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lib/MouseX/App/Cmd/  view on Meta::CPAN

has app => (
    is        => 'ro',
    required  => 1,
    metaclass => 'NoGetopt',
    isa       => 'MouseX::App::Cmd',

override _process_args => sub {
    my ( $class, $args ) = @_;
    local @ARGV = @{$args};

    my $config_from_file;
    if ( $class->meta->does_role('MouseX::ConfigFromFile') ) {
        local @ARGV = @ARGV;

        my $configfile;
        my $opt_parser;
            ## no critic (Modules::RequireExplicitInclusion)
                = Getopt::Long::Parser->new( config => ['pass_through'] );
        $opt_parser->getoptions( 'configfile=s' => \$configfile );
        if ( not defined $configfile

t/basic.t  view on Meta::CPAN

    'got correct list of registered command plugins',

    local @ARGV = qw(frob --widget wname your fat face);
    eval { $cmd->run };

    is( $@,
        "the widget name is wname - your fat face\n",
        'command died with the correct string',

    local @ARGV = qw(justusage);
    eval { $cmd->run };

    my $error = $@;

    like( $error, qr/^basic.t justusage/, 'default usage_desc is okay' );

    local @ARGV = qw(stock);
    eval { $cmd->run };

    like( $@, qr/mandatory method/, 'un-subclassed &run leads to death' );

    local @ARGV = qw(bark);
    eval { $cmd->run };

        qr/Mandatory parameter 'wow' missing in call to ["(]eval[)"]/,
        'required option field is missing',

    my $have_TO = eval { require Test::Output; 1; };
    print STDERR $@;
    skip 'these tests require Test::Output', 5 unless $have_TO;

    local @ARGV = qw(commands);

    my ($output) = Test::Output::output_from( sub { $cmd->run } );

    for my $name (qw(commands frobulate justusage stock bark)) {
        like( $output, qr/^\s+\Q$name\E/sm, "$name plugin in listing" );

t/configfile.t  view on Meta::CPAN

        plan tests => 3;

use lib 't/lib';
use Test::ConfigFromFile;

my $cmd = Test::ConfigFromFile->new;

    local @ARGV = qw(moo);
    eval { $cmd->run };

        qr/Mandatory parameter 'moo' missing in call to ["(]eval[)"]/,
        'command died with the correct string',

    local @ARGV = qw(moo --configfile=t/lib/Test/ConfigFromFile/config.yaml);
    eval { $cmd->run };

        qr/cows go moo1 moo2 moo3/,
        'command died with the correct string',

    local @ARGV = qw(boo);
    eval { $cmd->run };

    like( $@, qr/ghosts go moo1 moo2 moo3/, 'default configfile read', );

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