Your query is still running in background...Search in progress... at this time found 78 distributions and 102 files matching your query.
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lib/  view on Meta::CPAN

	} elsif ($disable_arg) {
		delete $wants_strict{caller()};
		delete $^H{$LAX};
		delete $^H{$INTERMEDIATE};
	} else { # $intermediate_arg or no arg
		$^H{$INTERMEDIATE} = $^H{$LAX} = 1


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lib/Acme/  view on Meta::CPAN

			{ what => { const => sub { $self->_parser(@_) } } }
		*$export = set_subname($export => sub ($) { $self->_do(@_) });
	$^H{(__PACKAGE__)} = $method =~ m{^\+(.+)$}
		? $1
		: sprintf("$caller\::$method");

sub unimport

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lib/Alias/  view on Meta::CPAN

sub unimport {
    # Below 5.22, alias keyword is undefined by Keyword::Simple...
    if ($^V < 5.022) {
        if ($Keyword::Simple::VERSION < 0.04) {
            $^H{'Keyword::Simple/keywords'} =~ s{ alias:(?:\d+|-\d*)}{}g;

    # Above 5.22, alias keyword is unkeyworded by Keyword::Declare...
    use if $^V >= 5.022, 'Keyword::Declare';

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inc/Pegex/  view on Meta::CPAN

package Pegex::Base;
# use Mo qw'build default builder xxx import nonlazy required';
#   The following line of code was produced from the previous line by
#   Mo::Inline version 0.38
no warnings;my$M=__PACKAGE__.'::';*{$M.Object::new}=sub{my$c=shift;my$s=bless{@_},$c;my%n=%{$c.'::'.':E'};map{$s->{$_}=$n{$_}->()if!exists$s->{$_}}keys%n;$s};*{$M.import}=sub{import warnings;$^H|=1538;my($P,%e,%o)=caller.'::';shift;eval"no Mo::$_",&{...

our $DumpModule = 'YAML';


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t/rm.t  view on Meta::CPAN

	is $^H{"Module::Runtime/test_b"}, undef;
	is $^H{"Module::Runtime/test_a"}, 1;
	is $^H{"Module::Runtime/test_b"}, 1;
	eval q{
		BEGIN { $^H |= 0x20000; $^H{foo} = 1; }
		BEGIN { is $^H{foo}, 1; }
		main::test_runtime_hint_hash("foo", 1);
		BEGIN { require_module("Math::BigInt"); }
		BEGIN { is $^H{foo}, 1; }
		main::test_runtime_hint_hash("foo", 1);

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script/_genpass-id  view on Meta::CPAN

### ###
#package Mo;
#$Mo::VERSION = '0.40';
#no warnings;my$M=__PACKAGE__.'::';*{$M.Object::new}=sub{my$c=shift;my$s=bless{@_},$c;my%n=%{$c.'::'.':E'};map{$s->{$_}=$n{$_}->()if!exists$s->{$_}}keys%n;$s};*{$M.import}=sub{import warnings;$^H|=1538;my($P,%e,%o)=caller.'::';shift;eval"no Mo::$_",&...
### Mo/ ###
#use strict;
#use warnings;
#package Mo::Golf;

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images/mise-place.png matches  view on Meta::CPAN

### YAML/Old/ ###
#package YAML::Old::Mo;
#no warnings;my$M=__PACKAGE__.'::';*{$M.Object::new}=sub{my$c=shift;my$s=bless{@_},$c;my%n=%{$c.'::'.':E'};map{$s->{$_}=$n{$_}->()if!exists$s->{$_}}keys%n;$s};*{$M.import}=sub{import warnings;$^H|=1538;my($P,%e,%o)=caller.'::';shift;eval"no Mo::$_",&...
#our $DumperModule = 'Data::Dumper';
#my ($_new_error, $_info, $_scalar_info);

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script/_chinese-zodiac-of  view on Meta::CPAN

### ###
#package Mo;
#$Mo::VERSION = '0.40';
#no warnings;my$M=__PACKAGE__.'::';*{$M.Object::new}=sub{my$c=shift;my$s=bless{@_},$c;my%n=%{$c.'::'.':E'};map{$s->{$_}=$n{$_}->()if!exists$s->{$_}}keys%n;$s};*{$M.import}=sub{import warnings;$^H|=1538;my($P,%e,%o)=caller.'::';shift;eval"no Mo::$_",&...
### Mo/ ###
## name:      Mo::Golf
## abstract:  Module for Compacting Mo Modules
## author:    Ingy döt Net <>

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script/_finddo  view on Meta::CPAN

### ###
#package Mo;
#$Mo::VERSION = '0.40';
#no warnings;my$M=__PACKAGE__.'::';*{$M.Object::new}=sub{my$c=shift;my$s=bless{@_},$c;my%n=%{$c.'::'.':E'};map{$s->{$_}=$n{$_}->()if!exists$s->{$_}}keys%n;$s};*{$M.import}=sub{import warnings;$^H|=1538;my($P,%e,%o)=caller.'::';shift;eval"no Mo::$_",&...
### Mo/ ###
#use strict;
#use warnings;
#package Mo::Golf;

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share/endpoint/www/favicon.ico matches  view on Meta::CPAN

### YAML/Old/ ###
#package YAML::Old::Mo;
## use Mo qw[builder default import];
##   The following line of code was produced from the previous line by
##   Mo::Inline version 0.40
#no warnings;my$M=__PACKAGE__.'::';*{$M.Object::new}=sub{my$c=shift;my$s=bless{@_},$c;my%n=%{$c.'::'.':E'};map{$s->{$_}=$n{$_}->()if!exists$s->{$_}}keys%n;$s};*{$M.import}=sub{import warnings;$^H|=1538;my($P,%e,%o)=caller.'::';shift;eval"no Mo::$_",&...
#our $DumperModule = 'Data::Dumper';
#my ($_new_error, $_info, $_scalar_info);

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t/testdata/  view on Meta::CPAN

substr(my $a, 0, 0) = (foo(), bar());
# This following line works around an unfixed bug that we are not trying to
# test for here:
# CONTEXT BEGIN { $^H{a} = "b"; delete $^H{a} } # make %^H localised
# hint hash
BEGIN { $^H{'foo'} = undef; }
 BEGIN { $^H{'bar'} = undef; }

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corpus/dists/B-C.parsed  view on Meta::CPAN

          "style" => "",
          "text" => "Bytecode is still broken on 5.18, esp non-threaded. 5.20 looks pretty good though."
          "line" => 38,
          "raw" => "        * C: Fix -u<module> without file extension.\n\tWith hek do not drop FAKE, only for const pv.\n\tFixed \$\$ (\$PID) to be dynamic, issue 108. Thanks to flexvault for reporting this.\n        Fixed double precision to 16 dig...
          "style" => "*",
          "text" => "C: Fix -u<module> without file extension. With hek do not drop FAKE, only for const pv. Fixed \$\$ (\$PID) to be dynamic, issue 108. Thanks to flexvault for reporting this. Fixed double precision to 16 digits. The nbody shootout ...
          "line" => 101,
          "raw" => "        * perlcc (2.14): new option --dryrun, -v5 does not -Dsp,-v\n         new option -f passthru to C and CC\n",
          "style" => "*",

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lib/Class/  view on Meta::CPAN

	# use strict, use utf8;
	$^H |= $Class::Easy::Import::H;
	# use feature
	$^H{feature_switch} = $^H{feature_say} = $^H{feature_state} = 1;
	# probably check for try_to_use is enough
		if defined *{"$callpkg\::try_to_use"}{CODE}
			and sub_fullname (*{"$callpkg\::try_to_use"}{CODE}) eq __PACKAGE__.'::__ANON__';

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lib/Code/  view on Meta::CPAN

#    # Remember lexically scoped options...
#    for my $optname (keys %{$opt_ref}) {
#        croak "Unknown option ('$optname') passed to 'use $package'"
#            if !$VALID_REFACTOR_OPTION{$optname} && !$VALID_HOIST_OPTION{$optname};
#        $^H{"Code::ART $optname"} = $opt_ref->{$optname};
#    }

    # Export the API...
    no strict 'refs';
    *{caller().'::refactor_to_sub'}         = \&refactor_to_sub;

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inc/Pegex/  view on Meta::CPAN

package Pegex::Base;
# use Mo qw'build default builder xxx import nonlazy required';
#   The following line of code was produced from the previous line by
#   Mo::Inline version 0.38
no warnings;my$M=__PACKAGE__.'::';*{$M.Object::new}=sub{my$c=shift;my$s=bless{@_},$c;my%n=%{$c.'::'.':E'};map{$s->{$_}=$n{$_}->()if!exists$s->{$_}}keys%n;$s};*{$M.import}=sub{import warnings;$^H|=1538;my($P,%e,%o)=caller.'::';shift;eval"no Mo::$_",&{...

our $DumpModule = 'YAML';


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inc/YAML/  view on Meta::CPAN

#line 1
package YAML::Mo; $VERSION = '0.80';
# use Mo qw[builder default import];
#   The following line of code was produced from the previous line by
#   Mo::Inline version 0.27
no warnings;my$M=__PACKAGE__.::;*{$M.Object::new}=sub{bless{@_[1..$#_]},$_[0]};*{$M.import}=sub{import warnings;$^H|=1538;my($P,%e,%o)=caller.::;shift;eval"no Mo::$_",&{$M.$_.::e}($P,\%e,\%o,\@_)for@_;return if$e{M};%e=(extends,sub{eval"no $_[0]()";@...

our $DumperModule = 'Data::Dumper';

my ($_new_error, $_info, $_scalar_info);

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( run in 1.440 second using v1.00-cache-2.02-grep-82fe00e-cpan-2ea8abbae53 )