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lib/Class/Usul/TraitFor/ view on Meta::CPAN
@skip_options and delete @data{ @skip_options };
my ($splitters, @options) = $_build_options->( \%data );
my %gld_conf; my @gld_attr = ('getopt_conf', 'show_defaults');
my $usage_opt = $config{usage_opt} ? $config{usage_opt} : 'Usage: %c %o';
@gld_conf{ @gld_attr } = @config{ @gld_attr };
$config{usage_conf } and $_set_usage_conf->( $config{usage_conf} );
$config{protect_argv } and local @ARGV = @ARGV;
$enc and @ARGV = map { decode( $enc, $_ ) } @ARGV;
$config{no_untaint } or @ARGV = map { untaint_cmdline $_ } @ARGV;
$Untainted_Argv = [ @ARGV ];
keys %{ $splitters } and @ARGV = $_split_args->( $splitters );
($opt, $Usage) = describe_options( $usage_opt, @options, \%gld_conf );
$Extra_Argv = [ @ARGV ];
my ($params, @missing)
= $_extract_params->( \%args, \%config, \%data, $opt );
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