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dyncall/doc/manual/manual.tex  view on Meta::CPAN


% text building blocks
\newcommand{\sigchar}[1]{'{\tt #1}'}
\newcommand{\sigstr}[1]{"{\tt #1}"}

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lib/Aion/Format/  view on Meta::CPAN


		(?<s1> \s*) (
			  <(script|style|template)\b [^<>]*> .*? </ \g1 \s* >
			| <xhr \b [^<>]*> (?<xhr> .*? ) </xhr \s* >
			| < (?<tag> [a-z]\w* ) [^<>]*? (?<close> / )? \s*>
			| </ (?<ctag> [a-z]\w* ) \s*>
			| <!--.*?-->

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lbfgs.c  view on Meta::CPAN

		vecscale(d, ys / yy, n);

		for (i = 0;i < bound;++i) {
			it = &lm[j];
			/* \beta_{j} = \rho_{j} y^t_{j} \cdot \gamma_{i}. */
			vecdot(&beta, it->y, d, n);
			beta /= it->ys;
			/* \gamma_{i+1} = \gamma_{i} + (\alpha_{j} - \beta_{j}) s_{j}. */
			vecadd(d, it->s, it->alpha - beta, n);
			j = (j + 1) % m;		/* if (++j == m) j = 0; */


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( run in 1.339 second using v1.00-cache-2.02-grep-82fe00e-cpan-d29e8ade9f55 )