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Changes  view on Meta::CPAN

2.12  Apr 05 2004
  - added NumericEscape option
  - added ValueAttr option (patch from Anton Berezin)
  - suppress 'wide character in print' warning (reported by Dawei Lin)

2.11  Mar 02 2004
  - Fixed hash ordering assumption in a new test (reported by Jost Krieger)

2.10  Feb 29 2004
  - Added AttrIndent option (patch from Volker Moell)
  - Hash keys are now sorted alphabetically by default; enable the
    new NoSort option if you don't want this (patch from Volker Moell)
  - Fixed bug where disabling array folding broke anonymous array handling
  - Fixed bug when unfolding a tied hash
  - SuppressEmpty patch from Douglas Wilson
  - Numerous test improvements - Devel::Cover rocks!
  - POD update re XMLin(XMLout($data)) caveats (bug report from Slaven

2.09  Sep 09 2003

lib/XML/Simple.pm  view on Meta::CPAN

my %StrictMode     = ();

my @KnownOptIn     = qw(keyattr keeproot forcecontent contentkey noattr
                        searchpath forcearray cache suppressempty parseropts
                        grouptags nsexpand datahandler varattr variables
                        normalisespace normalizespace valueattr strictmode);

my @KnownOptOut    = qw(keyattr keeproot contentkey noattr
                        rootname xmldecl outputfile noescape suppressempty
                        grouptags nsexpand handler noindent attrindent nosort
                        valueattr numericescape strictmode);

my @DefKeyAttr     = qw(name key id);
my $DefRootName    = qq(opt);
my $DefContentKey  = qq(content);
my $DefXmlDecl     = qq(<?xml version='1.0' standalone='yes'?>);

my $xmlns_ns       = 'http://www.w3.org/2000/xmlns/';
my $bad_def_ns_jcn = '{' . $xmlns_ns . '}';     # LibXML::SAX workaround

t/2_XMLout.t  view on Meta::CPAN

'NoIndent worked ok with KeyAttr');

# Try the 'AttrIndent' option (assume NoSort defaults to off)

$ref = {
  beta => '2',
  gamma => '3',
  alpha => '1',
  colours => {
    red => '#ff0000',
    green => '#00ff00',

$_ = XMLout($ref, AttrIndent => 1, RootName => 'opt');

is($_, '<opt alpha="1"
  <colours green="#00ff00"
           red="#ff0000" />
', 'AttrIndent seems to work');

# Test the attribute/element sorting algorithm

$xml = q{
  <test id="beta"  animal="elephant" vegetable="carrot" />
  <test id="gamma" animal="tiger"    vegetable="turnip" />
  <test id="alpha" animal="giraffe"  vegetable="pumpkin" />
  <box size="small" key="a" />

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