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lib/Doit/  view on Meta::CPAN

    my $self = bless { }, $class;

    require IO::Pipe;
    my $pipe_to_fork   = IO::Pipe->new;
    my $pipe_from_fork = IO::Pipe->new;
    my $worker_pid = fork;
    if (!defined $worker_pid) {
	error "fork failed: $!";
    } elsif ($worker_pid == 0) {
	my $d = do {
	    local @ARGV = $dry_run ? '--dry-run' : ();
	Doit::RPC::PipeServer->new($d, $pipe_to_fork, $pipe_from_fork, debug => $debug)->run;


t/change_file_dryrun.t  view on Meta::CPAN

use File::Temp 'tempdir';
use Test::More 'no_plan';

use Doit;

sub slurp ($) { open my $fh, shift or die $!; local $/; <$fh> }

my $tempdir = tempdir('doit_XXXXXXXX', TMPDIR => 1, CLEANUP => 1);
chdir $tempdir or die "Can't chdir to $tempdir: $!";

local @ARGV = ('--dry-run');
my $r = Doit->init;

my $changes;

eval { $r->change_file("blubber") };
like $@, qr{blubber does not exist};

eval { $r->change_file(".") };
like $@, qr{\. is not a file};

t/file.t  view on Meta::CPAN

    my @files = bsd_glob("$tmp_dir/*$tmp_suffix");
    is_deeply \@files, [], "no temporary file left-overs with suffix $tmp_suffix in $tmp_dir";

plan 'no_plan';

my $doit = Doit->init;

my $doit_dryrun = do {
    local @ARGV = '--dry-run';
ok $doit_dryrun->is_dry_run, 'created dry-run Doit object';
# Accidentally it's not required to call add_component('file') here,
# as the add_component calls affect the class, not the object.

my $tempdir = tempdir('doit_XXXXXXXX', TMPDIR => 1, CLEANUP => 1);


t/guarded.t  view on Meta::CPAN

    eval {
	    "will fail",
	    ensure => sub { $var == 1 },
	    using  => sub { $var = 2 },
    like $@, qr{ERROR:.* 'ensure' block for 'will fail' still fails after running the 'using' block};

local @ARGV = ('--dry-run');
$d = Doit->init;

    my $var = 0;
    my $called = 0;

	"var to zero",
	ensure => sub { $var == 1 },
	using  => sub { $var = 1; $called++  },

t/open2.t  view on Meta::CPAN

    is $r->open2({quiet=>1}, $^X, '-e', '#nothing'), '', 'nothing returned; command is also quiet';

    is $r->info_open2($^X, '-e', 'print 42'), 42, 'info_open2 behaves as open2 in non-dry-run mode';

    ok !eval { $r->info_open2($^X, '-e', 'exit 1'); 1 };
    like $@, qr{open2 command '.* -e exit 1' failed: Command exited with exit code 1 at .* line \d+}, 'verbose error message with failed info_open2 command';

    local @ARGV = ('--dry-run');
    my $dry_run = Doit->init;
    is $dry_run->open2({instr=>"input"}, $^X, '-e', 'print scalar <STDIN>'), undef, 'no output in dry-run mode';
    is $dry_run->open2({instr=>"input",info=>1}, $^X, '-e', 'print scalar <STDIN>'), "input", 'info=>1: there is output in dry-run mode';
    is $dry_run->info_open2({instr=>"input"}, $^X, '-e', 'print scalar <STDIN>'), "input", 'info_open2 behaves like info=>1';

} # TODO


t/open3.t  view on Meta::CPAN

    is $r->open3({quiet=>1}, $^X, '-e', '#nothing'), '', 'nothing returned; command is also quiet';

    is $r->info_open3($^X, '-e', 'print 42'), 42, 'info_open3 behaves as open3 in non-dry-run mode';

    ok !eval { $r->info_open3($^X, '-e', 'exit 1'); 1 };
    like $@, qr{open3 command '.* -e exit 1' failed: Command exited with exit code 1 at .* line \d+}, 'verbose error message with failed info_open3 command';

    local @ARGV = ('--dry-run');
    my $dry_run = Doit->init;
    is $dry_run->open3({instr=>"input"}, $^X, '-e', 'print scalar <STDIN>'), undef, 'no output in dry-run mode';
    is $dry_run->open3({instr=>"input",info=>1}, $^X, '-e', 'print scalar <STDIN>'), "input", 'info=>1: there is output in dry-run mode';
    is $dry_run->info_open3({instr=>"input"}, $^X, '-e', 'print scalar <STDIN>'), "input", 'info_open3 behaves like info=>1';

} # TODO


t/qx.t  view on Meta::CPAN


	my %status;
	is $r->qx({statusref => \%status}, $^X, '-e', 'print STDOUT "some output\n"; exit 1'), "some output\n";
	is $status{exitcode}, 1, 'status reference filled, exit code as expected (failure)';

    local @ARGV = ('--dry-run');
    my $dry_run = Doit->init;
    is $dry_run->qx($^X, '-e', 'print 42'), undef, 'no output in dry-run mode';
    is $dry_run->qx({info=>1}, $^X, '-e', 'print 42'), 42, 'info=>1: there is output in dry-run mode';
    is $dry_run->info_qx($^X, '-e', 'print 42'), 42, 'info_qx behaves like info=>1';


t/system.t  view on Meta::CPAN

	if !eval { require BSD::Resource; 1 };
    skip "coredumps disabled", $no_tests
	if BSD::Resource::getrlimit(BSD::Resource::RLIMIT_CORE()) < 4096; # minimum of 4k needed on linux to actually do coredumps
    eval { $r->system($^X, '-e', 'kill ABRT => $$') };
    like $@, qr{^Command died with signal 6, with coredump}, 'error message with coredump';
    is $@->{signalnum}, 6, 'expected signalnum';
    is $@->{coredump}, 'with', 'expected coredump value ("with")';

    local @ARGV = ('--dry-run');
    my $tempdir = tempdir('doit_XXXXXXXX', TMPDIR => 1, CLEANUP => 1);
    my $dry_run = Doit->init;

	my $no_create_file = "$tempdir/should_never_happen";
	is $dry_run->system($^X, '-e', 'open my $fh, ">", $ARGV[0] or die $!', $no_create_file), 1, 'returns 1 in dry-run mode';
	ok ! -e $no_create_file, 'dry-run mode, no file was created';


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