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xt/arguments.t view on Meta::CPAN
use Capture::Tiny qw(capture);
use Test::More 0.88;
use lib qw(.);
require_ok('bin/report-prereqs') or BAIL_OUT();
note('invalid parameter');
local @ARGV = ('--no-such-option');
my ( $stdout, $stderr, @result ) = capture { App::ReportPrereqs::_main() };
is( $result[0], 2, '_main() returns 2' );
ok( scalar @result == 1, '... and nothing else' );
is( $stdout, q{}, '... prints nothing to STDOUT' );
like( $stderr, qr{\Qusage: arguments.t\E}, '... prints usage to STDERR' );
note('to many arguments');
local @ARGV = qw(hello world);
my ( $stdout, $stderr, @result ) = capture { App::ReportPrereqs::_main() };
is( $result[0], 2, '_main() returns 2' );
ok( scalar @result == 1, '... and nothing else' );
is( $stdout, q{}, '... prints nothing to STDOUT' );
like( $stderr, qr{\Qusage: arguments.t\E}, '... prints usage to STDERR' );
note('--meta and --cpanfile');
local @ARGV = qw(--meta META.json --cpanfile cpanfile);
my ( $stdout, $stderr, @result ) = capture { App::ReportPrereqs::_main() };
is( $result[0], 2, '_main() returns 2' );
ok( scalar @result == 1, '... and nothing else' );
is( $stdout, q{}, '... prints nothing to STDOUT' );
like( $stderr, qr{\Qusage: arguments.t\E}, '... prints usage to STDERR' );
note('--meta and url');
local @ARGV = qw(--meta META.json;
my ( $stdout, $stderr, @result ) = capture { App::ReportPrereqs::_main() };
is( $result[0], 2, '_main() returns 2' );
ok( scalar @result == 1, '... and nothing else' );
is( $stdout, q{}, '... prints nothing to STDOUT' );
like( $stderr, qr{\Qusage: arguments.t\E}, '... prints usage to STDERR' );
note('--cpanfile and url');
local @ARGV = qw(--cpanfile cpanfile;
my ( $stdout, $stderr, @result ) = capture { App::ReportPrereqs::_main() };
is( $result[0], 2, '_main() returns 2' );
ok( scalar @result == 1, '... and nothing else' );
is( $stdout, q{}, '... prints nothing to STDOUT' );
like( $stderr, qr{\Qusage: arguments.t\E}, '... prints usage to STDERR' );
xt/complicated-file.t view on Meta::CPAN
my $filename = shift @{$i};
note("complicated $filename file");
chdir shift @{$i} or skip "Test setup failed: Cannot chdir: $!";
local @ARGV = @{$i};
my ( $stdout, $stderr, @result ) = capture { App::ReportPrereqs::_main() };
is( $result[0], undef, '_main() returns undef' );
ok( scalar @result == 0, '... and nothing else' );
my @expected = (
"Versions for all modules listed in $filename:",
q{=== Configure Requires ===},
xt/four-modules.t view on Meta::CPAN
[ 'cpanfile', File::Spec->catdir( 'corpus', 'dist5' ), ],
[ 'META.json', File::Spec->catdir( q{..}, 'dist6' ), qw(--meta), ],
[ 'META.yml', File::Spec->catdir( q{..}, 'dist7' ), qw(--meta META.yml), ],
my $filename = shift @{$i};
note("4 modules in $filename (2 don't exist)");
chdir shift @{$i} or skip "Test setup failed: Cannot chdir: $!";
local @ARGV = @{$i};
my ( $stdout, $stderr, @result ) = capture { App::ReportPrereqs::_main() };
is( $result[0], undef, '_main() returns undef' );
ok( scalar @result == 0, '... and nothing else' );
my @expected = (
"Versions for all modules listed in $filename:",
q{=== Runtime Requires ===},
xt/invalid-file.t view on Meta::CPAN
[ 'cpanfile', File::Spec->catdir( 'corpus', 'dist2' ), ],
[ 'META.json', File::Spec->catdir( q{..}, 'dist3' ), qw(--meta META.json), ],
[ 'META.yml', File::Spec->catdir( q{..}, 'dist4' ), qw(--meta META.yml), ],
my $filename = shift @{$i};
note("invalid $filename");
chdir shift @{$i} or skip "Test setup failed: Cannot chdir: $!";
local @ARGV = @{$i};
my ( $stdout, $stderr, @result ) = capture { App::ReportPrereqs::_main() };
is( $result[0], 1, '_main() returns 1' );
ok( scalar @result == 1, '... and nothing else' );
is( $stdout, q{}, '... prints nothing to STDOUT' );
ok( length($stderr), q{... prints an error to STDERR (error is from Module::CPANfile/CPAN::Meta, we don't test what the error is)} );
xt/invalid-version.t view on Meta::CPAN
[ 'META.json', File::Spec->catdir( q{..}, 'dist9' ), qw(--meta), ],
[ 'META.yml', File::Spec->catdir( q{..}, 'dist2' ), qw(--meta META.yml), ],
my $filename = shift @{$i};
note("Local::Psi in $filename (invalid version in module)");
chdir shift @{$i} or skip "Test setup failed: Cannot chdir: $!";
local @ARGV = @{$i};
my ( $stdout, $stderr, @result ) = capture { App::ReportPrereqs::_main() };
is( $result[0], undef, '_main() returns undef' );
ok( scalar @result == 0, '... and nothing else' );
my @expected = (
"Versions for all modules listed in $filename:",
q{=== Runtime Requires ===},
xt/no-file.t view on Meta::CPAN
chdir File::Spec->catdir( 'corpus', 'dist1' ) or skip "Test setup failed: Cannot chdir: $!";
for my $i (
[ 'no cpanfile', ],
[ 'no META.json (--meta)', qw(--meta) ],
[ 'no META.yml (--meta META.yml)', qw(--meta META.yml) ],
note( shift @{$i} );
local @ARGV = @{$i};
my ( $stdout, $stderr, @result ) = capture { App::ReportPrereqs::_main() };
is( $result[0], 1, '_main() returns 1' );
ok( scalar @result == 1, '... and nothing else' );
is( $stdout, q{}, '... prints nothing to STDOUT' );
ok( length($stderr), q{... prints an error to STDERR (error is from Module::CPANfile/CPAN::Meta, we don't test what the error is)} );
xt/no-version.t view on Meta::CPAN
[ 'META.json', File::Spec->catdir( q{..}, 'dist8' ), qw(--meta), ],
[ 'META.yml', File::Spec->catdir( q{..}, 'dist9' ), qw(--meta META.yml), ],
my $filename = shift @{$i};
note("Local::Omega in $filename (no version in module)");
chdir shift @{$i} or skip "Test setup failed: Cannot chdir: $!";
local @ARGV = @{$i};
my ( $stdout, $stderr, @result ) = capture { App::ReportPrereqs::_main() };
is( $result[0], undef, '_main() returns undef' );
ok( scalar @result == 0, '... and nothing else' );
my @expected = (
"Versions for all modules listed in $filename:",
q{=== Runtime Requires ===},
xt/one-invalid-module.t view on Meta::CPAN
[ 'META.json', File::Spec->catdir( q{..}, 'dist5' ), qw(--meta), ],
[ 'META.yml', File::Spec->catdir( q{..}, 'dist6' ), qw(--meta META.yml), ],
my $filename = shift @{$i};
note("only Local::Alpha::DoesNotExist in $filename");
chdir shift @{$i} or skip "Test setup failed: Cannot chdir: $!";
local @ARGV = @{$i};
my ( $stdout, $stderr, @result ) = capture { App::ReportPrereqs::_main() };
is( $result[0], undef, '_main() returns undef' );
ok( scalar @result == 0, '... and nothing else' );
my @expected = (
"Versions for all modules listed in $filename:",
q{=== Runtime Requires ===},
xt/one-valid-module.t view on Meta::CPAN
[ 'META.json', File::Spec->catdir( q{..}, 'dist4' ), qw(--meta), ],
[ 'META.yml', File::Spec->catdir( q{..}, 'dist5' ), qw(--meta META.yml), ],
my $filename = shift @{$i};
note("only Local::Alpha in $filename");
chdir shift @{$i} or skip "Test setup failed: Cannot chdir: $!";
local @ARGV = @{$i};
my ( $stdout, $stderr, @result ) = capture { App::ReportPrereqs::_main() };
is( $result[0], undef, '_main() returns undef' );
ok( scalar @result == 0, '... and nothing else' );
my @expected = (
"Versions for all modules listed in $filename:",
q{=== Runtime Requires ===},
'content' => "Could not connect to 'no.such.url:80': node name or service name not known\n",
'url' => 'http://no.such.url./cpanfile',
'reason' => 'Internal Exception',
'status' => 599,
my $module = Test::MockModule->new('HTTP::Tiny');
$module->redefine( 'get', sub { return $res; } );
local @ARGV = ('http://no.such.url/cpanfile');
my ( $stdout, $stderr, @result ) = capture { App::ReportPrereqs::_main() };
is( $result[0], 1, '_main() returns 1' );
ok( scalar @result == 1, '... and nothing else' );
is( $stdout, q{}, '... prints nothing to STDOUT' );
is( $stderr, $res->{content}, '... prints the error message from HTTP::Tiny' );
note(q{download file from valid url});
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