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README  view on Meta::CPAN

    To run examples type the following in the CGI::ExtDirect tarball

        cd examples
        perl p5httpd

    Note that these examples do not require CGI::ExtDirect to be installed
    so you can try them beforehand. That said, CGI::ExtDirect depends on
    RPC::ExtDirect being available in `@INC' so if you don't want to install
    either module, unpack RPC::ExtDirect and CGI::ExtDirect tarballs to the
    same directory and use `$PERL5LIB' to point to RPC::ExtDirect location:

        cd examples
        PERL5LIB=../../RPC-ExtDirect-3.xx/lib perl p5httpd


    Copyright (c) 2011-2016 Alex Tokarev <>.

    This module is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it

lib/CGI/ExtDirect.pod  view on Meta::CPAN

To run examples type the following in the CGI::ExtDirect tarball

    cd examples
    perl p5httpd

Note that these examples do not require CGI::ExtDirect to be installed
so you can try them beforehand. That said, CGI::ExtDirect depends on
RPC::ExtDirect being available in C<@INC> so if you don't want to
install either module, unpack RPC::ExtDirect and CGI::ExtDirect
tarballs to the same directory and use C<$PERL5LIB> to point to
RPC::ExtDirect location:
    cd examples
    PERL5LIB=../../RPC-ExtDirect-3.xx/lib perl p5httpd

=for readme stop


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