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## get a pretrained model (download parameters file if necessary)
my $net = get_model($model, pretrained => 1);

## ImageNet classes
my $fname = download('');
my @text_labels = map { chomp; s/^\S+\s+//; $_ } IO::File->new($fname)->getlines;

## get the image from the disk or net
if($image =~ /^https/)
    eval { require IO::Socket::SSL; };
    die "Need to have IO::Socket::SSL installed for https images" if $@;
$image = $image =~ /^https?/ ? download($image) : $image;

# Following the conventional way of preprocessing ImageNet data:
# Resize the short edge into 256 pixes,
# And then perform a center crop to obtain a 224-by-224 image.
# The following code uses the image processing functions provided 
# in the AI::MXNet::Image module.

$image = mx->image->imread($image);

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