT' );
        is( $stderr,     q{},                  '... prints nothing to STDERR' );

    chmod 0644, $shell_1;
        local $ENV{SHELL} = '/bin/dummy';
        local @ARGV = ($shell_1);
        my ( $stdout, $stderr, @result ) = capture { App::SSH::SwitchShell::configure_shell() };
        is( $result[0],  $shell_from_getpwuid,                   "'$shell_1' (not executbale) returns '$shell_from_getpwuid' (not executable) from getpwuid()" );
        is( $ENV{SHELL}, $shell_from_getpwuid,                   '... SHELL env variable is set correctly' );
        is( $stdout,     q{},                                    '... prints nothing to STDOUT' );
        is( $stderr,     "Shell '$shell_1' is not executable\n", "... prints that '$shell_1' is not executable to STDERR" );

        my $cwd = cwd();
        chdir $tmpdir;

        local $ENV{SHELL} = '/bin/dummy';
        local @ARGV = ('testshell');
        my ( $stdout, $stderr, @result ) = capture { App::SSH::SwitchShell::configure_shell() };
        is( $result[0],  $shell_from_getpwuid,                          "'testshell' returns '$shell_from_getpwuid' (not executable) from getpwuid()" );
        is( $ENV{SHELL}, $shell_from_getpwuid,                          '... SHELL env variable is set correctly' );
        is( $stdout,     q{},                                           '... prints nothing to STDOUT' );
        is( $stderr,     "Shell 'testshell' is not an absolute path\n", '... prints not absolute path error message to STDERR' );

        chdir $cwd;


t/main.t  view on Meta::CPAN

    chdir $basedir;

    note('login shell, script inside .ssh dir');
        local $ENV{HOME}  = '/home/dummy';
        local $ENV{SHELL} = '/bin/dummy';

        $script_basedir = File::Spec->catdir( $tmpdir, '.ssh' );
        mkdir $script_basedir;

        local @ARGV = ($shell);

        my ( $stdout, $stderr, @result ) = capture { App::SSH::SwitchShell::main() };
        is( $result[0],  undef,   'main() returns undef (because we mocked _exec)' );
        is( $stdout,     q{},     '... prints nothing to STDOUT' );
        is( $stderr,     q{},     '... prints nothing to STDERR' );
        is( $ENV{HOME},  $tmpdir, '... HOME environment variable is correctly set' );
        is( $ENV{SHELL}, $shell,  '... SHELL environment variable is correctly set' );
        is( cwd(),       $tmpdir, '... cwd is correctly changed' );
        my $exec_file = ( shift @exec_args )->();
        is( $exec_file, $shell, '... the correct shell was run' );

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( run in 1.200 second using v1.00-cache-2.02-grep-82fe00e-cpan-f73e49a70403 )