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META.json  view on Meta::CPAN

            "Data::Validator" : "1.07",
            "IO::String" : "0",
            "Moose" : "2.2002",
            "Moose::Util::TypeConstraints" : "2.2002",
            "MooseX::Params::Validate" : "0.21",
            "Mouse" : "v2.4.7",
            "Mouse::Util::TypeConstraints" : "0",
            "Params::Check" : "0.38",
            "Params::Validate" : "1.26",
            "Params::ValidationCompiler" : "0.24",
            "Ref::Util" : "0.203",
            "Ref::Util::XS" : "0.116",
            "Specio::Declare" : "0.37",
            "Specio::Library::Builtins" : "0.37",
            "Type::Nano" : "0",
            "Type::Params" : "1.016002",
            "Type::Tiny::XS" : "0.012",
            "Types::Standard" : "1.016002",
            "namespace::autoclean" : "0",
            "perl" : "5.012"

META.yml  view on Meta::CPAN

  Data::Validator: '1.07'
  IO::String: '0'
  Moose: '2.2002'
  Moose::Util::TypeConstraints: '2.2002'
  MooseX::Params::Validate: '0.21'
  Mouse: v2.4.7
  Mouse::Util::TypeConstraints: '0'
  Params::Check: '0.38'
  Params::Validate: '1.26'
  Params::ValidationCompiler: '0.24'
  Ref::Util: '0.203'
  Ref::Util::XS: '0.116'
  Specio::Declare: '0.37'
  Specio::Library::Builtins: '0.37'
  Type::Nano: '0'
  Type::Params: '1.016002'
  Type::Tiny::XS: '0.012'
  Types::Standard: '1.016002'
  namespace::autoclean: '0'
  perl: '5.012'

Makefile.PL  view on Meta::CPAN

                                           "Moose" => 2.2002,
                                           "Moose::Util::TypeConstraints" => 2.2002,
                                           "MooseX::Params::Validate" => 0.21,
                                           "Mouse" => "v2.4.7",
                                           "Mouse::Util::TypeConstraints" => 0,
                                           "namespace::autoclean" => 0,
                                           "Params::Check" => 0.38,
                                           "Params::Validate" => 1.26,
                                           "Params::ValidationCompiler" => 0.24,
                                           "perl" => 5.012,
                                           "Ref::Util" => 0.203,
                                           "Ref::Util::XS" => 0.116,
                                           "Specio::Declare" => 0.37,
                                           "Specio::Library::Builtins" => 0.37,
                                           "Type::Nano" => 0,
                                           "Type::Params" => 1.016002,
                                           "Type::Tiny::XS" => 0.012,
                                           "Types::Standard" => 1.016002,
                          test      => { requires => { "Module::Runtime" => 0, "Test::Modern" => 0.013 } },

README  view on Meta::CPAN

    Please report any bugs to

    Parameter validation libraries: Data::Validator, MooseX::Params::Validate,
    Params::Check, Params::Validate, Params::ValidationCompiler, Type::Params.

    Type constraint libraries: Moose, Mouse, Specio, Type::Tiny, Type::Nano.

    Other tested libraries: Ref::Util::XS.

    Toby Inkster <>.

    This software is copyright (c) 2017, 2018, 2022 by Toby Inkster.

    This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
    same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.

doap.ttl  view on Meta::CPAN

	a                    doap:Project;
	dc:contributor       <>;
	doap-deps:develop-recommendation [ doap-deps:on "Dist::Inkt 0.001"^^doap-deps:CpanId ];
	doap-deps:runtime-requirement [
		doap-deps:on "namespace::autoclean"^^doap-deps:CpanId;
	], [ doap-deps:on "Params::Check 0.38"^^doap-deps:CpanId ], [
		doap-deps:on "Params::Validate 1.26"^^doap-deps:CpanId;
	], [
		doap-deps:on "Params::ValidationCompiler 0.24"^^doap-deps:CpanId;
	], [ doap-deps:on "Ref::Util 0.203"^^doap-deps:CpanId ], [
		doap-deps:on "Ref::Util::XS 0.116"^^doap-deps:CpanId;
	], [
		doap-deps:on "Specio::Declare 0.37"^^doap-deps:CpanId;
	], [
		doap-deps:on "Specio::Library::Builtins 0.37"^^doap-deps:CpanId;
	], [
		doap-deps:on "Type::Params 1.016002"^^doap-deps:CpanId;
	], [
		doap-deps:on "Types::Standard 1.016002"^^doap-deps:CpanId;
	], [ doap-deps:on "perl 5.012"^^doap-deps:CpanId ], [
		doap-deps:on "Type::Tiny::XS 0.012"^^doap-deps:CpanId;

lib/Benchmark/Featureset/  view on Meta::CPAN


B<< Type constraint libraries: >>

B<< Other tested libraries: >>

=head1 AUTHOR

Toby Inkster E<lt>tobyink@cpan.orgE<gt>.


This software is copyright (c) 2017, 2018, 2022 by Toby Inkster.

This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under

lib/Benchmark/Featureset/ParamCheck/Implementation/DataValidator/  view on Meta::CPAN

use v5.12;
use strict;
use warnings;

package Benchmark::Featureset::ParamCheck::Implementation::DataValidator::TypeTiny;

our $AUTHORITY = 'cpan:TOBYINK';
our $VERSION   = '0.007';

use parent qw(Benchmark::Featureset::ParamCheck::Base::DataValidator);
use Ref::Util 0.203 ();
use Ref::Util::XS 0.116 ();
use Types::Standard 1.001_009 -types;
use Type::Tiny::XS 0.012 ();
use namespace::autoclean;

use constant long_name => 'Data::Validator with Type::Tiny';
use constant short_name => 'DV-TT';

sub get_named_check {
	state $check = Data::Validator->new(
		integer   => { isa => Int },

lib/Benchmark/Featureset/ParamCheck/Implementation/MXPV/  view on Meta::CPAN

use v5.12;
use strict;
use warnings;

package Benchmark::Featureset::ParamCheck::Implementation::MXPV::TypeTiny;

our $AUTHORITY = 'cpan:TOBYINK';
our $VERSION   = '0.007';

use parent qw(Benchmark::Featureset::ParamCheck::Base::MXPV);
use Ref::Util 0.203 ();
use Ref::Util::XS 0.116 ();
use Types::Standard 1.001_009 -types;
use Type::Tiny::XS 0.012 ();
use namespace::autoclean;

use constant long_name => 'MooseX::Params::Validate with Type::Tiny';
use constant short_name => 'MXPV-TT';

sub get_named_check {
	state $check = {
		integer   => { isa => Int },

lib/Benchmark/Featureset/ParamCheck/Implementation/PV/  view on Meta::CPAN

use v5.12;
use strict;
use warnings;

package Benchmark::Featureset::ParamCheck::Implementation::PV::TypeTiny;

our $AUTHORITY = 'cpan:TOBYINK';
our $VERSION   = '0.007';

use parent qw(Benchmark::Featureset::ParamCheck::Base::PV);
use Ref::Util 0.203 ();
use Ref::Util::XS 0.116 ();
use Types::Standard 1.001_009 -types;
use Type::Tiny::XS 0.012 ();
use namespace::autoclean;

use constant long_name => 'Params::Validate with Type::Tiny';
use constant short_name => 'PV-TT';

sub get_named_check {
	state $check = {
		integer   => { callbacks => { typecheck => (Int)->compiled_check } },

lib/Benchmark/Featureset/ParamCheck/Implementation/PVC/  view on Meta::CPAN

use strict;
use warnings;

package Benchmark::Featureset::ParamCheck::Implementation::PVC::Specio;

our $AUTHORITY = 'cpan:TOBYINK';
our $VERSION   = '0.007';

use parent qw(Benchmark::Featureset::ParamCheck::Base::PVC);
use Params::ValidationCompiler 0.24 qw(validation_for);
use Ref::Util 0.203 ();
use Ref::Util::XS 0.116 ();
use Specio::Declare 0.37;
use Specio::Library::Builtins 0.37;
use namespace::autoclean;

use constant long_name  => 'Params::ValidationCompiler with Specio';
use constant short_name => 'PVC-Specio';

sub get_named_check {
	state $check = validation_for(
		params => {

lib/Benchmark/Featureset/ParamCheck/Implementation/PVC/  view on Meta::CPAN

use strict;
use warnings;

package Benchmark::Featureset::ParamCheck::Implementation::PVC::TypeTiny;

our $AUTHORITY = 'cpan:TOBYINK';
our $VERSION   = '0.007';

use parent qw(Benchmark::Featureset::ParamCheck::Base::PVC);
use Params::ValidationCompiler 0.24 qw(validation_for);
use Ref::Util 0.203 ();
use Ref::Util::XS 0.116 ();
use Types::Standard 1.001_009 -types;
use Type::Tiny::XS 0.012 ();
use namespace::autoclean;

use constant long_name => 'Params::ValidationCompiler with Type::Tiny';
use constant short_name => 'PVC-TT';

sub get_named_check {
	state $check = validation_for(
		params => {

lib/Benchmark/Featureset/ParamCheck/Implementation/  view on Meta::CPAN

use v5.12;
use strict;
use warnings;

package Benchmark::Featureset::ParamCheck::Implementation::RefUtilXS;

our $AUTHORITY = 'cpan:TOBYINK';
our $VERSION   = '0.007';

use parent qw(Benchmark::Featureset::ParamCheck::Base);
use Ref::Util::XS 0.116 qw(is_blessed_ref is_plain_hashref is_plain_arrayref is_ref);
use namespace::autoclean;

use constant long_name  => 'Pure Perl Implementation with Ref::Util::XS';
use constant short_name => 'RefUtilXS';

sub get_named_check {
	state $check = sub {
		my %args = (@_==1 && ref($_[0]) eq 'HASH') ? %{$_[0]} : @_;
		die 'invalid key' if grep !/\A(integer|object|hashes)\z/, keys %args;
		die 'bad integer' unless
			&& !is_ref($args{integer})

lib/Benchmark/Featureset/ParamCheck/Implementation/TypeParams/  view on Meta::CPAN

use v5.12;
use strict;
use warnings;

package Benchmark::Featureset::ParamCheck::Implementation::TypeParams::Specio;

our $AUTHORITY = 'cpan:TOBYINK';
our $VERSION   = '0.007';

use parent qw(Benchmark::Featureset::ParamCheck::Base);
use Ref::Util 0.203 ();
use Ref::Util::XS 0.116 ();
use Type::Params 1.016004 qw(compile_named compile);
use Specio::Declare 0.37;
use Specio::Library::Builtins 0.37;
use namespace::autoclean;

use constant long_name => 'Type::Params with Specio';
use constant short_name => 'TP-Specio';

sub get_named_check {
	state $check = compile_named(

lib/Benchmark/Featureset/ParamCheck/Implementation/TypeParams/  view on Meta::CPAN

use v5.12;
use strict;
use warnings;

package Benchmark::Featureset::ParamCheck::Implementation::TypeParams::TypeTiny;

our $AUTHORITY = 'cpan:TOBYINK';
our $VERSION   = '0.007';

use parent qw(Benchmark::Featureset::ParamCheck::Base);
use Ref::Util 0.203 ();
use Ref::Util::XS 0.116 ();
use Type::Params 1.016004 qw(compile_named compile);
use Types::Standard 1.016004 -types;
use Type::Tiny::XS 0.012 ();
use namespace::autoclean;

use constant long_name => 'Type::Params with Type::Tiny';
use constant short_name => 'TP-TT';

sub get_named_check {
	state $check = compile_named(

lib/Benchmark/Featureset/ParamCheck/Implementation/TypeParams2/  view on Meta::CPAN

use v5.12;
use strict;
use warnings;

package Benchmark::Featureset::ParamCheck::Implementation::TypeParams2::Specio;

our $AUTHORITY = 'cpan:TOBYINK';
our $VERSION   = '0.007';

use parent qw(Benchmark::Featureset::ParamCheck::Base);
use Ref::Util 0.203 ();
use Ref::Util::XS 0.116 ();
use Type::Params 2.000000 qw(signature);
use Specio::Declare 0.37;
use Specio::Library::Builtins 0.37;
use namespace::autoclean;

use constant long_name => 'Type::Params v2 API with Specio';
use constant short_name => 'TP2-Specio';

sub get_named_check {
	state $check = signature named => [

lib/Benchmark/Featureset/ParamCheck/Implementation/TypeParams2/  view on Meta::CPAN

use v5.12;
use strict;
use warnings;

package Benchmark::Featureset::ParamCheck::Implementation::TypeParams2::TypeTiny;

our $AUTHORITY = 'cpan:TOBYINK';
our $VERSION   = '0.007';

use parent qw(Benchmark::Featureset::ParamCheck::Base);
use Ref::Util 0.203 ();
use Ref::Util::XS 0.116 ();
use Type::Params 2.000000 qw(signature);
use Types::Standard 1.016004 -types;
use Type::Tiny::XS 0.012 ();
use namespace::autoclean;

use constant long_name => 'Type::Params v2 API with Type::Tiny';
use constant short_name => 'TP2-TT';

use Type::Tiny::Duck Printable => [qw/ print close /];

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