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sub compile {
   my $proto = shift;
   my $class = ref $proto || $proto;

   my $code = shift;
   defined $code or croak "compile takes one argument: a code string.";

   my $self = {};

   bless $self => $class;

   my @paragraphs = $self->_get_paragraphs( $code );
   my @recipes    = $self->_paragraphsToRecipes(\@paragraphs);

   $_->compile() foreach @recipes;

   $self->{start_recipe} = $recipes[0]->recipe_name();

   $self->{recipes} = {
                        map { ($_->recipe_name(), $_) } @recipes

lib/Acme/Chef/  view on Meta::CPAN

      %$self = %$proto;
      $self->{contents} = [ map { $_->new() } @{$self -> {contents}} ];

   %$self = (
     contents => [],

   return bless $self => $class;

=item put

This method implements the 'put' command. Please refer to L<Acme::Chef> for


lib/Acme/Chef/  view on Meta::CPAN

   %$self = (
     name         => '',
     value        => undef,
     measure      => '',
     measure_type => '',
     type         => '',

   bless $self => $class;

   $self->determine_type() if not $self->{type};

   return $self;

=item type

Returns the type of the Ingredient.

lib/Acme/Chef/  view on Meta::CPAN

     method       => '',
     serves       => '',
     output       => '',
     loops        => {},
     bowls        => [],
     dishes       => [],

   bless $self => $class;
   return $self;

=item execute

Executes the recipe (program). First argument should be a reference to a
hash of sous-recipes.


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