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lib/Export/Lexical.pm view on Meta::CPAN
if ( !exists &{ $caller . '::unimport' } ) {
*{ $caller . '::unimport' } = sub {
my ( $class, @args ) = @_;
if ( @args ) {
# Leave the '1' on the front of the list from a previous 'use
# $module', as well as any subs previously imported.
$^H{$key} = join ',', $^H{$key}, map { "!$_" } @args; ## no critic (ProhibitPunctuationVars, RequireLocalizedPunctuationVars)
else {
$^H{$key} = ''; ## no critic (ProhibitPunctuationVars, RequireLocalizedPunctuationVars)
while ( my $modifier = shift ) {
if ( $modifier =~ /^:(silent|warn)$/ ) {
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