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lib/ModPerl/  view on Meta::CPAN

    my $addincludes = "";
    $addincludes = "-I" . join(" -I", @$Includes)
      if defined $Includes and @$Includes;
    my ($sym) = gensym;
    my $cmd = WIN32 ?
        "$Cpp->{cppstdin} $Defines $addincludes $Cpp->{cppflags} $filename |" :
        "echo '\#include \"$filename\"' | $Cpp->{cppstdin} $Defines $addincludes $Cpp->{cppflags} $Cpp->{cppminus} | grep -v '^#' |";
    #my $cmd = "echo '\#include <$filename>' | $Cpp->{cppstdin} $Defines $addincludes $Cpp->{cppflags} $Cpp->{cppminus} |";

    (open($sym, $cmd) or die "Cannot open pipe from `$cmd': $!")
      and bless $sym => $class;

sub text {
  my $class = shift;
  my $filter = shift;
  if (defined $filter) {
    return text_only_from($class, $filter, @_);
  my $stream = $class->new(@_);
  my $oh = select $stream;

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