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lib/WWW/Mechanize/PhantomJS.pm  view on Meta::CPAN

        $options{ driver }->commands->get_cmds->{get}->{no_content_success}= 0;

    # if PhantomJS started, but so slow or unresponsive that SRD cannot connect to it,
    # kill it manually to avoid waiting for it indefinitely
    if ( $@ ) {
        kill 9, delete $options{ pid } if $options{ kill_pid };
        die $@;

     my $self= bless \%options => $class;

         var page= this;
         page.errors= [];
         page.alerts= [];
         page.confirms= {};
         page.onError= function(msg, trace) {
             //_log.warn("Caught JS error", msg);
             page.errors.push({ "message": msg, "trace": trace });

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