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lib/MooX/Options/  view on Meta::CPAN

    my %options_data   = $class->_options_data;
    my %options_config = $class->_options_config;
    if ( defined $options_config{skip_options} ) {
        delete @options_data{ @{ $options_config{skip_options} } };

    my ( $options, $has_to_split, $all_options )
        = _options_prepare_descriptive( \%options_data );

    local @ARGV = @ARGV if $options_config{protect_argv};
    @ARGV = _options_fix_argv( \%options_data, $has_to_split, $all_options );

    my @flavour;
    if ( defined $options_config{flavour} ) {
        push @flavour, { getopt_conf => $options_config{flavour} };

    my $prog_name = $class->_options_prog_name();

    # create usage str

t/02-autosplit_warning_on_required_param.t  view on Meta::CPAN

        documentation => 'this is mandatory',
        format        => 's@',
        required      => 1,
        autosplit     => ",",


    local @ARGV = ('--treq');
    trap { my $opt = t->new_with_options(); };
    like $trap->stderr,   qr/Option treq requires an argument/, 'stdout ok';
    unlike $trap->stderr, qr/Use of uninitialized/,             'stderr ok';


t/06-failure.t  view on Meta::CPAN

trap {
    eval "#line ${\(__LINE__+1 . ' ' . __FILE__)}\n" . <<__EOF__
        package NonNegatableNegated;
        use Moo;
        use MooX::Options;
        option 'legal' => (is => 'rw');
    local \@ARGV = ('--no-legal');
like $trap->stderr, qr/^Unknown\soption:\sno_legal/x, 'Unexisting negation';


t/07-flavour.t  view on Meta::CPAN

    option 'bool' => ( is => 'ro' );


for my $noflavour (qw/plain plain2/) {
    subtest "unknown option $noflavour" => sub {
        note "Without flavour $noflavour";
            local @ARGV = ('anarg');
            my $plain = $noflavour->new_with_options();
            is_deeply( [@ARGV], ['anarg'], "anarg is left" );
            local @ARGV = ( '--bool', 'anarg' );
            my $plain = $noflavour->new_with_options();
            is( $plain->bool, 1, "bool was set" );
            is_deeply( [@ARGV], ['anarg'], "anarg is left" );
            local @ARGV = ( '--bool', 'anarg', '--unknown_option' );
            my @r = trap { $noflavour->new_with_options() };
            is( $trap->exit, 1, "exit code ok" );
                qr/Unknown option: unknown_option/,
                "and a warning from GLD"
            like( $trap->stderr, qr/USAGE:/, "died with usage message" );

subtest "flavour" => sub {
    note "With flavour";
        local @ARGV = ('anarg');
        my $flavour_test = FlavourTest->new_with_options();
        is_deeply( [@ARGV], ['anarg'], "anarg is left" );
        local @ARGV = ( '--bool', 'anarg' );
        my $flavour_test = FlavourTest->new_with_options();
        is( $flavour_test->bool, 1, "bool was set" );
        is_deeply( [@ARGV], ['anarg'], "anarg is left" );
        local @ARGV = ( '--bool', 'anarg', '--unknown_option' );
        my $flavour_test = FlavourTest->new_with_options();
        is( $flavour_test->bool, 1, "bool was set" );
            [ 'anarg', '--unknown_option' ],
            "anarg and unknown_option are left"

t/08-hidden.t  view on Meta::CPAN

    use MooX::Options;

    option 'visible_option' => ( is => 'ro', doc => 'visible' );
    option 'hidden_option_by_doc' =>
        ( is => 'ro', format => 's', doc => 'hidden' );
    option 'hidden_option' =>
        ( is => 'ro', format => 's', hidden => 1, doc => 'not visible' );

trap { local @ARGV = qw(--help); t->new_with_options };

unlike $trap->stdout, qr/hidden_option_by_doc:/, 'hidden by doc';
unlike $trap->stdout, qr/hidden_option:/,        'hidden by option';
like $trap->stdout,   qr/visible_option:/,       'visible option';

    local @ARGV = qw(--hidden_option_by_doc=test1 --hidden_option=test2);
    my $o = t->new_with_options;

    is $o->hidden_option_by_doc, 'test1', 'hidden by doc exists';
    is $o->hidden_option,        'test2', 'hidden by option exists';


t/09-isa_check.t  view on Meta::CPAN

        is     => 'ro',
        doc    => 'this is mandatory',
        format => 's@',
        isa    => sub { die "boop\n" },


    local @ARGV = (qw/--hero batman/);
    trap { my $opt = t->new_with_options(); };
    like $trap->stderr, qr/^boop/, 'stdout ok';
    like $trap->stderr, qr/USAGE/, 'stderr ok';


t/13-moox-cmd.t  view on Meta::CPAN

    if ($@) {
        plan skip_all => 'Need MooX::Cmd (0.007) for this test';
        exit 0;

use lib File::Spec->catdir( $RealBin, qw(lib) );
use MooXCmdTest;

trap {
    local @ARGV = ('-h');

like $trap->stdout, qr{USAGE:\s\d{2}\Q-moox-cmd.t [-h]\E},
    'base command help ok'
    or diag( explain($trap) );
like $trap->stdout, qr{\QSUB COMMANDS AVAILABLE: test1, test3\E},
    'sub base command help ok';

trap {

t/15-multiple-split-options.t  view on Meta::CPAN

    package TestMultipleSplitOptions;
    use Moo;
    use MooX::Options;

    option 'opt'  => ( is => 'ro', format => 'i@', autosplit => ',' );
    option 'opt2' => ( is => 'ro', format => 'i@', autosplit => ',' );

local @ARGV = ( '--opt', '1,2', '--opt2', '3,4' );
my $opt = TestMultipleSplitOptions->new_with_options;

is_deeply $opt->opt,  [ 1, 2 ], 'opt got split correctly';
is_deeply $opt->opt2, [ 3, 4 ], 'opt2 got split correctly';


t/16-namespace_clean.t  view on Meta::CPAN

    use Module::Runtime qw(use_module);
    eval { use_module("TestNamespaceClean") }
        or plan skip_all => "This test needs namespace::clean";

ok( TestNamespaceClean->new, 'TestNamespaceClean is a package' );

    local @ARGV = ( '--foo', '12' );
    my $i = TestNamespaceClean->new_with_options;
    is $i->foo, 12, 'value save properly';


t/18-option-of-attr.t  view on Meta::CPAN

    package TestOptOfAttr;
    use Moo;
    use MooX::Options;

    with "RoleOptOfAttr";

    option '+opt' => ( format => 's' );

local @ARGV = ( '--opt', 'foo' );
my $opt = TestOptOfAttr->new_with_options;

is $opt->opt, 'foo', 'option of option is not changed for separated args';

local @ARGV = ('--opt=bar');
my $opt2 = TestOptOfAttr->new_with_options;

is $opt2->opt, 'bar', 'option of option is not changed for glued args';


t/19-option-of-option.t  view on Meta::CPAN


    package TestOptOfOpt;
    use Moo;
    use MooX::Options;

    option 'opt' => ( is => 'ro', format => 's' );

local @ARGV = ( '--opt', '--opt -y -my-options' );
my $opt = TestOptOfOpt->new_with_options;

is $opt->opt, '--opt -y -my-options',
    'option of option is not changed for separated args';

local @ARGV = ('--opt=--opt -y -my-options');
my $opt2 = TestOptOfOpt->new_with_options;

is $opt2->opt, '--opt -y -my-options',
    'option of option is not changed for glued args';

local @ARGV = ('--op=--opt -y -my-options');
my $opt3 = TestOptOfOpt->new_with_options;

is $opt3->opt, '--opt -y -my-options',
    'option of option is not changed for shortened args';


t/21-role.t  view on Meta::CPAN

    package testSkipOpt;
    use Moo;
    use MooX::Options
        skip_options => [qw/multi/],
        flavour      => [qw( pass_through )];
    with 'myRole';

    local @ARGV;
    @ARGV = ();
    my $opt = testRole->new_with_options;
    ok( !$opt->multi, 'multi not set' );
    local @ARGV;
    @ARGV = ('--multi');
    my $opt = testRole->new_with_options;
    ok( $opt->multi, 'multi set' );
    trap {
        "usage method is properly set"
    local @ARGV;
    @ARGV = ();
    my $opt = testRole2->new_with_options;
    ok( !$opt->multi, 'multi not set' );
    local @ARGV;
    @ARGV = ('--multi');
    my $opt = testRole2->new_with_options;
    ok( $opt->multi, 'multi set' );
    trap {
        "usage method is properly set"
    local @ARGV;
    @ARGV = ('--multi');
    my $opt = testSkipOpt->new_with_options;
    ok( !$opt->multi, 'multi not set' );
    trap {
    ok( $trap->stdout !~ /\-\-multi\s+multi\sthreading\smode/x,
        "usage method is properly set" );

t/23-string_with_zero_value.t  view on Meta::CPAN

use strict;
use warnings all => 'FATAL';
use Test::More;

package Foo;
use Moo;
use MooX::Options;
option start_from => ( is => "ro", format => "s" );

package main;
local @ARGV = qw/--start_from 0/;
my $f = Foo->new_with_options;
my $n = $f->start_from;
is $n, 0, 'option with value 0 works';
is $n, 1, 'and can be increment';


t/24-usage_string.t  view on Meta::CPAN

    option 'hero' => (
        is     => 'ro',
        doc    => 'this is mandatory',
        format => 's@',


    local @ARGV = (qw/--bad-option/);
    trap { my $opt = t->new_with_options(); };
    like $trap->stderr,
        qr/usage: myprogram <hi> \[-h\] \[long options/,
        'stderr has correct usage';


t/25-with_config.t  view on Meta::CPAN

    isa_ok( $t, "MyTestWithConfig" )
        or skip "MyTestWithConfig Instantiation failure", 4;
    is $t->p1, 1, 'p1 fetch from config';
    is_deeply $t->p2, [ 1, 2, 3 ], '... and also p2';
    ok $t->can('config_prefix'), '... config prefix defined';
    ok $t->can('config_dirs'),   '... config dirs defined';
    ok $t->can('config_files'),  '... config files defined';

    local @ARGV = ( '--config_prefix', '25-with_config_2.t' );
    my $t = trap { MyTestWithConfig->new_with_options() };
    isa_ok( $t, "MyTestWithConfig" )
        or skip "MyTestWithConfig Instantiation failure", 2;
    is $t->p1, 2, 'p1 fetch from config';
    is_deeply $t->p2, [ 3, 4, 5 ], '... and also p2';

    local @ARGV = ( '--p1', '2' );
    my $t = trap { MyTestWithConfig->new_with_options() };
    isa_ok( $t, "MyTestWithConfig" )
        or skip "MyTestWithConfig Instantiation failure", 2;
    is $t->p1, 2, 'p1 fetch from cmdline';
    is_deeply $t->p2, [ 1, 2, 3 ], '... and p2 from config';

    local @ARGV = ( '--p1', '2' );
    my $t = trap { MyTestWithConfig->new_with_options( p1 => 3 ) };
    isa_ok( $t, "MyTestWithConfig" )
        or skip "MyTestWithConfig Instantiation failure", 2;
    is $t->p1, 3, 'p1 fetch from params';
    is_deeply $t->p2, [ 1, 2, 3 ], '... and p2 from config';

eval <<EOF
    package MyTestWithConfigRole;
    use Moo::Role;

t/26-localization.t  view on Meta::CPAN

                {   msgid  => "long options ...",
                    msgstr => "ausgedehnte Parameter ..."

    local @ARGV = ('--help');
    my $opt = trap { t->new_with_options(); };
    like( $trap->stdout,
        "Usage itself" );
    like( $trap->stdout, qr{this\sis\snegatable}x, "--neg usage" );
    like( $trap->stdout, qr{this\sis\smandatory}x, "--req usage" );
    like( $trap->stdout, qr{show\sa\sshort\shelp\smessage}x,
        "--usage usage" );
    like( $trap->stdout, qr{show\sa\scompact\shelp\smessage}x, "-h usage" );
    like( $trap->stdout, qr{show\sa\slong\shelp\smessage}x, "--help usage" );
    like( $trap->stdout, qr{show\sthe\smanual}x,            "--man usage" );


    local @ARGV = ('--help');
    my $opt = trap { t->new_with_options(); };
    like( $trap->stdout,
        qr{AUFRUF:\s\Q$Script\E\s\[\-h\]\s\Q[ausgedehnte Parameter ...]\E}x,
        "Usage itself" );
    like( $trap->stdout, qr{dieser\sist\snegierbar}x,    "--neg aufruf" );
    like( $trap->stdout, qr{dies\sist\serforderlich}x,   "--req aufruf" );
    like( $trap->stdout, qr{Zeigt\seine\skurze\sHilfe}x, "--usage aufruf" );
    like( $trap->stdout, qr{Zeigt\seine\skompakte\sHilfe}x, "-h aufruf" );

t/27-short.t  view on Meta::CPAN

    use MooX::Options;

    option 'lololo' => ( is => 'ro', format => 'i', short => 'l|lolo' );
    option 'rororo' => ( is => 'ro', format => 'i', short => 'r|roro' );
    option 'lorimi' => ( is => 'ro', format => 'i', short => 'm|lori' );

    local @ARGV = ( '--r', '1', '--l', '2', '--m', 4 );
    my $opt = TestSeveralMultipleShort->new_with_options;

    is $opt->rororo, 1, 'rororo got shortened correctly';
    is $opt->lololo, 2, 'lololo got shortened correctly';
    is $opt->lorimi, 4, 'lorimi got shortened correctly';

    local @ARGV = ( '--lolo', '2', '--roro', '3', '--lori', '5' );
    my $opt = TestSeveralMultipleShort->new_with_options;

    is $opt->lololo, 2, 'lololo got shortened correctly';
    is $opt->rororo, 3, 'rororo got shortened correctly';
    is $opt->lorimi, 5, 'lorimi got shortened correctly';

trap {
    local @ARGV = ( '--ro', '1', '--lo', '1', '--lo', 2 );

like $trap->stderr, qr/Option lo is ambiguous/,
    "Unable to abbreviate and not argv fix";


t/  view on Meta::CPAN

use Module::Runtime qw(use_module);

my @params = qw/bool counter empty verbose/;
subtest "no args" => sub {
    note "no args";
    local @ARGV = ();
    my $t = t->new_with_options();
    ok( $t->can($_), "$_ defined" ) for @params;
    is( $t->$_, undef, "$_ values is undef" ) for @params;
    is( $t->has_default, 'foo', 'Default works correctly' );

subtest "args value" => sub {
    note "args value with repeatable";
    local @ARGV
        = ( ( map {"--$_"} @params ), '--counter', '--counter' );
    my $t = t->new_with_options();
    note "bool ",    $t->bool;
    note "counter ", $t->counter;
    note "empty ",   $t->empty;
    ok( $t->$_, "$_ values is defined" ) for @params;
    is( $t->bool,    1, "bool is well defined" );
    is( $t->counter, 3, "counter is well defined" );
    is( $t->empty,   1, "empty is well defined" );
    is( $t->verbose, 1, "verbose is well defined" );

subtest "negatable" => sub {
    note "negatable";
        local @ARGV = ( '--empty', '--no-empty' );
        my $t = t->new_with_options();
        is( $t->empty, 0, "empty is well defined" );
        local @ARGV = ( '--em', '--no-em' );
        my $t = t->new_with_options();
        is( $t->empty, 0, "empty is well defined" );

subtest "negativable" => sub {
    note "negativable";
    local @ARGV = ( '--verbose', '--no-verbose' );
    my $t = t->new_with_options();
    is( $t->verbose, 0, "verbose is well defined" );

subtest "passthrough" => sub {
    note "passthrough";
    local @ARGV = ( '--split', '1', '--split=2', '--', '3' );
    my $t = t->new_with_options();
    is_deeply( $t->split, [ 1, 2 ], "split separated correctly" );

subtest "negate_other" => sub {
    note "negate other";
    local @ARGV = ('--no-used');
    my $t = t->new_with_options();
    is( $t->unused, 1, "unused is well defined" );

subtest "split" => sub {
    note "split";

        local @ARGV = ('--split=1');
        my $t = t->new_with_options();
        is_deeply( $t->split, [1], "split one arg" );
        local @ARGV = ( '--split=1', '--split=2' );
        my $t = t->new_with_options();
        is_deeply( $t->split, [ 1, 2 ], "split two arg" );
        eval { use_module("Data::Record"); use_module("Regexp::Common"); }
            or skip "This test needs Data::Record and Regexp::Common", 1;
        local @ARGV = ('--split=1,2');
        my $t = t->new_with_options();
        is_deeply( $t->split, [ 1, 2 ], "split one arg autosplit" );
        eval { use_module("Data::Record"); use_module("Regexp::Common"); }
            or skip "This test needs Data::Record and Regexp::Common", 1;
        local @ARGV = ( '--split=1', '--split=2', '--split=3,4' );
        my $t = t->new_with_options();
            [ 1, 2, 3, 4 ],
            "split three arg with autosplit"
        eval { use_module("Data::Record"); use_module("Regexp::Common"); }
            or skip "This test needs Data::Record and Regexp::Common", 1;
        local @ARGV = ( '--split', '1', '--split', '2', '--split', '3,4' );
        my $t = t->new_with_options();
            [ 1, 2, 3, 4 ],
            "split three arg with autosplit and space"

subtest "test required" => sub {
    note "test required";

        local @ARGV = ();
        my @r = trap { r->new_with_options };
        is( $trap->exit, 1, "missing args, exit 1" );
        like( $trap->stderr, qr/^str_req is missing/, "str_reg is missing" );
        local @ARGV = ('--str_req=ok');
        my $t = r->new_with_options;
        is( $t->str_req, 'ok', 'str req is ok' );
        local @ARGV = ();
        my @r = trap { multi_req->new_with_options };
        is( $trap->exit, 1, "missing args exit 1" );
        my @missing = $trap->stderr =~ /(multi_\d is missing)\n/g;
        my @target_isa;
        { no strict 'refs'; @target_isa = @{"multi_req::ISA"} };
        if ( multi_req->isa('Moose::Object') || multi_req->isa('Mo::Object') )
            is( scalar @missing, 1, "only one missing for moose" );
        else {
            is( scalar @missing, 3, "multi is missing" );

subtest "test help" => sub {
    note "test help";
        local @ARGV = ('--help');
        my @r = trap { r->new_with_options };
        is( $trap->exit, 0, "help, exit 0" );
        ok( $trap->stdout !~ /^str_req is missing/, "str_reg is missing" );

subtest "test short help" => sub {
    note "test short help";
        local @ARGV = ('--usage');
        my @r = trap { r->new_with_options };
        is( $trap->exit, 0, "help, exit 0" );
        ok( $trap->stdout !~ /^str_req is missing/, "str_reg is missing" );
        like $trap->stdout,
            qr{USAGE:\s\d{2}\-m\w+\Q.t [ --str_req=String ]  |  [ --usage ] [ -h ] [ --help ] [ --man ]\E},
            'usage message ok';

subtest "test man" => sub {
    note "test man";
        local @ARGV = ('--man');
        my @r = trap { r->new_with_options };
        is( $trap->exit, 0, "man, exit 0" );
        ok( $trap->stdout !~ /^str_req is missing/, "str_reg is missing" );

subtest "value override" => sub {
    note "value override";
        local @ARGV = ();
        my $t = r->new_with_options( str_req => "ok" );
        is( $t->str_req, 'ok', 'str req is ok' );
        local @ARGV = ('--str_req=ko');
        my $t = r->new_with_options( str_req => "ok" );
        is( $t->str_req, 'ok', 'str req is override with ok' );

subtest "split_complexe_str" => sub {
    note "split on complexe str";
    eval { use_module("Data::Record"); use_module("Regexp::Common"); }
        or plan skip_all => "This test needs Data::Record and Regexp::Common";
        local @ARGV = ("--split_str=a,b,c");
        my $t = sp_str->new_with_options();
        is_deeply( $t->split_str, [qw/a b c/], 'str req is ok' );
        local @ARGV = ("--split-str=a,b,c");
        my $t = sp_str->new_with_options();
        is_deeply( $t->split_str, [qw/a b c/], 'str req is ok' );
        local @ARGV = ("--split_conflict_str1=a,b,c");
        my $t = sp_str->new_with_options();
        is_deeply( $t->split_conflict_str1, [qw/a b c/], 'str req is ok' );
        local @ARGV = ("--split_conflict-str1=a,b,c");
        my $t = sp_str->new_with_options();
        is_deeply( $t->split_conflict_str1, [qw/a b c/], 'str req is ok' );
        local @ARGV = ("--split-conflict_str1=a,b,c");
        my $t = sp_str->new_with_options();
        is_deeply( $t->split_conflict_str1, [qw/a b c/], 'str req is ok' );
        local @ARGV = ("--split-conflict-str1=a,b,c");
        my $t = sp_str->new_with_options();
        is_deeply( $t->split_conflict_str1, [qw/a b c/], 'str req is ok' );
        local @ARGV = ('--split_str=a,"b,c",d');
        my $t = sp_str->new_with_options();
        is_deeply( $t->split_str, [ 'a', 'b,c', 'd' ], 'str req is ok' );
        local @ARGV = ('--split-str=a,"b,c",d');
        my $t = sp_str->new_with_options();
        is_deeply( $t->split_str, [ 'a', 'b,c', 'd' ], 'str req is ok' );

subtest "split_complexe_str_short" => sub {
    note "split on complexe str short";
    eval { use_module("Data::Record"); use_module("Regexp::Common"); }
        or plan skip_all => "This test needs Data::Record and Regexp::Common";
        local @ARGV = ("-z=a");
        my $t = sp_str_short->new_with_options();
        is_deeply( $t->split_str, [qw/a/], 'str req is ok' );
        local @ARGV = ("-z=a,b,c");
        my $t = sp_str_short->new_with_options();
        is_deeply( $t->split_str, [qw/a b c/], 'str req is ok' );
        local @ARGV = ('-z=a,"b,c",d');
        my $t = sp_str_short->new_with_options();
        is_deeply( $t->split_str, [ 'a', 'b,c', 'd' ], 'str req is ok' );
        local @ARGV = ( '-z', 'a,"b,c",d' );
        my $t = sp_str_short->new_with_options();
        is_deeply( $t->split_str, [ 'a', 'b,c', 'd' ], 'str req is ok' );

subtest "split_str_shorter_name" => sub {
    note "shorter long split";
    eval { use_module("Data::Record"); use_module("Regexp::Common"); }
        or plan skip_all => "This test needs Data::Record and Regexp::Common";
        local @ARGV = ("--split_st=a,b,c");
        my $t = sp_str->new_with_options();
        is_deeply( $t->split_str, [qw/a b c/], 'str req is ok' );
        local @ARGV = ("--split-st=a,b,c");
        my $t = sp_str->new_with_options();
        is_deeply( $t->split_str, [qw/a b c/], 'str req is ok' );
    note "shorter long split with conflict";
        local @ARGV = ("--split_co=a,b,c");
        trap {
        like $trap->stderr, qr/Option\ssplit_co\sis\sambiguous/,
            'conflict detected';
        local @ARGV = ("--split-co=a,b,c");
        trap {
        like $trap->stderr, qr/Option\ssplit_co\sis\sambiguous/,
            'conflict detected';

subtest "should_die_ok" => sub {

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