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t/arg_validation.t  view on Meta::CPAN

use Test::More;
use Test::Fatal;

# this all could be cleaned up a bit

my (
    $opt,      $usage,   $name, $verbosity, $text,
    $synopsis, $seconds, $time, $true_seconds
local @ARGV;

subtest '1s delta' => sub {
    @ARGV = qw(1s this is the text);
    ( $opt, $usage, $name ) = App::Nag->validate_args;
    ( $verbosity, $text, $synopsis, $seconds ) =
      App::Nag->validate_time( $opt, $usage, @ARGV );
    ok( $verbosity == 1, 'right verbosity' );
    ok( $seconds == 1,   '1s' );

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