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lib/Time/Duration/Object.pm  view on Meta::CPAN

#pod =head2 C< new($seconds) >
#pod This returns a new Time::Duration::Object for the given number of seconds.
#pod =cut

sub new {
	my ($class, $duration) = @_;
	return unless defined $duration;
	bless \$duration => $class;

#pod =head2 C< seconds >
#pod This returns the number of seconds in the duration (i.e., the argument you
#pod passed to your call to C<new>.)
#pod =cut

sub seconds {

lib/Time/Duration/Object/Infinite.pm  view on Meta::CPAN

#pod =method new_positive
#pod These methods return a new Time::Duration::Object::Infinite for a positive
#pod duration.
#pod =cut

sub new_positive {
	my ($class) = @_;
  my $duration = 1;
	bless \$duration => $class;

sub new { shift->new_positive }

#pod =method new_negative
#pod This returns a new Time::Duration::Object::Infinite for a negative duration.
#pod =cut

sub new_negative {
	my ($class) = @_;
  my $duration = -1;
	bless \$duration => $class;

sub _is_pos { ${$_[0]} == -1 }

#pod =method new_seconds
#pod This method returns either C<+inf> or C<-inf> using Math::BigInt.  (I don't
#pod recommend calling it.)
#pod =cut

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