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# This is for warn once
note $main::OO;

my $cwd = abs_path(getcwd);
my @cfg_files = map { ("--config-files", File::Spec->catfile($cwd, qw(calc etc), $_)) }
  qw(operands.json small-operands.json large-operands.json);

    local @ARGV = qw(--config-prefix calc-operands);
    my $adder = oCalc::add->new_with_options;
    ok(defined($adder->a), "read \"a\" from add config");
    ok(defined($adder->b), "read \"b\" from add config");
    cmp_ok($adder->execute, "==", 5, "read right adder config");
    ok(Moo::Role::does_role($adder, "MooX::ConfigFromFile::Role"), "Applying MooX::ConfigFromFile::Role to oCalc::add");

    local @ARGV = qw(--config-prefix operands);
    my $subber = oCalc::sub->new_with_options;
    ok(defined($subber->a), "read \"a\" from sub config");
    ok(defined($subber->b), "read \"b\" from sub config");
    cmp_ok($subber->execute, "==", 17, "read right subber config");
    ok(Moo::Role::does_role($subber, "MooX::ConfigFromFile::Role"), "Applying MooX::ConfigFromFile::Role to oCalc::sub");

    local @ARGV = @cfg_files[0 .. 1];
    my $mul = oCalc::mul->new_with_options;
    is($mul->a, 21,, "read \"a\" from mul config");
    is($mul->b, 4,   "read \"b\" from mul config");
    cmp_ok($mul->execute, "==", 84, "read right mul config");

    local @ARGV = @cfg_files[2 .. 3];
    my $mul = oCalc::mul->new_with_options;
    is($mul->a, 21,, "keep \"a\" from first mul config");
    is($mul->b, 4,   "keep \"b\" from first mul config");
    cmp_ok($mul->execute, "==", 84, "read right mul config");

    local @ARGV = @cfg_files[2 .. 3];
    my $div = oCalc::div->new_with_options;
    is($div->a, 30,, "read \"a\" from small div config");
    is($div->b, 6,   "read \"b\" from small div config");
    cmp_ok($div->execute, "==", 5, "read right div config");

    local @ARGV = @cfg_files[4 .. 5];
    my $div = oCalc::div->new_with_options;
    is($div->a, 666,, "read \"a\" from large div config");
    is($div->b, 222,  "read \"b\" from large div config");
    cmp_ok($div->execute, "==", 3, "read right div config");

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( run in 0.887 second using v1.00-cache-2.02-grep-82fe00e-cpan-da92000dfeb )