found 27 distributions and 40 files matching your query ! ( run in 1.466 )


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docs/GFF_Spec.html  view on Meta::CPAN

single symbol is easier for simple parsers.<P>

971028 rd: We also now allow extra text after &#060;group&#062;
without a comment character, because this immediately proved useful.<P>

971028 rd: I considered switching from start-end notation to
start-length notation, on the suggestion of Anders Krogh.  This seems
nicer in many cases, but is a debatable point.  I then switched back!<P>

971028 rd: I added the section about name space.<P>

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src/subversion/subversion/bindings/ctypes-python/csvn/  view on Meta::CPAN

    def __len__(self):
        return self.header[0].nelts

    def _resize_region(self, start, end, new_size):
        diff = start-end+new_size

        # Growing
        if diff > 0:
            l = len(self)

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share/examples/calendar/calendar-all-debug.js  view on Meta::CPAN

    ddMoveEventText: 'Move event to {0}',
     * @cfg {String} ddResizeEventText
     * The string displayed to the user in the drag proxy while dragging the resize handle of an event (defaults to 
     * 'Update event to {0}' where {0} is the updated event start-end range supplied by the view). Note that 
     * this text is only used in views
     * that allow resizing of events.
    ddResizeEventText: 'Update event to {0}',

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lib/Apache/  view on Meta::CPAN

Memory Segments Usage: text, shared lib, date and stack.

=item *

Memory Maps: start-end, offset, device_major:device_minor, inode,
perm, library path.

=item *

Loaded libraries sizes.

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Todo.txt  view on Meta::CPAN

#drawing arrow into box connects the arrow

#transfor tabs to space

#only allow start-end connectors to link for multiwirl
	but allow moving of the intermediate connectors

#shortcut that adds elements but opens the edit dialog directly before inserting the object
	should this be the default for object creation from stencils?
		=> shall we add a EDIT_ON_CREATE fields=

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Todo.txt  view on Meta::CPAN

#drawing arrow into box connects the arrow

#transfor tabs to space

#only allow start-end connectors to link for multiwirl
	but allow moving of the intermediate connectors

#shortcut that adds elements but opens the edit dialog directly before inserting the object
	should this be the default for object creation from stencils?
		=> shall we add a EDIT_ON_CREATE fields=

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bin/bioaln  view on Meta::CPAN

Prints one alignment gap per line, including its start, end, whether in-frame, whether on-edge, how many copies, and alignment length. (Can't remember what context this was developed at first; ignore)

=item --gap-states2

Prints one alignment gap per column, including its start-end as column heading and presence/absence (1/0) in each sequence.

=item --input, -i 'format'

Now it tries to guess the format. BLAST outputs still need to be specified

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lib/Bio/DB/SeqFeature/Store/  view on Meta::CPAN

  Column 2: The feature name/ID.

  Column 3: The position of this feature in base pair
            coordinates. Ranges can be given as either 
            start-end or start..end. A chromosome position
            can be specified using the format "reference:start..end".
            A discontinuous feature can be specified by giving
            multiple ranges separated by commas. Minus-strand features
            are indicated by specifying a start > end.

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scripts/  view on Meta::CPAN

present in the [general] section will set defaults for the others.

Colors are English-language color names or Web-style #RRGGBB colors
(see a book on HTML for an explanation). True/false values are 1 for
true, and 0 for false. Numeric ranges can be expressed in start..end
fashion with two dots, or as start-end with a hyphen.

The "glyph" option controls how the features are rendered. The
following glyphs are implemented:

  Name                Description

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Bio/DB/SeqFeature/Store/  view on Meta::CPAN

  Column 2: The feature name/ID.

  Column 3: The position of this feature in base pair
            coordinates. Ranges can be given as either 
            start-end or start..end. A chromosome position
            can be specified using the format "reference:start..end".
            A discontinuous feature can be specified by giving
            multiple ranges separated by commas. Minus-strand features
            are indicated by specifying a start > end.

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zopflib/src/zopfli/blocksplitter.c  view on Meta::CPAN

typedef double FindMinimumFun(size_t i, void* context);

Finds minimum of function f(i) where is is of type size_t, f(i) is of type
double, i is in range start-end (excluding end).
Outputs the minimum value in *smallest and returns the index of this value.
static size_t FindMinimum(FindMinimumFun f, void* context,
                          size_t start, size_t end, double* smallest) {
  if (end - start < 1024) {

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Changes  view on Meta::CPAN

libdocument-pageid-perl (0.01-2) unstable; urgency=low

  * Added support for document spine images as page '0+\.spine',
    eg. 000.spine. Added the pairable method to return a flag
    if the pageid contains this id since it cannot be used as
    part of a start-end pair of page identifiers.

 -- Dale Amon <>  Mon, 16 Aug 2004 23:00:32 +0100

libdocument-pageid-perl (0.01-1) unstable; urgency=low

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lib/FAST/Bio/SearchIO/  view on Meta::CPAN

	   $self->element({'Name' => 'Hit_desc',
			   'Data' => $desc});
	   $self->{'_seencigar'} = 0;
	   $self->{'_vulgar'}    = 0;
       } elsif(  s/^vulgar:\s+(\S+)\s+         # query sequence id
		 (\d+)\s+(\d+)\s+([\-\+\.])\s+ # query start-end-strand
		 (\S+)\s+                      # target sequence id
		 (\d+)\s+(\d+)\s+([\-\+])\s+   # target start-end-strand
		 (\d+)\s+                      # score
		 //ox ) {
	   next if( $self->cigar || $self->{'_seencigar'});

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lib/HTTP/  view on Meta::CPAN

        $args{ 'len_remain' } -= $seg_len;

        # copy the request object - this must be a deep clone
        my $req = $args{ 'request' }->clone;

        # start-end of byte offset for this segment
        $req->header( Range => "bytes=$args{ 'len_index' }-"
                . ( $args{ 'len_index' } + $seg_len - 1 ) );

        push( @requests, $req );

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share/ext-3.4.1/examples/calendar/calendar-all-debug.js  view on Meta::CPAN

    ddMoveEventText: 'Move event to {0}',
     * @cfg {String} ddResizeEventText
     * The string displayed to the user in the drag proxy while dragging the resize handle of an event (defaults to 
     * 'Update event to {0}' where {0} is the updated event start-end range supplied by the view). Note that 
     * this text is only used in views
     * that allow resizing of events.
    ddResizeEventText: 'Update event to {0}',

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mba/suba.c  view on Meta::CPAN

	sprintf(buf, "%d", count++);
	if (!suba_print_cell(suba, buf, c)) {
		ret = 0;

	//fprintf(stderr, "count: start-end         size next\n");

	return ret;

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lib/MojoMojo/Formatter/  view on Meta::CPAN


sub format_content_order { 10 }

## list of start-end delimiter pairs
my @explicit_delims    = (qw{ \[\[ \]\] \(\( \)\) });
my $explicit_separator = '\|';

my $wikiword_escape = qr{\\};

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lib/Net/  view on Meta::CPAN

    my @a;
    my @b;

    grep {
	croak "This doesn't look like start-end\n" unless /(.*)-(.*)/;
	push @a, $1;
	push @b, $2;
    } @cidr;

    my $lo=shift @a;

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deps/hiredis-cluster/hircluster.c  view on Meta::CPAN

 * However if the key contains the {...} pattern, only the part between
 * { and } is hashed. This may be useful in the future to force certain
 * keys to be in the same node (assuming no resharding is in progress). */
static unsigned int keyHashSlot(char *key, int keylen) {
    int s, e; /* start-end indexes of { and } */

    for (s = 0; s < keylen; s++)
        if (key[s] == '{')

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lib/SmotifTF/  view on Meta::CPAN

        die "There was error: arguments for checklength subroutine\n";
       # return;
    my $checklength;

    #count insertions in the start-end range
    my $numinsertions = 0;
    my $InRange       = 0;
    my $rescount      = 0;
    my %CAcoords;
    my $firstresnum = 'NA';

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bin/lgrpinfo  view on Meta::CPAN

	$rsrc = "$rsrc $rsrc_cpu ($lcpu);" if scalar @resources_cpu;
	$rsrc = "$rsrc $rsrc_mem ($lmemory)" if scalar @resources_mem;
	return ($rsrc);

# Consolidate consequtive ids as start-end
sub lgrp_collapse
	return "" unless @_;
	my @args = uniqsort(@_);
	my $start = shift(@args);

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doc/html/guide.html  view on Meta::CPAN

		dump. Supposedly, there would not be more than one query in flight with
		the same name, so they could be easily told apart based on the name in
		the data lines. There is also an underlying consideration that when the
		query involves a join, in the future the initial dump might be
		happening in multiple chunks, requiring to either surround every chunk
		with the start-end lines or just let them go without the extra
		notifications, as they are now.
		And the initial dump ends as usual with getting the echo of the command
		(without the query part) back.

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