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src/subversion/CHANGES  view on Meta::CPAN

    * fix 'svn diff -rN' failing to show local replace (issue #3797)
    * fix 'svn diff' showing wrong revision (issue #4010)
    * fix 'svn merge' showing spurious notifications (issue #2910)
    * parse '.@HEAD' correctly (issue #3606)
    * fix 'svn revert' after conflict in sparse working copy (issue #4168)
    * fix bug in global/per-server config handling in serf (r1421516)
    * properly display errors from serf (r1398742)
    * fix crash in ra_serf (r1408291)
    * fixed svnmucc propset and propdel on repository root (issue #3663)
    * fix 'svn info' output with ancient svnserve servers (pre-1.2) (r1409732)
    * ra_serf shows error message for 408 Request Timeout response (r1410983)
    * fix handling of "\ No newline ..." in diff/patch (r1411723, r1412382)
    * allow infinite http timeout in ra_serf (r1411976)
    * using unknown svn: property names now requires --force (issue #4261)
    * fix handling of case insensitive configuration files (r1215089)
    * properly handle errors during password caching (r1380695)
    * fix svnversion output not always a number (issue #4226)
    * fix conflict resolver losing executable bit of a file (r1391019)
    * fix redundant notifications when merging with ra_serf (issue #3802)
    * fix 'svn add --force /path/to/wcroot' should work (issue #4241)
    * fix file permissions changed after commit (issue #4331)

src/subversion/subversion/libsvn_ra_serf/util.c  view on Meta::CPAN

      handler->session->auth_state = NULL;
  handler->conn->last_status_code = handler->sline.code;

  if (handler->sline.code == 405
      || handler->sline.code == 408
      || handler->sline.code == 409
      || handler->sline.code >= 500)
      /* 405 Method Not allowed.
         408 Request Timeout
         409 Conflict: can indicate a hook error.
         5xx (Internal) Server error. */
      serf_bucket_t *hdrs;
      const char *val;

      hdrs = serf_bucket_response_get_headers(response);
      val = serf_bucket_headers_get(hdrs, "Content-Type");
      if (val && strncasecmp(val, "text/xml", sizeof("text/xml") - 1) == 0)
          svn_ra_serf__server_error_t *server_err;

src/subversion/subversion/libsvn_subr/config_file.c  view on Meta::CPAN

        "### including HTTP proxy information, HTTP timeout settings,"       NL
        "### and authentication settings."                                   NL
        "###"                                                                NL
        "### The currently defined server options are:"                      NL
        "###   http-proxy-host            Proxy host for HTTP connection"    NL
        "###   http-proxy-port            Port number of proxy host service" NL
        "###   http-proxy-username        Username for auth to proxy service"NL
        "###   http-proxy-password        Password for auth to proxy service"NL
        "###   http-proxy-exceptions      List of sites that do not use proxy"
        "###   http-timeout               Timeout for HTTP requests in seconds"
        "###   http-compression           Whether to compress HTTP requests" NL
        "###   http-max-connections       Maximum number of parallel server" NL
        "###                              connections to use for any given"  NL
        "###                              HTTP operation."                   NL
        "###   http-chunked-requests      Whether to use chunked transfer"   NL
        "###                              encoding for HTTP requests body."  NL
        "###   neon-debug-mask            Debug mask for Neon HTTP library"  NL
        "###   ssl-authority-files        List of files, each of a trusted CA"

src/subversion/subversion/po/de.po  view on Meta::CPAN

#: ../libsvn_ra_serf/inherited_props.c:171 ../libsvn_ra_serf/property.c:279
#: ../libsvn_ra_serf/update.c:2468
#, c-format
msgid "Got unrecognized encoding '%s'"
msgstr "Unbekannte Codierung »%s«"

#: ../libsvn_ra_serf/locks.c:171
#, c-format
msgid "Invalid LOCK timeout value '%s'"
msgstr "Ungültiger Timeout-Wert für Sperre »%s«"

#: ../libsvn_ra_serf/locks.c:243
#, c-format
msgid "Lock request failed: %d %s"
msgstr "Sperranforderung gescheitert: %d %s"

#: ../libsvn_ra_serf/locks.c:424
msgid "Malformed URL for repository"
msgstr "Fehlerhafte URL für Projektarchiv"

src/subversion/subversion/tests/cmdline/  view on Meta::CPAN

              '<D:lockinfo xmlns:D="DAV:">' \
              '  <D:lockscope><D:exclusive/></D:lockscope>' \
              '  <D:locktype><D:write/></D:locktype>' \
              '  <D:owner>' \
              '       <D:href>http://a/test</D:href>' \
              '  </D:owner>' \

  lock_headers = {
    'Authorization': 'Basic ' + base64.b64encode('jconstant:rayjandom'),
    'Timeout': 'Second-86400'

  # Enabling the following line makes this test easier to debug

  h.request('LOCK', sbox.repo_url + '/iota', lock_body, lock_headers)

  r = h.getresponse()

  # Verify that there is a lock, by trying to obtain one

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( run in 0.589 second using v1.00-cache-2.02-grep-82fe00e-cpan-2c419f77a38b )