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lib/Gearman/  view on Meta::CPAN

Calls L<Gearman::Objects> to set I<job_servers>



Calls I<prefix> (see L<Gearman::Objects>) to set the prefix / namespace.



Maximum time a gearman command should take to get a result (not a job timeout)

default: 30 seconds



Max number of failed connection attempts before an job server will be temporary disabled

lib/Gearman/  view on Meta::CPAN

    return $task->fail("undefined jssock") unless ($jssock);

    my $req = $task->pack_submit_packet($self->client);
    Gearman::Util::send_req($jssock, \$req)
        || Carp::croak "Error sending data to job server";

    push @{ $self->{need_handle} }, $task;
    while (@{ $self->{need_handle} }) {
        my $rv
            = $self->_wait_for_packet($jssock,
        if (!$rv) {

            # ditch it, it failed.
            # this will resubmit it if it failed.
            shift @{ $self->{need_handle} };
            return $task->fail(
                join(' ',
                    "no rv on waiting for packet",
                    defined($rv) ? $rv : $!)

t/02-client.t  view on Meta::CPAN


subtest "new", sub {
    my $c = new_ok($mn);
    isa_ok($c, "Gearman::Objects");
    is($c->{backoff_max},           90, join "->", $mn, "{backoff_max}");
    is($c->{command_timeout},       30, join "->", $mn, "{command_timeout}");
    is($c->{exceptions},            0,  join "->", $mn, "{exceptions}");
    is($c->{js_count},              0,  "js_count");
    is(keys(%{ $c->{hooks} }),      0,  join "->", $mn, "{hooks}");
    is(keys(%{ $c->{sock_cache} }), 0,  join "->", $mn, "{sock_cache}");

subtest "new_task_set", sub {
    my $c  = new_ok($mn);
    my $h  = "new_task_set";
    my $cb = sub { pass("$h cb") };

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( run in 0.957 second using v1.00-cache-2.02-grep-82fe00e-cpan-1310916c57ae )