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            "home directory: $self->{root}\n",
            "limit memory: -1\n",
            "limit nr processes: -1\n",
            "limit nr files: -1\n",

    say "Starting FTP server on port $self->{port} ...";

    chdir $self->{root} or die "Can't chdir to $self->{root}: $!";
    local @ARGV = (
        "-p", $self->{port},
        "-s", # daemon mode (not background, which is -S)
    my $ftpd = Net::FTPServer::RO_FTPThis::Server->run;

# ABSTRACT: Export the current directory over anonymous FTP

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( run in 0.813 second using v1.00-cache-2.02-grep-82fe00e-cpan-2c419f77a38b )