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eg/bmi.psgi  view on Meta::CPAN

Start the appliction.

    carton exec -- plackup bmi.psgi


    % curl -X POST -H "Content-type: application/json" -d '{"weight": 60, "height": '1.7'}' http://localhost:5000/bmi

Requests and Reponses to the API are validated by Middlewares.

    % curl -X POST -H "Content-type: application/json" -d 'hello' http://localhost:5000/bmi

    % curl -X POST -H "Content-type: application/json" -d '{"weight": 60, "height": 'a'}' http://localhost:5000/bmi

    % curl -X POST -H "Content-type: application/json" -d '{"weight": 60, "height": 'a'}' http://localhost:5000/bmi

lib/APISchema/Validator.pm  view on Meta::CPAN

    my $method = $encoding_spec;
    return ( undef, {
        message      => "Unknown decoding method: $method",
        content_type => $content_type,
    } )
        unless APISchema::Validator::Decoder->new->can($method);

    return ($method, undef);

sub _validate {
    my ($validator_class, $decode, $target, $spec) = @_;

    my $obj = eval { APISchema::Validator::Decoder->new->$decode($target) };
    return { message => "Failed to parse $decode" } if $@;

    my $validator = $validator_class->new($spec->definition);
    my ($valid, $err) = $validator->validate($obj);

    return {
        attribute => $err->attribute,
        position  => $err->position,
        expected  => $err->expected,
        actual    => $err->actual,
        message   => "Contents do not match resource '@{[$spec->title]}'",
    } unless $valid;

    return; # avoid returning the last conditional value

sub validate {
    my ($self, $route_name, $target, $schema) = @_;

    my @target_keys = @{+TARGETS};
    my $valid = _valid_result(@target_keys);

    my $route = $schema->get_route_by_name($route_name)
        or return $valid;
    my $method = $self->fetch_resource_method;
    my $resource_root = $schema->get_resource_root;
    my $resource_spec = $route->$method(

lib/Plack/Middleware/APISchema/ResponseValidator.pm  view on Meta::CPAN

        $matched or return;

        my $plack_res = Plack::Response->new(@$res);
        my $body;
        Plack::Util::foreach($res->[2] // [], sub { $body .= $_[0] });

        my $validator_class = $self->validator // DEFAULT_VALIDATOR_CLASS;
        my $validator = APISchema::Validator->for_response(
            validator_class => $validator_class,
        my $result = $validator->validate($route->name => {
            status_code => $res->[0],
            header => +{ map {
                my $field = lc($_) =~ s/[-]/_/gr;
                ( $field => $plack_res->header($_) );
            } $plack_res->headers->header_field_names },
            body => $body,
            content_type => scalar $plack_res->content_type,
        }, $self->schema);

        my $errors = $result->errors;

t/APISchema-Validator.t  view on Meta::CPAN

            map { $_ => 'figure' } @$keys
        response_resource => {
            encoding => { 'application/json' => 'json' },
            map { $_ => 'bmi' } @$keys
    return $schema;

sub validate_request : Tests {
    subtest 'valid with emtpy schema' => sub {
        my $schema = APISchema::Schema->new;
        my $validator = APISchema::Validator->for_request;
        my $result = $validator->validate('/endpoint' => {
            header => { foo => 'bar' },
            parameter => 'foo&bar',
            body => '{"foo":"bar"}',
            content_type => 'application/json',
        }, $schema);
        ok $result->is_valid;

    subtest 'valid with empty target' => sub {
        my $schema = _simple_route t::test::fixtures::prepare_bmi, [];
        my $validator = APISchema::Validator->for_request;
        my $result = $validator->validate('/endpoint' => {}, $schema);
        ok $result->is_valid;

    subtest 'valid with some target and schema' => sub {
        my $schema = _simple_route t::test::fixtures::prepare_bmi, ['body'];
        my $validator = APISchema::Validator->for_request;
        my $result = $validator->validate('/endpoint' => {
            body => encode_json({weight => 50, height => 1.6}),
            content_type => 'application/json',
        }, $schema);
        ok $result->is_valid;

    subtest 'invalid with missing property' => sub {
        my $schema = _simple_route t::test::fixtures::prepare_bmi, ['body'];
        my $validator = APISchema::Validator->for_request;
        my $result = $validator->validate('/endpoint' => {
            body => encode_json({weight => 50}),
            content_type => 'application/json',
        }, $schema);
        ok !$result->is_valid;
        is_deeply [ keys %{$result->errors} ], [ 'body' ];
        is_deeply [ map { $_->{attribute} } values %{$result->errors} ],
            [ ('Valiemon::Attributes::Required') ];
        is_deeply [ map { $_->{encoding} } values %{$result->errors} ],
            [ ('json') ];

    subtest 'invalid without body' => sub {
        for my $value ({}, '', undef) {
            my $schema = _simple_route t::test::fixtures::prepare_bmi, ['body'];
            my $validator = APISchema::Validator->for_request;
            my $result = $validator->validate('/endpoint' => {
                body => $value,
            }, $schema);
            ok ! $result->is_valid;
            is_deeply [ keys %{$result->errors} ], [ 'body' ];

    subtest 'invalid without parameter' => sub {
        for my $value ({}, '', undef) {
            my $schema = _simple_route t::test::fixtures::prepare_bmi, ['parameter'];
            my $validator = APISchema::Validator->for_request;
            my $result = $validator->validate('/endpoint' => {
                parameter => $value,
            }, $schema);
            ok ! $result->is_valid;
            is_deeply [ keys %{$result->errors} ], [ 'parameter' ];

    subtest 'invalid with wrong encoding' => sub {
        my $schema = _simple_route t::test::fixtures::prepare_bmi, ['body'];
        my $validator = APISchema::Validator->for_request;
        my $result = $validator->validate('/endpoint' => {
            body => encode_json({weight => 50, height => 1.6}),
            content_type => 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded',
        }, $schema);
        ok !$result->is_valid;
        is_deeply [ keys %{$result->errors} ], [ 'body' ];
        is_deeply [ map { $_->{attribute} } values %{$result->errors} ],
            [ ('Valiemon::Attributes::Required') ];
        is_deeply [ map { $_->{encoding} } values %{$result->errors} ],
            [ ('url_parameter') ];

    subtest 'invalid with invalid encoding' => sub {
        my $schema = _invalid_encoding_route t::test::fixtures::prepare_bmi, ['body'];
        my $validator = APISchema::Validator->for_request;
        my $result = $validator->validate('/endpoint' => {
            body => encode_json({weight => 50, height => 1.6}),
            content_type => 'application/json',
        }, $schema);
        ok !$result->is_valid;
        is_deeply [ keys %{$result->errors} ], [ 'body' ];
        is_deeply [ map { $_->{message} } values %{$result->errors} ],
            [ ('Unknown decoding method: hoge') ];

    subtest 'valid with forced encoding' => sub {
        my $schema = _forced_route t::test::fixtures::prepare_bmi, ['body'];
        my $validator = APISchema::Validator->for_request;
        my $result = $validator->validate('/endpoint' => {
            body => encode_json({weight => 50, height => 1.6}),
            content_type => 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded',
        }, $schema);
        ok $result->is_valid;

    subtest 'valid with strict content-type check' => sub {
        my $schema = _strict_route t::test::fixtures::prepare_bmi, ['body'];
        my $validator = APISchema::Validator->for_request;
        my $result = $validator->validate('/endpoint' => {
            body => encode_json({weight => 50, height => 1.6}),
            content_type => 'application/json',
        }, $schema);
        ok $result->is_valid;

    subtest 'invalid with wrong content type' => sub {
        my $schema = _strict_route t::test::fixtures::prepare_bmi, ['body'];
        my $validator = APISchema::Validator->for_request;
        my $content_type = 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded';
        my $result = $validator->validate('/endpoint' => {
            body => encode_json({weight => 50, height => 1.6}),
            content_type => $content_type,
        }, $schema);
        ok !$result->is_valid;
        is_deeply [ keys %{$result->errors} ], [ 'body' ];
        is_deeply [ map { $_->{message} } values %{$result->errors} ],
            [ ("Wrong content-type: $content_type") ];

    subtest 'valid parameter' => sub {
        my $schema = _simple_route t::test::fixtures::prepare_bmi, ['parameter'];
        my $validator = APISchema::Validator->for_request;
        my $result = $validator->validate('/endpoint' => {
            parameter => 'weight=50&height=1.6',
        }, $schema);
        ok $result->is_valid;

    subtest 'invalid parameter' => sub {
        my $schema = _simple_route t::test::fixtures::prepare_bmi, ['parameter'];
        my $validator = APISchema::Validator->for_request;
        my $result = $validator->validate('/endpoint' => {
            parameter => 'weight=50',
        }, $schema);
        ok !$result->is_valid;
        is_deeply [ map { $_->{attribute} } values %{$result->errors} ],
            [ ('Valiemon::Attributes::Required') ];
        is_deeply [ map { $_->{encoding} } values %{$result->errors} ],
            [ ('url_parameter') ];

    subtest 'valid header' => sub {
        my $schema = _simple_route t::test::fixtures::prepare_bmi, ['header'];
        my $validator = APISchema::Validator->for_request;
        my $result = $validator->validate('/endpoint' => {
            header => { weight => 50, height => 1.6 },
        }, $schema);
        ok $result->is_valid;

    subtest 'invalid header' => sub {
        my $schema = _simple_route t::test::fixtures::prepare_bmi, ['header'];
        my $validator = APISchema::Validator->for_request;
        my $result = $validator->validate('/endpoint' => {
            header => { weight => 50 },
        }, $schema);
        ok !$result->is_valid;
        is_deeply [ keys %{$result->errors} ], [ 'header' ];
        is_deeply [ map { $_->{attribute} } values %{$result->errors} ],
            [ ('Valiemon::Attributes::Required') ];
        is_deeply [ map { $_->{encoding} } values %{$result->errors} ],
            [ ('perl') ];

    subtest 'all valid' => sub {
        my $schema = _simple_route t::test::fixtures::prepare_bmi, ['body', 'parameter', 'header'];
        my $validator = APISchema::Validator->for_request;
        my $result = $validator->validate('/endpoint' => {
            header => { weight => 50, height => 1.6 },
            parameter => 'weight=50&height=1.6',
            body => encode_json({weight => 50, height => 1.6}),
            content_type => 'application/json',
        }, $schema);
        ok $result->is_valid;

    subtest 'many invalid' => sub {
        my $schema = _simple_route t::test::fixtures::prepare_bmi, ['body', 'parameter', 'header'];
        my $validator = APISchema::Validator->for_request;
        my $result = $validator->validate('/endpoint' => {
            header => { weight => 50 },
            parameter => 'weight=50',
            body => encode_json({weight => 50}),
            content_type => 'application/json',
        }, $schema);
        ok !$result->is_valid;
        is scalar keys %{$result->errors}, 3;
        is_deeply [ sort keys %{$result->errors} ],
            [ qw(body header parameter) ];
        is_deeply [ map { $_->{attribute} } values %{$result->errors} ],
            [ ('Valiemon::Attributes::Required') x 3 ];
        is_deeply [ sort map { $_->{encoding} } values %{$result->errors} ],
            [ ('json', 'perl', 'url_parameter') ];

sub validate_response : Tests {
    subtest 'valid with emtpy schema' => sub {
        my $schema = APISchema::Schema->new;
        my $validator = APISchema::Validator->for_response;
        my $result = $validator->validate('/endpoint' => {
            header => { foo => 'bar' },
            body => '{"foo":"bar"}',
            content_type => 'application/json',
        }, $schema);
        ok $result->is_valid;

    subtest 'valid with empty target' => sub {
        my $schema = _simple_route t::test::fixtures::prepare_bmi, [];
        my $validator = APISchema::Validator->for_response;
        my $result = $validator->validate('/endpoint' => {}, $schema);
        ok $result->is_valid;

    subtest 'valid with some target and schema' => sub {
        my $schema = _simple_route t::test::fixtures::prepare_bmi, ['body'];
        my $validator = APISchema::Validator->for_response;
        my $result = $validator->validate('/endpoint' => {
            body => encode_json({value => 19.5}),
            content_type => 'application/json',
        }, $schema);
        ok $result->is_valid;

    subtest 'invalid with missing property' => sub {
        my $schema = _simple_route t::test::fixtures::prepare_bmi, ['body'];
        my $validator = APISchema::Validator->for_response;
        my $result = $validator->validate('/endpoint' => {
            body => encode_json({hoge => 'foo'}),
            content_type => 'application/json',
        }, $schema);
        ok !$result->is_valid;
        is_deeply [ keys %{$result->errors} ], [ 'body' ];
        is_deeply [ map { $_->{attribute} } values %{$result->errors} ],
            [ ('Valiemon::Attributes::Required') ];
        is_deeply [ map { $_->{encoding} } values %{$result->errors} ],
            [ ('json') ];

    subtest 'invalid with wrong encoding' => sub {
        my $schema = _simple_route t::test::fixtures::prepare_bmi, ['body'];
        my $validator = APISchema::Validator->for_response;
        my $result = $validator->validate('/endpoint' => {
            body => encode_json({value => 19.5}),
            content_type => 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded',
        }, $schema);
        ok !$result->is_valid;
        is_deeply [ keys %{$result->errors} ], [ 'body' ];
        is_deeply [ map { $_->{attribute} } values %{$result->errors} ],
            [ ('Valiemon::Attributes::Required') ];
        is_deeply [ map { $_->{encoding} } values %{$result->errors} ],
            [ ('url_parameter') ];

    subtest 'invalid with invalid encoding' => sub {
        my $schema = _invalid_encoding_route t::test::fixtures::prepare_bmi, ['body'];
        my $validator = APISchema::Validator->for_response;
        my $result = $validator->validate('/endpoint' => {
            body => encode_json({value => 19.5}),
            content_type => 'application/json',
        }, $schema);
        ok !$result->is_valid;
        is_deeply [ keys %{$result->errors} ], [ 'body' ];
        is_deeply [ map { $_->{message} } values %{$result->errors} ],
            [ ('Unknown decoding method: hoge') ];

    subtest 'valid with forced encoding' => sub {
        my $schema = _forced_route t::test::fixtures::prepare_bmi, ['body'];
        my $validator = APISchema::Validator->for_response;
        my $result = $validator->validate('/endpoint' => {
            body => encode_json({value => 19.5}),
            content_type => 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded',
        }, $schema);
        ok $result->is_valid;

    subtest 'valid with strict content-type check' => sub {
        my $schema = _strict_route t::test::fixtures::prepare_bmi, ['body'];
        my $validator = APISchema::Validator->for_response;
        my $result = $validator->validate('/endpoint' => {
            body => encode_json({value => 19.5}),
            content_type => 'application/json',
        }, $schema);
        ok $result->is_valid;

    subtest 'invalid with wrong content type' => sub {
        my $schema = _strict_route t::test::fixtures::prepare_bmi, ['body'];
        my $validator = APISchema::Validator->for_response;
        my $content_type = 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded';
        my $result = $validator->validate('/endpoint' => {
            body => encode_json({value => 19.5}),
            content_type => $content_type,
        }, $schema);
        ok !$result->is_valid;
        is_deeply [ keys %{$result->errors} ], [ 'body' ];
        is_deeply [ map { $_->{message} } values %{$result->errors} ],
            [ ("Wrong content-type: $content_type") ];

    subtest 'valid header' => sub {
        my $schema = _simple_route t::test::fixtures::prepare_bmi, ['header'];
        my $validator = APISchema::Validator->for_response;
        my $result = $validator->validate('/endpoint' => {
            header => { value => 19.5 },
        }, $schema);
        ok $result->is_valid;

    subtest 'invalid header' => sub {
        my $schema = _simple_route t::test::fixtures::prepare_bmi, ['header'];
        my $validator = APISchema::Validator->for_response;
        my $result = $validator->validate('/endpoint' => {
            header => {},
        }, $schema);
        ok !$result->is_valid;
        is_deeply [ keys %{$result->errors} ], [ 'header' ];
        is_deeply [ map { $_->{attribute} } values %{$result->errors} ],
            [ ('Valiemon::Attributes::Required') ];
        is_deeply [ map { $_->{encoding} } values %{$result->errors} ],
            [ ('perl') ];

    subtest 'all valid' => sub {
        my $schema = _simple_route t::test::fixtures::prepare_bmi, ['body', 'header'];
        my $validator = APISchema::Validator->for_response;
        my $result = $validator->validate('/endpoint' => {
            header => { value => 19.5 },
            body => encode_json({value => 19.5}),
            content_type => 'application/json',
        }, $schema);
        ok $result->is_valid;

    subtest 'many invalid' => sub {
        my $schema = _simple_route t::test::fixtures::prepare_bmi, ['body', 'header'];
        my $validator = APISchema::Validator->for_response;
        my $result = $validator->validate('/endpoint' => {
            header => {},
            body => encode_json({}),
            content_type => 'application/json',
        }, $schema);
        ok !$result->is_valid;
        is scalar keys %{$result->errors}, 2;
        is_deeply [ sort keys %{$result->errors} ],
            [ qw(body header) ];
        is_deeply [ map { $_->{attribute} } values %{$result->errors} ],
            [ ('Valiemon::Attributes::Required') x 2 ];
        is_deeply [ sort map { $_->{encoding} } values %{$result->errors} ],
            [ ('json', 'perl') ];

    subtest 'valid referenced resource' => sub {
        my $schema = _forced_route t::test::fixtures::prepare_family, ['body'];
        my $validator = APISchema::Validator->for_response;
        my $result = $validator->validate('Children GET API' => {
            body => encode_json([ {
                name => 'Alice',
                age  => 16,
            }, {
                name => 'Charlie',
                age  => 14,
            } ]),
            content_type => 'application/json',
        }, $schema);
        ok $result->is_valid;

    subtest 'invalid referenced resource' => sub {
        my $schema = _forced_route t::test::fixtures::prepare_family, ['body'];
        my $validator = APISchema::Validator->for_response;
        my $result = $validator->validate('Children GET API' => {
            body => encode_json([ {
                name => 'Alice',
                age  => 16,
            }, {
                age  => 14,
            } ]),
            content_type => 'application/json',
        }, $schema);
        ok !$result->is_valid;

 SKIP: {
    skip 'Recursive dereference is not implemented in Valiemon', 2;
    subtest 'valid recursively referenced resource' => sub {
        my $schema = _forced_route t::test::fixtures::prepare_family, ['body'];
        my $validator = APISchema::Validator->for_request;
        my $result = $validator->validate('Children GET API' => {
            parameter => 'name=Bob',
        }, $schema);
        ok $result->is_valid;

    subtest 'invalid recursively referenced resource' => sub {
        my $schema = _forced_route t::test::fixtures::prepare_family, ['body'];
        my $validator = APISchema::Validator->for_request;
        my $result = $validator->validate('Children GET API' => {
            parameter => 'person=Bob',
        }, $schema);
        ok !$result->is_valid;


sub status : Tests {
    my $schema = t::test::fixtures::prepare_status;
    my $validator = APISchema::Validator->for_response;

    subtest 'Status 200 with valid body' => sub {
        my $result = $validator->validate('Get API' => {
            status_code => 200,
            body => '200 OK',
        }, $schema);
        ok $result->is_valid;

    subtest 'Status 200 with invalid body' => sub {
        my $result = $validator->validate('Get API' => {
            status_code => 200,
            body => { status => 200, message => 'OK' },
        }, $schema);
        ok !$result->is_valid;

    subtest 'Status 400 with valid body' => sub {
        my $result = $validator->validate('Get API' => {
            status_code => 400,
            body => encode_json({ status => 400, message => 'Bad Request' }),
        }, $schema);
        ok $result->is_valid;

    subtest 'Status 400 with invalid body' => sub {
        my $result = $validator->validate('Get API' => {
            status_code => 400,
            body => '400 Bad Request',
        }, $schema);
        ok !$result->is_valid;

    subtest 'Undefined status' => sub {
        my $result = $validator->validate('Get API' => {
            status_code => 599,
            body => { foo => 'bar' },
        }, $schema);
        ok $result->is_valid;

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