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lib/App/  view on Meta::CPAN

        both          => [],
        append        => '',
        reverse       => 0,
        verbose       => 0,

    $opt{$_} = '' for keys %flavor;

    if (@argv) {

        # build a local @ARGV to allow us to use an older
        # Getopt::Long API in case we are building on an older system
        local (@ARGV) = @argv;

            'permute',    # default behaviour except 'exec'

        $class->parse_cmdline( \%opt );

t/12.sitecustomize.t  view on Meta::CPAN

    my @installed = grep { !$_->{is_external} } $app->installed_perls;
    is 0+@installed, 1, "found 1 installed perl";

    is $installed[0]->{name}, "perl-5.14.2", "found expected perl";
    my $root = App::Perlbrew::Path->new ($ENV{PERLBREW_ROOT});
    my $perldir = $root->child("perls", "perl-5.14.2");
    my $installedsite = $perldir->child('lib', 'site_perl', '5.14.2', '');
    ok( -f $installedsite, " installed" );

    my $guts = do { local (@ARGV, $/) = $installedsite; <> };
    is( $guts, "use strict;\n", " contents correct" );

# vim: ts=4 sts=4 sw=4 et:

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