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lib/Apache2/JSONRPC/  view on Meta::CPAN

use strict;
use Apache2::JSONRPC;
use CGI::JSONRPC::Dispatcher::Session;
use base qw(Apache2::JSONRPC);


sub new {
   my ($class,%args) = @_;
   %args = __PACKAGE__->init_session(%args);
   return bless { dispatcher => $class->default_dispatcher, %args }, $class;

sub _generate_sid {
  my ($class,$r) = @_;
  # ok this makes me feel dirty but it's either use the id generate from
  # CGI::Session, roll our own or don't depend on the POST data not getting
  # messed with.  Personally I feel safer using the CGI::Session id generator
  # this "borrowed" from CGI::Session::ID::md5 as a middle ground position

lib/CGI/JSONRPC/  view on Meta::CPAN

use JSON::Syck;
use JSON::Syck qw(Dump Load);

(our $JAVASCRIPT = __FILE__) =~ s{\.pm$}{.js};


sub new {
  my($class, %args) = @_;
  return bless { dispatcher => $class->default_dispatcher, %args }, $class;

sub default_dispatcher {

sub run_json_request {
  my($self, $json) = @_;
  my $data = (JSON::Syck::Load($json))[0];

lib/CGI/JSONRPC/  view on Meta::CPAN

use CGI::JSONRPC::Dispatcher::Session;
use base qw(CGI::JSONRPC);


sub new {
    my($class,%args) = @_;
    %args = __PACKAGE__->init_session(%args);
    return bless { dispatcher => $class->default_dispatcher, %args }, $class;

sub cgi_session_dsn {
  my $class = shift;
  return "driver:file;serializer:yaml";

# should set the args with a session arg
sub init_session {
   my ($class,%args) = @_;

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