view release on metacpan - search on metacpan
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t/001_basic.t view on Meta::CPAN
dictionary => $dict,
debug => $MODULE_DEBUG,
}) || BAIL_OUT( Getopt::Class->error, "\n" );
# $opt->message( $opt->dumper( $dict ) ); exit;
# my $params = $opt->parameters;
# my $options = $opt->options;
# $opt->message( $opt->dumper( $params ) ); exit;
isa_ok( $opt, 'Getopt::Class' );
local @ARGV = qw( --debug 3 --dry-run --name Bob --created 2020-04-12T07:30:10 --langs en ja --with-zlib --disable-compress --enable-logging );
my $opts = $opt->exec || diag( "Error: " . $opt->error );
ok( defined( $opts ), 'No Getopt::Long error' );
is( Scalar::Util::reftype( $opts ), 'HASH', 'Expecting a hash reference' );
is( $opts->{dry_run}, 1, 'Boolean option enabled' );
is( $opts->{debug}, 3, 'Scalar reference of integer set' );
is( $opts->{name}, 'Bob', 'String assignment' );
isa_ok( $opts->{created}, 'DateTime', 'DateTime object set' );
if( !ref( $opts->{created} ) || ref( $opts->{created} ) ne 'DateTime' )
t/002_help.t view on Meta::CPAN
use lib './lib';
use Scalar::Util ();
BEGIN { use_ok( 'Getopt::Class' ) || BAIL_OUT( "Unable to load Getopt::Class" ); }
our( $dict, $DEBUG, $VERBOSE, $VERSION, $HELP, $MAN );
require( './t/' );
local @ARGV = qw( --help );
my $opt2 = Getopt::Class->new({
dictionary => $dict,
debug => 0,
my $opts2 = $opt2->exec;
is( $HELP, 'pod2usage help', 'Help code' );
t/003_man.t view on Meta::CPAN
use lib './lib';
use Scalar::Util ();
BEGIN { use_ok( 'Getopt::Class' ) || BAIL_OUT( "Unable to load Getopt::Class" ); }
our( $dict, $DEBUG, $VERBOSE, $VERSION, $HELP, $MAN );
require( './t/' );
local @ARGV = qw( --man );
my $opt3 = Getopt::Class->new({
dictionary => $dict,
debug => 0,
my $opts3 = $opt3->exec;
is( $MAN, 'pod2usage man', 'Man code' );
t/004_missing.t view on Meta::CPAN
use Scalar::Util ();
BEGIN { use_ok( 'Getopt::Class' ) || BAIL_OUT( "Unable to load Getopt::Class" ); }
our( $dict, $DEBUG, $VERBOSE, $VERSION, $HELP, $MAN );
require( './t/' );
# Missing option
local @ARGV = qw();
my $opt4 = Getopt::Class->new({
dictionary => $dict,
debug => 0,
$opt4->required( [qw( name )] );
my $opts4 = $opt4->exec;
my $missing = $opt4->missing;
is( $missing->[0], 'name', 'Missing check' );
t/005_regexp_mismatch.t view on Meta::CPAN
BEGIN { use_ok( 'Getopt::Class' ) || BAIL_OUT( "Unable to load Getopt::Class" ); }
our( $dict, $DEBUG, $VERBOSE, $VERSION, $HELP, $MAN );
require( './t/' );
# Wrong patter for language
# diag( "\@ARGV value is '" . join( "', '", @ARGV ) . "'." );
local @ARGV = qw( --langs FR );
# diag( "\@ARGV value now is '" . join( "', '", @ARGV ) . "'." );
my $opt5 = Getopt::Class->new({
dictionary => $dict,
debug => 0,
my $opts5 = $opt5->exec;
my $err = $opt5->check_class_data( 'person' );
is( exists( $err->{regexp}->{langs} ), 1, 'Data regular expression check' );
t/007_object.t view on Meta::CPAN
require( './t/' );
my $opt = Getopt::Class->new({
dictionary => $dict,
debug => $_DEBUG,
}) || BAIL_OUT( Getopt::Class->error, "\n" );
local @ARGV = qw( --debug 3 --dry-run --name Bob --created 2020-04-12T07:30:10 --langs en ja --define transaction_id=123 --define customer_id=456 --age 30 );
my $obj = $opt->exec || diag( "Error: " . $opt->error );
diag( "\$obj is $obj (", overload::StrVal( $obj ), ")" ) if( $_DEBUG );
isa_ok( $obj, 'Getopt::Class::Values', 'Returning a Getopt::Class::Values' );
my $rv = $obj->debug;
diag( "\$obj->debug returned '", ( $rv // 'undef' ), "' (", overload::StrVal( $rv ), ")" ) if( $_DEBUG );
diag( "debug value is $obj->{debug}" ) if( $_DEBUG );
is( $obj->debug, 3, 'Checking option value for scalar' );
isa_ok( $obj->debug, 'Module::Generic::Scalar', 'Class for scalar' );
isa_ok( $obj->dry_run, 'Module::Generic::Boolean', 'Class for boolean' );
isa_ok( $obj->created, 'DateTime', 'Class for datetime' );
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