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lib/Bencher/ScenarioR/  view on Meta::CPAN

## no critic
package Bencher::ScenarioR::Serializers;

our $VERSION = 0.161; # VERSION

our $results = [[200,"OK",[{_name=>"p_tags=yaml, serialize participant=YAML::Dump",_succinct_name=>"Y:D yaml, serialize",errors=>6.9e-07,p_tags=>"yaml, serialize",participant=>"YAML::Dump",pct_faster_vs_slowest=>0,pct_slower_vs_fastest=>435.363636363...

# ABSTRACT: Benchmark Perl data serialization modules


This module is automatically generated by Pod::Weaver::Plugin::Bencher::Scenario during distribution build.

A Bencher::ScenarioR::* module contains the raw result of sample benchmark and might be useful for some stuffs later.

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( run in 0.910 second using v1.00-cache-2.02-grep-82fe00e-cpan-2c419f77a38b )